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Gina Haspel  --> Ginas Theta, Clone 6

Gina’s Theta, Clone 6


Monday Jan. 11, 2021  5:08am


By our  theta/host

Our female theta vs Gina’s female theta


These are some observations from an interaction recently but  that has happened emotionally over the weeks of the deaths and resurrections of the Haspel clones. Editing might be needed but it provides insight into the programming of clones that make them so heartless and cruel.



Ginas theta on clone 6

She kidnaps our host's astral body with an invisible chair that operates via remote tech from her Supercomputer in her lab. Kidnapping includes removal of an astral body from the physical one. I have 6 alters and notice when one is missing, despite all the weird psychological things done to me.  She kidnaps and tortures our beautiful mermaid epsilon out of jealousy. [the astral kidnapping will be forced to end soon, thankfully for Divine Intervention on my behalf. See our page on Experiences with Pegs, Divine Beings,  under the Battles drop-down menu]  To me, theta/host, she twists the nipple really hard for a long time. We wondered if no one had told her how to say hello to a person? I wondered how she interacted with people in the real world… then realized that she lives underground and wouldn’t be around normal people. Clone 6s are her world.


Whats being mentally blocked? I wondered as mental blanking tech specific to how Gina uses it on the Supercomputer activates. I then saw imaging of Gina as an infant. Someone was twisting her infant nipples; then, as an infant she was forced to twist the nipples of a doll. I think that’s when her “how to say hello” to a woman programming began.


Humiliation is a weapon. Theta versus theta. I wondered why she never did her own “inner work” especially as she has the technology to psychologically and emotionally heal herself.  And especially now with the Negs gone, she’s ALLOWED to be a normal human being.


Why does torturing me and others cause her to become sexually aroused? Why is it that me knowing about her issues is embarrassing to her? Me realizing this was incredibly strange. What modifies her abnormal psychotic behaviour? ME KNOWING.


Boy, 14, zeta: I guess it was me, a male zeta, versus Gina’s male zeta. He can’t front much around me anymore. So now it’s Gina’s female theta, versus our female theta.

Objective: humiliate so that theta cant front anymore and its only kitty around. Then, our kid and kitty can chat. They just lie to Ginas beta alter named kitty so… how can you blame a kid?


 How old is Gina’s theta? 30’s ish??? How old is our theta? What made Gina’s theta hate children? To deceive me, Gina uses black arts and Androids. Specifically one from Battlegroup. Fake imaging screens are cartoonish and made by entities.


She wonders how my kid alter feels about being conscious in our astral bodies in her lab with her, as the Divine Beings promised would happen...

3yr: Cool! Soon we’ll be face to face with all the Gina’s in her lab. :-) the pretty ones said so.

boy: Gina wants to spend lots of time with us.


They’re determining how I can tell that it’s a Battlegroup Android’s screen on the mental imaging I'm seeing. Then they replicate it or change it's appearance somehow in attempts to deceive me; Gina needs to deceive for her survival. Why was she taught this?


We see the theta-treatment entity on imaging and there are yellow fear lines evident.

3yr:  Big entity gets yellow lines sometimes (fear).  I think him is scared that I remind him he’s gonna die.


Where is Gina’s lab on clone 6 and where is her underground base? Shes often in either of those locations. Gina only shows us imaging of her from the knees down; why cant she show her face? I think that says it all. "this is the only part of me that I show to the world...


Ginas theta made our host take psychology because Gina has some kind of mother complex over her. Now our Theta is much more superior at Psychology than she is… Gina is a hot mess.


She shows us fake imaging of her crying. Why? “lets see what she says.” I think Ginas theta cares more about what people think about her than she’d ever admit to herself; she has to lie to survive because the emotional pain of social rejection would make her die instantly. This triggers deep emotional wounds that stem from being produced in a lab and being denied any type of loving human connection with a mother.


What prevents her from feeling emotions? we wondered. Gina turned her victim into her saviour. [if this needs explaining: Gina (did she pretend to be a psychologist?… im not sure of her educational background) she uses peoples psychology by the use of technology to cause them pain as an act of inner emotional pain. Repressed pain inwards creating pain to others outwards] I wondered if others could use some of the remote emotional healing tech on her or why she wouldn’t use this on herself?]


An experiment that was done before was giving the clones base programming of “in love.” Many were surprised at how it felt; they had moments of reflection and some felt grief at never having experienced the feeling before. (she’s trying to make me feel afraid; the Shapeshifters have programmed her well. It was always their tactic.)


Gina’s biggest fear: what does Gina not want people to know? The truth about who she is and what she’s done.


Theta: She loves making me look embarrassed and humiliated and angry. Why?

3yr: has she prepared for her death? Yellow lines she gets.


I thought that Gina would need emotional coddling at this point as her pink embarassment energies had been visible to me on a monitor for quite a while already . An image of a mother holding a baby was shown. I thought she would go find her Chi alter in her ex-partner Jeff Haspel and his deception tech seems active currently.


5am  Gina shows me her embarrassed feelings by displaying the colors around my body. As a death-defier, my true feelings are enormous physical pain.


Boy: I had to do this with the male John alter over a period of weeks. So… theta on clone 6 didn’t want to be known about…. So this is kind of why this is happening now. We didn’t know her theta before nor her female alters. We had one day with one of the Kitty alters (the 3 beta kids story) when she found Shapeshifter Obama on the Locator and almost killed him. we wrote about this a little on the truth-tech page. This entirely humiliated her male John alter who had no balls at all. [he showed us his purple humiliation colors on the monitor]


Entity: “my pets” he calls the CIA group. They do everything he wants. I think they even feed him.


How much was theta raped as a child? It had to be by relatives… [clones… how are clone families made?] Who was her “mother” and “father” in the lab/base? They would have been non-humans of some kind.  It explains why she used pedophilia tech on normal people. It was what she thinks is normal, so she does it to other people. She was denied normal loving family relationships so subconscious jealousy also motivates her actions in destroying families with ped-tech.


Entity says: know thy enemy. Im not sure if Gina’s reading anymore; regardless, maybe other people are. This new page on Ginas theta on clone 6 is written to provide everyone with more insight into the psychological makeup on theta alters on a clone 6.


She has all the technology in the world but needs me to tell her how she feels.


Ginas love of rape

She loves to rape me and I wondered why? I was then shown imaging of her as a small child. There was a naked body beside her and… it looked to be dead but she was either forced or encouraged to rape it while being given base programming uppers of fun and enjoyment. How did Neg Rule influence our world? This is how evil and cruel beings socially conditioned “humans” into clones 5s & 6’s.

*as a note, any information modified, omitted or deleted from the files can be found out via the truth-feature.


I wondered why Gina displayed emotional reactions to the things I said and wrote? “a deep unmet need for approval” was read and that has to be how the Non-humans raised her. She also comes across as needy and insecure…those traumas can easily be healed with remote tech, which I know she has.


“Where doe she store her memory of this in her brain?” I hear her ask her Supercomputer tech as I remember how to differentiate between the different types of imaging monitors. She locates it on imaging and uses tech to destroy the memory.  Any type of self- defense measure of mine is traumatized, cauterized and otherwise destroyed. Why, when she knows she’s going to die soon, is this still such a driving force for her? Removing the defenses of others is done because her’s were also removed from her as a child. Jealousy and resentment; others must be treated as she was. 5:50am


Removal of Moral __

Raping of women indicates either lesbian tendencies or other things. This had to also have been forced on her and would perhaps be standard programming for clones 4-6’s – destruction of normal, healthy, loving relationships. It seems evident that they're forced into prostitution early and uses her body to feel loved by someone


5:53am  She spends hours on her Supercomputer everyday torturing me. She’s dedicated her life to me. I think the entity she put into me will humiliate her severely.

Experiments pages:



11am mon. jan. 11, 2021

Boy, zeta, 14. 

I don’t think that Gina has ever “ended” an “experiment.” Did clone 6 abide by any scientific criteria? Clone 6s do whatever they want and rarely suffered consequences. Why? cuz Negs like Shapeshifters and Body Snatchers were always around to “back them up” and make sure they got away with things. What happens when the Negs are gone? I think people must be showing her holograms of Negs to some extent … regardless I don’t think she’s ever ended an experiment. Its been 30 years worth of tortures to my mother & I and she cant let go. Has anyone ever told her how to end an experiment? That most experiments are procedures involving emotional detachment. Does she abide by any of this mentally? She’s the opposite of scientific.


She needs my respect – all the clone 6s wanted this; their weird that way. The want to torture the crap out of you nd have you be respectful to them. They think they deserve things they don’t earn.


Projection – the deception audio that others are subjected to are her thoughts and feelings that she makes them think are our hosts. I wonder what people would really do if they knew that.


Since our host alter wrote about her “hard nipple twist hello” shes changed the way she rapes us: hot __ on the nipples. What we say bothers her.


No Results Gina

She’s so severely jealous of the fact that we get results from the experiments we do – with the Guru’s Handwriting Remedy, with the Vedic/Hindu remedies, with anything…. What has she experienced results in? Most significantly experiments with the Obstacle-breaker remedy always produce results - thats why she used a black arts women to sabotage the remedy - the DC Police made the woman pay for the remedies that were sabotaged.



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