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MK Intro
MK intro: We're All MK ULTRAs  :-)

Mon Oct 5, 2020 9:19pm

Please see the drop down menu (hover over the links) for all the other MK ULTRA content under the MK intro link.

We try to add as much relevant information as possible. It's helpful when other MK's also start their own websites so

we can all share and exchange tips and information. We've also added an article on MK ULTRA-healed Weddings

under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu. There are helpful articles there as well. For families that can speak

openly about MK ULTRA, read the Supports for MK ULTRA Families page (under Targeting Groups) for some




Weds June 24, 2020 1:28pm - New Info Learned

This is from the Manuscript found on the homepage, page

583. "How I learned Disney was Targeting Me."


Everyone is MK ULTRA: there are 3 varieties.

1. Military: done to high ranking officials, politicians, and wealthy

families (Pearls, chains, brass)

2. Disney: secular families (diamonds, emeralds, rubies)

3.  L.D.S.: spiritual or religious families  (gold, silver, copper)


The Beta Marketing indicators listed are (do not wear these if you

can help it!) These indicate what your Beta/child alter is used for.

See also Beta Protection measures.

1. special sex skills "presidential models" (pearls, diamonds, gold) 

2. prostitute (chains, rubies, silver)

3. drug mule (brass, emeralds, and copper)


There was a recent 60 year anniversary of *remote MK Ultra* capabilities (?) along with “Predetermining Lives” by the LDS church, Military, and Disney; this Predestining Machine is in the NORAD base, likely in the Sumas Abbotsford, BC area. Hollow mountains hide the fusion reactors necessary.  No one is liable. Let’s focus on: healing, WW3 prep, and spiritual protection remedies. After 60 years, every human is now mk ultra. Remote capabilities make that a reality. It can be verified; frequencies can also flip alters.


           - corporations are liable, not MK ULTRAs.


Our website has some info. Get to know your alters & start trauma healing (magnets are a quick method described in the book: The Emotion Code) & integrating. Please note: “invisible” MK Ultras will now begin helping some of you do trauma healing and “get to know your alters.”




Self-videos:  It’s helpful if you make a video of yourself, imaging talking to other parts of you that are younger, older, or just different. Talk about what you like, what your life is like, what you’re learning, what you’re scared about, and anything else. We wrote about this more on the "for U.S. Marines soldiers" page. There's also lots more helpful ideas under the T.I. link (hover for drop down menu).


How to flip your alters -->  To “force-front” different parts of yourself for video interviews, this is now helpful for everyone to get to know themselves. Some of the sounds are different for men than woman as well. We don’t know all of them yet but you can experiment with different sounds on apps. Before you try some, write a note to yourself for your next alter to read once it “fronts” so it knows what you’re doing and what you want to know about it.


Military sounds –

this chart is on page

569 of the homepage




LDS sounds –  “let us pray” fronts Theta; “take me down to Paradise city” fronts Zeta, “come to daddy!” fronts beta children, whirl sound fronts chi, rainbows front epsilon, gun-cocking fronts alphas, grunts front deltas. (some of these need to be checked)


Wednesday May 27, 2020 5:40pm

What is MK ULTRA?

It's a form of mind control, behavior modification and enslavement  forced on an individual or groups of of people (like Military men or Beta Farm programming) through the use of torture, trauma, excessive and prolonged exposure to drugs, confinements, etc. It's a type of intentionally created Dissociative Identity Disorder whereby alters of the person are flipped intentionally by codes,  frequencies, or hand signals as per the will of the handler/programmer. The various alters are continually programmed and accessed by handlers for assignments, memory wipes,  and other things.  Black magic is involved with the Gamma & Omega programming. For Gamma - entities are forced into trauma centers for misdirection and misleading the individual when they attempt healing or recovery. Omega programming is a self-destruct sequences that uses forces a person to commit suicide if certain memories are triggered; this is the reason why MK Ultra declassification is so necessary - so that many of these imprisoned people can heal and recover. Special types of therapies are required to prevent suicide.


MK Ultra consists of 9 alters:

  1. alpha – the muscle, brawn, body builders, hold knowledge base

  2. beta – innocence given animal and sexual programming, often children

  3. chi – the intellectual, math and numbers, computers, high intelligence,

  4. delta – cunning & espionage combat fighters/assassins/superhero's; military version are often dolphin/human hybrids. "why am I not in the pool?"

  5. epsilon – non human alters (positive/neutral/negative)

  6. gamma – entity programming

  7. omega – self destruct/suicide programming

  8. theta – spiritual/intuitives  

  9. zeta – persecutor, protectors, or punisher types; the most severe are black arts


Thursday May 28, 2020 4:37pm

The drop down menu that appears when you hover over MK intro (will eventually) contain links to each type of MK ULTRA alter and relevant or helpful information about it. In the U.S. Military, men are given 5 alters: alpha, beta, delta, zeta and either a chi or theta.(See page: For US Military Marines under Military drop down menu).  I was shocked to learn they have so many. Other Military organizations like the E.U. Battlegroup use a standard of three: theta,beta, delta (though those might be variable). Why they give men Beta alters is beyond my comprehension; I learned they're used to sexually assault women with - often for punishment or behavior modification. There's no reason for anyone to have a  Beta alter - those individuals suffer terribly; isn't the military mindset more of a minimalist approach? Self-denial and self-sacrifice?



































The above page is an excerpt from the Targeted Individuals paper found on the homepage: Broader Aspects of the TI Phenomenon: Remote MK ULTRA in Conjunction With Targeting Technolgogies.



Update: Friday May 22, 2020 7:22am

Everyone needs to learn about MK Ultra: what it does, how it’s created, how to help those who have it, how to determine if you have it, etc.


The MK Notes section of the website is still in development; it was intended for MK Ultras that started to learn some true things about me. It was for communicating with them and it still is. The drop down menu options when you hover over “MK notes” will have more pages soon. I want to have pages dedicated to every alter: alpha, beta, chi, delta, epsilon, (gamma/omega – in a healing page), theta, and zeta. I’m still in the process of mailing church members about Targeting and realized that this section needs to be tailored to more audiences.


I’m putting together a page for people to give MK Ultras when out in public. Most don’t know they have alters so once they know or are told, they can do things to make life easier for themselves. This was prompted after seeing several obvious people out in town when I was doing errands. I felt grief but wondered what I would say to them and realized the information might be easier if I could give them some resources.


To be continued…


Scroll down for MK Ultra indicators on one of the most tortured humans on the planet: Lady Gaga.



The Manuscript
"How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me"


Below are two pages 70 + 71 from the PDF "Disney Targeted Me" in the Disney link. This is to provide more information on the differences between MK ULTRA and generic Dissociative Identity Disorder. MK Ultra is intentionally formed D.I.D. with sabotages like Gamma and Omega built in whereas natural D.I.D. is the result of prolonged and ongoing trauma in a persons life. The Targeted Individuals Paper (PDF download in Bulletins link) explains this more as well as some of the remote MK Ultra programs that are done to people while they sleep and do things in their own home. Healing and recovery from D.I.D. is much easier than healing and recovery from MK Ultra. Learning to communicate with the different parts of yourself if the first step. Write notes to them. :-)

MK ULTRA & D.I.D Indicators

These are based mainly on physical appearance; Targeting technologies control most of their actions and behaviours.


MK Ultra Indicators:

  1. HAPPYFACE [page 32 in The Manuscript].

  2. confusion, sense of being lost. Feels like life “isn’t real.” Mental HAZE.

  3. strange HAIR COLORS – pink is common

  4. unusual, sudden ACCENT

  5. TRIGGERS – images, words, videos etc that illicit an OVERREACTION.

  6. mental image screens; auditory words perceived in the EARS; subliminal commands [targeting technologies]

  7. MEMORY ISSUES/blanking – YEARS missing

  8. Alternate NAME – “stage” name, “alter egos” “personas”


  10. red shoes, leopard print, lace, crossed arms & legs all indicate Beta programming.

  11. REVERSALS – pleasure means pain and pain is pleasure. BACKWARDS FORWARDS. Intentional confusions and dissociations.

  12. “I am not a person.” Extreme dehumanization


  14. STRONG AMNESIA Walls between alters (before starting healing)


When in therapy, feelings of AVERSION develop to: the THERAPIST, YOUR HEALING, HELPFUL THINGS

Gamma & Omega deprogramming make therapy more effective as they will interfere with progress. Otherwise Entity REMOVALS provoke SELF DESTRUCT responses or sometimes UNCONTROLLABLE behaviours – excesses usually: sex, eating, drinking, sleep, etc. feeling as though you’re being controlled by technologies strange PHOBIAS. This is all embedded responses to keep you from healing and moving forward.


Dissociative Identity Disorder Indicators:

  1. referring to oneself as “we” or “us.”

  2. drastic personality changes daily/weekly

  3. not in the “mood” for something that previously was interesting - one alter enjoys an activity while the other one doesn’t.

  4. Sudden, drastic change in: lifestyle, choices, or behaviours

    • Ie a sedentary person starts marathon training

    • Complete change in academic focus

  5. making a new friend group

  6. an attitude change: “suddenly my sister LIKED her middle name.”

  7. one eye can sometimes be slightly offset from the other (physical marker)

  8. the physical body will feel different for each alter… (more noticeable later as therapy progresses & flipping becomes more frequent).

  9. subtle flipping cues: countenance changes, tone of voice shifts, gait is different,

  10. completely different clothing styles between alters; sometimes, frequent outfit changes.



When I was told I was multiple I went into shock. I should have wrote it down for my other alters! I didn’t think of it at the time but looking back that would have been helpful. After it wore off we then started learning more about D.I.D. and what we could do for our self.  


Beta Indicators --> read How to Protect your Beta alter


  2. confusion, sense of being lost

  3. strange HAIR COLORS

  4. overly suggestive body posturing, mannerisms

  5. leopard print and or LACE

  6. MEMORY ISSUES/blanking

  7. tattoos, butterfly is common [ILLUMINATI SYMBOLISM]

  8. red shoes

  9. Marilyn Monroe appearance [presidential model]

  10. “I am not a person.” Extreme dehumanization


  12. HAND Gestures: ok sign, triangle, gun, one EYE covered

  13. MEMORY ISSUES: gaps from the life – YEARS MISSING

  14. mimicking feline postures, costumes, mannerisms, behaviours


Diamond Programming Indicators
- excessive attention to appearance:


  • Extra effeminate HAND gestures for WOMEN

  • Crossed legs, crossed arms, crossed HANDS. Hot crossed buns programming.

  • Heels, tight clothes, cleavage.

  • Can indicate that the Beta devices are attached: box in head and upper spine attachment.

  • Forced smiles (hidden cameras take photos)

  • Hidden cameras in the house, bathroom, SHOWER.

  • Shopping addictions; excessive amounts of clothing

  • Diamond ring, necklace, earrings, etc.




Example: Lady Gaga – most overtly MK Ultra currently it seems. (CIA Director Haspel deliberated OMITTED many of these on this list but its on the photo below. this suggeste that Lady Gaga is also a CIA experiment, as is possibly Selena Gomez and her positive Epsilon form. (see Epsilon in the MK intro drop-down menu). Is the Lady Gaga experiment  objective: "How Many Alters Can we Make?" over 20? [see photo below for descriptions. evidence of website tampering]


  2. ​

  3. ​

  4. ​

  5. ​

  6. ​

  7. from this small sample of photos, it looks like there are at least 5 or more alters visually. My personal guess would be that she has over 10.

  8. Stage name; alter ego.

  9. Hause of GAGA? Why is it a house? She has many alters…

this list can be viewed in the images below. Does Disney have capabilities that remove data from websites or just the Military/ CIA that's looks paid by Disney to remove those items. aren't they more interesting to know now ? is lady Gaga another weird experiment of CIA Director Gina Haspels?


A person could easily find 20-30 indicators on her alone.


To be continued… Identifying ALPHAS… The All-American Hero

Tom Brady, Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Zack Morris), Danny Tanner? 

MK ULTRA Programming Tortures:

This is an attempt to classify these type of traumas according to severity. It also demonstrates the severe human right violations of Gina Haspel who regularly performs these on others. Remote MK Ultra technological  capabilities are only the start.

  1. Muting

  2. Gamma (entity embedment) & Omega (self-destruct and/or suicide)

  3. Clones of self

  4. android of self

  5. Epsilon specific tortures (can sustain more suffering than normal humans)

  6. theta treatment” superior type of entity forced into a person

  7. Theta/zeta alter combinations in a person (spiritual alter + black arts alter)

  8. S.S. Men who have their souls removed.

  9. Theta/theta combination in a person (the psychological damage of this is very high)

  10. Meta-Humans (most severe type of torture required to give them morphing abilities (I hear Haspel’s Zeta say “that I subjected you to as well….” The superhuman ability I was given was “death conqueror” in order that I would continue surviving the extreme tortures so she could produce 2 or 3 Epsilon alters from me. She got 2 Epsilon alters from my mother. Torture a person cannot die from. How many lifetimes has it been John?


Trauma lines are visible on the sides of your fingers. If you've been subjected to one of these, it'll be noticeable. the lineson the outside of the index finger indicate the number of alters you may have. Depth and intensity of trauma is shown by lines that go through th e middle of the pad of the finger. those lines cut through the circular lines that make up your fingerprint. This information is also written on CIA Director Haspel's Page under Targeting Groups drop down menu.

WW2 gave us MK ULTRA. WW3 will annihilate it.


Thurs Jan 21, 2021  5:07pm

The degraded state that MK ULTRAt gives to humans was also done to the Perpetrators who sank into levels of depravity never yet known to man. Enter Clone 5s and 6s who were raised in labs, sexually abused, and taught that good feelings come from doing terrible things to others (base programming). This type of negative social conditioning is now in reversals stages.

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