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These updates come from the Fraser Valley area in B.C. Canada


Tues. Dec. 29, 2020  2:35pm  There have been many more executions, specifically evil clones in the U.S. Marines…


Sat. Dec. 28, 2020  9:22pm  theta/host: We’ve added some descriptions of our “interactions” with Positive Beings, who are coming into the fore as per the circumstances and as a result of the Neg Rule ending in November 2020.  (Battles drop-down menu – Negs to PegsPeg Experiences).  They provide tremendous relief and shielding from the current black arts attacks we’re experiencing.


Weds Oct 28, 2020  7:49am   To Sgt Mjt Black or anyone else at the US Marines or elsewhere: when you “target” me, you get access to the truth tech. Find out how much each person at the Marines is owed and how you can get Letters of Exoneration faster (from the CIA for use in The Epsilon Experiment). Please be aware that I’m forced to hear some responses.  We need to get the CIA Director fired ASAP, as well as all the others there who have been torturing me mercilessly. Please everyone tell President Trump that he’s owed about $2 billion from the CIA Director; how much is Esper owed and why? [CIA Targets POTUS & Esper page]. "How much is General Berger owed? each clone? the shapeshifter??"


Tuesday Oct 27, 2020  7:44pm  Today we wondered about how to get the Negs themselves to force out compensation from the Haspels to us and others? … Later we overheard Jeff & Gina Haspel via thought-listening reversals- “we should actually have them [the Negs] killed.” Because they OWE them money. I then wondered if any Shapeshifters were owed money by the Haspels…slowly I realized that Shapeshifter General Berger, of the U.S. Marines, that was used, lied to humiliated for 16+ years for tortures on my mother and I, must have been owed a TONNE, and this is the reason why other Targeters and a MASSIVE amount of black arts were used to kill him. “the US Navy will now experience the most severe black magic known to man….” Quoted to us and written about in the PDF “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me.” Haspels kill those they owe.


Tues Oct 27, 2020  10:33am  - ! Yagyna reversal effects from this morning: 1. front any of the kid/beta alters of those at the CIA to use the <laser array?> that kills as many Negs possible in one go. Front them back to their zeta to deal with the “fallout.”  2. Have several Targeters work in tandem to produce full-body overrides on a CIA Zeta alter (who’s used, tortured, deceived, humiliated, and controlled them) to force them to use the laser array. :D “Merry Christmas ya filthy animal !!!!” ;-)  


Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:09pm  from the thought-listening reversals that take effect when high-intensity yagnas are done, tonight I learned: I have about 82 brain implants, many from 2 recent abductions. I also have about 300 entities, all courtesy of the CIA... last thursday we learned that the CIA uses acoustics to transmit energies to the atmosphere around a person that sends negative beings, entities, etc to them. They cant create much fear in me anymore and the John alter on Gina Haspel is humiliated that his kid alter is respected by me (my boy alter). ADD: I was also told last week that there are about 482 others that have been given the Meta ability of death-defier (separate from Meta-Humans as they dont morph) and they're all in critical condition.


Mon Oct  26, 2020  7:44pm   Through many of the thought-listening reversals, spiritual experiences, and other means of intel, we learned that the C.I.A. has tech that can annihilate many Negs in one “go.” There is talk of fronting the “torture Triad’s” kid (beta) alters and helping them to use it. High intensity yagnas are recommended for every single person involved, especially for all at the CIA. Several groups should work in tandem. We’ll post an update if this happens.  John’s [CIA Director Haspels male alter] final act of grace will be experienced through his kid alter. Many attempts should be made; Good things for Good people again ♥


Monday Oct 26, 2020  7:04am  This is my public plea for mercy from all sources of Military: please if possible have someone overseeing what’s done to me 24/7. people can rotate every __ min. all that’s required is explaining the truth of my situation to Targeters who are constantly lied to about me so that they use remote satellite torture and rape tech on me. Please ask truth tech “what were all the C.I.A. torture programs done to her on Sunday Oct 25, 2020?” to find out why I’m begging for mercy. It would be necessary also to have a similar “guard” set up to watch the evil Zeta alters at the CIA.


Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:28pm  What’s the fastest way that the US Marines can integrate their MK ULTRA? Removal of the most amount of Negs that prevent it: Use the truth tech device that’s attached to me to find out what the most powerful types of yagnas are (determined by the recent Military experiments – there was also a phenomenal one done for me on Sunday – find out what the name of it is). These are SO strong that they [Shapeshifters] cannot come near you, you feel incredibly safe, calm and comfortable so that you can “man your battle stations” and annihilate as many Negs as possible! 


Friday Oct 16, 2020 1:05pm  We found a website: Sri Yagnya Foundation that offers the “Sankalpa” Yangas which are wish-fulfilling yagnas. I think during some strange events that happened, this was given to one of the Marine Zeta alters who received freedom and got to go home. That event was written about in the PDF “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me”.  Experiment with yagnas to experience their powerful protective energies and positive effects. ♥


Tues Oct 13, 2020 11:16pm  Thank you to the healer MK’s that have returned. I’ve “forgotten” [memory wipes, lobotomies, remote drugging & mental blanking tech] about you but you’re so wonderful; thank you for all the trauma healing, tech removals, entity removals, and comfort. Thank you for ignoring all the deception tech; I appreciate everything though am generally confused about whats best for me to do.


Tues Oct 13, 2020 12:19am Please note, we will be changing the URL address on the website in a week or so; it will be something regarding Targeting and MK ULTRA and hopefully a forwarding link will be in place for some time.


Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:51am  REAL NEWS: The US military is currently “fronting their alpha alters” and going to war with the Shapeshifting beings. To my knowledge, they experimented with yagnas and discovered that the Shapeshifters cannot come near you when the remedies are in effect. They then annihilate many of the “negs.” Good things for Good People again! Xo.  


Weds Oct 7, 2020 10:34pm  Do Military men or soldiers read the Bhagavad Gita? Its been described as a War Manual because it offers very helpful spiritual perspectives on death, killing, and righteous conduct. It’s a short and easy read; “How can righteousness be increased in society?” --> Eradicating Black Arts [added to Exonerating the Entwistles page].


Oct 5, 2020 11:05pm  We added more info on the "Targeters Paradise" page (under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu) as it's become more of a Targeters Resources page. Why are Targeters not liable? The CIA doesn't want you to know that it uses you and controls you--> Exonorating the Entwistles.


Oct 1, 2020 10:33pm  POLITICS: Why does Biden receive “positive” Targeting agendas while Trump receives negative ones? Who at the CIA orchestrates those? I receive many Targeter agendas daily [discrediting agendas] and from the truth tech device, I’ve learned a lot from the adolescent alters that are used. “I had to help [young male celebrity] not look so geeky for a while.” One preteen said recently.


Monday Sept 28, 2020 7:42pm thank you to all lovely people who provide relief, shielding and recovery. I haven’t been able to update recently as my electronics have been disabled for a long while; I recently learned that Gina Haspel’s male Zeta remotely drugs and lobotomizes my host alter daily, often twice. It made the “memory issues” much more understandable. Some Targeters have also learned that they’re also remotely drugged by the CIA, receive Deception tech,   entities, and have brain implants in order to get them to do targeting. Others tell me about their crimes and other interesting things.  We’re waiting and hoping for Letters of Exoneration to be sent to President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper so they can also experience “untargeted” lives. For Americans, for Republicans :-)  <heart>.


Weds Sept 16, 2020 2:11pm Thank you to all the Military and others who provide shielding, relief and remedies on my behalf. May everyone learn the truth about CIA Director Gina Haspel’s male Zeta alter and his constant lies. Who WAS all used by him to Target the US President? For the Marines! 😊 3yr: "How big is the cheque gonna be, from the CIA to the US Marines?!!!!!!


Tues Oct 13, 2020 11:16pm  Thank you to the healer MK’s that have returned. I’ve “forgotten” [memory wipes, lobotomies, remote drugging & mental blanking tech] about you but you’re so wonderful; thank you for all the trauma healing, tech removals, entity removals, and comfort. Thank you for ignoring all the deception tech; I appreciate everything though am generally confused about whats best for me to do.


Tues Oct 13, 2020 12:19am Please note, we will be changing the URL address on the website in a week or so; it will be something regarding Targeting and MK ULTRA and hopefully a forwarding link will be in place for some time.


Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:51am  REAL NEWS: The US military is currently “fronting their alpha alters” and going to war with the Shapeshifting beings. To my knowledge, they experimented with yagnas and discovered that the Shapeshifters cannot come near you when the remedies are in effect. They then annihilate many of the “negs.” Good things for Good People again! Xo.  


Weds Oct 7, 2020 10:34pm  Do Military men or soldiers read the Bhagavad Gita? Its been described as a War Manual because it offers very helpful spiritual perspectives on death, killing, and righteous conduct. It’s a short and easy read; “How can righteousness be increased in society?” --> Eradicating Black Arts [added to Exonerating the Entwistles page].


Oct 5, 2020 11:05pm  We added more info on the "Targeters Paradise" page (under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu) as it's become more of a Targeters Resources page. Why are Targeters not liable? The CIA doesn't want you to know that it uses you and controls you--> Exonorating the Entwistles.


Oct 1, 2020 10:33pm  POLITICS: Why does Biden receive “positive” Targeting agendas while Trump receives negative ones? Who at the CIA orchestrates those? I receive many Targeter agendas daily [discrediting agendas] and from the truth tech device, I’ve learned a lot from the adolescent alters that are used. “I had to help [young male celebrity] not look so geeky for a while.” One preteen said recently.


Monday Sept 28, 2020 7:42pm thank you to all lovely people who provide relief, shielding and recovery. I haven’t been able to update recently as my electronics have been disabled for a long while; I recently learned that Gina Haspel’s male Zeta remotely drugs and lobotomizes my host alter daily, often twice. It made the “memory issues” much more understandable. Some Targeters have also learned that they’re also remotely drugged by the CIA, receive Deception tech,   entities, and have brain implants in order to get them to do targeting. Others tell me about their crimes and other interesting things.  We’re waiting and hoping for Letters of Exoneration to be sent to President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper so they can also experience “untargeted” lives. For Americans, for Republicans :-)  <heart>.


Weds Sept 16, 2020 2:11pm Thank you to all the Military and others who provide shielding, relief and remedies on my behalf. May everyone learn the truth about CIA Director Gina Haspel’s male Zeta alter and his constant lies. Who WAS all used by him to Target the US President? For the Marines! 😊 3yr: "How big is the cheque gonna be, from the CIA to the US Marines?!!!!!!!??" 


10:02pm Sept 12, 2020   3yr - To them Sergeant Black one:  We need shielding as much as possible. Cant survive the Gina Haspel Zeta named John. My Theta: This is humiliating for both of us. If possible, please see how much we’ll both be compensated by Jeff & Gina Haspel’s Zeta alters for humiliation alone [as this angers and humiliates them both severely]. The US Marines aren’t liable; you were all manipulated by CIA tech. Remember that we’re all chess pieces in “Johns world.” I would beg for mercy as much as possible; please send marines to me every hour to provide shielding until the CIA director can be detained. Thank you. Priority #1- letters of exoneration from the CIA to all U.S. Marines of high rank. “Whats an Enemy really?”


Fri Sept 11, 2020 4:19pm  NEW: we just learned the reason why there’s a personal agenda now involved in what was a legitimate Epsilon Experiment of CIA Director Gina Haspel. We wrote about it on the “Ending the CIA Experiment” page.


11:44am sept 10, 2020  for the US Marines: (and other helpful military/etc sources) – please listen to the recent voice memos we’ve left on our phone. We mention future tech and how things could possibly be made better.  We also have some helpful video messages too… from what I’ve “experienced” it seems as though the CIA Director is still manipulating several of the Generals or others there… everyone needs to be made aware of the fact that the CIA owes the US Marines billions in compensation for “the Epsilon Experiment” and “Johns Game of Chess.” Please remind everyone of this frequently, and tell each of their MK ULTRA alters.


8:53am Sept 9, 2020  there were some nice Military guys that provided some assistance yesterday that were intentionally humiliated by the CIA Director Haspel’s Zeta alter who  turned their subliminal audio into audible words. I really appreciated the military’s assistance; this is just one of the ways that the Psychopathy indicator is evident on the CIA director and how he (the male zeta John alter on Gina Haspel) has removed so many helpful individuals from me. Many he’s shamed, blamed and humiliated just to get them to stop providing assistance or relief to me. This has gone on for years.  Warning: confronting him with truth of his crimes (and humiliating him) triggers his insanity and makes him plot horrific things he soon does to you. [my evening yesterday.]


10:39pm Sept 5, 2020   Just a note for the U.S. Marines: I think John alter on CIA Director Gina Haspel is more frequently using (deceiving) the Marine Zetas again. I’m not sure why this is the case. Lets remember that the CIA is liable for anyone and everyone involved or forced to Target me over the years because of the Epsilon Experiment. Boy alter: I deal a lot with the male Zeta alter on CIA Director Haspel and I’m wondering how big the check is going to be from the CIA to the US Marines. I wonder how frequently he personally memory wipes those in the Marines? I’ll see if I can get a dollar amount via the truth tech soon. (Gina’s ex Jeff Haspel was the one that suggested using them.)3yr: Them are mind blanking me. boy: how can I explain this better? Letters of Exoneration will need to be given to all the Marines that have been used and manipulated as part of “John’s Game of Chess.” Maybe some can go help him write the letters.


Friday Sept 4, 2020 12:32pm We wrote a Letter of Exonoration for the Entwistle family; please note that it also applies to all others used in the CIA's Epsilon Experiment. [see Johns Game of Chess.] Part of the info there includes a Targeter Day Challenge that we hope ALL can participate in together. "when we declare our independace!" :-)


Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:26pm  I’m not sure what can be done about all the Obama clones (see Standard Procedures under Military drop-down menu)  being used to target me. Maybe the US Marines can provide some insight? Thnks.


Aug 29, 2020 8:39am - There's a new page For Those in the Political Arena (under the T.I. drop-down menu) that highlights some information. they've had to interact with the Shapeshifting humans for long periods and many were promised protection for doing evil things like using Diamond Betas. Most were also subjected to Base Programming and, due ot fear, had no options. Handlers are also MK ULTRAs.


Friday Aug 28, 2020 10:22pm. For Marines: please keep reading through my notes (phone and elsewhere – eye recording device); it helps to know when/what I’m believing that’s not true. I appreciate all that’s being provided. Recent developments – some shapeshifters are being destroyed and more will be in the next few days. This creates space for positive changes to occur. Other changes will soon follow.


Aug 27, 2020 10:23pm host: so... some unusual events transpired between my male alter (whos 12 or 14?) and 3 of the CIA beta kids (Gina Haspels beta and 2 other individuals) this morning. Some of those notes we've just posted on twitter. If you're aware of the Non-human component and Shapeshifters, major changes are coming globally that will bring greater freedoms to noble and kind human beings. "for life, love, and liberty..."


August 23, 2020 4:38am I now deal daily with the male Zeta alter on CIA Director Haspel and her ex Jeff Haspel as they continue to drag out this pathetic "experiment" which is just about his hatred, pettiness, and now jealously  (hilarious). It's got to the point now where I've become familiar with both of their 3 MK ULTRA alters' unique ways of  "Targeting" me. Some of their humiliating personal information is being shared on twitter by our male alter who's 12 and is forced to listen to their bickering due to audio reversals. How much humiliation does it take to end this? Apparently a lot... John's Game of Chess explains his psychopathology in more depth and how random groups and individuals have been connected.


August 7, 2020 3:26 - Guru has helped us write "Part 2" of the START HERE newsletter that was mailed out several months ago. It explains things in more depth as we've since gained more information and connected more dots together. The CIA's role is more predominant. (drop down menu under Entwistles).


August 2, 2020 some of the Targeting that Haspel's John alter does to me is make me swallow for long periods. It's weird. my 12yr old alter: i think he needs a woman or has severe oral fixations. read more about our "head to head" in the CIA Zeta vs Zeta article under Targeting Groups... the photos make my twitter comments more understandable.


July 31, 2020 update: we’ve added 3 new CIA specific pages under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu. Reversals are in effect from Director H

Haspels remote tech assaults (Targeted Individual – T.I. link) and the information is becoming overabundant. Maybe he/she subconsciously wants her colleagues to in jail with her too. #underthebus CIA remote tech and Psych Intel on her male Zeta alter that loves to torture. #Thankyou to all who relieve my suffering and make sharing this information possible; you are helping to reduce the suffering of millions (upon her arrest and conviction).


Friday July 24, 2020 Please learn about the current "Targeters Paradise" situation and share with as many as possible (Entwistles, Beta Farmers, Military, LDS church members...etc).


Wednesday July 22, 2020 2:23pm We've finally learned the reason why all these horrible things have prolonged were because of CIA Director Gina Haspels' MK ULTRA Epsilon Experiment on my mother and I. Read the update on the "I'm a US Marines Experiment" page (drop down menu under Military).


Sunday July 19, 2020 Recent developments: we've traced the source of our Targeting to CIA Director Gina Haspel who's MK Ultra status gave her a male Zeta alter (to explain some things). From all this came new knowledge of Meta-Humans whom we love and adore. <3. The underground tunnel network in the Abbotsford HUB is part of a world wide Deep Underground Military Bases Project where they hide fusion in "hollow" artificial nearby mountains to make Meta-Humans. The CIA drops drugs on prisons and individuals like Peter Entwistle [BC HYDRO]...


Friday July 10, 2020 5:15pm For helpful Abby Police officers: we’ve added a new page on Constable Chief Serr (Targeting Groups – hover) and the Abbotsford Beta Hub (drop down menu when hover– Beta Farms). Its unfortunate that kind people were removed from trying to help me. Maybe some of the information will better explain why. I appreciate all that’s done to relieve my suffering and measures taken to end this situation.


Thursday July 9, 2020 2:16pm - For ALL Military Personnel - please read the "Game Room" update on the bottom of the "For US Marines" page (drop down menu under Military link.)


Update: July 1, 2020 12:27pm   To soldiers involved in the “Targeting Room” today. Please read the Barack Obama Page for more information and submit detailed reports. My hair is the best piece of evidence you can provide. I’m very grateful thank you. For US Military Marines also has info for you. (my boy alter: they intentionally flip your alters so you don’t remember! It’s nuts…. “so that’s why they don’t want to heal MK Ultras. – when Obama flipped them into their child alters. They need you to forget and front new alters.”)


*** Thurs June 24, 2020 12:20pm – Editing has nearly stopped due to heavy Disney/LDS attacks on my electronics. I’m unable to make necessary corrections; its unfortunate.  Anyone who can or is able to reduce the amount of targeting I’m subjected to makes MK ULTRA information more available to others.


** June 15, 2020 1:26am FOR POLICE: Please see the update added to the Peter & Loretta Entwistle page (close to the bottom) Peter’s Death section. It provides overwhelming motive and method for Loretta to have murdered Peter.


*** June 13, 2020 10:54am The pages have become too difficult to upload so we just added the new ones in a separate PDF; maybe this method is easier ;-). I’m grateful for all that are assisting in the process to cleanse the world from evil. GOOD THINGS FOR GOOD PEOPLE AGAIN!!  ♥


June 9, 2020 7:42pm Events leading up to realizing Darren Entwistle’s targeting of the President start on page 505-509 scroll down to very bottom; also read more details on Telus CEO page and Darren’s brother’s page. The START HERE page under Entwisltes, goes into more background detail of the BC HYDRO, Peter & Loretta, US military connections to Beta Farms and how it all ties together.


June 9, 2020  5:29PM   BREAKING NEWS!!! TELL THE PRESIDENT  ASAP --> DARREN ENTWISTLE IS ONE SOURCE OF HIS TARGETING. Just discovered this today!!! He is the Telus CEO. Detailed description to follow. Darren is “I kill people for money.” How many life policies on strangers Darren? Millions like your mother? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! How does he JUSTIFY Targeting the US President?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Full write up to come; look for page uploaded in a few hours.


*** Thursday June 4, 2020  12:24pm thank you for the relief provided today. I’m very grateful.  Also to anyone who’s interested or able, it might be good to have a separate website solely dedicated to BC Hydro truth and news including more fact-checked information on Peter & Loretta Entwistle, their Telus CEO son Darren and their Beta Farmer son. It’s too much for me to focus on with my circumstances. The Wix platform is simple and easy to use. Perhaps it could be something that the general public could more easy read and share.  


*** Friday May 29, 2020 9:32pm  We’ve added a new Page under Targeting Groups about B.C. Premier Horgan. It sheds some light on how the current problems around Beta Farms have persisted and continued for so long in BC. (hover over the link for the drop down menu).


***Sat May 23, 2020 Please read through the UPDATED: Church Bulletin for a more comprehensive explanation of what's really going on in Abbotsford, the Fraser Valley, and GLOBALLY. . Please share on SOCIAL MEDIA as much as possible. Word doc ON THE RIGHT-->


*** URGENT Those who are able, please TWEET MAYOR HENRY BRAUN in Abbotsford, BC these following images:  We've added them to the "Telling Others About Targeting" Page found under the T.I. link at the top of the page (hover over the word for drop down menu)


***Thurs May 21, 2020 2:20pm There are 2new pages for T.I.'s: Gathering Evidence (photo book suggestions) and Self Defense - How making a photo wall reduces your Targeting. These appear in a drop down menu when you hover over "T.I."


***Tuesday May  19, 2020 2:15PM There's a NEW bulletin available called "Telling Friends about Targeting" that I've started to mail to people. Feel free to use it as a template. PLEASE share them on SOCIAL MEDIA to raise awareness. All the LOCAL CHURCHES need these LETTERS.


***Monday May 18, 2020 8:25am Please post as many of these website pages as possible on SOCIAL MEDIA in order to raise awareness of all these issues. !! Thank you. Gratitude for all the protection provided.


** Sunday May 17 10:45am New pages posted include Peter & Loretta Entwistle Murder M.O. and their family connections to Politics. He makes all his relatives use their torture tech on me. Who can GET RID OF PETER ENTWISTLE.


***Sat May 16, 2020 8:49am CORRECTION NOTICE - The article under the Entwistles is actually referring to the US Military. Please read it in the Enswistle category: MILITARY COVID -  How the US Military keeps prolonging, actively distributing, the COVID BIOWEAPON. the Covid illusion.


***Sat May 9, 2020 10:53pm  New Bulletin on Spiritual Protection Remedies available in the Bulletin link.


***Thurs May 7, 2020 8:23am  NEW page on "How to Identify Invisible Targeters" available in the drop down (hover) menus under the TI link.


*** Friday May 1st 2020 7:51pm  DISCOVERY! We learn the KKK magician is the DIAMONDS programmer. Please read through the recent pages (scroll down to bottom) on how we connect BC Hydro and his Beta Farmer son to the KKK. HANDLERS. Fraser Valley alert! [p 308+ ]


*** Friday May 1st, 2020  5:37am  Did Disney MAKE the Beta Farmers?  page 312


*** Tuesday April 28, 2020 We learn THEAGENCY is an ENTITY. p 294 - 298. scroll down to bottom of page


** Monday April 27 2020 ABBOTSFORD BC BETA FARMS LOCATIONS:  in Matsqui Flats; many are in a 12 mile radius. They are often large, very nice (lots of money in beta production), and are owned by Targeters. page 286 for photo. Beta farm indicators doc in bulletins link.


***Friday  April 24, 2020  8:34pm.   There's a new article in the Editorial link (be sure to hover for all the new drop down menus).It describes the sad situation around the BC Te/Telus/BC Hydro family. "Grandpas' a Criminal."


** Weds April 23, 2020 1:56pm.  Addressing some rumors: [disney?] Somehow I'm planning to make millions from the Manuscript. This is False. It's free and plans to stay that way; it needs to be shared with as many as possible. I had tremendous assistance in writing and it never would have been possible without the support of ALL invovled. 


** Wednesday April 22, 2020 2:22pm  We have penned an open letter to Disney's previous CEO Mr. Bob Iger. Please read through it (2minute article). Its' under THE AGENCY link.


*** Thursday April 2, 2020 7:45am -- IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Corporate Law Template for CELEBRITIES and anyone else forced through MK ULTRA  by DISNEY. Please send to ALL major news outlets, CALIFORNIA Corporate LAW firms, and ALL social media! Bulletin link.


***  Weds April 1, 2020 1:36pm URGENT -. LIVES may be at stake for Life Insurance  Company Heads! Please disseminate ASAP! I've updated the document April 3rd. Bulletin link.



*** Sunday March 29, 2020  7:47pm  -We combined the documents into a manuscript style with chapter sections, a title page and an index (still in progress) for hopefully easier reading. the targeting/wizards  messed up all the page numbers though.


*** fRIDAY MARCH 27, 2020  12:14am  ABBOTSFORD ASIAN COUPLE AT LARGE They have VERY sophisticated technologies and have already KILLED for the life insurance policy. Bulletin link. 

** Sunday March 29 2020 9:35am  Updated version of the Beta Farms ACTION STEPS document located in the Bulletin slink.


* * * Tues March 24, 2020 9pm  NEW: MEDICAL PUBLIC NOTICE add in bulletins.


​* UPDATED March 20, 2020  BOTH DOCUMENTS UPDATES. The Targeted Individuals PAPER will be continuously revised to include a section on how MK Ultras are controlled via Classified Technologies. Please keep checking here for when this is posted. 


** Sat March 21, 2020 8:35am  NEW: BULLETINS in word doc format now available [BULLETIN LINK].  FRASER HEALTH notice & MEDIA outlets.


**  Tues March 17, 2020 - Petition to Declassify MK Ultra added to Bulletins page.


*** Tues Mar 17, 2020 2:37pmm THE DEATH PROGRAMS - severe mental blocks have prevented any and all thoughts about the issue. Scroll down to page 87 for a brief update. I've also described THE DEATH PROGRAMS BY DISNEY on the recently

added PDF file named:  TARGETED INDIVIDUALS. The TAB link on this webpage MK ULTRA also has the descriptions. <<blankng/mind ... bye.>>


** Tues Mar 17, 2020 11:11am BELOW I've included an IN PROGRESS paper that describes in more detail the TARGETING technologies I've been EXPOSED to. Please read and learn about the various DEVICES that are currently being used on people. It also: describes REMOTE MK ULTRA in more detail, How Targeting technologies combine with MK Ultra, Describes and lists CLASSIFIED TECHNOLOGIES AND

OBJECTS lodged into people bodies and  describes EEG heterodyning (needs editing;. too much terror triggers to attempt at this point). Our Guru's name is on it. 


*** Sunday March 15, 2020 6:35pm BREAKING: I HAVE A FACE, I HAVE A NAME, & BOB CHAPEK, YOU ARE TORTURING ME TO DEATH.  Scroll down to PAGE 75 in the documents for details. FREE THE MK ULTRA SLAVES! Scroll down to page 33 to learn about ILLUSORY ENERGIES -->  HIS photo contains them. ***


* Sunday March 15, 2020 9:17am - NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER; please scroll down this page (through the documents) to page 70 for notes on research done on Praying. *





* in progress: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO page 40  to read about BEYONCE DIAMONDS, & Presidential Model.   <<DIAMONDSBETA>>      --> HAPPYFACE is described on PAGE 32 [katy perry]


** 7:47am Sat March 14, 2020 - To those Targeted by DANNYS AGENCY: POST THIS PHRASE WHERE YOU CAN SEE IT AND READ IT CONSTANTLY: "The Actions of the Targeted MK Ultras are, IN REALITY, THE ACTIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION. [because targeting completely removes the FREE WILL of an individual.]  THERE IS NO MORE DIRT. YOU ARE FREE. SPEAK ; TELL EVERYONE WHAT THEY DO."  <<they made their soldiers LEAVE when they read it on my notes LAST NIGHT.>>


** 10:57PM fri mar 13, 2020 UPDATES TO LOVE DRUG RECOVERY; requesting FEEDBACK from other mks! *** 


*** 8:22PM fri mar 13, 2020 - pages 1 - 55 are now available in PDF FORMAT, scroll down under the INTRODUCTION SECTION. ***


*** 4:24pm Fri March 13, 2020 -DO NOT DRINK BLUE MILK --> EMBALMING FLUED [ASTRAL INTRUDER] "cut our losses." ***


*** 9:56am Friday March 13, 20220 DEMOCRATS: these are some things I've learned about them RECENTLY. They have a Pedophile obsession, they make people into sexual perverts, DONKEY SEX SHOWS, mules and drug running, their BETA FARMS are responsible for creating DIAMONDS BETAS. wHEN they are active, the eye ball recording device focusing on sexual body parts of other people around me. They have DEEP PERVERSIONS THAT THEY WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO HAVE AS WELL.


*** 4AM THURS mARCH 12 -->  NEW BULLETIN: LAW FIRMS, local and national CORPORATIONS ***


*** 11:56am Sunday March 8th, 2020 - I'm under the impression that these updates have created DISTRESS for Danny's handlers. I believe that they will now attempt to go back to ALL the women he has "Love Drugged" in the past and try to kill them. Their live are in GRAVE danger. The Death Programs will be run on them. These are truly horrific even if you survive them. I would know...they were done to me. Please notify EVERYONE *****


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