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Disney's Targeting Methods

When Disney Targets You

"Do you believe in magic?" Disney does. THEIR METHODS are listed somewhat under "THEAGENCY" section. They use black magic and white magic to accompany their tech attacks.  Some attack programs include: the Love Drug Program (done to single women) and DIAMONDS (done to attack relationships). These are described more fully in the sexual addictions category.


Their tech + magic

Can create a sexual addict out of anyone. This was one of the most terrifying things that was done to me (it has been removed and can be undone).  They can turn you into a porn star, prostitute, pedophile, stripper, homosexual, etc using a BASE PROGRAM. It's described more fully in the MK Ultra manual (bulletin link). Images on [targeting tech] mental screens are paired with manufactured emotions like "love" along with feelings of sexual arousal. It happens very fast and it's incredibly helpless to observe your body feeling these things. It's very simple and easy for them to do to a person. To make you into a pedophile they take over your physical body with the sexual arousal activation (done via remote targeting technology) and pair it with feelings of LOVE (remote satellite activation) while being forced to look at images of children.  This way they always have "DIRT" ON YOU. This is what Disney does to people. Why are so many Billionaires pedophiles?! Disney wants it that way...



How to Identify Disney Targeting on Others

Long Island Medium Example

  1. RED EYE recording device (new information as of yesterday). Is visible in photographs.

  2. black magic – she made comments about her “gift” changing and it seemed like negative entities mislead her in some instances. Hair fall, injuries, health problems, inflammation, abnormal swelling. theres a bulletin available describing B.M. in more detail.

  3. white magic – “waste time, money, energy, resources…” she went to hair school and did many extraneous activities that her family thought were strange. – weird, strange things are white magic. “blame, shame, humiliate.”

  4. marriages – either triangles or divorces are common. Often, divorce’s “lose” their old wedding rings that are actually stolen via technology.


This is just very simplistic and could be written about in greater detail.


Other illegal technology used: (these are all invisible and operate via satellite technology; anyone can have these on their body)

  1.  implants. IN brain: noticeably different from military ones as it has an audible phrase accompany it as well as obvious "white magic" energies. No other implants did that. In body: these (when triggered) prompt immediate movements of the physical body. Make you"get up" and do something suggested by ..

  2. Subliminal commands. barely audible; you think it's your own thoughts.

  3. ear piece tech - soldiers can "thought listen" to whomever they affix them to

  4. Bulbous head cap: physical body controls. It's used mostly for "posturing" and Beta marketing: crossed legs, crossed arms, forced hand gestures trigger the alters and flip a person (MK Ultra controls), [LINDSAY LOHAN pic on page 31 of the Manuscript]. it can position the body in any way.

  5. 70's tech screens - are used by the solders as well. They often use FALSE images to mislead, deceive, and intentionally lie. [Disney is 80% lies].

  6. ​



1. Make one look bad/crazy/discredit them

2. blame, shame, humiliate -->  have someone else around to watch

3. make as many people suffer as possible

We have written more extensively about these on The Agency page link.


Set UP – is a Disney attack method

  • Do something out of the ordinary, abnormal or weird

  • Someone else ends up humiliated or shamed

  • They end up attacking me


Brief Description of Set Up Attack:

I’m being manipulated to do something I feel is weird or strange. This was done to me yesterday. I’m “encouraged/forced/manipulated” to edit out the water marks from a photo. This is now officially a set up that’s going to result in me getting attacked unless someone is explained about what is happening. It feels like a white magic attack. Why? Because removing the watermark feels “enjoyable, relaxing, and easy.” It was just an image used temporarily but somehow it feels like something bad is going to happen because of this action. White magic “opens the path” to doing a task or an activity that will later result in an attack (boomerang effect). Thank you Disney, for showing me this method. I had forgotten about it and now I can describe it more accurately. Maybe others will learn more Disney attack methods as well and could defend themselves better than I.



How White magic is used: (this is described more on the White Magic Attacks Page)

  1. makes a person look crazy, do strange things.

  2. image of white gloves is seen on the tech screen

  3. sequence of events is shown or object of attack is seen

  4. bad things happen to you/and/or that person

  5. WEIRD - when things are just weird and feel "off" its a huge indicator Disney is around and doing stuff.


White magic can be used for "good" but it's mostly just neutral. If Disney is using it for "good" there's a "bad" reason for it. HAPPYFACE and Beta marketing are examples of that.  It generally just manipulates things. It is what' sued to create ILLUSORY energies as shown on the Bob Chapek photo. --> . These TRADEMARKS of theirs we have listed in the Index of the PDF version of the manual found on the homepage. An example of whit magic attack that have been done to me is "always have something to write about." So then I was writing pages and pages of information that was being posted for the document. So it was "good" because it generated a lot of content for others but then they used it as a way to get others to attack me: "she just wont shut up" and then I was attacked even more severely. Disney did that to me for about 5 days straight, just to increase the tortures I was receiving.


Black magic

We have a file in the Bulletins link called Black Magic 101 that describes some of their methods.


Disney's Targeting:

They send Soldiers (deltas', betas, thetas, etc) from the E.U. Battlegroup to stalk, harass, trespass, violate, manipulate women and couples. These men are T.I.s and have no free will; their Targeting Agency controls them fully and is responsible for all of their actions. This is on top of them already being MK Ultras. They need to begin lawsuits against the targeting Agency for all the things they are and have been forced to do. NO DIRT.


Assassins are programmed with an implant or chip in their brain which activates a series of physical body movements. The arm raises, the target is identified, the finger pulls the trigger. It's a complete override of the free will of the person. This is similar to how Alpha alters are programmed on the battle field with activating commands like "alpha bravo niner nine." They perform a series of instructions and actions which have been embedded previously during moments of excruciating trauma. The solder are also controlled via HIVEMIND. Who controls the hivemind? rewire it to get a group class action lawsuit started.




Bob Chapek visited me yesterday. He gave me something called GOOFY JUICE. It makes you feel HAPPY, GIDDY. I was also being subjected to HAPPYFACE during the experience so there was that component as well. Some of the other Targeters were perhaps wondering because they WATCH MY FACE as I drive around. They communicate via their high tech screens that they just put in your forehead when its convenient for them. Some of them use audio.  cuz their CLOAKED CRAFT hover low to the ground; they use them like cars actually. Its weird.) what all the smiling and funny facial expressions were about. Honestly it was kind of a relief from all the excessive torture. Unfortunately, I’ve come to learn that this is what’s given to children before they’re raped and sexually abused. Sheldon’s character, in the Big Bang Theory, has an aversion to the GOOFY character when him and Penny visit Disneyland. Sheldon’s alter is a YOUNG CHILD. He says, “no, Goofy, noooo.” And has nightmare of him. This indicates that the children KNOW that the GOOFY JUICE is bad, even though they feel “good.”

                Where are the children raped? Underground areas too? Different area than the kids in cages? The goofy juice makes the trauma harder to see and identify.

                The Disney Corporation has not yet provided any compensation. Their client list is INCREDIBLY VISIBLE. Any person who has ever had or continues to have CONTACT with a CELEBRITY wearing: DIAMONDS, RUBIES, OR EMERALDS will be given SEVER fines for crimes to humanity. 

                The Military uses a different system for identifying their 3 tiers of “tortured women.” They needed it to be separate from what Disney uses: PEARLS, CHAINS, COINS? Or COPPER? That’s why Mr. Possenreides wife was wearing an excessive amount of PEARLS in the photo. I don’t want to show her face; he makes money off of her “services.” This is what these men do.  So… any photos or videos of military men or other men in the corporate world use these other indicators. Is this a world of women’s equality?

Disney profits double 100 Billion from 2018 to 2019

Pre-Meditated Murder

Another aspect of Targeting involves taking out multiple Life Insurance Policies on an Individual. When the targeting tech or black magic finally kills them, the Agency cashes in on their death. FRAUD. You can see that in just a few short years, they could amass BILLIONS. This is why most Billion dollar industries kill; it's easy money.



Disney tactics:

  1. BLAME, shame, humiliate

  2. discredit - make them look like liars.

  3. make them look crazy,

  4. cause as much suffering to as many people as possible --> REVERSE THIS


Disney tools:

  1. HAPPYFACE – usually it’s THE OPPOSITE of how a person really feels

  2. HATREDBUILDER – get as many ppl to hate a person as possible; usually this involves lies, deceptions, and partial truths

  3. BASE PROGRAM – image + feeing + behviour. Can be modified in any way for whatever purpose. Can make an addict out of anyone. It involves PAIRING for behavior modification.


Disney methods:

  1. white magic

  2. black magic

  3. targeting technology

  4. DIRT. --> is FORCED actions it makes a slave do to ensure it has something to use to keep the slave quiet.


These are just a few things we’ve learned in the last few months


Slander Tech:

(I was forced to re-experienced Saturday May 23, 2020)

I can feel them hover over me now as I type and write this. Zeta plus Christine Maccarthy VP of Disney Finances. They need a Zeta there to hide all their fraud billions. She knows the answers to ALL of President Trumps questions. 


Disney Violates Your Electronic Records

There are also missing words and phrases form my website that are strictly related to Disney content. How much can I sue the company for ________ removal of civil liberties, trespass onto my private property, modification and tampering of electronic equipment?


Saturday May 23, 2020 7:41am

Earlier this morning, in a daze I was made semi conscious to listen to their slander program they do to many individuals. This is the procedure.



  1. image is shown in my forehead

  2. force response” device is activated and a description of the image is heard auditory and is projected out into the air around my head.

  3. Someone else is around to listen while a Disney employee/Battlegroup member or Disney Zeta activates the mental screen and forced response device

  4. The Disney employee then guides the unsuspecting bystander to an intentional misinterpretation of the words they’ve just heard coming from my head. I guess to them it seems like I’m responding to a question they have about me. It’s all invisible; I cant see who it is.

  5. my attempts to correct the misunderstandings are MUTE. The others cannot hear MY words or phrases and instead believe the lies that Disney had just made about me.


This device seems different than the technology that General Berger uses as it is much less efficient, has obvious Disney influences, and was done to me so many times in the last decade I’m so incredibly familiar with it.


How else do they get people to torture me? They have to tell others lies; I do nothing wrong. This is THEIR METHODS. I think they do this to all their MK Ultras: CELEBRITIES and “regular” MK’s.


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