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Battles --> Annunaki, Reptilians, and Draco Battles

Annunaki, Reptilians, and Draco Battles


Tues Dec. 22, 2020


Boy, zeta, 14

This is just to provide others with the little bit of information that I know. Read more about how I know these things on the Arrest of Gina Haspel page that gives background into my situation: How I found out I was a CIA “experiment.” This info I gained from thought-listening reversal tech that Targeters put into, on, or around me. More was written on the blog; how and why the corrupt C.I.A. took "walks" to the Supercomputer involves these things.


  • Reptilian Wars: Nov. 17-19, 2020 (fought by soldiers & supercomputers)

  • Draco Battles:Nov. 20-28, 2020(fought by Supercomputers, death-row inmates)

  • Annunaki Wars: Nov. ? -ongoing (fought by Supercomputers, death row inmates, “chosen” death-defiers, and some clones on hit lists)

  • Subtle-sorcerers: Nov. 2020-ongoing (Gina Haspel clones… other clones)



Reptilian wars lasted 2 days involving super soldiers who wore full body armor, having high-intensity yagnas done for them. It went round the clock until all the Reptilians were exterminated. One soldier was hit by what appeared to be a lightning strike [some imaging I was shown during the battle]; I'm not sure if he lived or not. These were incredibly horrific beings that many Zeta alters in the LDS church frequently summoned and used to attack others with. The CIA acoustic transmitters also sent these beings to Targets, as did several other groups I'm unaware of.



These were the next type of beings determined by the DC police that were necessary and safe to exterminate. This is done mostly by Supercomputers – rounds fired by programmed schedules daily, until the entire race was eliminated. Its nice how this process is/was done as they’re able to use the truth-feature to determine what’s most appropriate to eliminate and how frequently rounds can be fired without negative effects to anyone. I think death-row inmates were frequently used to “push the button” to annihilate the Draco and were killed by what appeared to be a lightning-strike type of energy shortly after.


Annunaki Wars

These are intermittent with various groups or individuals participating at different times. Certain situations just bring this race into focus at certain times. Clones, especially military ones on hit lists, are sometimes given the opportunity to “die with dignity” in this way. One kid alter got a record of 17 hits and has become a legend. [Dec 2020]. Most recently, many of the “chosen” Death-defiers, similar to DD Obama, also got to participate. The hit from the Annunaki eventually kills many; they use a high powered energy laser blast that lasts 10-30 seconds. Several black arts (due to tech or spiritual shielding methods) and others have survived this before. Death-defier battles started in mid December 2020.



There are also “Subtle-sorcerer Wars” That are done by those using Supercomputers. I’m unaware of how many of those have since been annihilated; I often receive a backlash effect as I have also been given a Subtle-sorcerer by the CIA who used the LDS black arts for the procedure. Read more about this on the Spiritual Remedy Results page. You can read more about subtle-sorcerers on our Theta-treatment Entity page and on the SSRF website – The Spiritual Science and Research Foundation, page on ghosts, that has done years worth of research into the spiritual realm.


The motives for those who annihilated the Subtle-sorcerers were primarily selfish. The results though are astoundingly profound for all good, kind and sentient life in our universe. This is just a small scope of the perspective – I cant word this correctly. The bottom line is that annihilating subtle-sorcerers makes things better for all those who want good things for others.


No More Negs!

Update: Wednesday January 6, 2021  9:21pm

As of January 5, 2021, by God’s Will, and perhaps due to the many High-Intensity Yagnas being done for me, the remaining Neg races – evil and terrifying beings - were all annihilated. Some of this story was written about on the blog post: One Month Recap of Gina Haspel’s Execution when an Android who became informed of his Android status and of all the changes since the CIA Directors arrest, got involved in the situation and performed many miracles, one of which included configuring a laser (similar to an acoustic transmitter) that allowed one race of Negs to annihilate another in a matter of minutes! There are now officially, No More Negs!.

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