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Healing and/or Integrating MK ULTRA


1. learning about MK Ultra

2. Integrating -  emotional cleansing

3. self-improvement





Is an excellent resource for learning how others cope. “Meet the alters” videos was one of the first more light-hearted approaches to the topic I’d found. The other videos that Dissociative Identity Disordered people had were interesting to learn from as well as helpful.


When alters hate each other:  

One type of integration described:  

Different relationships between alters:  



Some links on different kinds of alters:

Alters in Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) and DDNOS Read more: 

Alter Function/jobs





Is system protection: it’s deceptive and elicits disinformation and misdirection. This is done by the use of embedded entities, usually they attach to areas of trauma in a person’s body. Sometimes entities are released simply through processing emotions: crying, feeling old shames, etc. Healers would need to be aware that the embedded entities would likely mislead them by giving them false information; then whatever “remedial actions” the healer would do would greatly increase the suffering of the person. This is exacerbated by the use of Targeting Technologies, specifically the broadcasting device (attached to a persons head). It can be disabled/turned off. Many times people thought the broadcast words were my own thoughts and desires, when THEY WERE THE OPPOSITE. It’s programmed to be that way to cause the person the most suffering possible. Look for the broadcasting device on the person first. How can you be sure you’re actually getting answers from the individual, versus being deceived by entities and technologies? It’s best to speak to them face to face as they would have more control over the words being physically spoken, versus words forced from the head (no control). That’s why email contact was always preferred; I could reflect on my choice of words for a longer time. What do I really want and need? It would take a while to think about. CAUTION is needed in this regard. ALL MK’s are affected by Targeting and Entities. Reducing suffering is key.

                Zeta are the ones forced to embed the entities into all the MK Ultras. They may know how to remove them. Is this safe or recommended? Maybe not. Perhaps they can share the removal methods with others, so that it can be done safely (without fear) to the MK. REVERSALS.



Is self-destruct, suicide, and self-sabotage programming. It can activate during therapy as one of it’s triggers is MEMORY RECALL. There are special deprogramming methods necessary to remove this. I do not know what they are or who is able to do them for others. Trauma healing may also be a TRIGGER, depending on how it’s done. Bottom line: use EXTREME caution.



Making it “fun”

Dissociative disorders are obviously heavy and there’s a lot of trauma involved. Finding humor in situations can be helpful. I found a web forum once with D.I.D. humor. “inside jokes” are possible once alters are able to communicate with each other more. As more healing occurs, the connection between the internal parts becomes closer and they experience more support and care from and for each other. I noticed this a lot after a year or two of “processing” (emotional cleansing of traumas, grief, etc).


Playlists for each alter on different apps or programs

Diferrent areas in the closet for each alter’s preferred clothes

Giving each part its own space and allowing for its interests is really helpful. The younger ones will grow out of their kid stuff when they merge into the older ones.





Literally, take time out just to grieve. So much of healing is acknowledging that things, experiences, and time have all been taken away from you. Find whatever method is best. Music can be a helpful trigger if needed. Journaling is good too. For us, feeling emotions became too difficult after many years so the magnets proved to be a helpful method also.


This is one helpful song (our host liked and younger alter listened to) called Devi Prayer with Sanskrit verses. It’s about the love of the Divine Mother. Who can listen to this and not cry? How many MK Ultras experience the ideal type of mother? Somehow, the fact that its in another language makes it nicer 


Magnets & The Emotion Code

(this method may be too difficult for those doing 9-5 jobs or in the military)

This information is from the MK ULTRA Manual we assembled with all the information we’d gathered to date. It can be downloaded as a Word Doc in the Bulletin link. The Emotion Code section is at the very end.

DISCLAIMER -ITS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DELTAS. (the releases may cause them to kill others, or interfere with their assignments in life threatening ways.) [it may be safe for them… would need to confirm with more knowledgeable sources].

 The Emotion Code BOOK, by Dr. Bradely Nelson,  is a valuable resource for Recovery. Many are unable to CRY or PROCESS EMOTIONS due to traumas and technologies. This method is much more simple and can extract repressed emotions quickly. There tends to be a 2-3 day DELAY response when the emotions come up however, which can be a bit confusing initially, when learning about how your body will process them.

          The Process is simple: you extract 6-8 emotions per session. In 2-3 days they will come up. The unpredictable aspect is the INTENSITY LEVEL of each is different. So… if you can have some SPACE to experience the sadness, grief, shame, humiliation, in privacy, that would be best. Sometimes this may be too overwhelming to process while having to work. If you do the releases before you have 2 days off that is best. (ie maybe Thursday evenings for those who do the 9-5).  It takes a while to learn to separate when all the FEELINGS are coming up – that they are from events in YOUR PAST, and NOT from anything going on IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. This happened to me many times. “why do I suddenly FEEL this FEELING?” The confusion may make us attribute it to whats happening currently in our lives when it actually events from the past.  I wondered why suddenly I felt a surge of HEAT in my body and an angry memory associated with it. Then something totally unrelated like a wave of grief, sometimes with a TEAR. Grief was SURPRISINGLY easier to process in this way: it come up in manageable bubbles. At times, I was able to sob again.

          (for betas?) - A simple way to start is extracting INSECURITY AND VULNERABILITY. These don’t necessarily interfere with daily life/functioning and can be removed from any of the ALTERS. I did MANY layers of these and it felt WEIRD when they came up. However, the result was an increase in confidence. So I’m incredibly grateful for THAT.

          The self-destruct and suicide tendencies sometimes came into play here. There were days when I WENT OVERBOARD. I did 20+ releases AND FELT LIKE MY HEART EXPLODED. Please do not do this if you can help it. It’s horrific to experience; all the feelings have to come up and you have to ride it out.

Another added benefit of The Emotion Code process is the REMOVAL OF HEART WALLS. Heart walls are emotional protective shielding and prevent authentic connection to others. They’re more time consuming to remove; it’s recommended to do only 2-3 per session. But the END RESULT is emotional warmth and love toward everyone. “I love myself again!” It was a really beautiful feeling I had when I finally removed ONE.


After a month or two of releasing “regular” emotions, then focus on the TRAUma releases. I made a SEPARATE CHART for those; they are very strong and I only would do 2-3 of those per session. These were feelings of VIOLATION. They made me want to DIE. THEY ARE EXPERIENCED PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY AND MENTALLY. They are the end result of someone else doing something to you AGAINST YOUR WILL. It may be helpful to have a person around when those are being released; it’s truly horrific. << betas – the sex slaves, DIAMONDS - mutilations, RUBIES - prostitutes, PRON STARS, EMERALDS - mules, etc >>. Having a support person is really helpful.

          What made it worse were some OBJECTS embedded into the heart. They force the pain to be MORE SEVERE than it actually is so that a person KILLS THEMSELVES. It is likely the satanic aspect of MK Ultra THAT embeds them into people. If you are THETA, you may be able to see and remove these things. (Before emotion/TRAUMA releases is best). They are REINSERTED CONSTANTLY. Check diligently. Emotional agony that made me want to die BECAME SURVIVABLE when these things were removed from me.  ** Wizards maybe able to REVERALS on these items ** 

          * idea: it would be nice to have some kind of group [THETAS/WIZARDS] that could remove these from the Ultras. (from those who would want them removed/are doing active therapy etc…).


** drink lots of WATER.


2 extra charts below .ON BOTTOM OF PAGE.  [INCLUDE] * modify the charts as per your circumstances.


[photos of both charts are found in the MK Ultra manual in the Bulletin link - MK Ultra section]


July 2, 2020 11:56am

Messages from Your Little

The more you can integrate, do trauma healing and have visual reminders of that for yourself, the better you will be. Make you own MK ULTRA ID card and have a few in places that you can see often. (write your force-fronting sounds on the back – you or your partner/friends can use these in helpful moments.)


Learn your force-fronting sounds. This might be easier to do if you have something written down in front of you to see describing what you’re doing so that when your other alters front, they know what’s expected. There are heavy amnesia walls for a reason. You can also do this with a friend (which might be a lot easier) or in front of a video recorder. Writing on a piece of paper: “ok so I pushed the ____ button… who’s fronting now? Can you tell me something about you?  To bring ‘me’ back to the front, please push the ____ sound effect. Thanks.”


Everyone has a young(?) Beta alter and it’s a high priority to a) understand and learn what it does b) figure out who has access to it or c) trauma heal it as a priority so it can integrate with your other alters. This would be to remove it as a vulnerability so you have greater control over what happens to your body.  (Integrating feels like a part of you blends nicely together. It’s not scary; it feels like when a raindrop lands on a puddle. You don’t lose who you are but gain the best parts of the two alters that merge. The knowledge and memories become shared.


Listening to messages from your little will greatly speed up trauma healing and recovery. For any of the older alters, it… does things when you hear your little one speak. 


Writing to Your Little (sample)

lets take a minute to leave a video or audio message. We can talk about how things are going for us ok? (use whatever phrasing is best for you).  When you’re finished recording, please push the ____ button ok? J.  (force fronting sound for you).


“Hi, my name is _________.  Today I’m doing: ________ and its __________ (fun, sad, boring, scary…).  I wish I could: _____________.  Sometimes it’s nice when _____________.) 







P.D. R.

Is described on the Spiritual Science and Research foundation website. It’s Personality defect removal and it makes life easier. I believe it helps to makes a person aware of their personality defects by having them write out examples from their daily life. You then give yourself suggested positive actions to replace the negative action the next time it happens. This is a very brief description; more can be read on the website. 



Therapy & Therapists

Sometimes there are free resources available. There were some at the University when I was getting a degree. I put off going for a long time because I thought free meant poor quality. It ended up being the opposite. Even my brother ended up going to see the free counselor as she was one of the best both of us had ever interacted with. It’s ok to go through a few therapists until you find one that you feel comfortable with (I wish someone would have told me this; I think guilt plays an unnecessary part at times). I’ve been through many throughout my life. Everyone is different and their methods, perspectives, and approaches are different. Look around for a bit.

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