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The Disney Organization
I Learn the Targeting Agency is Actually DISNEY

Aug 10, 2020 This information and everything learned about Disney was a result of me being an unethical Epsilon Experiment of CIA Director Haspel who is MK ULTRA and has a horrifying male Zeta alter we compared to Stalin (See CIA drop down menu for more pages on that). He sent many individuals from many organizations/groups to Target me which is how I learned all the things presented on this website.


Saturday March 28, 2020

Over the course of several months, I learned about TI's and Targeting Technologies and the numerous classified weapons that are involved in destroying the lives and privacies of individuals. From January 2020 onward I was forced into learning and discovering some pretty horrific things that were being done to me.  Please read through the documents pages 72 to 116 to see how I figured out that the Targeting Agency was actually DISNEY. It was shocking.


I discovered that I was somehow chosen for a LURE in their "Love Drug" program. They spent over a DECADE assaulting me with BLACK MAGIC that the Zeta [TORMENTS] and Wizards [DECEPTIONS/ILLUSIONS] were force to cast. Finally, in 2019, the WIZARDS forced me to come in contact with Danny again after not speaking to him in almost a decade. I think at this point its fair to say that BOB CHAPEK knew I was part of his DESTINY. Wizards... tell time what to do.


Another sad thing I learned was that my entire family has been subjected to their targeting agency... for FOUR GENERATIONS and counting. My mothers parents were immigrants, displaced from the second world war, and were ideal targets.  I'm still working on getting connected to CRIMINAL LAWYERS to see how many LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES were cashed in on their targeted deaths.


It's almost the end of March 2020 as I write this. I'm adding a new section dedicated to Bob Chapek specifically. I await the damages they owe me from the enormous amounts of mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual tortures they subjected me to. I will continue to write and raise awareness of the incredible evils of the DISNEY TARGETING AGENCY until compensation is made.

* * *


Update: July 3, 2020

Disneyland Anaheim

Kids in Cages for MK ULTRA Beta Kitten programming photo gallery at the bottom of the page. on Dec. 16, 2020 the police freed the people in the cages!!!

Some examples of what the CIA used the Disney Organization for:

p 227 - So far to date Disney has:             

  1. given me 6 alters due to excessive trauma

  2. caused my boy, 12, to have flat affect because KILL JOY

  3. no happiness is allowed for any small thing; they come and destroy it immediately

  4. threw my host into hell with black magic during drug therapy

  5. the entity that attached prevents any kind of good; keeps bringing black magic; it wont even let THEM leave

  6. 2001 snowboarding accident that destroyed the boy & 3 year olds body

  7. made the ex boyfriend rape the host and cause all her friends to leave her

  8. severe and prolonged tortures, traumas beyond what is humanly comprehensible to my epsilon

  9. had me raped at 3 years old

  10. I cant even have a friend.

  11. I cant even buy clothes

  12. 2019. “I should be 100 people.” Love Drug, Death Programs, Military attacks, Remote MK ultra, ECT…

  13. I can no longer go to the bathroom.

  14. the attacks on my health and physical body are unending.

  15. 36+ years worth of black magic, white magic, and Targeting.

  16. and they STILL feel it’s somehow: LOGICAL to keep sending me: BLACK MAGIC, WHITE MAGIC, AND TARGETING



Please read the Targeter Non-liability page for how Targeters

are used, lied to, and programmed.


Anything I do becomes reason for them to attack me more.

 the Eisner Family


I've recently come to realize that THEY ARE a sociopathS (at minimum) and maybe more likely a serial killerS (from the women that die from the "Love Drug" Program. still looking into evidence for those deaths). The life insurance policies would provide some hard evidence for this [in progress]. Some indicators are: his lack of remorse for the suffering he causes, misogynistic attitudes, pathological lying, excessive greed and selfishness, disregard for the well-being of others, and intentional cruelty.


Psychopathy is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits. It is sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy.

Symptoms: Juvenile delinquency; Impulsivity...Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealised self image and attributes. This includes self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance (THEIR deity agenda & ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT THAT THEY ARE to be revered).

Disney's Targeting Agencies Philosophies


Lets review THEIR METHODS:

  • POS --> NEG.  POSITIVE THINGs: slowly become NEG with frequenct and repeated “diminishing” negative associations in the forms of comments, phrases.

  • DEFLECTION, DIVERSIONS. Anytime a thought does not line up with what THEY want, give her an image that takes attention away from the BAD things we’re doing to her.

  • FORGET the BAD things we’re doing to you is part of that as well. Image is shown of something a person REALLY ENJOYS + IT’S COMBINED WITH FEELINGS OF MILD EUPOHRIA.It’s impossible to not forget…

  • Constantly use music to reinforce activities.

  • ATTACK STYLES; fear, intimidate, SHAME, humiliate, subjugate.

  • Use SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES for mind control. Most severe form of traumas. Destroy belief in GOD, GOOD THINGS or any positivity.

  • Tthey pretend to be NICE when: they are CAUGHT. “wow they seem almost regretful” [NO REMORSE]. (this was when they took away Daniel #2 [THE beta] when he was sexually attacking our 3 year old. They SHAMED HIM about it too (“WHAT ARE YOU A PEDOPHILE!” was yelled at him) while they IN REALITY, THEY were THE ONES making him do it. So, THEY LOOK GOOD: took away a “bad” thing from me. Shamed him in the process. “look, we’re actually MORAL people.” THEY’RE NOT.SET UP.

  • BAD -> GOOD.  There are constant POSITIVE reinforcements: image of [finance] in mind; mental focus FORCED into small space in my head. “he REALLY likes what you’re doing” [writing these notes]. Entrains the mind that the methods they use are actually POSITIVE.  (images, accompanying audible phrases, etc).

  • PSYCHOLOGICAL GAMES; ask questions about themselves or the current situation to you on a subconscious LEVEL.’ “one thing actually represents another.” Then you’re forced to give (usually verbal) responses.

  • Make people DOUBLE SPEAK. When there are others present in the room with me, they are used to attack me personally, or find out what I’m thinking, or create psychological suffering (mostly).

  • Constantly change attack methods: when one way isn’t working, revert to another.. over and over…


  1. : MAKE someone look crazy/set them up to be a LIAR/SHAME THEM

  2. : Bring someone and POINT IT OUT

  3. : Have OTHERS around to SEE and suffer as well.



11:21am… dead air. GUILT.


They’re like the BORG; all the information they’ve ever STOLEN from every person they’ve tortured, is amassed and used TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. The psychology is incomprehensible… or, not just the psychology of it, but just… the pure evil of it all. Who would WANT to be this bad to people?



1. Make me look BAD

2. Make them look GOOD

3. Cause as much suffering to OTHERS in the process





2. Point it out to someone (THEY look GOOD)

3. Have as many people know about it as possible 


  1. : MAKE someone look crazy/set them up to be a LIAR/SHAME THEM

  2. : Bring someone and POINT IT OUT

  3. : Have OTHERS around to SEE and suffer as well.







- what's the MOTIVE: what do they NOT want you to know about THEM?



1. FORCE them to do something BAD

2. Constantly threaten to TELL OTHERS [DIRT] - GUILT/SHAMING

3. Person has NO CHOICE but to KEEP QUIET. 



What makes them UNIQUE: 

-70's tech

-Targeting Firm that Premeditates Murder up to 4 generations and counting...



- ear piece thought reading DEVICES

- TECH screens

- create BOILS on their ULTRAS. 





[PAGE 42]

Weds March 11, 2020  5:35am


Recently ,Danny’s agency came in “contact” with me to discuss some things. Their methods were incredibly enlightening to experience. It felt as it we were in a conference call setting, with me just lying in my bed viewing their images on my forehead screen, while they used various other monitors and mind reading devices. I think at this point they were concerned about the ramifications toward their organization (this was SUNDAY) regarding the TRUE STATEMENTS I was writing on the website. They had some “behaviour modifications” they wanted to give me. They asked me some questions, saw and interpreted some responses on their screens, and gave me extreme mental pain. It was unusual. Like a part of my mind was completely shut down/blocked off while the pain was felt. INAPPROPRIATE RESPONSE. I was in a state of detachment, curious about their methods. None of my thoughts seemed to please them. I felt pressure around my head while this process went on for some time.

                The conclusion I came to after a while that THEIR ENERGY IS THE EXACT SAME AS DANNY’S. So are the methods. It made me realize just how terrifying it must be to be tortured by them, to have them take away a person’s free will. The whole time I thought it was HIM doing these things to me, it was really THEM. The energy match was IDENTICAL. SO, in order to survive, you must become like them. There’s no other way; it’s HORFICIA.

                So then now, looking at that PHOTO of OBAMA leering over Beyonce I realized, HE IS THEM. The energy is THE SAME. “I take.”

                Who makes the DIAMOND betas? They do. Who uses them? THEY DO.

                It’s total and absolute power and control over another human being. NO MERCY.


It was this interaction(?) that lead me to believe the women were in danger. It was as if they were attemptimg some form of


[PAGE 48]

Thursday March 12, 2020  9:13am


I’M Trying to remember how the “conversation” ended with DANNY’S AGENCY. The whole ordeal was so unreal and strange, that someone would TRY TO CHANGE THE WAY I THINK AND FEEL BECAUSE THEY “didin’t like it.” The immaturity of this mindset is shocking. What were they hoping to accomplish? Turn me into a controllable SLAVE. Powr and control; it’s all they want.  After a few “back and forth” moments…all I could think of at the TIME wa s all the other women who had been subjected to the things Danny did to them. What could be offered to THEM? I wondered what they were wanting to bring…knowing NOTHING ABOUT WHO THEY WERE OR JUST REALLY HOW VERY LITTLE THEY CARE ABOUT THE SUFFERING THEY CAUSE. They do not want to take responbility for their actions, they do NOT want to declassify the REMOTE MK ULTRA, they do NOT want to let the ones they have made into SEX SLAVES go FREE. “Isn’t there  way to [as easily as it’s accomplished it can be UNDONE.] simply uncondition the ADDICTION SO THE PERSON CAN BE NORMAL AGAIN? I imagine it’s as easy as creating the problem, just run the sequence in reverse somehow… Though it could NEVR be carried out by THEM, ANY OF THEIR MK ULTRAS, OR ANYONE OR THING CONNECTED TO ANY OF THEIR AGENDAS.


Song phrase plays in my mind, ”I…. just wanna tell you how I’M FEELING: “ ends. What’s the song about: NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP.[THEIR INTENTIONS.] If these are their true motives and intentions, THE WHOLE AGENCY/ORGANIZATION will need to be JAILED. [they want to divert ATTENTION away from the previous PARAGRAPH so incredibly…]. Some of the Ultra’s don’t know how to function in normal society and would need a new form of therapy and mental


“reprogramming.” Because, remember, IN ORDER TO SURVIVE THEY HAD TO BECOME LIKE THEM. NO OTHER OPTIONS. There would have to be some incredibly sympathetic, empathetic, loving and caring individuals who would be taught the addition methods [how they use and coordinate the technologies], who would then create the most DIGNIFIED REVERSAL PROGRAM that could then be given to the ADDICTS.  This would ONLY be done with FULL DISCLOSURE of INTENTIONS AND MOTIVATIONS to the individual receiving it, as well as receiving FULL CONSENT FROM the sexual addict. They would have no ulterior motives other than the genuine desire for the improved well being of another HUMAN BEING. Freedom for the slaves… Dignity always gives choices.


At some point, they realized they wouldn’t get very far with “modifications” to my thinking and the line went dead. Just… silence.  I felt so bad for the women who had become sexual addiction, and knowing the extensive amount of suffering their organization had caused me, thought they were wanting to see what my “demands” might be. I didn’t make any. So then dead air… no goodbye, no… “well continue this later” just……. Nothing.  And I sat in silence and was confused for a bit. And then i started to WORRY. Something was wrong… missing, I just didn’t know WHAT. So I thought for a bit and then << SHOCK >> THEY DO NOT WANT TO PAY ANY MONEY TO ANY ONE AT ALL. They were going to kill as many of the women they’d subjected to the “Love Program” as possible. “CUT OUR LOSSES” WHY. Because……….. THEY COULDN’T EVEN RETURN $2200 THAT WAS SENT BY MISTAKE.  And they have BILLIONS.  WITH A “B”.





mk ultras no more dirt

[PAGE 57] How else do they USE the SOLDIERS? They make the COMRADS TORTURE EACH OTHER. << his friends were forced to STAB him with a KNIFE so that he went UNCONSCIOUS >> HE HAD NO MEMORY OF THE EVENT. HIS COMMANDER ORDERED THIS TO BE DONE TO HIM. WHY? That’s not even punishment. STABBING is not punishment. So messed up. SET UPS, FRAMING. Lets remember their agendas ;-) Soldiers also have connections to BETAS. He felt ASHAMED to be in a FORCED [initially] relationship with a STRIPPER. [STRIPPERS ARE A TYPE OF BETA]. His GIRL FRIEND, was MURDERED. WHY? WHAT DID SHE KNOW? Was there another AGENCY involved? Over time he came to love her but wondered if she would stay with him if she knew he was FORCED to be with her initially. INELL, RECON, WHAT ELSE? WHO WAS HER HANDLER? DID HER HANDLER KILL HER? Astral black balls throwing up… THEY WERE GOING TO KILL ME FOR TALKING ABOUT IT LETS TALK ABOUT IT SOME MORE. DIRT. What were the HANDLERS CRIMES THAT SHE KNEW ABOUT?





They sseem to give them IDENTIFYING MARKERS OF LARGE RED BOILS. Danny had one on HISFACE. How aweful to do that do a person. MAGIC. WHITE MAGIC. FOR SHAMING. He had no option of having a Real World Relathionship. How could he evn leave his house? They REMOVE OPTIONS so the PERSON is FORCED to DO AS THEY PLEASE.

I RECEIVED 2… [SO FAR] implants on the back of my head in the last few days. Boil starters? Or craft? It takes a while to figure out who’s all doing what to me… but, after a while, some connections just become more and more obviousl. The longer it takes, the more we know.


Back to DANNYS AGENCY. I keep wondering about how it’s all

connected. How they operate as the various DEPARTMENTS SEM


the SOLDIERS?? They ARE FORCED TO KILL. For control, for DIRT. A


the brain in an exact location. The arm comes up and pulls the trigger.

It sets off a series of physical manipulations that coordinate the ACTION.

NO CHOICE WHAT SO EVER. AT ANY TIME.  Because remember, The


absolutely NOOOO free will EVER. So… “DIRT” on soldiers is really ‘DIRT”

ON AGENCY!!! So… yeah.






Monday April 27, 2020

[p 294] - in somewhat of a dissociated state, I learned some NEW THINGS about what the Disney Corporation is really about. On page 298 I describe them as the type of being similar to that shown in the Transformers Movie: The Last Knight. They are a group of several.


"Disney’s here. The REPtilians like them. Many of the sensations are familiar. Familiarity = comfort is something we used for a long time. They terrorize the Zeta.

Disney targeting girl: we think you’re nice. It must not be very fun for you. I have to speak thing that are true. THEAGENCY is a group of entities that control the organization Disney. The “interview” (described in the manuscript on page 42  – illusory front, pretend to be human.<<utter disbelief>>  that’s why ALL CAPS. ONEWORD. ENTITY. They bring the birds/crows.

                How internal screens are experienced: 70’s tech (most crude), electronic versions ~5 different kinds, beings and entities skip the screens all together and temporarily embody your mind. It feels almost the same as the tech screens.

They then “see what you see” to gain intel. This is why when there are electronic malfunctions it often indicates the presence of entities.

                8pm Military records the terrifying sounds of the most lengthy types of black magic rituals and uses these sounds spaced out throughout the room (invisible tech) to induce the terror without the need for the ritual. Saves time.

At some point an energy felt cold by my nose and I felt like it would try to possess me (by literally breathing it in) I think it was something known as a black serpent (described on the SSRF website under “types of ghosts.”  I think it may have? Guru constantly removes entities from me. It’s necessary considering the intensity of what’s being done to me.


Entities 8:08pm

  1. no names – “disney” more subtle, more strength than beings.

  2. they are too deceitful to give a name

  3. embedded entities into people increases physical sensations and pains

  4. 80% lies… filter words accordingly

  5. they also manipulate the tech devices & programs


iam ok; I have experienced/am familiar with much of this; guru’s grace. This is just for the sake of closure and educating others. My request was for all the tortures to come to an end. Some similar things happened in the past with others wereby they then communicated with me some things so I could gain clarity.


THEIRMETHODS – use disception, blame, replicate, diversions, deflections, misdirection

8:22pm  Lure, trap – military audio external on a “stand” plays sound “help” and indicates the begining. This black magic ritual was done to me a few times. ITS ALL ILLUSIONS. FALSE STATEMENT. But when u don’t know or don’t have protection, the effect is not bad.

                8:25pm  How im allowed to understand some of the things being communicated is unusual, even for me. Its never… this clear or easy to understand. I had wondered why they “revered” the entity that was in me [they had spoken to it in a way that I could “hear” on several occasions]. “that’s the kind of people they are!!” now I understand better. 

                Reps love the mental blanking… ,<< constant memory impairment>> what’s happening? What was I just thinking? They don’t want me to write certain things is why.


8:28 visible bright white light =  good guys. But cuz they were bringing more bad guys.

8:44pm It was not as bad as other times have been. So relieved.

I feel the energies more intensely because of all the “enhancement tech” that’s applied to smells, touch, taste, sounds <most important> increases terror the most. The initial blast of “energy” is paired with horrific (modified) sounds. Indescribable. I have seen this white light before several times. Don’t want to remember those events. This is why others would not necessarily feel the same levels of fear, anxiety or terror. Prolonged traumas have made my body more frail than most. I will be healed.


Damning Disneyland Information



I need some verification that these are entrances to the kids in cages locations...

Chapek vs Eisner - Disney CEO's Battle


Bob Chapek, Disney CEO

I see Chapek… his kids (2 girls) have a sleepover with lots of girls there. He has his arm tightly around the midsection of one of the girls. His arm slides down the front of her body. (are they laying down in front of a movie?  Looks like it. He does stuff to her ok and its gross beyond words. Touches her front part and goes under her skirt/dress. Eye recording device images.   I think we know how it ends. That would be his Zeta alter.


 I think it was his Epsilon (and Zeta?) that also sexually abused his own daughters. The epsilon would have been a similar age to them  so that would make sense.


Who’s making words in my head? I’m stuck in the middle. Find the SOURCE Bob, I’m not the problem. Your blackmailers are.


Michael Eisner, former Disney CEO

So… I’m being reminded of the imaging I was shown a couple mornings ago about how Micheal Eisner turns(?) women into prostitutes or causes them to lose their self-worth (like he did to me). That would have been 2004-08? Or something like that for our alters. It’s shown in a movie that looks like it was made in the 80s or 90s… he squeezes the knee of a woman who’s sitting with her son in some kind of office. The scene fades and I forget other parts cuz I’ve never seen this movie before and the woman, who seems like she might be an accuser and have incriminating information on him, starts sleeping with some guy? I wonder if the “knee squeeze” is his technique for embedding “triggers” into women. The article where Princess Diana describes her trigger for her bulimia was that Prince Charles lightly touched her ___? Fat part on the back/stomach (muffin top) and made a comment that she seemed to be starting to gain a bit of weight.


It seems like Chapek and Eiser are battling the blades in this blackmailing bungalow. Is that Alan Braverman? Ugh. I do NOT need to be involved in this crap fest. 


HOW DO I REMOVE DISNEY FROM ME? ???? I am NOT needed in this, nor am I the cause. Who’s showing me the info?


Someone just send me a PJ sparkles doll. Was the only “nice” toy I remember having as a child. Chapek. It lights up when you hug it. Disney methods are to give someone something good only for a bad reason. What was the reason Chapek?


Bob Iger is a Manchurian

And a man of good moral character. Was he given Base Programming? BY whom? Chapek or Eisner? I will not comment on this further.


Who can help me get the kids in cages under Disneyland in Anaheim to go free? They all need us to tell other people that they’re locked in there…  bad people keep them locked in cages. Please help with this…


3yr: “I don’t want to be in a cage and other kids don’t want to be in cages either. How can we help those ones? It’s very sad. “


How do I remove Disney from me? Is it humanly possible?



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