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Gina Haspel --> Gina Haspels Clone 6 male Zeta


CIA Director Haspel's Zeta vs My 14 yr Zeta

Gina's male zeta alter named John, on Clone 6


July 31, 2020 12pm

Why does everyone NEED to learn about MK ULTRA? The photos show why. -->


Read about all his humiliating Psych Intel and Evidence of Crimes (under Targeting Groups).


Who’s the 12 year old posting humiliating shit on Hapels Twitter? My male alter who’s survived horrific things that his male Zeta has done to him. “What makes him confess?” and end the Epsilon Experiment is our only agenda. I have to protect the adult females in my system; he fu**s up their minds too much. I know all his #psychdirt and he can’t deal with that. #winning


CIA tech has imaging abilities. These are inner representations of the age, character, and personality of the alters in an MK ULTRA system. I can only guess as to what his looks like. Stalin is close. So, in reality, it looks like this:


"john" as he likes to be called, needs his OWN twitter account with a photo of HIS imaging and likelyness so everyone can better understand the true nature of what's happening. eh? ;-)



John likes chess so i added a nice photo of our "game" -->


I look pathetic because I was given #flataffect as a child. Lifelong tortures.


How does a 12yr old take down a #Hitler? By God’s grace alone. I literally do nothing; Guru does everything for me. I would have opted to die many years ago. What do photos do? “A picture says a 1000 words.” This is why we NEED the epsilon imaging of: our mermaid, my mothers horse and fairy, my fiance’s angel, and fiancé’s mother’s robot bunny. Please persuade Director Haspel to provide these.


Start your own Twitter account #john so we can go head to head. Put a legit photo up of your #imaging. Turn off the tech already; this is a knife fight. You don’t need cannons.


Thank you to all those who go and verify with imaging that this is indeed, true. Some of you are super cool: Meta-Humans. We hope that the crimes against you can be brought into public awareness as well as Director Haspels specific crimes and murders of some by sstepping on their morphed forms. They are the most severe form of Human Rights Violations. Here is a list of trauma's in order of severity our older female wrote:

Dec. 26. 2020

I dont think Stalin ate sh*t in his final weeks... read the blog stories for more intel.

this list is found on the CIA tech attack weapons page; they deleted words and the links so we took a JPEG of it... what do they NOT want you to know? THIS. The meta-humans can probably help to get Director Haspel jailed.


Looking at his photo: now it makes sense that he raped a woman with a torture device and she was screaming the whole time. I think she lived. He just derives too much pleasure from causing pain to others. #jailtimejohn.


Aug 3, 2020 add:

Notes from earlier:

Gina & Jeff Haspel

Zeta Jeff Haspel fronts. Does pain thing to my teeth… clearly unlawful.

4:04pm his Chi fronting now; analyst. Their marriage was: A marriage made in ___? “we’ll be criminals together”

How many lies per day do they need to stay afloat?

I think I was given 11 brain implants.

Jeff Haspel’s Zeta makes the noisy cars drive by? How freakin mature. 

Kitty might know where it is: Covid antidote room 120?

Haspel ex’s live in Richmond, Virginia somewhere. X marks the spot for their GOLD hoards.

Birds-eye view maps.


What happens when they cant deceive others anymore? Read: deception tech and CIA targeting abilities.


The Degrading life of CIA Director Haspel’s male Zeta alter John

By my male zeta alter, 12


Aug 3, 2020 11:10pm

What have I observed lately? Targeters like John’s tech specifically: making me forget about a wet towel in the closet. Cardboard: making my father organize his recyclables in the backyard (abnormal location) while family was visiting. Making poor people fight over buckets (same time agenda). Timing people in the kitchen so they need the same things at the same time. Everyone always needs the bathroom at the same time in this house. Bottom line: it’s all an illusion. The feelings they create aren’t real. Neither are the life circumstances.

John and his ex Jeff Haspel have invested decades of these minute details into the live of their “experiments:” not just my mother and I. When he has enough of the mind control removed (if that’s something he’ll ever get to experience) there will be a stark realization that his entire life’s efforts were actually his greatest shames and humiliations. #noresultsjohn

                John does not want dignity; he wants/needs an epsilon alter too badly.

                #memorywipes + mental blanking are constant.  This is how the slave wins.

Their child alters especially love to make people fart. #highlights for the prison years I’m sure. (plus all the imaging of people on toilets – lets not forget that!)

I’ve moved from pitying the guy to feeling ashamed FOR him. (this happens daily with intel i receive... I can FEEL his anger/humiliation/rage  when I learned about his drug business... you're loosing control like sand slipping through your fingers John.) He… doesn’t know when to quit. The things I’ve learned about him are humiliating but it doesn’t stop the Epsilon Experiment. I need to share more of those pages of written notes . <blank, blanking> my mind blanks as his embarrassment grows – “don’t remember that!!!” his panic is palpable at times.


I was shown imaging that I have no idea whether it’s true or not (it seems… plausible and likely) but needs verification: there’s a victim (or 2 or 3+) in his dungeon or subterranean levels. There’s a woman in a red bikini, arms up in chains. The place looks like a dungeon; iron chains. I think he tortures/rapes her regularly. She would be a missing persons.


he's trying to break my teeth currently; is that his M.O.? Who's all got broken teeth? Military does teeth breaker too... his father WAS in the Air Force if i'm not mistaken... a guy he murdered for 10million in fraudulent life insurance policy money.


 CIA: Haspel, Gina MKULTRA
Male alter John

To John

From boy, 12 Zeta.

10:19am Tuesday Aug 4, 2020


I need to give you something to look forward to when you’re in jail. You’re life… is just too depressing. So let’s put together a #highlightreel of your all time favourite memories of things you’re gonna miss doing to me! You can print it or read it when you’re in there… 😉

Its just… pity is all I feel toward you. You’re entire life has been wasted on banality. This is written in the context of the Psychological fact that those that Haspel exploits, blackmails, entraps etc into Targeting me are, in reality, an extension of himself. He ESPECIALLY loves to rape. I cannot state that more. I think the remote tech sexually assaults on my body have exceeded the millions. 

  1. Deciding WHEN I do my laundry (imaging & audio make this a highlight for a few hours… how can I stress her out?? Make her mother do laundry too!!! AT THE SAME TIME!!! DO IT.)

  2. Timing of yellow lights while giving us a sense of urgency. Yay! Its like I can FEEL you pushing the buttons sometimes :P

  3. Getting cars to cut me off; that’s a good one. John LOVES a #targeted accident. (read about Targeted Airlines and animals under Targeting Groups; I believe the theta alter down an airline also).

  4. Imaging – hours and hours worth… how many implants DID you need to give me to fail?

  5. Parking – this is super fun for him: where should I make her park? Who can block the spot she wants? Force the eyes to look there, then block it off.

  6. Incest: making my nephews run around in the backyard naked when swimming; forcing my mother to block me in the bathroom and pushing her large body against me.

  7. Microphone to subliminal: I think this is another favourite: him telling me what to do. He’s gonna miss that thing. Maybe someone can mail it to his cell?

  8. Sex tech assaults: I’m being violated even as I write… love of rape is an understatement for him.

  9. Swallowing: 2-5 years straight of that done to me. Oral fixation. He must love sucking women.

  10. My minor life details are the focal point of his existence. His withdrawals from tech especially will be severe. Do they serve whisky in jail?


*many of the devices described can be read about in the Targeted Individuals document in the direct Bulletin link

I’ll see what I can add to this list. I seriously think he’ll read it when he’s in jail. He’ll have a lot of time to “think” when he’s there. I’d give him more advice but… hes unable to overcome his Base Programming. (Base Programming done to MK ULTRA Zeta alters pairs feelings of enjoyment with acts of cruelty to others.)


Experiment: can male zeta alter John (police siren sound to front) feel love when given E or ecstasy/MDMA? LOL what does he DO then?!?????? A mass psychopath on E… ohhh the hilarity.


His predictability is becoming like the back of my hand… “oh there you are John… just the same as all the rest.” Was anyone able to get video of his beta/child alter speaking to Michael Eisners (former Disney CEO) beta/child alter? Keep doing this… it humiliates him because he hates his child alter.


The Dead and Psych Analysis


Boy, 12: I wake up in a half sobbing state – half because I don’t think my body is capable of crying due to the severe tortured state that it’s in. there’s a large object impaling the center of my chest and I feel it as sobs are evoked. No tears come; probably because I'm so dehydrated. Synthetic dreams orchestrated attacks between my mother and I, year of John’s orchestrating psychological and emotional suffering between us, Epsilon Experiment recipients. I feel the emotion of grief and perhaps that’s the most feeling I’ve been able to have in quite a while.

                Synthetic dream imaging often uses dead people: I conclude that the male alter on Gina Haspel is a Psychopath of the Highest Order. One image used is of a deceased friend… another is of our spiritual girl alter (chi) who’s only ever experienced social isolation due to Gina Haspel’s experiment. There may have been a lovely spiritual type of energy present that woke me. Dead people for psychological “analysis” are common to John’s nature. Like the use of his own deceased father. (think that was written on his Psyc Intel page.

                I think now he might be jealous of me… hatred is obvious but as the Zeta alter that humiliates him, he feels powerless. His games are just pathetic and the pettiness involved makes him seem like an immature child. Some psychological stuff happens (he’s really obsessed with psyc stuff… maybe because he can’t understand his own depravity) and I feel like I need to be his parent. He lacks courage in admitting mistakes; I hear him and his ex “thought listen” and tell them that shame is survivable. They need to own up to their mistakes and move forward. Things wont get better for them if they keep doing the same things.


John's Final Days

3:16pm Sunday Aug 23, 2020

Boy, 12: John’s gonna spend his remaining days alive with me, his torture victim, because pushing those buttons on his remote satellite murder tech while watching on monitors what it does to my body gives him the most pleasure. "I derive a sick sense of pleasure from watching this" other CIA staff have exclaimed. Good luck man. I did my best.


He asks the entities questions after he forces them into my body (go see what type of tech can do that). I think Disney did that a lot to me as well. They revere the Theta Treatment one (black arts zeta) which was… ___mind blowing and dumb-founding to experience.  So someone asked whether he was gonna die soon. It could have been misdirection so lets see what happens. Later I think it was John directly that asked how one felt (maybe the zombie one he specifically put in me, the boy) when we sat in the bath tub with rock salt. After a few minutes the water turns a noticeable black shade, which as described by the SSRF foundation as black energy from entities being removed from the body. What did the entity say? “my power!!” in angst as the black stuff leaves. This is why its also helpful for everyone to do the salt water remedy once or twice a day. It involves just sitting with feet immersed in water with 1-2T of rock salt for about 15 minutes.  I don’t usually feel well enough to so I opt to bath or dunk in an external water body source. Rivers, lakes, streams imbibe the body with positive energy. (See River Bathing in the Spiritual Protection Remedies under Bulletins drop-down menu.)


Boy, 12: In the last week, I’d been wondering about how he was gonna go. Would he drug himself first? Get a targeter to do it? I thought he’d already have one who’s murder tech he’d prefer… how many life policies are out on the guy now? When targeters actually learn the truth… OMG. Other times, divine influences make things happen. Will there be a final act of grace from the guy? He’s 63 years old.



someone came and "told" us: his plan is a gun to the head. "morphine first sounds like a good idea." True to his name, he plans to leave a Bloody Mess. (Bloody Gina = Bloody John.)  I hope I find a copy of the Death Certificate this time. we couldn't find any on the others so far...


Nov 14, 2020 11:07pm

I’ve learned a lot about the John alter on Gina Haspel, clone 6 (the most evil one) since I started writing this page. The story we wrote on the blog on his arrest is so severely humiliating to him. The fact that we know that he ate Toast in his jail cell one morning severely humiliated him. Neg love Base Programming done to him humiliates him; so does the Chicken love (all stories from the blog). But it’s true – he gets erections from the tortures of others as did his ex Jeff Haspel. Who knows the real Gina Haspel? No one.


Ask Truth tech: how many people believe lies about Gina Haspel? I think it was over 500…  


“time for a cold shower john?”

How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me

Me vs John

p. 377 of “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me” is a photo depiction of me vs John – the male alter on Gina Haspel’s clone 6. He’s got some other clone 6’s around him, guys he pushes a button on to make them do his will. A picture says a thousands words…[free PDF in the Disney Corp link]


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