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MK intro --> Gamma & Omega


Gamma & Omega Programming

Sunday July 26, 2020 9:08am

*updates to follow*



Gamma uses entities that are forced into an individual to intentionally misdirect, mislead them, and prevent recovery. Entity removals are possible. Some types of theta, chi, and epsilon are knowledgeable about these things. The SSRF website has a tremendous amount of articles and information on learning about and coping with entity (and addiction) issues. Programmers or black arts Zeta often consult with possessing entities on how to program you for their specific goals and agendas (usually negative). This is how orchestrated events often occur. they do mental recon at night while you sleep, often by using technology. Some are just more Targeted than others. (This is known as the T.I. phenomenon.)


Forced physical posturing during the day can indicate which satellite remote MK Ultra program was recently done on you. (at this time I'm unaware of how to heal those; leaving notes on your bedroom floor for spiritual energies to read can assist with trauma healing).



Is self-destruct sequences that runs when a specific trigger is activated. It can look like an emotional breakdown on a person from a seemingly inconsequential environmental cue. Often, this type of MK Ultra programming is done while a person sleeps. Sometimes this is also a suicide type of program that gets activated when too much memory recovery is accessed. This is why MK Ultra specific therapies and recovery methods are required.


“Push Omega”

Thursday Jan 21, 2021  5:30pm

High-intensity yagnas, or Spiritual Protection Remedies, allowed for reversals to take effect. Being a CIA “experiment/agenda, I was often given 200-300 entities regularly. The “push Omega” button that Targeters were instructed to do every so often would then release entities from me instead of causing the emotional or psychological breakdown. I then kept telling them to “push Omega 50 times really fast” and some Targeters became really helpful.


The Omega

You can also read about how the L.D.S. Church Zeta alters gave us “The Omega” – a highly powerful subtle-sorcerer that our theta/host alter received. It was beyond horrifying to survive it for over a decade now. We think that perhaps 5-6 other people also were given Subtle-sorcerer type entities. [SSRF page on Subtle-sorcerer entities]. The Spiritual Science and Research Foundation has done a tremendous amount of research into the spiritual dimension, entities, and ghosts and their information provided on their website, along with the various remedies and lifestyle suggestions, made surviving much easier. [See: Our Guru - His Holiness Dr. Athavale.]

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