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USS Bataan Attacks


Added: July 16, 2020 5:34pm

These usually involve voiceover that include the sound of "mini gators" as their Magazine also represents.


Many of their methods are listed on the "How the Military Targets You Page."


Other things include:

- weight gainers

- IV drugging

- drugging via forced swallowing with no intake of food or drink

- murder for Life Insurance policies on your family members



The women in the photo are cruel. One specifically has life insurance policies for my deceased grandparents (1998, 2002).


They're unaware that they're MK Ultra so they'll need constant reminders. The alphas dont know of the crimes their Zetas commit. It would be terrifying to go to jail and not know why; it important to start doing video messages to your alters explaining the situation to them.


Beta/child alters

For 6-8 weeks your 6year old child alter was forced to live in a cage with tigers (are Military/kittens are Disney ect) until it believe that it was one. After sufficient traumas and behavioural reinforcements, it was taken for sexual programming. Watch videos of how it sleeps; does it curl up like a kitten? This is why learning fronting-sounds is useful. it might also lick the back of its hand.There's a photo of some women in cages on the bottom of the Disney page.  More is also written on Beta Kitten Programming. These are located in underground facilities. DUMBS - deep underground military bases.


Do an Experiment:

Write a note to your Beta child alter and give it instructions; keep it really simple. Tell it to front you back with __ sound when it's finished. Record it on video.


Fronting sounds vary as per what "type" of MK Ultra you are: Disney, LDS, or Military. Those in the Military that have only 3 alters are either LDS or Disney so you don't flip alters when the others do (higher ranking). Regular soldiers have 5 alters. (see page For US Military Marines.)


meow/this little light of mine/"Im belle" - beta kids

tennis ball/"ariel"/cat call - alphas (20s)

police siren/maleficent"/door squeek - zetas (oldest)


Theres variation so... trial & error. You can write your sounds on the back of your MK Ultra ID card so others/friends can front your appropriate alter when its needed (less humiliation from others).

Force-fronting Alters

These women are LDS or Disney MK Ultra so use appropriate force-fronting sounds.

To front beta children: LDS “this little light of mine” and Disney “I’m Belle!”

To front alpha alters: LDS “tennis ball” or Disney “Ariel”

To front Zeta alters: LDS “take me down to paradise city” or Disney “maleficent”


Targeting Methods Specific to these Women’s Zeta alters:

  • Underwire and regular bras become too uncomfortable to wear

  • Period blocker

  • Nipples – electronic ripples ? not exactly sure…

  • Don’t know exactly the type of vaginal assaults they use

  • Clothes fit weird

  • Space behind back of bra that make shirt not fit

  • Slouchy socks when wearing boots

  • Tied really tight wires on capri pants hems.

  • Cut tiny holes in clothes

  • Attack relationships (Zeta alters are often lonely is why)


Their Black Magic methods:

  • “gators” voiceovers; sometimes sound like little alligators

  • Mimic “alien” gator species

  • Also have a reptilian version;

  • Their imaging is on a “dark screen” with cartoonish(?) colored imaging

  • Tech capabilities: like energy shots at me but come in the shape of a wall

  • Startle and make a person terrified.

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