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Entwistles --> basepage

The Entwistle Family [BC HYDRO]
Peter & Loretta & sons: Darren (Telus CEO) & Jeff Entwistle (Beta Farmer)


Aug 10, 2020 This information and everything learned about The Entwistles and BC HYDRO was a result of me being an unethical Epsilon Experiment of CIA Director Haspel who is MK ULTRA and has a horrifying male Zeta alter we compared to Stalin (See CIA drop down menu for more pages on that). He sent many individuals from many organizations/groups to Target me which is how I learned all the things presented on this website.


Read the Start Here pages 1 and 2  (hover, drop down Entwistle menu) for a more in depth explanation of how we were forced to learn about all these things and connect together all the different Targeting Groups that Haspel used.


Weds June 10, 2020 5:51pm

When you hover on the Entwistle link, a drop down menu appears with articles about them. We made a note on the homepage that it would be nice for a few other people to start a BC Hydro “facts” website that’s verified this information from other sources. I have many other things to focus on. Some minor details can be edited.


1. The Start Here page gives a summary regarding the background of the Peter & Loretta’s BC Hydro connections to MK Ultra Beta Farms, the US Military, SS men, and our Manchurian Prime Minister. You can read about how they Target a handler into position in the Premier Horgan link.


2. Peter & Loretta Enwistle – heads of the BC Hydro Group, Abbotsford Beta Hub --> manufacture & distribution. I believe that they have about $600 billion in fraudulent assets money made from human trafficking, Targeting murders, MK Ultra slavery, Prostitution (Peter was a pimp and drug lord… the “r” for rubies/Prostitutes on his front lawn confirms this). The “r” is full of drugs and gold. They own high tech and illegal surveillance equipment that’s used to “spy” on people; they take out multiple life insurance policies on people they kill and have made billions doing this for the last 50+ years.


3. Their eldest Son Darren Entwistle, Telus CEO. His wife Fiona.


4. Their younger son who owns and operates a Beta Farm on Fore & Bell Roads.


5. For those with Targeting Capabilities that want to bring some justice to the world, please read about Peters Gold – Rewards. Or if you’re a friends of theirs, they’ve likely ripped you off for years… go get some of your money back.


The details below were written several months ago and more knowledge has been gained since then. I’ll leave the info on for a while until I have more energy to edit this page further.

How Did We Learn about Peter & Loretta Entwistle?
I'm a Targeted Individual...


(Update May 10, 2020)

The articles in this "Entwistle" Link drop down menu include things we learned about KKK members Peter and Loretta over the course of a few months, from January 2020 to May. It's been horrific and the torture and confinement they subject to human beings is beyond the comprehension of normal people. It's hard to imagine that such evil people exist and that they walk around in the free world. This is because they own technology that no one else has and if anyone pisses them off, they just kill the person and leave no physical evidence behind. They also then collect the money from the multiple life insurance policies that have been taken on on them.


The pages on this website describe in detail more of their operations, how they use the weather station he owns, other methods of attack (Reptilians - drop down menu under Targeting Groups) and much more. Please learn as much as you can about them and their methods. People in the Fraser Valley need to become aware of the current framework of evil controls around them. SS men are produced in Alaska and sent down to the Beta Farms for use during programming. Please also read through The Manuscript (homepage document) as it describes how we slowly came to learn all these things.


*   *   *



We made an attempt to get part of our story printed in the Abbotsford news as an effort to raise awareness of the horrible things being done to many individuals that no one talks about and those with weapons and billions of dollars get away with. It was declined as the content was too personal, we named companies, and hadn’t provided enough evidence. Fair enough; I’m a T.I. and not just by ONE company, I’m targeted by several. When certain caps are placed on my head, logical thought and reasoning are impossible. I feel like a mindless zombie; so I leave the research aspect to you. FACT CHECK. Are the things being said TRUE? The point of a good news article is not to make you blindly believe what I say, but to cause you to ponder the implications and encourage you to do your own research.

Tuesday April 21, 2020


Targeting and the T.I. Phenomenon


I’ve been a resident of Abbotsford, BC for over 30 years. This is [part 1] of my story.

“I am being tortured to death, at home, while lying in bed... I wake up with incredible pain, in different areas of my body with no explanation why. How is this even possible?!” The incredulousness of my personal set of circumstances has forced me to become educated in things I would not have been previously been interested in. After someone suggested to me that I may be a Targeted Individual, I started researching and learning about what I meant. I realized I was missing a tremendous amount of valuable information. I was in disbelief, shock, and horror at the overwhelming invasion of personal, mental, emotional, and spiritual privacy violations. The things done to me can never fully be explained in words. There was never any indication of why these things were occurring or why (people/strangers) were determined to have me killed. I had no known criminal offenses of any kind, I had a bachelors degree in Psychology. The only logical conclusion I could come to was that it was the  result of the military industrial complex in some fashion, just for my becoming educated in some of their

BC Tel, BC Hydro, GWEN, TI phenomenon, TI's, Targeting symptoms, Abbotsford, BC FRaser Valley

classified activities, ie having read and become aware of many so called “Conspiracy theories.” The despair at the current state of the world (the deep state, cabal, mass mind control, weather wars, etc) made me lose hope of things improving. I died many emotional and psychological deaths.

                Research into the Targeted Individuals phenomenon is astonishing and seems to be affecting almost everyone on some level, some in a much more severe way. The variations, amounts, types, and quantity of devices, objects, technologies, and weapons being used to silently torture individual people is astonishing. This has become known as “no touch torture” due to the nature of the satellite weapons involved. “No-touch” leaves the perpetrators completely remote. For all the innocent people who remain subjected to this immeasurable suffering, it is necessary that the technologies involved become declassified. “


This is the introduction I’ve writing in an academic paper I’m still editing called: Broader Aspects of the T.I. Phenomenon.  Please download a copy from my website at  in the bulletins link. It contains much more comprehensive list of weapons being used on individuals.



Why are people targeted? Targeting is done by billion dollar corporations because they can easily get away with killing people in an undetectable way (until 2020 that is). They take out about 6-8 life insurance policies on an individual and spend about 10 of more years slowly trying to kill them via microwaves, DEW lasers, and other horrific torture devices that all conveniently are operated via computer software.


Fraser Health

Fortunately these types of health attacks leave identifying markers: organs that shrivel and shrink (though the individual should otherwise be in good health), holes in organs, excessively high blood pressure. Basically anything that’s strange or unusual about a persons health relative to their age can be traced back to illegal Targeting tech. (There’s a notice for Fraser Health in the bulletins link.)



How do these “remote” technologies operate? They are transmitted via satellite and are routed through devices affixed onto power lines known as GWEN transmitters. This is a good link to some of GWEN basics: 


BC Hydro

How it is possible then that BC Hydro allows these illegal devices on the power lines? There are some incredibly damaging implications for the company due to mere presence: 1. someone has pocketed a nice sum for allowing them there and 2. BC Hydro knows exactly how and why the GWEN are being used. 3… they went in on it too. Because think about it: how would you feel knowing someone else is making millions off of a device being put on your property? You’d start your own targeting firm.


BC Tel.

So how do you open a Targeting Agency and not have anyone know about it? You hide it as something legit: enter BC Tel. What is BC Tel anymore and what services does it offer? Why is it even still around? Who even talks about it anymore? Yet there it still is… doing something. There’s a nice diagram on the T.I. paper that shows how cable vans as well as helicopters are used to target individuals and buildings. They can apply psychotronic  weapons very easily.


What does this mean for residents of the Fraser Valley? If you have any targeting symptoms it’s best to call up all the local life insurance providers within the state. There are about 20… we did it, you should too. It will be shocking. Secondly, we then need to make all of the life insurance companies aware of the multiple life policy fraud that’s being run, not just by BC Tel but by other targeting agencies as well. There’s also the pre-meditated murder aspect of intentionally taking out the policies; how many has BC Tel cashed in to date? Billions worth? Where does the money all come from and how do they hide it all?


Targeting symptoms: (BC Tel specific; different Agencies use slightly different equipment)  

  1. Red eyes in photos indicate an eye ball recording device; what you see, they see.

  2. Goosebumps all over arms& legs.

  3. WIGGLY toes – they were doing that to me in 2001. (they made me violently ill on a trip I went on then).

  4. cracking knuckles

  5. typing becomes strange at times; something fitted to fingers

  6. HEAT in hands, legs, and other body parts (microwave radiation)

  7. FORCED awake. Excruciating teeth pain for hours

  8. Needles in body parts; extreme HEAT in body parts

  9. Teeth, jaw are forced into unnatural positions – TMJ.

  10. jiggly legs and/or restless leg syndrome

  11. Vehicle targeting. Engine revs high and low grinding noise.

  12. pin pricks and needles on body parts

  13. pressure on eye balls

  14. electronic malfunctions: webpages don’t load, information skews, stuff gets deleted, random, irregular things.


What Needs to Happen?

We need to get Corporate Lawyers involved in the removal of ALL the GWEN transmitters, not just the ones on BC Hydro lines. We need Criminal lawyers to take on BC Tel for the multiple life insurance policy premeditated murders. We need to make all the local life insurance companies aware of the multiple life insurance policy fraud between companies so they can take immediate action to prevent it.  Please take due diligence to research the T.I. phenomenon in more detail. We need people in society that don’t take things at face value but make the effort to learn about things in more detail, no matter how strange the information may be Is it true?  It might seem unbelievable… but these things are real, true, and are happening to more people than any of us are currently aware of. Let’s put an end to the remote torture of innocent civilians.


A concerned fellow Abbotsfordian.

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