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When the Mormon Church Targets You
LDS Targeting Clues

Please also read more under THE AGENCY  link (drop down menu appears when you hover). THE MOTHER, Lenora, is the High Priestess of the Mormon Church and is familiar with the Gamma and Omega Programming component.  Disney and the L.D.S. Church are highly intertwined through their use of MK ULTRA programming.



The Manuscript

Pages 350 - 360 contain some information on the Mormon Church.


Hot crossed buns. These are high ranking pedophiles. They have Remote MK Ultra technology and use it on children from a young age, perhaps while the child is still IN UTERO.


Please look through the Mormon Church and LDS websites as you will find MK Ultra references EVERYWHERE. They have a DIAMONDS ad on their facebook page. A recently DIVORCED woman wearing clearly visible DIAMON EARRINGS… etc. When does THE MOTHER TALK?



They are FOODIES- yummy smells in the EEG, especially for children.

                When they targeted me, I smelled FRESH BAKING, MASHED POTATOES, etc…

Children learn to suck on plastic toys like bananas. It’s very child focused which made me realize that the ones in the highest positions have to be pedophiles to force it on others.  They mentally program the children (the beta alters) to like and enjoy performing sexual actions. They do this by pairing pleasant smells, sounds, and tastes in the EGG while the child is PHYSICALLY PERFORMING THE ACTION.

How does it go undetected? The child never really experiences “reality” but is given a ‘VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE” during the ‘SEXUAL ATTACK”. HIGH TECH TORTURE IS OFFICIALLY OVER ON THIS PLANET. The EEG cap im constantly forced to wear is INVISIBLE, but it’s effects are NON stop. The entire life is completely manipulated and controlled. They make bad things seem good and use that to program the mind.


LDS sexual assault:

 Weds may 6, 2020

  • genital experience arousal, cut off from the rest of the body

  • pressure on breast for a while beforehand



their rhymes” are unique <blanking>. Each organization that uses remote mk ultra has different themes, phrases, images, sounds, songs, words, cues, that flip and program alters.

  • hot cross buns

  • hickory dickory dock

  • one two buckle my shoe

These are very child focused. Pedophilia heavy.

“hold on for a bit” is heard in the audio that’s INSIDE MY BODY, ABDOMEN. It sounds like a gurgly FROG.



The heads of the LDS church are ZETA/THETAS. This means they have positive, spiritual alters as well as demonic, satanic ones. That’s why they seem so strange. Their THETA’S are flipped via targeting tech (frequencies) for appearances in church. Then during ritual, their ZETA alters are brought to the front. Their theta fronts give them away as the high level entities that possess the men are clearly visible, even in church. Zeta’s all have entities and those who perform the most horrific acts receive the worst punishments.

                ITs all fun and games to them This is what they think of torture to others: ITS FUN. IT’S FUNNY.


Memory wipes

They have memory wiping technology which is used frequently, especially on the Beta (sexual) alters. They don’t want them to remember things they’re forced to do.


Aaron Priesthood

I wondered who’s at the top of the LDS chain … THE MOTHER, or high priestess as well as the group of men called a male coven which are just fractured little boys with terrifying entity possession. Does she have power over them to prevent their sexual attacks on me?



Manuscript Exerpts

Below are some jpeg's of the manuscript (pdf available on the homepage) that reference some of the Mormon/LDS activities, methods, and attack styles. It's helpful to learn about so you can identity when they are attacking you.

Salt Lake City Utah Church Secrets
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