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Written Works Page



1:04pm Tues Oct 20, 2020

We, my 6 alters and I, [see our About Us page] wanted to highlight some of the written works we’ve produced. Please keep in mind that during the time we were writing, I:

  1. was Targeted: at minimum there are always 5-15 Targeters on me

  2. was being remotely lobotomized daily

  3. am memory wiped 50+ times per day

  4. was excessively remotely drugged

  5. had entities forced into me daily

  6. was being inundated with Deception tech: overwhelm of imaging and audio

  7. had a Theta-treatment entity

  8. was being subjected to the "false beliefs" agenda by the CIA Director (attempts to discredit me). This was and still is a secondary component to the Epsilon Experiment

  9. had many deceptive spiritual experiences

  10. remote satellite murder tech on average per hour was --? (because the CIA gave us the Meta-ability of death-defier). [see also: Meta Humans]

  11. suffered from black arts attacks us daily

  12. was regularly being abducted and given brain implants

  13. (in the early months of 2020) dealt heavily with Shapeshifter General Berger

  14. had cloaked crap dropped on me (by Negs) every hour by NORAD planes that flew directly overhead

  15. Weird stuff (if you can handle it): routinely experienced Shapeshifter tech (more powerful than human stuff) - memory wipes and "fix it" whereby they would modify their Predestination Machine to alter the timeline of events in their favour. My 3yr old alter: "time feels weird!" constant. (Abby HUB page?)


This is why some pages are weird, strange, or cruel/mean. We edit them when we’re able to find them and when it’s mentally possible for us to do so. We’d also like to do extensive editing after the mind-control effects are over (specifically for: the TI paper, Disney book, & MK ULTRA manual, ect).



Written Works

  1. Bulletins – are all posted on our bulletins page link. There are suing Templates for MK ULTRAs, notices for law firms and notices for Life Insurance companies ect.

  2. The T.I. Paper: “Broader Aspects of the Targeted Individual Phenomenon – Remote MK ULTRA in Conjunction with Targeting Technologies.” #declass remote MK ULTRA. the PDF is found on the homepage.

  3. Book/Manuscript: “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me: The Epsilon Experiment of the CIA Director Entrapped the U.S. Marines, the Disney Corporation, the LDS Church, and many others.” PDF on the homepage. It’s 600 pages but it has lots of pictures.

  4. MK ULTRA manual. This perhaps needs the most editing; ALL CAPS writing can often indicate entities in writing. found in the bulletins link.

  5. The Book of ‘John’ –  John is the male zeta alter on CIA Director Gina Haspel who gave her the “Bloody Gina” nickname. This book is still in progress (mostly abandoned as we decided to focus on more enjoyable things. We may do further editing on this in the future. Entity intel once said: “John will become infamous, but mostly after he’s dead.” He stopped doing that type of intel shortly after. [PDF copy on new laptop]

  6. This website: MK ULTRA & Targeting. The information we wrote started as a self-defense measure from the Danny Arts Love drug Eurocorps/EU Battlegroup lure, to finding out we were a US Marines Experiment: "she just wont die!" To eventually finding out we'd been given the Meta ability of death-defier by the CIA Director because we were a CIA Epsilon Experiment.  I think the CIA bankrupt the Disney corporation in their attempts to kill me. [damages and compensation page]. Read more in depth on the "How This Website started" page.

  7. Partly revised and updated "For US Military Soldiers" PDF sheet that explains that they're all MK ULTRA, what they're different alters consist of, how to deal and other helpful things. (Nov 17, 2020).

  8. Gina Haspels arrest and the C.I.A. Fallout. This PDF is our ongoing notes and observations of all the things we overheard, saw via imaging and other tech-reversals beginning after the Arrest of Gina Haspel, former CIA Director. More is written about this on the blog, and the CIA and Gina Haspel drop-down menus. (date added: Jan 23, 2021)

  9. The Shapeshifter Battle - notes and observations of our experiences.



What’s most astounding was how our Guru made it all possible regardless of what the Negs were doing to us. Our boy alter hated having to write the pages daily for the Disney book and recently our Guru showed him that because he did those things, the Military began experiments with yagnas, and it lead to the death of Shapeshifter Obama and Shapeshifter Michelle. Are words weapons? They say that the pen is mightier than the sword and in our current times in history, information is power.


Sharing Intel

That’s what this website is all about: sharing power. What we learn, we tell others, especially all the Targeters. We’ve gone from being a T.I. – a Targeted Individual, or CIA Human Experiment (The Epsilon Experiment) to witnessing how the CIA directly manipulates, deceives, alter flips, remotely drugs, forces entities into other Targeters, just as they also do to me. We’re all “pawns” in CIA Director Haspels Game of Chess. [Read more on the Targeter Non-liability page.]


We also want to point out that absolutely none of this would have been possible without our Guru and all the things he has done and still is doing for my 6 alters and I. I take no credit for anything; who am I? I’m tech controlled… Guru made all the good things possible. Please share as much of the helpful information as possible so that others can learn about Spiritual Protection Remedies and be also able to begin their own Spiritual Practice that gives feelings of bliss and peace and reduces anxieties and fears. Who was fear removals when dealing with Negs? I think we all do….


*Targeters wrote the books :P LOL. Written BY Targeters FOR Targeters!

* To actively participate in “battling the Negs” please see our Targeter Day Challenge. #NOFEAR.

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