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Targeting tech --> Abduction Tech

Abduction tech

Mon. Jan. 25, 2021 6:27am


Abduction tech & “drops”

Abduction tech can remove items from your home and its reverse function called “drops” put items into your home. These are a few observations on how Abduction-tech and drops have been used on me: a Targeted Individual, A C.I.A. ‘experiment’/personal agenda, a LDS Target, a Disney Target, ect.


For T.I.’s

Abduction-tech Methods

  • abduction transport

    • moves a person to another location

    • antigravity craft have abduction-tech; when used, it removes a person from their home and they transport them elsewhere while onboard. Antigravity craft all come with cloaking tech, just as cars are made with locks for the doors. When the person is “dropped” back in their home they’re memory wiped or time-tech is used on them so they don’t have conscious recall of the experience.

  • abduction of items



Items stolen by Targeters are primarily to crush the will-to-live from their targets. Those are done usually by clones 3-6’s and are a result of previous black arts attacks or remote MK ULTRA programs being done to the target. Some examples of items that are stolen include:

  • Clothing items

  • House wears

  • Jewellery – diamonds attacks after a marriage is intentionally destroyed via targeting tech or black arts, they often abduct the wedding jewellery (Clones 3-6s) . Sometimes they make the man or woman “throw it away” first to make it seem less suspicious.

  • Gifts


Items I’ve had abducted/stolen include: a diamond channel set ring, a bikini, a lego set given to my nephew for his birthday; my mothers wedding ring. (many other things over the years.)


12:47am  Black arts abduct hair and underwear for their rituals via abduction-tech from their targets. You’ve all been lied to and given base programming. Your actions aren’t your own.


Reverse-Abductions: Drops

Most tech has reverse funtions or opposite settings that can be applied. I’m not sure of all the agendas behind “drops” as each type of drop might have a different motive. Targeter assignments are given to kids, teens, and adults. Targeters who are Originals or clones 1-2 usually are unaware of the hidden agendas behind the things they’re forced to do. These are some examples of drops:

  • Child Targeters drop bugs like ants, tiny spiders, or moths in Targeted homes

  • Ribbon or strings (unsure – Disney indicator)

  • Fake Divine particles: to make people “look crazy” – they’re embedded with hologram technology that has mind-control tech in them. (I think; what else do they do?) Fake Divine particles look more like glitter size.

  • An example of a Clone 6 drop: a gigantic tarantula in our bathroom. Why was that done?



For a while I wrote on a piece of paper: “positive drops!” In hopes that I would have something nice to write about Targeters dropping nice things instead of just weird or bad things.


*real divine particles are very tiny and often provide pain relief if applied to the body. I used that method last week on my neck during decapitations [see: What are death-defiers?] and it reduced the sensations to make things more bearable. 




Abduction Tech “Drops” & Divine Particles


7:32pm  Friday Jan. 7:32pm

3yr: to death-defiers (for relief and psychological peace…)

When you find the Divine Particles in your home, some of them are fake that Targeters make and “drop.” Sometimes these are noticeable as they’re too big or not as lovely. How many other things have Targeters “dropped” on you? For me I noticed one guy did ants onces ina while. Yesterday one guy “dropped” a tiny fruit fly… was it a meta human?


Abduction tech reverses into “drops” which can be positive, neutral, or negative. When you’re Targeted, you’re usually abducted-stolen from (have items gone missing) and get gross things dropped.” [indicator]. Things like bugs and insects are usually dropped on targets by kid alters using kid targeting software.


I think maybe some Targeters made some fake Divine Particles that are being dropped on death-defiers and other people. WHY? whats the agenda there? The chemical breakdown of the authentic particles is written about on the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation website (they have the tech to make things like this). Why are Targeters making fake particles? [the fake ones are too big; they’re going to make them miniscule now.] can you imagine being them? :P


Tips: real Divine Particles reduce in size after a day or two; are often very tiny and emit a lovely light.


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