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Targeting Tech --> Pedophilia Tech


How & Why the CIA makes Pedophiles

Aug 25, 2020 7:29pm

  1. Base Program

  2. Entities

  3. Remote satellite tech - T.I. phenomenon



Base Program

The Base Program (page under Targeting tech drop-down menu) is a type of energy and technological combination whereby imaging and physical, mental, and emotional pairing and overrides of the persons free will are done. This capability can make a person addicted to literally anything. Why would such a thing ever need to be done to a person? When a person finds out dirt about someone at the CIA, it’s a way they shame, blame, humiliate, destroy their life, or discredit them. So to make a person want to have sex with a child, they're given imaging of children paired with feelings of love while experiencing sexual arousal (mental, emotional, physical/sexual combinations). This is done repeatedly and in progression of intensity until the person starts physically having sex with children. Over time, the chronic pedophilia develops altered psychology to think that it’s normal as that’s how they’ve been conditioned.  (various organization have somewhat different methods - Disney vs Military vs. CIA Base Program tech.) To those who are subjected to sexual imaging (mental screens) of any sort, label it as such and detach (you’re being Targeted and can mentally “speak” to your attacker – they’re usually a pedophile themselves that also received Base Programming).  


CIA Tech & Entities

The CIA also has technology that forces entities into people. More is written about entities on the Entities page under the Targeting tech drop-down menu. Part of this exists because of MK ULTRA Gamma programming where entities are used to keep a person under control. The entities will either mislead or deceive a person in order to prevent them from healing and integrating. Entities are also used as a means of gaining intel (forced speaking out loud will tell them information they’ll want to know about you; this recon can also be heard mentally) as well as enable greater control and manipulation of your physical body (ie forced eating via entity manipulation is very common.) Black arts are also used to force entities into a person. Depending on the strength of the entity, will determine how severely a person's life will deteriorate. The CIA has extensive research into types and quantities of entities and the various kinds of effects they have on a person. Entities paired with the base program create a totally helpless situation; usually entities are stronger than a persons free will and force them to do negative things they wouldn't do otherwise. [For solutions to entity issues, please explore the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation website - information on categories as well as helpful remedies exist.]


Invisible Remote Satellite Tech

Remote Satellite tech, also known at the Targeting phenomenon, or targeted individuals, is how classified technologies are used on individuals via GWEN transmitters and satellites. This technology is mostly invisible but its effects are observable and attackers are easily identified via trademarks and other distinguishing features. See our article on How to Identify Invisible Targeters.


In tandem, Base Program, entities, and remote tech combine to easily make anyone into a pedophile. This technology was also used on Bob Saget, who is also being heavily Targeted by Disney. I wonder who's CIA project he is?  I wonder why negative technology exists to such an extent. Perhaps other normal people should investigate the #classified technology more frequently. Why is so much classified anyway? Just so that evil ones can be evil. There are now official consequences to Targeting.


To read more about CIA tech abilities, please view the articles in the drop-down menu. Also, other relevant articles like Deception tech is found under the Military link.





This aspect has to be considered because of the fact that negative beings and entities are highly sexually focused. I learned that Shapeshifters made certain people do very weird things and those are Zeta alters (most evil/cruel). The amount of children that Shapeshifter Obama raped was in the millions. The Negs used technological influences to program humans into their likeness - pedophiles. (Cannibalism is another aspect of this).



4:37pm Sept 1, 2020                                                            CIA and Pedophilia (PizzaGate?)

When my nephews were over and I had my (almost) 3yr old nephew sitting in my lap, I was shown imaging of his genitals. Then I wondered why…. “was Michael Eisner around?” When I thought this, he heard me, sighed and clicked off. “it incriminated me.” referring to the truth tech that’s currently on my head.


I remembered that John alter on CIA Director haspel had made Eisner into a pedophile (Base Programming) and that Eisners said before “I like little dicks, you know this…” as he spoke to his sons once. I think his sons are “ok” with it but it’s mostly embarrassing to them. (was the feeling I got).  Then I wondered if Michael was used on other individuals I know years ago and this also seems to be the case.


Is the male zeta John alter (police siren sound) on Gina Haspel a pedophile? It seems to be a likely conclusion. Why is Michael Eisner owed approx. $5 billion? He’s used to make innocent people __ pedophiles.


  • How many “regular” pedophiles are there in the world?

  • How many were created via Base Programming or the CIA? LISTs for exoneration are required now. (damages and compensation page.)

  • Will the CIA bankrupt with the end of Director Haspels “chess games” using humans?

    • How can they afford to compensate all the families owed?

    • Aren’t “king” pieces owed the most? This is also why Peter Entwislte was murdered. They’ll be forced to give his family what was owed him due to this fact.

    • Who’d be owed the most: Eisner family, Entwislte family, and probably some Obama clones.

    • What was Johns agenda in destroying the Disney corporation? (others have to be destroyed, not just me.)

    • CIA Director Gina – male John alter, essentially, will help to #endtargeting and #endMKULTRA

    • ​

Is Jeff Haspel a natural pedophile or one created via Base Programming?

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