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Entwistles --> to the Supreme Court of Canada

To: The Supreme Court of Canada


Dec. 23, 2020  3:09pm

Below is a letter penned to the Supreme Court of Canada.

If you're able to please mail it on my behalf as I'm physically

unable to. Attempts to send the information via social media

are blocked due to data tampering, manipulations, and

targeting tech. Please notify the judges to obtain my

name and address from the DC police or via the truth-tech

that becomes available when a person "targets" me.





Supreme Court of Canada

301 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0J1


Chief Justice Richard Wagner


Weds. Dec. 23, 2020



To Rt. Honorable Richard Wagner, P.C.


RE: Disney, the Entwistle Family, Targeting & the T.I.

phenomenon, & MK ULTRA  


I would like to bring to your attention my situation which involves my family, specifically my mother and I, and the Entwistle family of Abbotsford, B.C. who are affiliated with the Disney Organization along with the issue of Beta Farms. This situation is complex as it has now spanned over 50 years and at present involves other organizations including the C.I.A., the LDS Church, the US Marines, etc. Currently, the Washington D.C. Police have been using the Supercomputer at the CIA to perform many actions including the removal of negative races that have prevented good things from happening on this planet for many decades. The DC Police’s access to the truth feature has lead to many breakthroughs but due to a chip the CIA Director implanted, it continues to send out deception messages to Targeters that make them torture innocent people.  The US Supreme Court and DC Attorney are also involved in the situation that’s been unfolding with the C.I.A. since the arrest of Gina Haspel on October 29, 2020. 


Disney has Targeted my mother for 50 years and myself for 37 (my current age). One of the families affiliated with their organization is the Entwistles whom I’ve had to do a tremendous amount of research on since January of this year. That turned into an academic research paper called “Broader Aspects of the TI Phenomenon: Remote MK Ultra and Targeting Technologies.”  I’ve also written a book called “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me” available in a PDF copy. Both documents are on the homepage on my website.


Issues needing to be considered include: the role of MK Ultra, the CIA’s use and manipulation of the Entwistles, Targeting and the T.I. phenomenon (their use of illegal satellite surveillance, harassment, and torture technology – done to millions), Base Programming, Abduction tech (thefts of physical objects from the homes of targets – rapes, antigravity craft). Many of these topics I’ve written about on the website.


I’ve attempted to mail some of my newsletters to most of the Canadian Members of Parliament but these individuals would have since become heavily targeted. Any time I request assistance or a helpful person intervenes, they are immediately Targeted or sabotaged, by the Entwistles themselves with things like deception technology – a person is given false imaging, false audio paired with a blatant lie, tech that makes a person feel weird about another, or other types of aversions or negative opinions develop toward me. I’ll be displayed in an unfavorable light though I’ve been severely tortured by them and have done nothing to cause what they’ve done to me. For this reason, it’s helpful to use the truth-tech daily to see what false beliefs they’ve created in you or others about my situation, what the sabotages are, and other lies told about yourself or others involved. Many helpful people are intentionally shamed, blamed, humiliated, or traumatized. Its also important to consider the protective feature of Spiritual Remedies known as Yagnas as these insulate from black arts attacks. [Yagnas are also a viable method of reducing COVID numbers.] 


The Peter & Loretta Entwistle live at the end of Fore Road in Abbotsford BC [I think Peter was murdered in May of this year but has several clones that might be living – the issue of clones and Standard Procedures – under the Military drop-down menu - and how it connects with the Disney Organization needs to be addressed]. Their son Jeff & his wife who owns and operates a Beta Farm (6 weeks of tortures to turn a person into a sex slave – betas) lives down the street from them.  Their eldest son Darren and his wife Fiona was/is the CEO of Telus. Other components of Targeting include life insurance policy fraud whereby they take out polices on their victims, often 6-8 per Target and cash those in after the intentional murder of the person. Over the span of 50+ years this has turned them into fraudulent billionaires… or more. There are many pages on the Entwistles written about under the Entwistle drop-down menu but the more personal details of how they’ve targeted my family I started putting together in a photo book, a poster board display, and other types of evidence. [These can be sent in if needed]


Some other relevant pages include: How Peter & Darren Target Men, The Weather Station (Military base beside their home), White Magic Attacks (done by Disney), BC Hydro, Loretta Entwistle, and Darren Entwistle pages all under the Targeting Methods drop-down menu.


Its also important to know that the black arts temple is also located close to where they live (in many underground bases and facilities that are connected by tunnels – see The Abbotsford HUB page under Beta Farms drop-down menu) and where many perform rituals.


Abbotsford PD has been involved but to a limited extent. They’ve had to deal with a corrupt police chief who then also Targeted me, his Android version, which 3 officers couldn’t restrain, and other Targeting effects that the Entwistles have done to the entire department specifically. Abby PD Mike Serr is written about under the Targeting Methods drop-down menu.


Removing technology from those who do evil and allowing legitimate authorities to use it is a key issue. It would be tremendously beneficial for police departments to have access to something simple like a truth-tech feature. Most Targeters have this; its also a feature that becomes available when others target me and I encourage as many to use it as possible. I wasn’t sure to what extent the Police forces within Canada’s technology compared to that of Targeting families like the Entwistles.


Some things they do to families include the intentional destruction of marriages, after which the womens mental health is degraded and shes often used for beta services and marketed. Page called “couples, divorces – DIAMONDS” under Targeting methods drop-down menu. This is separate from Diamond Betas, women who receive clitoral tortures as part of sexual services.  Tech-sex and rape tech needs to be mentioned here (written about under the Targeting Tech drop-down menu) as this is one common way that women are constantly violated. They think they own human beings and use others to make them money.


MK ULTRA remote software allows them to run programs and applications on anyone, done in the privacy of their own homes. These create horrific traumas and tortures. Will-breaker tech and overrides on a persons behaviours allows them full technological controls over their victims. Most targets are made to look happy (Happyface tech) while in states of severe and prolonged suffering. The issue of remote drugging is a concern as well as Targeting tech’s ability to give a person any type of disease imaginable. I believe they also have COVID spreading tech.


One issue I wanted to address was the use of GWEN transmitters as these are needed for Targeting tech to be affective. Their affixed onto telephone poles and often have towers dedicated to these specific devices. What would be necessary for Canada, or even just Abbotsford or the Fraser Valley to remove as many of these illegal devices as possible? What would give the police departments greater authority over those who use illegal Targeting software?


I’m a 6-alter MK ULTRA and my mother had over 13. It would be recommended to coordinate efforts with the D.C. police and US Supreme Court as they use the C.I.A. Supercomputer regularly and gain the most accurate information in this way. I’m not sure what else is best to mention. The Disney connection to the Entwistles includes the letter “r” on Peters front lawn that’s filled with drugs and gold. R is for rubies which represent prostitutes, diamonds are for Diamond betas and sex pain services, emeralds are for drug mules – these are all Disney indicators. The newsletters on the website show the progression of how I learned information and connected some dots. Some things I was intentionally mislead about so that would explain any inaccuracies. My mother and I have been given death-defier status which means that we’re in constant states of distress but made to look normal. What ends our tortures? There has also been no accountability for the actions of their family toward mine nor any negative consequences to Targeting which includes murders, theft, rapes, prostitution of others, remote mkultra traumas and many other things. Please bring some justice to this situation.





The Epsilon Exeriment


PS – please note that I’ve also written to Prime Minister Trudeau and President Trump explaining my situation in more detail.


*to anyone reading through Disney’s red-eye recording device, please forward this information immediately to: all the Supreme Court judges in Canada and any one else relevant.

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