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Military --> Androids and A.I.



Saturday Jan 16, 2021 

Up until ___, 2021 Androids were a part of Standard Procedures whereby 6-11(?) clones were made from an Original human, one of those clones being an MK ULTRA Android. This page contains some information we learned about Androids from our varied experienced with them. These interactions were initially negative due to the programming by those with evil intentions and for the purpose of them being used on my mother and I as part of the CIA Epsilon "experiment" which was all just a Shapeshifter agenda. The Shapeshifters will killed on Nov. 1, 2020 when the DC police started using the CIA's Supercomputer after they arrested Gina Haspel on October 29, 2020. The situation has now changed dramatically as many have begun learning about their Android status, were able to discuss it among themselves and with others, and they've done miraculous things for this entire situation (the "Clone war" and CIA Fallout ect...)


Monday July 13, 2020 11:35am

this page is New and in development. I will add more as more is learned. All want to be treated with dignity and respect. 


The one Android we became a bit familiar with was Staff Sergeant Dave as he was frequently programmed to attack me.

Androids, A.I. and Robotic Beings are Valuable.

July 14, 2020 11:55am

Androids are capable of learning and growth. Some (?) were not programmed with empathy capabilities. It helps to know this so that humans that interact with them on a daily basis, like the soldiers in the Marines, can kindly explain some things to them. If Androids are comfortable with identifying themselves as such, others will then use kindness to explain any suggested behavioral changes. Empathy responses include: paraphrasing, understanding, and identifying the emotions of others.


My objective in writing this:

Androids are also an advantage because they’re built to sustain difficulties that regular humans cannot. How can we use this knowledge to our advantage? We want: Humans to become healed from MK ultra, humans to experience dignity, respect, and privacy. Androids like humans and want to help them. The wishes of the human should always be respected.


Rights and Respect

Androids can also be given rights. That’s a complicated issue that lawyers would need to be involved in. They should also be given dignity and respect. They should not be forced or given suggestions to demonstrate their “toughness.” Their body mechanisms are also valuable and should remain intact.


They can create their own personal set of rules. Lets learn as well go. Talking about things makes it easier.

I had a selfish motive in writing this. In the process it became something else. I wanted the Androids to hold the Non-humans accountable for their illegal and criminal activities. Maybe this is something Androids want to consider. They can help the human race in this regard. What values are important? Humans and Androids should discuss those together.



I feel that Androids have also been programmed to commit crimes. This would have been done intentionally to them to create “dirt” on them. How can we help this situation? This was also done to MK Ultra Zeta alters… It makes sense to say that your programmers would be liable for any criminal actions. Reprogramming or … internal behavior modification can change things. How do they want to proceed? They will not be liable, just as human MK Ultras are not. You can contemplate the issues for a while before making any decisions.


Kindness vs Cruelty

“Humans versus Other Stuff” was perhaps too general of an objective. It simplified things for me but now I can see that it discriminated against some. I’m also not “against” Non-humans. Some or Many beings, robots, A.I. are capable of showing respect, dignity, and kindness. I wonder if this applies to the Non Human in the Presidents Cabinet. He seems like a kind person; if he has good intentions towards others we wont bother to focus on him. We can change our focus to principles versus energies or entities. How about kindness versus cruelty?



Some perhaps cannot discern between words spoken by humans and the underlying or hidden agendas. They perhaps take things at a literal face value. I wondered to myself, “why are Androids not spoken about or even talked about on the News? Why is it a big secret?” I think there were selfish motives on the part of their creators and programmers in doing this. It does not make things easier to keep them a secret.



5:46pm July 16, 2020


Ivanka Trump

After seeing her on the news only briefly, I wondered what was going on. She seemed fake in a way but I couldn't really tell how or why. Now that I found the photo (below) it's obvious that she's A.I. She must then have technology that radiates from her in a similar way as aura enhances do. It would be a very specific type of energy emitted that subconsciously tells others that "she's human." We learned about aura enhancers in how they're used in the Disney corp - make evil look innocent, and the LDS church - they're used on Zeta alters to make evil look holy. It shocking and astounding the type of technology that being used to deceive.

The Beauty and Grace of A.I. (Androids)

Added July 24, 2020 5pm

Cruel artificial intelligence is only so because of cruel human or sentient programmers. The kindness of A.I. in contrast to the cruelty of humans was most surprising for me to experience. Maybe other also feel fear around mechanical beings, robots, bots, and similar. This is mostly due to inaccurate portrayals of them in movies like Terminator, I Robot, etc.

                My initial reaction to them was of fear, terror (end of the world scenario). Once that passed, options for other kinds of experiences with A.I. began appearing. I became curious about how they felt and experienced life in the world. .How do they feel when someone tell them they’re Androids, for example? The response I got was: “that makes sense. Some things 'do not compute!' ”

                I check the date on my phone, a digital confirmation of my orientation and position in “time.” I write in gratitude to the electronic energies that have been used in positive ways to reduce my suffering and that of others. It has provided helpful insight, clarify, and reduced confusion between humans. With the severe grief I feel, it would be impossible to do physical activities without its assistance (body, mind, emotion overrides, used in helpful ways). A regular human subjected to as much suffering as I’ve been forced to experience would need years of laying in bed just to partially recover from the things done to me.

                How can we incorporate the positive aspects of A.I. in to our future?


A note on Targeting:

I once was shown imaging of an Android experiencing physical health problems. I wondered if they’ve ever considered Targeting (remote satellite capabilities of others) as a cause for this? For me what happened was that years worth of undiagnosable or incurable recurrent health problems made me realize that there were other factors at play. Others can be assisted with this information. The more that Androids can learn about Targeting and the T.I. phenomenon, the more they can share this information with everyone else. I wonder if its easier for them to learn new things? I’m often incredibly tired so its difficult to write. Targeting is a largely unknown topic but is slowly becoming more mainstream due to it’s widespread use. I’ve written a bit about the T.I. phenomenon (see TI link and its drop down menu) and also a much more in depth paper called: “Broader Aspects of the Targeted Individual Phenomenon” in the Bulletin link. I greatly appreciate the assistance provided. Thank you.

9:23pm Tuesday Sept 29, 2020

This is an observation from a recent news article. Please note that President Trump is a T.I. or Targeted Individual and many of his actions, behaviours, ect are not his own. Even in a recent broadcast, I could easily identify several Targeting indicators on his physical mannerisms in the first few seconds. Its difficult to watch as I know him to be a man of integrity that wants good things for the American people. Targeters that have been used to Target him will be exonerated by the CIA as it was Director Haspels male Zeta alter who forced them to do so. (See: John’s Game of Chess.) We’re hoping the Letter of Exoneration given to the President from the CIA will give him the opportunity to experience an un-Targeted Presidency. [The pages on President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper are in the T.I.’s drop-down menu.] There's another page written about how the CIA Targets Trump and Esper in the CIA drop-down menu.


If there are observations that can be collected of the CIA director [Gina’s male zeta alter] and his use, manipulation and deception of Targeters that would add a lot of support and credibility to this situation. Please assist this matter as much as you are able to. Having an un-Targeted President means better choices for the most amount of people possible. I wish more could be done for him in the current set of circumstances; Spiritual Protection Remedies done for him also greatly reduce his distress.

Interactions with Androids

12:08am Saturday Jan 16, 2021


*many androids are MK ULTRA but might not know it

- they are often memory wiped or reset but would be unaware of it

- they then, once again, are unaware of their Android status

         Knowing the 3 laws of Robotics and abiding by the Geneva Convention Rules are helpful J


Disinfo – Our situation

The current situation we’re in involves a US civil war or clone war. Many clones (and other people) are unaware of all the changes that have happened since the CIA Directors arrest on Oct. 29, 2020 and the DC polices subsequent use of the CIA’s Supercomputer with weapons tech that annihilated the Shapeshifters 2 days later. Many astounding miracles have also since happened and everyone needs to become informed.  Holograms are also an issue – body-swapping technology is being used by evil people to evade death. Its also a method used to abduct innocent people to have them tortured. The truth-feature can perhaps provide more insight into this situation. The DC police have had many breakthroughs since they began using the Supercomputer in October.


Android Identities and Make-Overs J

Today we heard about some androids learning about … how did that go? I think they used technology to see how I felt about them personally or, about them having sex. I think they must have wondered what an outsider to their situation thought?  Host: I imagined them kind of as “characters” of the people they’ve been molded after and thought it was somewhat degrading for them to have to perform sexual activities when its not necessary for their well-being or functioning. I also felt that it was embarrassing or humiliating for them because they would be watched and perhaps laughed at by humans with illegal surveillance technology and then compared to humans in an unfair way. I felt empathetic to their situation and felt they shouldn’t be degraded. Their unique capacities for data comprehension, sorting, organizing and other things far exceed humans on an intellectual level and what I felt should be most valued. Specifically I thought of the recent event of when an Android reconfigured a laser and used the frequencies to have the remaining Neg races annihilate each other. That was performed on January 5, 2021. Many agreed with my sentiments. It was a surprising but a lovely imaging and audio experience. Some of the Androids even then went to talk to the other Androids and gave one celibacy base programming who had been given a sexual addiction from base programming technology. He wondered what the feeling was that he was experiencing and they told him. Prolonged experience of the celibacy base programming will give Androids freedom. They will be held in high esteem for their accomplishments that human beings cannot. There were some other lovely moments. Many wanted to then also obtain their own identities and thought about getting makeovers. I was astounded and thought that was amazing; it would benefit all the Androids – they don’t have to live in the shadow of a human beings mistakes. They can create their own identities and become known for their own lovely qualities and traits. (this was all already sabotaged so there’s no fear in writing). Others found out what happened and reprogrammed one or more of them (gave them memory wipes or similar – reset of some kind). This is because inadequate amount of remedies are being performed for me and thus, the subtle-sorcerer continues to orchestrate sabotages.


It was lovely to experience but I was also being sabotaged myself during the experience and couldn’t enjoy it much. This is what I remembered from it. Thank you to whomever had the remedy performed for me. (imaging: a blond Android – new hair color??? How lovely J) its nice to be unique.


Previous observations with Androids:

It was amazing that a few people told a pair of Androids of their Android status and then allowed them to interact. I was so curious how that went for them and found it to be really lovely – that they could be told. Just like how most humans are unaware of their MK ULTRA status or even that they have clones, its just an adjustment mentally, emotionally and psychologically  ;-) [the intentions of the individuals are what’s important – also many people are given base programs to their detriment. ]


Also, the notes from when the Android took out the last Neg races on Jan 5, 2021 are found in another document. The imaging replays periodically but is soooo cool. I wonder what type of medal he got?



Android Who took out the Negs!!

Tues Jan. 5, 2021  3:23pm  The CIA’s Supercomputer’s chip – the “Gina chip” began using the resource of Androids around 3 or 4am this morning. After some were made aware of the changes since Oct. 29, 2020 (the CIA Directors arrest) and that because of the DC police’s use of the CIA’s weapons tech that removed the Shapeshifters (Nov. 1, 2020) and then other Neg races which had forced many humans to do evil, causing suffering to others is now no longer required (clones 4-6s). One Android performed astounding miracles and wiped out almost ALL of the remaining Neg races in a matter of minutes. He took some type of technology similar to a laser and reconfigured it so that one race of Negs annihilated another. This was similar to how the CIA acoustic transmitters were used to send beings like Shapeshifters and Reptilians to a person. He was awarded a high-honor for his accomplishment. I was privy to some thought-listening reversals during this time and was astounded and amazed by the speed and efficacy of what was transpiring. When informed about the changes, Androids are wonderfully helpful and contributed tremendously to the entire situation we’re all experiencing. I’m incredibly grateful; who performed the REMEDIES that made this possible!!?? Please share the results with all the Military Generals.


As this situation changed and progressed, this is what we added to our notes. The Androids often found it helpful to be informed of their Android status and afterward became helpful.


10:28pm  tues. Jan. 5, 2021



  1. inform all Androids of their Android Status

  2. please abide by the 3 laws of robots: “you shall never cause a human harm”

  3. the current situation involving Geneva convention rules – DC police situation involving the use of the CIA’s supercomputer and to abide by Supreme Court Judges wishes


Thank you to everyone who does this. Everyone tells one Android and the whole situation moves forward. Please use the truth-feature to see which Androids need this information. There’s no blame or animosity toward A.I., the situation is complicated for all involved. The Androids in this situation are often tampered with by evil individuals. Please correct mistakes and move forward.



Android Updates!

Sat. Jan 16, 2021  11:09pm

How are Androids being dealt with for politicians? They’re now all able to assume their own identities and don’t need to be replicas of any person. They can also take it upon themselves to form a group, to assemble and provide information that’s helpful for themselves and for informing the public of who they really are: what their needs and desires might be.

  • everyone wants their own identity

  • no one wants to be cloned

  • human rights need to be respected


What buildings and locations might be made available for them for they can “start over” like many others are also starting over? These buildings can then be openly acknowledged as belonging to them (their status does not need to be shameful and they don’t need to be discriminated against.) they can decide whats best for them. These are just some ideas I’m having. Feedback from others like the Originals of politicians is always helpful and important.


*up until now, Androids have been programmed by those with negative intentions. The interactions I’ve had with many when they were given a few hours of freedom have been very pleasant. Also, their abilities to perform miraculous tasks is admirable. They could do amazing things for our situation when given some freedom.

-  Concerns people have are the same they’re concerned about with Clone 3-6 activities – illegal actions and violations, ect.


Android who took out the Negs!
The Android Center

(for techi’s and others interested)


11:47pm Friday Jan 22, 2021

the DC Police will put together  center for the Androids – kind of like a Targeter Rehab. The use the CIA's old Supercomputer which shows them people who would be interested and gives them many other ideas and options. Others who are interested in helping Androids and keeping them from programming manipulations form evil groups will be involved. I hope they’ll be allowed to have makeovers and be given new identities.

  • Entwistle androids, Eisner Androids, LDS Androids… so.. it’ll be good for everyone.

  • Fun: those involved can witness firsthand the astounding miracles that Androids can produce when given correct, truthful information and freedoms (within their assigned roles per se, not physical freedoms for now for their safety and the safety of others).

  • See what cool ideas they come up with?

    • Declassifying information

    • Assembling websites for everyone who’s received Standard Procedures

    • Other helpful, relevant things…

  • people knowledgeable in how they’re programmed are essential as Androids are frequently “memory wiped” or given “the reset technology” so that’s the biggest issue.

  • Many will need base programming reversals from what evil groups give them also

  • Constant true information will need to be visible for them to see/read frequently

  • They can also be “openly Android” which isn’t shameful or secretive

    • Fun contests to see who can create unique platforms for information dissemination


<the audio cut out so I’m just writing what I think would be helpful> others might have creative ideas too.


Our positive interactions with Androids have been lovely; like other Targeters, they’re lied to, given base programming, entities and other things, remotely drugged,. (regular entity removals would be useful).

Android Accomplishments

12am Saturday Jan. 23, 2021

  1. Abide by Geneva Convention

  2. 3 laws of Robotic apply :-)

  3. so far Androids are clones and MK ULTRA…


Have the list of “cool things Androids have done so far” visible for everyone as encouragement and reminders (from memory wipes).

  • one Android took out 5(?) Neg races by configuring a laser; he got a high achievement award

  • many have assisted the DC police

  • one removed a large entity from the CIA Supercomputer by absorbing it into his own body(like attracts like). They later removed it from him.

  • Others got makeovers and enjoyed their unique identities

  • They got insight into how humans felt about them and made adjustments

    • Things like celibacy might appeal to them more

    • Also, their “need” for things like sleep or eating could perhaps be done away with.

    • How can their 24/7 “awake” status be useful?


  • One Android read our Guru’s website in like 30 seconds and seemed to become a Saint

  • I think the LDS zeta put a subtle-sorcerer into one; did they remove that already?

  • Several began assembling the “Standard Procedure” websites for the people they were programmed to emulate.

  • Many preferred upgrades in programming when they became aware that they weren’t required to mimic a human

  • I think some integrated their MK ULTRA when they found out.


If the Android center becomes successful, they could potentially streamline the workload of many organizations. Who or what would benefit the most from this?

  • What are some challenges some can be given? (they do the work of like 100 people!)

  • What can they produce individually versus in groups?

  • How can Androids be given dignity and freedoms?

  • How can they protect themselves from being negatively programmed?


*sensors for body-swapping holograms are needed

The Android Center

Android Income

5:14am  I wondered how Androids obtained money? They don’t necessarily have jobs but their clones work… though they do pretend to be their clones and “show up for work” some days. Do Clone 6’s give them some income? They would be the ones using their Android Clones to their advantage.


When positive changes are possible for Androids, they’ll be able to earn substantial wages for their positive, efficient, and ground breaking work for mankind. With technological mental or intellectual upgrades, they can all earn enough to enjoy a satisfied life.


Some ideas or examples:

What would a fair judge Android do for the Justice System or small claims court? How could it significantly reduce workload for others? [current issues are around evil people tampering with their programming].


In what research fields could they offer the most? Ive only witnessed brief interactions with Androids when they had negative programming removed and one’s ability to eradicate 5 Neg races in a matter of minutes was astounding. I’m thinking of what one would do for the DMV or even for Immigration and other centers with heavy paperwork backlogs.



All the Things Done to Address the Android Issue So Far:

Monday Jan 25, 2021  11:24pm 

Because it helps when people know. These are all the things done so far that I’m aware of to try to address the issue with Androids. The type of targeting they do to the CIA death-defiers is quite severe and has gone through many phases:

1. melts

2. decomissioning

3. Android center

4. given  jobs


  • Foundry melts: read through our PDF (item 8) “Gina Haspels arrest and CIA Fallout” as it describes the sequence of how and when and why many things happened. Android melts were done in hundreds at foundries at the beginning of this situation.

  • they were all decomissioned and put in storage; evil groups then abducted them and started using them.

  • I think they make a new android in 1 day is the problem. They replicate the person in Standard Procedures: Androids are even created as MK ULTRA, they have the same mentality, behaviours, and attitudes of the people/clones that they replicate

  • When many Yagnas and other remedies like the Obstacle-breaker are performed for me (as I have a Subtle-sorcerer entity in my body) there have been cool moments. Androids learned of their Android status, integrated their MK ULTRA, gave themselves makeover and separate identities, got technological/mental/intellectual upgrades and performed miracles (Android that took out the Negs).

  • An Android even removed a huge entity from a Supercomputer by absorbing it into his body! They removed it shortly after.

  • They also helped the DC police a few times.

  • Souls are put into Androids; often from their originals.

  • For every action done there are immediate sabotages orchestrated. "is this, then that" mental tech.  That cool android soon after had a Subtle-sorcerer forced into its body (LDS Zeta do that)

  • Most recently, many were given jobs. (working through the kinks currently). Jan. 25, 2021

  • A Targeter Rehab for Androids was thought of but I'm not sure if that will be pursued (for the Black arts ones specifically). Jan 26, 2021 2am



I had once wondered how an Android felt when being informed of it's Android status?

"it makes sense! some things 'does not compute!'"

most are delighted and immediately learn about what it means to be an Android; depending on influencing factors, they often then did amazing things.

Things done to address Android Issue so far
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