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Targeting Tech --> Theta Entities

Theta Treatment Entities

How and Why the CIA Forces Powerful Entities into People

(separate from Gamma Programming)



To the best of my knowledge, this is a procedure the LDS black arts zeta alters do to others, often theta alters.

They can be thetas from any type of MK ULTRA programming group and not necessarily belong to the LDS church.

Sorcerer type entities have been forced into the bodies of  several of the CIA's death-defiers.


--> The Spiritual Science &  Research Foundation website is where we first learned about the Subtle-Sorcerer entities.

Subtle-Sorcerer Entities  - Most Powerful

tues June 30, 2020 9:02am

Is a process whereby Theta’s are severely tortured and have some type of black magic done to them by terrifying black arts LDS Zeta alters that enables the strongest types of entities to attach to a person. There is probably a more technical term to some of these things but it’s what we named it as it seems commonly done to theta alters: Myself, the love drug lure Danny Arts, Elder Bednar (a double theta), and Michael Eisner’s oldest son. 


Its physically evident on some theta as the traumas in the faces can be seen. They look blunted and mentally blank or fatigued. How do the LDS church Zeta alters decide who receives this? July 26, 2020 - I've recently learned that the CIA technological capabilities influence and manipulate many individuals. Some of their personal experiments to create Epsilon require constant states of torture to individuals; they would largely influence these Zeta on whom to do the "treatment" to.  Learning about this process and that it's done intentionally helped us understand some things. What was common about things done to both Danny’s theta and My theta? They were both in a drug induced state (debilitated) when it was done to them. There’s less control and more helplessness while in that state. 


What happens after this process: the lives of the thetas become destroyed. They are maxed out on coping and some resort to criminal activities (Danny) or live in a state of constant distress (our host), or made to do evil things. This process can also birth positive epsilon alters when the theta alter "dies" of max trauma.



The Spiritual Science and Research Foundation has done extensive research into the spiritual realm. They define the strongest types of entities as Subtle-sorcerers.  The page with the Subtle-sorcerer content describes some of the effects of observations of Subtle-sorcerer type entities.


This is another helpful article that describes the type of subtle sorcerers that were behind the orchestration of the 1st and 2nd World Wars. [World War 3 Predictions, halfway down the page]. These are now forced intentionally into the bodies of people. CIA technology does this frequently to people. There is also documentation of vivid and lengthy descriptions of my personal experiences in the hell regions. The entities that possess the astral body take the person to those horrific places and torture them mercilessly. These are horrors and terrors that cannot be comprehended mentally.  If I heard correctly from the truth tech device on Oct 27, 2020, the subtle sorcerer given to me is from the 6th region of hell.


Some remedies to reduce the black energy covering that entities create are provided on the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation website. Due to MK Ultra Gamma Programming, many of us have entities forced into us. Salt Water Therapy is simple for those with less physical distress; sitting out in the sun is helpful too. Some other Spiritual Protection Remedies are also listed under the bulletins. The SSRF website has a lot of information in how to deal with ghosts, entities, and other negative energies. The SSRF article: "Spiritual cleansing of the black covering formed by negative energies around oneself" describes how and why entities form a black covering on a person and what can be done to remove its influence. At the bottom of the page on the sorcerer type entities it states that: "Acquiring the grace of a Guru above 90% spiritual level through one’s intense spiritual practice is the assured way of being insulated from the distress of subtle-sorcerers."


Tues. March 9, 2021  2:26pm

boy, zeta, 14

These photos depict some aspects of the sorcerer entities - what they sometimes look like on the astral (cartoon) monitors that black arts use and the effects that they have on the environment. Higher level negative entities can take on any form. The Sorcerer entity we became familiar with presented itself in a stately manner to LDS zeta alters on imaging (photo replica we've yet been unable to find) and in January 2021, some spiritual thing happened whereby it was forced to take on the likeness of a humiliating form. This has been described more on The Omega page in the LDS Church link.


For more information on how the Sorcerer entities are being fought, read about the ongoing Sorcerer Battle (under the Battles menu). The Omega Event,(LDS Church menu) is another way of destroying some and describes various methods to specifically annihilate the ones that the CIA has forced into some of the death-defiers.


Sorcerer Entity Visuals



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