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Military --> Negs


The Non-Human Component [NEGS]:
Negative Beings, Entities, Shapeshifters, & Body Snatchers


Dec. 29, 2020 5:07am

The Neg race - Body Snatcher Battle - was fought on Nov. 16, 2020 and in 2.5 hours the entire race was eliminated. Many other Neg races were annihilated in the month of November 2020. See The Battles direct link and drop-down menu.


update: July 13, 2020

It's important to be aware that Non-humans likely or usually have several human clones (to replace them when/if they're "busy"), a possible Android replica as well, and perhaps other things I'm currently unaware of. Please read through the page on Standard Procedures to learn more about what's done to people in positions of authority. There is likely also a specific type of badge, patch or insignia that visibly indicates non-humans, androids, and clones. (Need to learn what these are). In the mean time, learn about how badges and patches are really used. Shapeshifters is a related page...


Some Targeting indicators specific to Non-Humans:

"minutia" - you are criticized for trivial and/or mundane matters

visible lack of dignity, loss of freedom, forced actions, and perhaps "obsessions"

Learn more about how to Identify Invisible sources of Targeting under the T.I. category link.


Update: July 10, 2020 9:53pm Shapeshifter identity Images posted at the bottom.

WARNING: Please do NOT post information on Non-humans unless you KNOW that you have spiritual protection. They will literally kill you.


Sunday June 7, 2020 - * In progress*

This article needs to be written but I get nice things when talking about it as they do not want this known to anyone. *it may take me a few days to recover once this is posted*. People NEED to know.  This is partly the reason that President Trump also included the phrase “if you have a soul” in his State of the Union address, the one that Nancy Pelosi so disrespectfully tore. See page on Pelosi in the Manuscript on the homepage: [its in the link on President Trumps T.I. page


There was another page written under the L.D.S. link explaining some of the reptilian connections to the gateway on the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City Utah.


This is also another way of exonerating good people as there are truly terrifying beings that forced them to continue their evil agendas, one of which includes MK ULTRA and DIAMOND BETAS.


Beings and entities can also perform MK Ultra traumas to humans.


Beings are more physical and often used cloaked craft. They would usually abduct the person, traumatize & rape them and then leave them to survive. What I remember distinctly is rage beyond what is literally possible for a human being to have. Exponential. This was done to me. An example of non-human rage are the fires done to large portions of Australia by some of these beings.



Like reptilians, are more subtle in nature and don’t use ships. They have highly advanced ESP among other things. Most would not survive their attacks. I’m forced to live so at the very least others can be made aware of true things that are being done.


MK ULTRA agenda

Why is the world so evil? Hive mind is almost everywhere in the protests. 5G will remove almost the last little bit of freedom from humans. Technology and control is the agenda of negative beings because they can very easily override it. Remember that humans in general want: happiness, peace, and freedom while the MK ULTRA agenda is in direct opposition to that. It creates shame to both the handler and the slave. Handlers are given base programming so that they believe the lie that it’s somehow enjoyable to remove power from another human being.


Types – Shapeshifters

We’ve tried to “out” some of these individuals so that their human crimes can at least get them out of their positions of power and into jail. I am incredibly reluctant to name them but a few include General Berger & the Obamas. Just look at their positive contributions to humanity and you’ll see that there aren’t many. What did Obama do for the Country during his presidency? I was in deep trauma the last decade and it’s taken President Trump a lot to recover from what Obama did.



Page -->  in the manuscript. How to Identify Non-Human Entities (page 450 + 476)


How to Identify Non-Human Targeting

(that look & act like human beings)

  1. Anger/behavioral responses beyond what a normal human is capable of

  2. severe brutality

  3. normal human behavior has to be explained to them as they do not act within the proper limits

  4. they force people to rape each other

  5. they cause physical deformities to humans: burns, teeth breaking, knuckle breaking

  6. they HATE when human beings are in love.

  7. they Hate when Humans are happy (thus, kill joy)

  8. I’m unsure about their fear responses. Can he feel fear?

  9. Enforce the use of technology everywhere, regardless of need or logic (some or a lot of tech is necessary to keep their bodies more solid)

  10. Enforcement of the MK ULTRA agenda even though its shameful for both handler and slave.

Who’s Really In Control?


If all humans are MK Ultra, who’s running the US government? Who’s flipping alters? This is a common tactic they use when they’re confronted with incriminating evidence – just flip the alter of the person and the problem goes away. Memory wiping humans is another method they use. “How long can I get away with this?” How they all think…


For good human beings in positions of power, it seems like “standard procedure” to:

  1. make them MK Ultra

  2. give them __# of clones,

  3. have honest individuals become T.I.’s so they look bad.


What can be done ? 


More can be read about on the page: "What the Objective of the U.S. Military When There's. No War... " drop down under Military link.



Humans vs. Other stuff

The Humans Vs. Other Stuff Scorecard below will be updated as changes occur... Spiritual Remedies make good things happen for Humans.


Shapes wont give me Freedom


Friday July 10, 2020  8:53am

Which one’s Target me? Obama Shape, and I just learned that Indy Shape does too (Berger Shape did but he got killed by a Disney Zeta black arts attack that landed on the entire Navy). It was helpful to learn that a) shapes can die and b) that it makes the entire situation involving whatever “identity” they’ve taken over to become easier to deal with. Aka, I don’t bother with General Berger anymore cuz… I mean his human clone apologized once or twice even when we clarified some things. He’s just under mind control from… non-human stuff so whatever to that.


So we’re hoping that obliterating the Obama Shape will diffuse the entire “I’m a US Marines Experiment” situation. So please, assist me in this regard à full force attack on Obama Shape. It makes everything easier.


I’ll only name shapes that target me and cause me suffering: Michelle & Barack Obamas (Military source) and Indy (Disney source… cuz he tried to erase the #8 Iris Disney identifier from my iris just an hour or 2 ago.)  is the new one we learned about. I don’t know how they operate as a group. I think they go to “iguana mountain” for their creatures and then eat babies at the “baby face” mountain. (See article: Secrets of the LDS church - drop down menu under LDS category - hover).    


Non-humans are the reason we’re unable to rid the world of the Covid Bioweapon. Obama even has and knows where the cure/antidote is and wont share it with anyone. How cruel is that? Even humans are reasonable…

Milk. Is what indy winners get. 😊. Josef Newgarden. Does him have clones then? Seems…logical that he would. These are also the reason why my fiancé and I are unable to meet or get married…


Shape Targeters:

  1. Barack Obama (US Marines)

  2. Michelle Obama

  3. General Berger (Marines, died).

  4. Josef Newgarden (indy driver)

  5. Unidentified…

Please note: it is ONLY recommended to write or speak about truthful Obama crimes when you are under Spiritual Protection. It is NOT safe to do so otherwise.


added: July 10, 2020  9:30pm

Strange Obama stuff:

  1. Super weird looking (non-human, human) bodyguard. Blatantly obvious metal plates or something in this “guys” head. 1min video clip on here: ; another article that references this:

  2. Clip from 0:17min, blatant technology voice distorter was active when he was speaking. This indicates: he’s manipulated by technology. I’m unable to discern if this is Shape Obama or clone #2. Point 2: minute 1:20… ish. he’s SUCH a good liar!!! – it’s an artform he’s literally mastered. 2min – Obama is soooo good at ripping people apart. It’s called “deflection” and it’s a technique used to draw attention away from the real issue and use another person as a source of blame. He seems to enjoy pointing out the flaws of others. Personal note: I truly feel so…. Empathetic and sorrowful for all the loving and kind human beings in the political area that literally try so hard to bring improvements to the American economy but cant get anywhere because of him. It’s unfortunate. Obama is “the one bad apple” that ruins the bunch. What was the issue that wasn’t addressed? Reducing the deficit… why should that not be a goal? Why is that bad? Where is Obama spending all the American money… “I’m an Experiment of the US Marines.” He just throws money away. 50-100 airplanes or helicopters fly directly over my head on some days.“10 years before 9/11/01 watch to the end” video.

  3. Who are Obama’s “friends” and “supporters” . Other non-humans:

Shapeshifter Obama and Shapeshifter Michelle passed recently - Aug 28, 2020 & September 1, 2020 respectively. We wrote in detail our experiences of the events on the Shapeshifter page.


July 27, 2020 3:07pm

Non humans

Mark Milley Non human and Lockheed Martin Ethics Division Leo S. Mackay, Jr. have been targeting me for several hours today. Leo Mackay has been subjected to Standard Military Procedures. Along with the NORAD non-humans, one of them likely programs CIA Director Gina Haspel’s psychopathic male zeta alter that’s performed Mass Genocide by refusing to release the COVOD-19 antidote. His name is John and “He” loves torture.

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