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The C.I.A.  --> S.S. Men & Soul Transfers


S.S. Men & Soul Transfers



10:49pm Sat. Nov. 28, 2020

The Soul Transfer process removes the person’s Supercausal body (energy) and puts it elsewhere. Either in things like inanimate objects like electronics, furniture, A.I., or into other living beings like cyborgs, animals, and perhaps other people.  


Purpose: it removes the ability to feel emotions in a person. [How many Targeters has this also been done to?]. it also reduces a person’s will to live; the CIA Zeta alters did this frequently just to humiliate a person.


Procedure:  I think it can be done to anyone. I’m not sure if the person is abducted for the procedure or if it’s just done via remote tech. The trauma of absolute helplessness and terror for the Soul Transfer itself is substantial as I saw the cruel and heartless person doing it to me. It felt like my being was liquid and was being poured into a container.


Who are the people that know about this tech and perform this procedure? Can each persons “soul” be identified and returned to them? Soul-transfer Bednar looks traumatized beyond belief because of the soul removal component – I wonder where or what they put it into? I also just learned today that another way that I gained intel from the tech-reversals was from overhearing the Locator tech, used by others, describing people I looked at. Ie. “soul transfer Bednar” is one of the Bednar clones that has also had his soul removed.


Personal Experience

On either Monday or Tuesday Nov 23rd or 24th, I consciously experienced the Soul Transfer process. It was absolutely beyond horrific as it was done to me while I was being lacerated, decapitated and was having my body parts severed and reattached on my astral bodies incorrectly. [Invisible, classified, Remote satellite tech]. Was the CIA desperate to kill me or what? The blue monitor type imaging revealed the distortion effects – my child had my adult body. Thankfully, due to the CIA’s Supercomputer that the DC police now control, most of that has since been healed. Regardless, I think the soul transfer process has been done to me on many occasions.


Some Purposes & Functions of SS men

Wednesday May 27, 2020 4:44pm

​Beta Production/MK ULTRA

They are used in Beta Production – MK ULTRA manufacture. They arrive in the arenas with the individuals that have been predetermined to go through the horrific weeks of torture. The men are devoid of feeling, empathy, or compassion. The S.S. men wear NAZI uniforms and I believe they carry UZI’s and when the Beta slaves undergo all the sexual tortures and horrors, the S.S. men are present to enforce the procedures. Their presence in uniform adds to the sense of hopelessness and terror that these individuals experience. Read more about the process of Beta Production – Beta Farms, in the article called Abbotsford Beta Farms (drop down menu under Beta Farms).  



This is obviously only one use for these mind controlled men. They are often in and around my property; sent and controlled by others that deem it necessary to frighten, torment, and harass me. They’re invisible of course but when their weapons touch my body, I know they’re beside me. When I get shocks while opening my vehicle door, I know they’re right beside me. Why torture a 30 year old Canadian woman who’s so heavily disabled she can’t even physically move out of her parents home? This is the type of logic that is in control of these men; but the Beta Farm horrors describe it better.


It would be so great if other survivors could write their stories and I could link to your blogs or websites. I know very little and experience constant memory wiping. I feel like some of the information I present is too distorted (their technology intentionally confuses me) or incomplete. I… have yet to receive one email from anyone with more information. So I just write…and put the  information out there. Fact checking is necessary. Corroboration with others over these things would be useful. We made spaces for blog/website link on one of our pages and want to use it.



I received the S. S. men procedure?

What procedure was done to me?



May 14, 2020 7pm -

These are my written observations :

Swass guy may also be the person that send the excess voltage through my body while I was driving through the farm roads yesterday. This happened at 7pm on Thursday May 14, 2020 while driving North on Bell road, before arriving at Harris. The shock was one of the more intense level ones I’ve experienced so far. It was beyond severe and without the ability to cry, I was just stunned for a very long time. I  pulled the vehicle over and parked.

            The vehicle engine in my car is forced to drive very slowly. Forced constraint. I think they must somehow use the vehicle to charge electricity and shock the body with it. Who has the capability to send that many volts to a person? I wondered how many it takes to kill a person and it’s quite low; my body is subjected to a steady stream of voltage. What was given to me felt excessive to 10-20x over the amount of what would be needed to kill someone. I heard the words: “no soul” a couple of minutes beforehand. This made me think of how they make S.S. men. Perhaps the voltage given me was similar to what SS men receive in their procedure when their souls are removed. Who/what has the capability to send that amount of electricity?

  • weather station

  • military

  • LDS


When it happened, I was driving past an oncoming vehicle who’s muffler and engine noise were incredibly loud. It felt like the voltage was piggybacked from it and somehow transmitted to me at the same moment the cars passed. Does the location have any relevance? I wonder who blocks my ability to feel emotion.

            I also experienced the removal of my will to live; this happened an hour or two before I was forced to go driving. At about 7:21 I felt weird “time” stuff. This indicated to me that the implants in my brain were likely being activated or modified. They can change a persons ability to perceive time; they usually try to create a frame of reference from my past and hold it as a dominant outlook. Probably so I forget everything about 2019 and 2020 that incriminates the military and there excessive epsilon tortures.



Documents Referencing SS Men


Below are some pages from the Manuscript "How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" free PDF available. (link in the Disney Corp section.)

Added July 11, 2020 4:32pm


The photo to the left is from the article "What Are We Comprised of?" from the S.S.R.F. website.  More can be read and learned from the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation. We can learn things about the causes of problems in life, reasons for suffering, why we take on a human birth etc. It has many helpful articles that address human problems from a spiritual perspective. I learned a lot from just simple things: wearing white clothing is actually a protective spiritual defence a person can do as it reduces distressing and black energy from our bodies.


The part of them that's removed is, to the best of my knowledge, the supracausal body which gives the feeling that they are separate from God. How do S.S. men feel about God? Do they feel that God doesn't love them? "God left." This is too heartbreaking. What can we do?

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