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Targeting Methods--> How Entwistle Men Target


How King Pieces Target
How Darren & Jeff Entwistle Target Men


Added: Nov 8, 2020 6:04pm  The Entwislte men Darren and Jeff Entwistel of BC, Canada were King Pieces in the John alter on CIA Director Haspels Games of Chess.  Their M.O. is really his.


Sunday June 14, 2020 6:30pm

(updates will be ongoing)


--> force a Divorce

--> force a Jag

-->  force a wardrobe upgrade (designer clothes)

--> force a Beta (an MK Ultra younger woman, high sex drive)

--> force an addiction (alcohol) by the Base Program


“make you feel like a MAN again.”


They destroy men financially. “Can I really afford it?”  They give men erectile difficulties, give them physical injuries via “accident tech”… their technological capabilities can make a person believe anything they want them to, aka “deception tech.”


They give you problems with your health, your appearance (this is known as Reverse Diamonds attacks) and otherwise make you look bad in front of others. They intentionally shame you, blame you and discredit you. These are also Disney methods and can be read about under the Targeting Groups link – Disney. White magic attacks are helpful to know about also.


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How the Wealthy Are Targeted


To: the owners of Jaguar Dealerships, Golf Courses, Designer Clothing Stores, High End Restaurants, Banks, etc…  


Most of your clients are Targeted Individuals, this is known as the T.I. phenomenon. We have a FLYER showing how the RED EYE recording device is visible in your photographs. It literally records what you see.


ADD FLYER PIC --> on T.I. page




























This is a copy of the generic letter we’ve been mailing to many local businesses, explaining how Peter and Loretta Entwistle of BC Hydro target people with their illegal advanced technological capabilities. They destroy marriages, lives, create accidents and other sources of constant stress. They have 2 sons: Darren – Telus CEO, and Jeff, who owns a Beta Farm on Fore and Bell Roads in Abbotsford, BC. They live next to the Weather Station in the Matsqui Flats are.









Jaguar Dealerships


This was a note we sent to five or six Jaguar dealerships in a 100 mile radius of Abbotsford, BC. This is a GLOBAL issue. Please pass on to all Jaguar dealerships. Thank you!


What else needs to be known: these men are manipulated with Targeting Technologies that makes them feel happy, excited, and enthusiastic when on the Dealership lot. Often when they get home, they’re made to feel the opposite and experience buyers remorse.


To Jaguar Salesmen,

Many of your customers are Targeted by Peter [BC Hydro], Darren [Telus, CEO], and Jeff Entwistle [Beta Farmer]. They are often forced beyond their means to purchase luxury vehicles.


Some relevant targeting indicators include: beer gut, health problems, young girl, designer clothes, injuries, alcohol addiction, etc. They can take proactive measures once they are made aware.


The Auraquartz website has more information on the Entwistles --> [this page].  How Peter and Darren Target Men.


- more to come -


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