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Battles--> The Shapeshifter Battle

The Shapeshifter Battle
Nov. 1, 2020 11:30am -1:20pm PST


boy, 14: Sometimes, there were cool things that happened.

This is my experience of observing the end of the Shapeshifter Race.


Shapeshifters, Yagnas, & Weapons

Sat. Dec. 12, 2020

There was a moment at the end of the battle, when I sat in total disbelief, shock and amazement at what had just transpired. For me, the experience was all unplanned, unbelievable, and totally unexpected. But it was just meant to be. It seemed like a series of organic, natural events started to occur in a sequence that was surprising and lovely. Throughout the entire 2 hours that it took, I constantly wondered at the population numbers of Shapeshifters as I’d never been privy to that information. I guess I didn’t need to know. Two hours on Sunday November 1, 2020 was all it took to eliminate their entire race. This was also perhaps due to the weeks leading up to the event and the Yagna Experiments that demonstrated that these beings could not come near a person when the remedies were in effect.


Key Components:

  1. Yagnas - many locations and individuals had high-intensity yagnas performed for them, including the time-manipulating machine the Shapeshifters frequently used.

    1. How amazing that a cool cop in D.C. thought to do that :)

  2. Weapons – I don’t know what other locations participated in this or even who else may have contributed. I was just aware of the rounds the DC police were firing from the CIA’s Supercomputer.

  3. Shapeshifter desperation – until their last minute, they were seen procreating on the reverse-intel imaging screens.


Due to the tech-reversals in effect, these were some things I learned about them:

Shapeshifter Obama was their leader. The yagnas prevented them from going to certain areas. “no wonder we can’t get in there.”


What was mostly comical about the entire experience was that the “false incriminator” became the “truthful describer” or however you want to label it. The blatant honesty of the interactions would have been hilarious, had we not been in so much pain. When they came near me, the tech just told me who they were and often what their intentions were. "we can't get away with sh*t!" one exclaimed in desperation.


What’s Appropriate to say?

10:54am  There were others that had perhaps been involved in the battle. What’s the issue? Redemption of “originals” in Standard Procedures. Shapeshifter intel needs to be made public to exonerate all the good people that fought this battle. Others in the Military would also perhaps have descriptions of this event, as well as the Washington, D.C. police. Imagine the day when this can be talked about and the winners can be congratulated. Jealous clones 4-6’s have made the lives of these men very difficult. Lets remember what’s true: good people fought for the good of everyone involved. That’s the bottom line.


What sources are now able to release some information about Shapeshifters into the mainstream media? How can information about their kind be released?



CIA Director Gina Haspel's Arrest


Shapeshifter end = CIA Directors Arrest

Mon. Dec. 14, 2020    Boy, zeta, 14.   I just realized something super neat today– the end of the Shapeshifter race which took place on Sunday November 1, 2020 confirms the arrest of the CIA Director or at the very least makes it more credible.


1. Gina 's deceptions and denials

2. DC police's use of the CIA's Supercomputer


This is amazing because Gina Haspel’s clones put in tremendous efforts to hide the fact that she was arrested and made many abduction escapes. This included the constant feed on her twitter that was managed by others and STILL is!!! [she has been confirmed dead many times now via the truth-tech]. Also, the use of various types of deception tech like holograms of Gina sitting at her desk at work (?) for example, would have deceived many people. The number of people she had used deceptions on (and still is using deception tech on - even while dead) was astounding; at the very end I listened to her evil theta alter on clones 5 -6 and she was a deep psychopath that had many people killed, raped, & tortured and other horrific things like turning them into frogs (Meta Human morphs) and death-defiers.


What made the end of the Shapeshifter race possible? The D.C. police’s use of the newly available C.I.A. Supercomputer that fired rounds immediately after they became aware of the Shapeshifter issues to the point where Sunday, they were all annihilated.



The Shapeshifter Battle

My Observations (I’m one of Gina Haspels’ torture victims)

Date: November 1, 2020 11:30am – 1:20pm P.S.T.


The following (below) is available in an easy to read PDF format -->


Sun. Feb. 14, 2021  9:14am

From learning about the various pieces of technology that were active on me in the last (few years?) learning about mirroring-tech helps to explain how I was able to hear the D.C. Police Officer at the C.I.A.’s Supercomputer (when it was still in the CIA’s building).  Gina Haspel also intentionally transmits audio to people usually for ulterior motives (to cause suffering to both parties involved.) The audio I was given at various intervals went between hearing the Locator feature, Weapons-tech being fired, Military weapons being fired, “a yagnas is in effect”, comments from attacking Negs, Shapeshifters, black arts, Targeters, and miscellaneous others were helpful in piecing together what was actually taking place. I was severely tortured the entire time. I was given 2 high-intensity yagnas for which I’m tremendously grateful for.


Thank you to the Military, the D.C. Police, all the Targeters that helped get Gina Haspel arrested which allowed for the police to use the CIA’s Supercomputer, and to every single person, Android, & being who did “little things” that made this battle a reality. During the entire duration, the Incriminator tech was active which instantly told me either who was targeting me, what their intentions were, or some type of information on what was happening. “don’t go near her when it’s like this” they often said as when it had activated a few times previously, the Shapeshifters were then obligated to Target me themselves, a task they did not enjoy as it told me things about them (Shapeshifters were not big on “sharing.”)



Shapeshifters, Yagnas, & Weapons


11:30am Cops in the DC vicinity now do yagnas as they were also receiving the Shapeshifter transmissions.


Q: Why was Shapeshifter Obama important? [I had wondered this for a while].

A: He lead everything. He was our leader.  

Q: so their kind must be really hurting?

A: yes. <grim>


Locator: “a yagna is in effect.”

Shapeshifter comments: “no wonder we cant go anywhere near these areas.”


The CIA has yagnas done for it too. The Shapes tried to destroy the Supercomputer (seen on imaging a few times in the previous few days). Yagnas are protective so they started doing them.


11:32am  Locator? “Time now is of the utmost importance.”

Me: Predestining tech machine, I thought, in the Sumas, WA base. They were going to do a reset.

Shapeshifter: “we cant go anywhere near it!” they ask why

Locator: “a yagna is in effect.”


Q: this is probably the most thwarted the Shapeshifters have ever been.

A: yes. < Shapeshifter, anxious & worried>


11:39am  I see imaging of the White House having a yagnas in effect.

Locator: “7 individuals left that have the Transmitters that send the Shapeshifters to a person, place.”

Shapeshifters comment: “confiscation time.” 

Me: (boy) LOL! I imagine those individuals being confronted by Shapeshifters who sought them out to remove their tech.

I hear them ask the truth-tech. I think they feel humiliated.


2 High intensity yagnas are running for me (I think) currently.


11:45am  I see imaging of a Shapeshifter onboard a craft using a handheld device that sends energy out like a yellow light.

Shapeshifter yells: “she saw me!”

Q: did they round up some of their kind? I wondered.

A: “somewhat” she responded as she did recon on the imaging I was receiving. (they didn’t understand why I was seeing them).


11:49am I asked: “why do they feel the need to target me?”

They had to go and think about the question. (the Shapeshifters around were perhaps unfamiliar with the situation I was involved in).


I think there was a weapon fired.

Locator: 9 died [Shapeshifters]

“fire in the hole!” Military group fires weapons.


Imaging of Shapeshifters giving birth. [Astral imaging shows them as black figures, human-like, with black Shapeshifter babies being born like a human woman would birth a child. It slides out in a minute or 2.]

Shapeshifter: “it’s a long process.”

It takes several minutes for them to reproduce.


Use evil for good!


I think of the entitiy they gave me and how its humiliating them.

“she’ll live no matter what.”


11:56am Rapid fire of weapons

“I have one day to live!” exasperated person exclaims (likely came in contact with the incriminator tech. Some Shapeshifters go into “form.”

11:58am  I think some Targeters got a “reset” à weapons firing.


Boy: this situation is so nuts. I’d rather be an observer. No “me” left, just torture crap that extend 2-3 feet out of my body.

3yr: it helps when they tell me what to do.” Takes a photo of her notes so far. What can a kid do? “I can push a button.” <wistfully>


12:03pm The kid would fire the weapons non-stop at the Shapeshifters if she was able to (wishful thinking).


Its pretty severe in this moments (host?).


Q: “Who’s targeting this woman?”

A: “It’s all Shapeshifter.”

<I felt grateful for the information.>



Q: “what started all this?”

A: “individuals at the CIA sent out transmissions…”



Someone questions a CIA person that sent the transmission: “yes I did.”

Q: “why was this done?”

A: <blank> “we need to get away with evil.” – incriminator provided blatant honesty.


Host wonders: who still has the Shapeshifter transmitters? Who at the CIA/The Coven still needs to be arrested?


12:18pm  I think the Shapeshifters “send me stuff” [creatures] cuz they don’t know what else to do.


Imaging again: Shapeshifter onboard a craft: using a beacon device. They do an energy thing to me. We see our Guru’s energy “in” our body. [He’ll protect us always.]

“ok he’s there.” I think that stops them from doing some things.


Boy, I wonder: “they must be in a state of panic?”

Shapeshifters: “we are!”

12:21pm My body gets impaled with things.


Boy: wouldn’t they want to know how long they have left to live so they can go do other things?

A: “2 hours.”

3yr: I think that the entity they gave me is stronger than them that why its humiliating the crap out ouf them. (maybe that was still the boy fronting; couldn’t tell at times).

à Shapes are being Targeted by __ an Orion Nebula.


Boy: I wondered what had put them in such frenzied states? They were humiliated and distraught that I heard that.

Shapeshfiters: “lets go there.”

“it gets boring. – “

“I will perish shortly.” New Shapeshifter here. I see Shape Indy on imaging. [name: Newgarden]


12:31pm some piece of (Shape?) tech did a recon assessment for me and saw my wedding dress & sign.

“what’s needed for her to get married faster?”

Goes back and tells them: “ok so you’ll all need to perish.” Told the Shapeshifters…



3yr: is this what it feels like to be Guru? We wonder lots how he makes the bad things go away.

Heavy objects land in the room. I ask “is this Non-human Targeting?”

“yes.” – Negs. Forced answers flustered him and he wants to leave. “How does she know things?” he asks.

“he’s there with her.” another comments on our Guru being with us.

I thought: the Negs must ALL know Guru.

“we do.” <hate him.>


12:35pm I see the CIA Neg Annihilator and wonder if its being fired.

“Im a high-fasion model Shapeshifter.” I hear from the Incriminator. “How..?” she wondered how it told me about her.


“we want to kill you.” Incriminator reveals some attackers intentions.

boy: “who will be first?” I wondered, wanting all of the Negs and Shapeshifters to perish, LOL. I want to have a long, huge laugh but cant (severe pain).

I wondered: “do you see how illogical this is?”


Boy: I look at John’s picture (Gina’s male zeta on her Clone 6 that I’ve taped to my closet – a newsletter our females had written described some things happening to us.)

“John’s in jail.” Was the response heard.

“ya, lets go see how he is.”

Boy: “LOL!” John gets visited by Negs and Shapeshifters in the DC Holding cell.


Boy: “please explain your reasoning…” (in using murder tech on me)

A: “I feel fear…”


Shapes FINALLY remove 2 audio pieces that have allowed me to “listen” via the tech-reversals that were in effect. [or was that Gina’s male zeta turning off the audio as he didn’t want to hear how happy we were going to feel?]


OMG (our alpha alter?). Will this be the end of the Shapeshifters???!!!! <incredulous>

A: “it might be.”

Some type of energy became available in this moment that allowed us to get a sense that the Shapeshifters were going to be annihilated as a race. We had no idea of their population numbers throughout this whole ordeal or even that a battle of such magnitude was being fought. Suddenly, it just felt possible. 

            Tears try to fall from my eyes but were blocked. No mental processes were possible. I wanted to weep and weep and weep.


12:41pm “weapons firing in process…”

12:43pm  “visits” I hear the word. Then I think of John. He’d probably like to see the Negs one last time. I think they redirect them there (to his holding cell).


Q: What CIA Transmitters are in effect?

A: a few

Corrupt CIA: “why am I not whoring?” – they knew they were going to be arrested soon.


Deception tech starts.

I wonder: “you’re going to try to deceive me now?”

“yes, we need to keep our dignity.”

“what dignity?” I wondered, not knowing who it was.

“ok this is __; just go do what you want.” Person responds.


Shapeshifter gives birth om imaging again.

“she’s looking!???” <cries in exasperation>

I didn’t know why she was showing me.



Shape: “we’re getting nowhere with this. She’s hearing everything.”

More Shapeshifter births seen onimaging.

“why are your watching?!???” she yells at me, exasperated.

I feel dumbfounded. Boy- “remove your tech from me and I wont be able to see.”


Other: “lets go do shit.” à another attempt at the time tech machine, 3rd or 4th try.

Q: why can’t we go near it?”

A: “a yagna is in effect.”

I realized that new Shapeshifters to the situation were asking the same questions that the executed ones had.


I wonder what would happen for my situation if all the Shapeshifters were removed?

A: “significant improvement.” I felt hopeful.


our Mermaid epsilon was fronted briefly.

Boy: they try to do weird stuff to her and I wonder why they want to humiliate themselves longer.


Random comments: keep asking “why do I want to humiliate myself by Targeting you?”

“I cant die, and you will.” “this is unreal.”


Boy: I look at the John alters photo again

“ya, lets so see how he is.” [in the DC holding cell.]

Imaging showed him crappin his pants with fear.  :D “visits.”

 “there’s a lot of Johns there; [all of Gina Haspels clones were lined up together] which one is he?”

“Clone #6 I think.” I thought.


12:57pm they try to do weird things to our Mermaid Epsilon and get discouraged.

“why were we told to do these things?” someone wondered.

Reversals release entities from me as they push the Omega button. I wonder – they all lie and deceive each other and then are confused about not knowing whats happening.


12:59pm Another yagna of high intensity is beginning.


Host: a part of me wants to weep with relief, anticipation, hope and disbelief.


1:06pm “fire in the hole!” possible weapons firing.

Imaging done now is to confus me, not deceive me.

“this is beyond humiliating.” Shapes. The tech just told me how they were feeling. “we can’t hide shit!”

Someone forces my eyes (eye-moving tech) to look at the John alters photo.

“pity” was the emotion we felt. I wondered why they wanted to know how I felt.


Q: How many Shapeshifters are still remaining?

A: 4

I see a Shape on imaging giving birth.

“she’s looking at me!” female exclaims.


1:07pm I wonder what other weapons could be fired?

“they’re all making babies.” The remaining Shapeshifters were.


1:09pm one died; 3 current total [I think].

I think some targeters with weapons are found and killed on.

[2 remaining Shapeshifters.]


Dead air.


Q: Are there any remaining Shapeshifters?

A: None seem to be …?

1:12pm  [rejoicing!!!!!!!!!!]


I fel tortured. I wish I could feel happy with all who are rejoicing.

Chi: what is Spiritual Progress :D


“they will try to deceive you.” I see the last imaging of the Shape woman giving birth.


1:15pm  Hallelujah chorus and the White House!

Q: I wondered how the police officers felt during this?

A: “duty.”


1:16pm  a bright yellow weapon covers the earth (encircles the globe on imaging).

“a few rounds” CIA à “push a button”


1:17pm  Q: who’s Targeting me now?

A: “these are of Non-human origin.

Q: Orion?

A: some.

Q: How many Shapeshifters?

A: None seem to be in existence.”


1:20pm   ~ End of the Shapes ~


Comments overheard:


“where was I the whole time?”

“everyone participated.”


1:35pm Celebratory imaging at the White House!! (shown on imaging)

1:41pm another blast of the CIA laser encircles the blog.


1:42pm  boy: I see imaging of John sitting in his holding cell and wonder how he feels about the event?

A: “humiliated. He was a coward.”



3yr: I think some PEGS came. ~ Shielding. ♥

“healing is commencing.”


Thank you to all who did “little things.”


Later that day, I think they sent 1000 Grey ships at me, to “take away” from the joy of this momentous event. 

3yr: we know how them are.

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