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Targeting Indicators: Big Bang Theory
(The Cast is likely Targeted in Real life as well...)



Sheldon’s character is very unique for several reasons but most especially some aspects of him are typical for a person who’s been Targeted throughout their life. His T.I. symptoms continue throughout almost every episode. My child alter likes his character a lot because “he’s just like me.” Though unintentional, a person becomes hated by others constantly and our child and his child alter have that in common.  The way children interact with others is very different than how teenagers or adults and as a person ages, having the child alter “front” at times makes things confusing and complicated. Most of their words and actions are interpreted as rude when they’re just being honest in describing things.  Let’s consider some of his indicators:

  1. bodily pains/distortions - he measures his tongue once and comments, “its not as long as it used to be.” Targeting does weird things like this that alters parts of the physical body.

  2. he has a child alter, though a super intelligent one, which is most often dominant. This suggests prolonged suffering or trauma throughout childhood.

  3. normal things are difficult: he says that “it’s too intimate” at the thought of reaching his hand into the pop dispensing machine.

  4. his personality is one type of result from years of targeting: his friends find him obnoxious and difficult to be around.

  5. he’s hated by almost everyone. This is done intentionally by targeting to isolate a person. Their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are under the control of others so its simple to do to a person to cause them misery. They become loners and prefer isolation as a way to survive.

  6. forced forgetting of important things: “you forgot your flash drive, you forgot your flash drive…” while on the train to san fransisco in the early episodes. Sheldon is not the type of person to forget anything. He’s meticulous.

  7. birthdays: his birthday is not revealed until much later in the show as there is a lot of suffering around it. He was often isolated and didn’t have friends as a child. The pain of that is more noticeable on birthdays.

  8. oldest child syndrome: it seems logical that the oldest child would be targeted more than the others, just because it understands more than the others. This applies more to other targeted families I’ve observed than his character.

  9. fights – are easy to provoke. You just push a button and a person feels angry, even if they’re not. When is anger felt? Later in the evening sitting and “thinking” about events earlier in the day. This is actually intentionally created using the tech screen images, subliminal commands to feel or think certain ways, and combined with manufactured emotions it’s incredibly difficult to separate from. This was done to a friend and I who normally got along very well.  etc. Sheldon and Penny have a fight where he puts her laundry outside of the building. Its strange and it’s the kind of things Targeters would force on a person because it’s weird.


Myself  [BC Tel early years tormenting my family]

  1. violence in the family – the dynamics between his mother and father are unusual and strange. Some of his coping behaviours are expected and he becomes frightened around others who argue. For my family, the physical fights between the kids and sometimes my parents often left holes in the drywall. Sometimes this happens due to “jerk of movement” triggers that force a body part to move faster than it normally would.

  2. things fall over a lot – things break, are damaged easily, especially around and with children. Targeted families with young children suffer tremendously as all of their actions create a constant stress drain on the parents. How many meal times did we spill our drinks? Dad was always angry.

  3. misunderstanding and miscommunications – are frequent and common. Subliminal commands, forced behavrious and them knowing your next action makes it easy to sabotage.

  4. young children – are easily manipulated by the technology and create more messes than usual. Stuff just gets ruined faster as the child is unable to mentally defend against the subliminal commands. My nephew left a huge chocolate streak on the couch a few months ago. Targeters are familiar with ways to make things worse for others. Give him a chocolate covered cookie, space the child out so it cant think (mental blanking), move him around to the living room and he doesn’t even notice his fingers have melted chocolate all over them.

  5. Holes in clothes - I had a Blue sweater I got once when my family went to Walmart when it used to be located by the Bed Bath and Beyond. I didn’t get many things as a child but that sweater I wore a lot for several years and in high school. My brother even gave it a name: “blue steal.” It eventually got holes as certain lasers burn holes in clothing easily or make white colors turn yellow from BURNs tech.  

  6. static - on bedding, clothes, jackets to the point where nothing gets rid of it. ELECTRONIC indicator.

  7. “scratch pad” activates on the back of the neck. Type of frequency is applied to make the skin itchy. These can be applied to feet and nipples as well (because, they violate every part of your body.)



Child alter apects:

  1. He’s also condescending and rude. For adults this behaviour isn’t acceptable but for children, it’s much more understandable. How do children talk and explain things? The fact that his intellect is superior to most complicates things for him.




to BC tel guys: (they read everything we write and they torture us so we need some jokes with them sometimes!) 3yr :-)

Orange jumpsuits and cigarettes buddy!!! Me and your cell mate J cant wait till your in jail!  Can Lockheed get the BC tel guys in jail? They would have more info on them than I do… addresses, names, some of THEIR FRIENDS would be REALLY helpful we think.


BC Tel/TELUS/BC Hydro has tortured my family for FOUR GENERATIONS. They know it, I know it. The longer you stick around the more incriminating things I’ll find. What’s the debt you owe us so far?

  1. Murder of my mothers parents and how much you obtained from all the Life Insurance Policies on THEM? They were too poor to have any kind of life insurance.

  2. My MOM. – her hatred toward me and all her mental health problems. Loss of her WEDDING RING. Destroyed their marriage.

  3. My DAD – always angry, hated his children.

  4. MY LIFE. – detailed description of suffering in the DID category, BC tel version.

    1. Snowboarding accident in 2001; destroyed my body. Couldn’t walk normally for a long time. Eventually had knee surgery.

    2. Irritable bowl syndrome for a decade to my host. Stomach still distends constantly to this tech. tech can do that.

    3. Forced rape of me at 3 years old which created a male alter and permanent 3 year old.

    4. Forced “dating” and sexual assaults throughout adolescence

    5. Rape and sexual assaults in high school.


To Telus/BC Hydro/BC tel:

It would have been more intelligent at this point to put together some kind of compensation. But at least now everyone will learn about you, your name, your face, and how many you’ve done this too, how much you’ve defrauded from all the local Life Insurance Companies, how many you’ve murdered.


Were YOU the ones that targeted the Big Bang Theory cast? Cuz... they have some resources for legal actions that others do not.

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