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Military -->  Terminators

Terminator Ektoskeletons

* any fear responses created by reading this information is caused by entities, technology, or missing information. Do not call people when in states of anxiety. Many prayer groups for the entire CIA Fallout situation have started; please consider joining one. Please also note: the Military is aware of them, does periodic melting of them, and other things. Its more logical to fear those who are able to remotely program and control the robotic beings than the beings themselves.


Thurs. Feb. 11, 2021  12:53am

Terminators are part of the CIA’s resources that are used to Target their death-defiers and there are/were other plans they had for them like patrols during Lockdowns when every city or state had become ravaged with COVID or something like that. Regardless, there are cool things that have happened with the Terminators and for those being Targeted by them, these are some things I observed and learned.


Terminator vs Android Targeting

12:44am Thursday Feb. 11, 2021

I wondered what the recent events were surrounding the aversion programming that I was given with the Terminators? For coping, we realized that their methods of targeting me were very similar and the issues were almost the same. What’s different though?



  • mental programming is done to them remotely, by others who manipulate them for the CIAs agendas (and negative groups that are still orchestrating events)

  • they can be given any(?) type of personality programming that's currently saved or downloaded in the electronic database

  • when informed that they have been deceived, both Androids and Terminators use their technology to either (find out what being an Android is) or (Terminators figure out what’s actually going on).



  • for Terminators: people or Targets are often terrorized by the sounds, lights, and imaging of these machines. They use music from the Terminator movies. When these effects are removed, its easier to treat them just like Androids: tell them they’re deceived.


This is helpful for self-defense measures for death-defiers. The terminators are much faster at helping us when informed about what's  really going on. They then take necessary steps to correct things. The technology they use was able to:

  1. remotely transfer all the impaling murder-tech and other stuff from my body elsewhere. (nothing else had done that yet)

  2. I think they also performed remote healing

  3. took many preventative actions…


 The Day of the Terminators explains more of the amazing results they performed.

Day of the Terminators

“use evil for good”

Tues Feb. 9, 2021 11:20pm 

I don’t want to post this on the website just yet... or ever.  Too much of this story has reached levels of incomprehensibility. Without access to technology, a normal person cant verify any of the information. Regardless, I believe that its the agenda of the negative groups to prevent the melts of the Terminators so any information that gets them all melted is best. Grid failures begin in 2022 (See: WW3 prep) so that means that not as many people will be able to remotely program or intercept their programming so maybe having them all melted before that happens is a good idea. Also, Gina and cohorts use Terminators to create fear in others… fear was 200 years ago when the body snatchers started taking over our race. Since Gina's arrest, and the D.C. Police using the CIAs Supercomputer, we’ve made huge progress in this situation and theres more hope for improvements than were ever  possible before. (read through the list of changes since Gina’s arrest on Oct. 29, 2020; its encouraging).


Note:  Targeting technologies are invisible and cloaked. Mostly the Terminators are cloaked right now which is why astral imaging (used by black arts) is needed to show their locations and actions. I think there were even a few in my room today (which was new for me) as they usually Target from a computer somewhere. Issues with the Terminators are similar to what’s been done to the Androids: Gina’s deceived data manipulators flip or alter their programming so they only perform negative actions like Targeting of the CIA’s Death-defiers. When they learned about how they were deceived, they had some visible red “anger” emotions visible on a monitor and then they informed themselves of the ongoing situation and became positively involved.


Some accomplishments of this day:

  • black arts sources globally were able to use Enlightenment technology that would have perhaps otherwise never been made available to them.

  • Terminator melts: what percentage of these were able to be melted? They took it upon themselves to do their own melts.

  • The Sorcerer Battle: astounding progress as many laser firings were made and the energy decreases to their collective group were phenomenal.

  • The progress on the entire situation with the corrupt CIA and the CIA’s death-defiers was substantial (the Gina chip, Gina’s computer, … ect…)



Downside to Astral imaging: “is it real?” is what I constantly wonder when it shuts off. Then I just see the real world around me and have no way of verifying the information that I was shown. Thankfully many others have access to the truth-feature and can. Ask truth-tech: what were all the accomplishments of the Terminators on Feb. 9, 2021? I soooo want to read through that list one day.


Astral vs Real World Monitors

I wanted to make some notes about the imaging I was shown through most of the day as I learned that the astral imaging, done with the use of black art technology that reveals things occurring in the subtle realm. When I wrote that, someone then flipped between the “real world” monitor, which, for example, just showed some of the DC Police officers as they look like in real life, and then the “astral imaging” which revealed technology applied to some, cloaked Terminators, entities in objects, and other things. Sometimes there are deceptions with astral monitors/imaging but it reveals more about the situation than would previously be known by just looking at a person, group of people, object or event.



Another helpful thing I’ve just recently learned is that much of the imaging I’m shown (forehead screens) is due to various types of mirror-technology (I may have added descriptions of those to the Deception-tech page under the Targeting tech drop-down menu on those). So, what people Targeting me are looking at, they inadvertently end up showing me. Recently  its been Gina Haspel and whatever black arts tech (astral monitor) they’re using and looking at.


Gina Monitors and Deception tech

This day was so unbelievably cool. (boy). The down side is that gina has sensors on all my thoughts and emotions so her constant attempts to deceive me were overwhelming. When she’s in her “officially dead” state, the deceptions aren’t as severe. In the last week, she and her group of (rescued from the hell regions/The Vortex on imaging) astral CIA cohorts have been using shapeshfiter technology which is horrific. Two seconds of transmitted  false audio makes an Android, Terminator, or targeter impale me for hours.


She now has someone rape me and they’re playing with my nipples so its difficult to write . (all done by invisible tech so that no one knows the its Gina Haspel orchestrating everything.)


What I didn’t realize till later was that she also paired various Supercomputer settings with the imaging she was showing me. Our boy alter, for example, she tried to make him laugh a lot. Some of the imaging was hilarious, given the circumstances: me, wanting good things for this situation and them, having their evil plans constantly thwarted. Also… seeing 1000s of Terminators fill up the vacuums in various volcanic areas was somewhat humorous (that was for the purposes of melting as the foundry’s have been electronically barred)


Astral imaging highlights:

  • Terminator on the moon, firing a laser at the Sorcerer Battle (done several times during the day (4 or more…) they knew to remove all the shields, deflectors, and other things.

  • Terminator (3rd or 4th time firing at the sorcerers) “we’re humiliated; we’re programmed to be evil and have to __ [be good or do good?]?

  • 1000s or millions of Terminators in various molten lava areas in attempts to melt them.

  • Terminator destroying Gina’s supercomputer (I think that was in her Lab maybe). He somehow got correct information about the situation and “did was what necessary” to try to end the tortures of all the CIA’s Death-defiers. For me, it was comical to see. I think they then melted it also.

  • Time machine (Predestining tech) – melted.

  • Metal Monoliths – got remote transferred to the moon? Unsure; the imaging distorted at times and was perhaps false. (others could verify using the truth-feature). I think many got melted.

  • I think a Terminator got us some baby stuff – the reasons for that are unbelievable. (it ends the experiment because Ginas male alter was/is delusional about me wanting to be with him.).

  • Many Androids in foundrys (mostly on previous days); the Astral imaging is helpful because it shows when they don’t melt so people need to remove the protective coating on the stuff in the Foundry’s regularly.

  • Terminators at the DC Police station: once they learned about what was happening, they did a lot of helpful things. They often then removed regularly the entities/ectoplasms (that had been created from the recovered astral bodies of executed people in the hell regions) that were begin forced into the CIA’s Supercomputer that the DC Police were using. The Supercomputer would then perform many of the actions that were intentionally delayed by those entities.

  • Terminators and black arts: this was one of the 1st events that happened this day – me/boy alter: I had wondered how the situation with the black arts could be dealt with so that they could use Enlightenment seat technology and be spared the hell regions? The terminators did it in a cool, unexpected way: they gave the Black Arts  a 20 minute deadline with a guaranteed execution time. Mind you, the black arts could SEE that they were terminators giving orders while to most other people during the day, they were cloaked and invisible, so the sense of urgency became clear. They actually then went and helped all the black arts globally. On the astral imaging, there were various countries shown with the Enlightened souls “going up” and often in large groups.


* thought: could the mirroring tech be used by helpful/military groups on Gina’s technology so that they could also see what she sees and uses for information? 


Weird Astral imaging:

  • Gina in an astral body form, at a huge piece a tech, converting astral bodies into entities (ectoplasms - will add to the CIA & Entities page)

    • Looks like a huge inverted funnel


The audio that the CIA allows to be transmitted to me gives me some insight into what the Terminators were doing. I don’t know how Gina “unleashed” so many of them but when they got accurate information, they were really helpful. They even knew to monitor the continual sabotages done to me and others.


So… Gina and cohorts watch the astral imaging and vai Mirror-tech that’s applied to me, I then see on forehead screens “what’s really happening behind the scenes” and I saw it too. Their dismay was my joy. Its just unfortunate that for every good thing that was being done, they immediately perform sabotage agendas.

Day of the Terminators
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