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CIA --> The C.I.A.'s Death-Defiers

The C.I.A.'s Death-Defiers (Meta-Ability)





A death-defier is lied about constantly so that others subject them to remote satellite technologies (targeting and

the T.I. phenomenon: Targeter Streams & Military sources)  that cause them suffering. These accumulate into many

overlapping Targeters from many sources, most unaware of the others. Thus, their suffering quickly becomes enormous

depending on the amounts and types of deception tech messages sent out. This is just the physical component; I cannot

yet comment on the other levels of suffering.

Sat Nov 7, 2020 5:13pm

Why were Death-Defiers Made?

No one would believe the things that have happened to me, my mom, and the 480 other meta-human death-defiers who had

their ability to die removed from them so that Negs like Shapeshifters, Body-snatchers, and perverted Zeta alters like

CIA Director Jeff & Gina Haspel could use as much invisible, satellite remote tech on them as possible, watch their pain levels

“blow up” on monitors, and get erections from the whole ordeal. Also, we once heard that often times, Negs like Body Snatchers

and perverted Zetas would tell each other: “I got a death-defier here…lets torture the crap out of it.”

Mon Dec. 14, 2020 10:46am

We recently also added a section to the clones page (under the Military drop-down menu) that depicts the Psychological profile

of Clone 6s who were often bread to be more like Shapeshifters than humans. They loved to torture, rape, degrade  Death-defiers.

Important to note:

1. they can die

2. MK ULTRA integrating will heal them but it's NOT recommended initially as this puts their lives in jeopardy due to the substantial amounts of money the CIA owes each one. They'll all be integrated eventually.

I overheard the John alter on Gina Haspel said “It’s not

foolproof! Some did die!” disgruntled. Also, integrating the

MK ULTRA on the death defiers would likely remove the

“inability to die” aspect and return them to normal human

status. Please pass this information on to the death-defiers

to give them hope of the changing set of circumstances.

I think that yagnas are being done for many of them. They're

presently all in critical condition.

Who, What & WHY

The CIA that creates Meta’s owes each of them a substantial

amount in compensation. I think many are owed billions of dollars.

Greed and sex are the reason for:

  • discrediting agendas applied to Death-defiers

  • The reason they’re owed so much is the list of 52 types of

tortures that are usually applied to them for many years.

  • They’re subjected to constant shaming, blaming, humiliation or degradation

  • to prevent the deaths of death-defiers (some DO die) it needs to be known that the compensation owed them will go to their next of kin. [what does it take to kill a death-defier? <cringes>]


Objective: to prevent Death-defiers from receiving tortures & Murder tech

What: Death-defiers are a specific type of Meta-Human that receive traumas that remove their ability to die. [I have not been told how the death-defier process is done].  I am aware of how Morphing Metas are produced, written about on our Meta-Humans page under the Military drop-down menu). Many morphing-Metas have recently been MK ULTRA integrated. [I think new ones are still being created though… just to humiliate or shame people.]


Motives - Negs: Creating Metas was done primarily due to the Neg controls over the human race for the longest time. Recent Neg removals (Nov 1-18, 2020 and ongoing) are allowing changes to be possible now. More information on the Neg Removals can be read on the blog post called “November in Review” as they’re connected to my situation - the DC police’s arrest of the CIA Director and their use of the CIA’s Supercomputer weapons.  Several Generals have also written about the recent battles.


Why – CIA Greed & Sex

There are about 480 people who have the death-defier status. They receive continual and unending tortures for the reason that the CIA doesn’t want to pay them the compensation that they’re owed. Military and other Targeters are given Deception tech in the form of: blatant lies, false audio, false imaging, false emotion enhancers, ect to get them to Target Metas. Another reason for this is that the CIA Zeta alters are perverted and derive sexual pleasure from the torture of others.

How to Help Death-defiers

Remedies: High-intensity yagnas done for all of them reduce their pain (2-3 are needed for me as I also have a subtle sorcerer type entity that cannot be removed yet. Not sure how the others feel?)

  • Coconut breaking remedy changes the situation & moves things forward ♥

  • Any person is always grateful for relief; they will deceive you otherwise


Suggestions - Use truth tech to:

  • List all the Targeters currently Targeting them. The CIA uses Targeters that attack them as Chess Pieces. They are mostly unaware of this. List all the Targeters on each Targeter.

  • What are all the lies that each Targeter believes about the death-defier?

  • Who’s orchestrating this attack?

  • find out what are all the sabotages or deceptions done to remove helpful people from them (everyday)

  • What false beliefs were they given to discredit them?

  • What things were they made to say or do to discredit them? (ie my website has inaccuracies I’d like to correct but am unable to).

  • What are the constant sabotage agendas on them?


Most Helpful:  a person gets “assigned” to each one. They then see who’s all currently Targeting the Meta and  explain to those who have been intentionally deceived what’s actually true (What chess piece the CIA designated them as, how deception tech was used on them, that they’re also being Targeted… etc.)

  • Using the truth-feature will list the names of everyone currently Targeting a person

  • Many in the Military don’t know that they’re CIA targets or even what to do about it when they do.

    1. who’s all Targeting me now? What are their tech functions? Chess piece designations?

    2. remove your own brain implants (remote tech does it fast & easy)

    3. integrating your MK Ultra makes your life a bit easier

  • giving them drugging antidotes is incredibly helpful. They are remote drugged by the CIA and other deceived Targeters. Often the purpose is to disorient them to make them fall and have injuries; also drugs increase the pain at times. Hallucinogens paired with the forced entities gives horrific visuals and terrifying spiritual experiences, especially when paired with Targeters invisible tech.

  • Pick off Targeter Parties from them by giving the deceived Targeters all Base Programming reversals – distract attackers with other things.

  • Fronting kid alters can be helpful as their host alters are most heavily Targeted and traumatized. Kid alters, if trauma healed, can find enjoyable activities and do other surprisingly helpful things. [ours made our laminated Info Cards and takes it with her everywhere.]

    • Have their kid alters make info cards for them (self-defense measures)

    • Have them read our webpage on death-defiers. We want them to feel encouraged that the situation is improving.

    • Possibly helpful for a few Death-defiers – a legal document that describes what’s been done to them (and other things) that’s mailed to them… (for friends and family to understand things).

Aug 8, 2020 5:05am

Other Purposes for Death-defiers

I was given this Meta-ability as part of Gina Haspel’s Epsilon Experiment. Its ranked highest on the Trauma Severity List of what a human can endure and still survive. (see chart on CIA Targeting Abilities page). The objective was to have the physical body survive so that Epsilon alters could be produced. Three Epsilon was the goal of the Epsilon Experiment as I dont think anyone has ever produced 3.

​This process was done to my mother in the 80’s and her Theta

alter produced 2 Epsilon alters as a result.

​​Morphing Metas

We’ve written a separate page on Meta-humans who have the ability to morph into animals. Most morph into frogs, wasps (USS Wasp), or flys and would never even know it until shown a video of this being done to them. Read more on Meta-humans under the Military drop-

down menu.

How is the Death Defier Procedure Done?

Sept 13, 2020 note: I dont have this information yet but this is what I've learned so far. We wondered how this procedure is done? Individuals are abducted from their homes during sleep; CIA cloaked anti-gravity craft would be involved. Regardless, we wondered: Is Lord Shiva invoked? Does the CIA use deities as well as demons? I'm so curious. I've spent many years listening to the Mahāmrityunjaya Mantra, the Death conqueror... how and why are the frog images involved in a death-defier? “I will survive death…” becomes emblazoned in the consciousness. Can I morph? I don’t think so? Most Meta-humans need to be shown videos of them morphing or imaging of their amphibious forms.


Original Death-Defier Process

 The original procedure was done to me in year 2008 to my theta  my host alter. (more trauma healing is needed at this

point to remember these details). I later learned that it was also done to my mothers host in the 80s for the purposes of

the Epsilon Experiment. (A theta host alter needs to survive excessive and extreme tortures to produce a positive Epsilon

form.) It would ensure her physical survival in order to produce more Epsilon.

Other Death-Surviving Experiences for Myself

In 2019 I felt I was given death surviving in a different way. From the heavy drug-induced state of 2019 (done to me via CIA remote drugging – see Dilated Pupils article) there were often spiritual energies that would transmute the negative space/experience into a positive one. Twice it happened where there was a theme of surviving death. I didn’t understand it as, for whatever reason, after a certain point during the year, I just knew that I would survive whatever was done to me.  It seemed redundant so I wondered about why it was done to me. I was then told it was about having the astral bodies survive death as I think it prevented some levels or types of traumas from occurring.

One time that this spiritual experience was done was after I was forced to drink embalming fluid. That was paired with visuals, drugs, motor, tactile, and sensory overwhelm of the “Mummy” remote MK ULTRA program. (Read more about that in the Targeted Individuals paper on the homepage). The previous time this happened I cant remember offhand.


Importance of Monitors, Transcriber, & other tech

Monitors vs. Video Feed

Dec. 14, 2020  Many people “look” at me via whatever types of cameras and I never understood why? looking at me doesn’t tell you what’s all being done to me, who’s manipulating my actions, or show all the murder tech impaling my body. It doesn’t tell you that I’m a death-defier and have been raped and farted over 8 million times. Who has the ability to identify these things by looking at a person? It doesn’t show the abductions, brain implants, the decapitations, the body severing, the objects I’m forced to swallow or any of the cloaked things dropped on me. Many of my facial features were severed so I’m unable to display any type of emotion. What are all the current agendas running on me?

                What are all the monitors that show these things?


1. do not “look” at a death-defier or T.I. as it tells you nothing.


10:39pm Sun. Dec. 13, 2020

Pressure is felt around the body

  • tech recreated event? Simulation?

  • Targeters tech?

  • Military tech? global source?

  • Cloaked object?

  • Entity created sensation? (internal or external entity?0

  • EEG fabrication?

  • Brain Implant manipulation of sensory experience?

  • Other?


2.  The Truth feature can also list and describe these things. You’ll be targeted when you use it.

Making their Sufferings Appear Normal

- other Procedures done to them include:

  • Pain Reduction - they often have pain sensitivities removed from them so that their tortures go unnoticed.

    • “Frogs” in hot water: Metas are often forced to burn their hands and skin (due to imperceptible water temperatures). My showers and baths often turn my skin bright red. These are likely burning agendas and/or murder attempts.

    • Facial features – some process was done to one alter to remove any type of emotional reactions. My facial features are controlled by tech. This is why their true feelings have largely gone unnoticed. [What are all the feelings of the Death-defiers? – sorrow, grief, shame –> our host feels constant grief].

    • They’re muted; cant talk or scream when tortured.

    • Every aspect of their lives is Targeted to keep them in continual states of overwhelm & helplessness

    • They likely have Epsilon alters.

    • (these are just a few)

52 Items list

10:58am  Tues. Dec. 15, 2020  These are done Regularly to Death-Defiers .

What year did this list begin or take full-effect? These are a few that I thought of

at the top of my head. There would be different agendas for each Meta. Many

Targeters used are adolescents and children who often don’t realize the true

agendas for their tech. “its no big deal” they think as they’re never forced to

experience the suffering they cause. When there are 50+ Targeters overlapping,

its beyond severe. Some of these items describe tech-effects while others

describe agendas. I’m unaware of what the official list includes. I don’t know

if these apply to all death-defiers but they applied to me.  “What’s the agenda?”

becomes most important to always be ware of. How the C.I.A. makes targeters

is also useful to know.


1. are in a constant state of being raped, often by several tech-rapers

                1. some are given a “mutual technological experience” that they then watch, listen to false audio of, and smell via remote tech

2. rapes are made to look like the Meta is enjoying sex with a person

3. Military photo challenge: zetas like to see what type of saw or other remote tech creates the deepest cuts in the Metas bodies (mk ultra alters shown on monitors) and they make imaging of their results for their photo walls

4. discredit them - give them false beliefs via Spiritual Deceptions.

5. humiliate them, shame them

6. bacteria spreader Targeters: skin scratchers and pickers pair with mental blanking tech that produces one method of how bacteria are made to be everywhere in the environment around them

7. remote lobotomies

8. sleep time imaging: photos and video shown to them while unconscious. this depends on the specific agenda being done to the Meta. Often it was terror, horror, trauma content, or other weird things.

9. incest imaging – frequently Targeters show this imaging to a Meta in mental tech screens on the forehead when they’re around family members.

10. base programming – done as per agendas (pedophilia, homosexuality, zeta, etc.)

11. will-crusher Targeters – daily or more; crush the will to live in a few short minutes.

12. Psych raper Targeters – steal psychological intel from the Meta and send it to others (who then use it to cause them suffering, traumas, & other)

13. make them look crazy, weird, stupid

14.  create false beliefs – often with the use of Spiritual Deceptions. (in states of trauma this is easy to do.)

15.  eating + food – bad taste Targeters make eating feel terrible. Chewing & teeth Targeters make it difficult.

16. Swallowing – Army/military sources force them to swallow huge long objects, done by invisible remote satellite tech.

17. black arts targeting. There are many components to what these are used for. Entities, suffering & health issues primarily.

18. finances – destruction of property Targeters constantly break, damage, or destroy items

19. mental, emotional, & psychological states of distress

20. remove nice things from them – targeting tech is used to crate aversions to their nice belongings

21. relationships – are heavily targeted & strained

22. “make it weird” Targeters are applied to different facets of their lives

23. disease Targeters – vaginal discharge is common, created by tech. can give them things like mono, strep, facial scars, ect. Almost every disease can be tech created. 

24.  “jiggly leg” Targeters keep Metas in constant states of physical exhaustion

25. sleep depriver agendas – run in cycles

26. remote drugging – done in heavy amounts. To make them look crazy, induce hallucinations, for Remote MK Ultra programs, ect.

27. theft (abduction tech) – often items are regularly stolen from the Meta.

                a. Last year a gift I gave my nephew for his birthday was stolen as well as some swimwear. (2019)

                b. diamond ring (2006?)

28. forced expenses: Targeters create imaging of items a person is scheduled to buy. Often its irrelevant and useless things created with false imaging, emotion enhancers, false beliefs, ect.

29. memory wipes – how many per day?

30. abductions & brain implants – to create hallucinations which enhance the terror of the tortures being done to them.

31. make people believe lies about them (various Targeters types of deception tech are used)

32. remove their dignity: includes imaging of them defecating, urinating, in the shower, etc.

33. mental tech Targeters: create distractions so they cant ever complete a task

34. tv Targeters: make it difficult to impossible to watch tv. They either create sexual imaging of the characters, run false audio in the background, create auditory commentary on the content, etc…

35. used for soliciting – various types of sexual services are “rendered” for the profit of others

36. relationships are often intentionally destroyed;  wedding jewellery abducted after the relationship ends

37. only 1 Meta gave birth (had a child) but it was killed immediately.

38. vehicle targeting: stress and strain, wear and tear, financial strain.

39. send them beings: Shapeshifters, Negs, Reptilians, Greys, others ect via the CIA acoustic transmitters

40. Remote mk ultra trauma programs – what types and the frequency they’re applied…

41. clothes – weird agendas. Items don’t fit well or aren’t what the person would chose. Many items are intentionally made staticy by Targeters even when line dried. 

42. defecation: often prevented, sometimes for years. Other agendas include diarrhea.

42. isolation agendas: constantly remove helpful people from them so they have no social support at all.

43. decapitations, body severing, and psychological horror of having astral heads and bodies misaligned. This is physically evident with different alters fronting in different bodies.

44. sabotage agendas – to make daily tasks terrible. For sewing, pin pricking Targeters are electronically summoned, for mailing letters, paper cutter Targeters are found, etc. until every little act results in overwhelming misery.

45. hatred-builder – used on others to have them targeted or on them to ruin their families and other relationships.

46. remove all hope of things improving

47. mental blanking tech –prevents planning, organizing, or remembering

48. alerts & sensors put on objects, tasks, or activities to prevent them from experiencing good things

49. motor controls of their bodies – move them physically away from helpful activities; force body posturing for rape marketing, exhaust them, ect.

50. constant auditory harassment

51.”topics” – things they read about, see, or think about are “randomly” spoken about by those around them.



Oct 20, 2020 – [words I overheard Targeters reading] - there may be as many as 482 other individuals (globally) who have also had the Meta ability of death-defier done to them. They are all in similar critical states as they would also  have been subjected to horrific tortures to extreme excesses.



I wondered how the death-defier is identified on a person (on imaging?) or by some other means. A few times I have seen a small frog shape on imaging and i think that indicated to me that I had  some type of Meta status to perhaps those in the Military that were looking at the form on monitors. Monitor 2 often showed many pieces of impaling murder tech.


To those who are able, please provide trauma healing, shielding, yagnas and other beneficial things to these individuals. Thank you.

52 items list for death-defiers
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