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Military --> Standard Procedures

Standard Procedures
in the Military, Politics & Organizations


Updated Thurs Nov 12, 2020 7:08pm

Standard Procedures involves 6-8 replicas of an individual, usually

those in prominent positions including the Military, Politics, and in

Businesses.  After a certain level of _____, a certain number of clones

are created of a person. Then an android. Then a non-human takes

over one of the clones. That’s why there would be video of it… it’s

“standard procedure.” This is as much as I’m currently aware of.

  1. Original human, MK Ultra

  2. Clones, usually 4 human ones - all MK ULTRA

  3. a Neg version:
    1. usually Shapeshifter or Body Snatcher as these look human
      1. [these races were Annihilated in Nov. 2020]
  4. one Android version


The undisclosed and hidden meaning of Patches and Insignia should be understood by all as these were used by "those in the know" - often clones 4-6's that marketed clones 1-3's and originals. (for drug mules, prostitution, and strange sexual preferences of perverted people - Zetas). we learned these things when we were Targeted by the Marines and many of them tore off their patches as a result. *for the Marines!*


Since the annihilation of the Shapeshifter race, written about on the Shapeshifters page,  on Sunday Nov 1, 2020, things have been weird in the Military. The posts these being used to fill are vacant and the things they organized are left unattended. It helps to know why. Tell everyone. The Negs are next to go via the CIA's firing of the "neg annihilation" laser (see the blog for more details).. Things might feel chaotic as a result but it means that its actually getting better. The goal is to have each and every Military location be able to use their own Supercomputers to do MK ULTRA integrations for all the staff and soldiers etc..


Military Targets & Standard Procedures

Added: Thurs Dec. 10, 2020

Using Truth tech:

What branch of the military has the financial resources to do the most remedies for the CIA situation? à to eliminate them ALL as Targets?

  • what specific remedies would be most effective?

  • Who needs to be told that information?


This information needs to be communicated person to person, by fax or phone call ect due to the data manipulators. Please view the Military Breaking News page for more detail.


Neg removals in the month of Nov. 2020 allow for “Originals” (original humans that were cloned: one Android and one Neg and 6ish mk ultra clones made of them) in the Standard Procedures to have more control (hopefully, eventually)… <blanking> and I’m not sure how they’re going to address the Clones 1-3 issue. Some could perhaps be given new identities and start new lives. Negs and clones 4-6’s often kept originals and clones 1-3 intentionally in the dark on top of other horrific things done to them. What were the common practices of Clones 4-6 done to clones 1-3 and originals?

            From things done to me (a death-defier): humiliation, defamation, and framing…front their kid alters, lie to them in order to have them do their will. Why did Obama always have his phone or hand held device on him? Frequencies and sounds would intentionally flip alters… What did each Obama clone, original, alter do to people in the Military and Politics?



























Locator tech

There exists sophisticated military technology that even identifies non-humans and it's called a Locator. I think it's also able to discern which clone is "active" and how many MK Ultra alters a person has. I think that only 20ish people would have access to something like that. The sophistication of technology available is helpful for us if it can be used in an appropriate way. At times I've heard the A.I. when I was given “experiments” with the “Quintessa 5-G model”. It was strange. When shopping, it would help me find the appropriate aisles to shop in. like talking to alexa on your iphone but weirder. There's no off button.


Standard Procedure Examples:

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