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MK ULTRA --> Theta alters



Thetas are deeply spiritual people and perhaps are designated by their naturally higher spiritual level. They would display signs of altruism, empathy, kindness, and regard for all walks of life. They would likely have a high devotional temperament.


(I know very little about MK Ultra alters so this is my attempt to share what I do know... others would be much more adept at describing them).


Theta are spiritual alters that are more sensitive to the spiritual realm. Each one is unique but theres also a long list of subcategories of spiritual abilities that each may have. Some are religious others are atheists; most have strong levels of integrity and have the ability to see the truth  easily. I feel inept to write on such a broad category of topics. This information is just a very brief introduction to the concept of Theta’s. Any person can have spiritual experiences, theta just have them more frequently than others perhaps.


I want to write this in such a way as to not drive away those of certain religions. Each person’s devotion or faith is unique. I think mostly the notion of God at it’s most fundamental aspect is relating to it as energy. Others can relate to God with greater feelings of love and warmth. Maybe I’ll too detached at this moment to write this in the best way. Many theta have supernatural abilities and don’t recognize them as such.


For Christians

Feelings of devotion while praying, reading the Bible or in worship become most strong and they can have spiritual experiences in these states. One way that spiritual emotion becomes evident is through the experience of cool tears. Warm or hot tears are usually cleansing of grief but cool tears are more spiritual in nature. The Spiritual Science and Research Foundation (SSRF) has written several articles about this:


What’s the Difference Between Regular Emotion and Spiritual emotion? 


In Whom is Spiritual Emotion awakened? 

Many would have "gifts of the spirit".


For Hindus

The yogis of India have been such an inspiration to me of what’s possible once we reach levels of greater internal purification. Their stories are encouraging and enlightening. I’ve only read a few books but Paramahansa Yogananda’s book entitled “Autobiography of a Yogi” is incredibly phenomenal in describing how a young devotional person finds his guru, obtains spiritual experiences throughout his life and becomes a guru himself. Due to the spiritual nature of the stories, just listening to it gave me spiritual experiences.


For non religious:

Spiritual abilities can often be described as “psychic abilities” though the word seems to have such negative connotations, well for me anyway. What was helpful though was learning that there are different categories of skills and that one person is usually not about to do all. One person usually has maybe 2 or 3 of these. Sometimes I’ve had experiences just happen and there was no volition involved. I wonder if it’s spontaneous for others as well. I usually am not able to force these things.


The fact that the military uses theta is terrifying as they would have likely compromised the integrity of those individuals and force them to perform negative actions. With theta, there are levels of internal boundaries that they have; they generally respect others privacy as much as possible and are just “given” experiences as per their life circumstances. 



Wikipiedia List of Psychic Abilities:

Psychic abilities 


Psychic abilities are also called siddhis. They develop naturally as a result of spiritual progress. There are negative aspects to intentionally developing supernatural abilities as they become paired with ego and the thought of “I control.”  Depending on the circumstances of the individual, and especially in regards to negative military conditioning, these individuals become capable of doing a tremendous amount of evil. I’m thinking of a movie I saw once where marital arts were used by people with very selfish and greedy motives. It was terrifying to see that spiritual things were being used in such a way. Would they be then classified as Zeta? This comes from cultures such as Japan that’s more familiar with energy work like Chi Gong(?).  I’m blanking on the term. <cant write anymore… will add more later.>


Even I do not fully understand the categories of Zeta, Theta, and Chi very well. Perhaps its about the individuals themselves: good or bad. This might just relate to specific abilities.


What movie was that? People intentionally doing spiritual practice (ie like focused meditation for hours) for evil intentions eventually develop the qualities of negative subtle sorcerers and spend the afterlife in the negative regions.

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