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T.I.'s --> How to Identify Invisible Targeters

Identifying Invisible Sources of Targeting
(T.I. Phenomenon)

Updated July 25, 2020 12:07pm


These are some methods used to gain information on invisible sources of Targeting. Using several different sources helps to make more accurate assessments.


  1. Handwriting indicators (content, images, styles)

    1. Targeters Trademarks

  2. Familiarity with symbols

  3. Pen Method

  4. Divination

  5. Energy battles

  6. Ignor "content" describe sensory experiences

  7. Use the environment for clues

  8. Mentally "talk" to your attackers

  9. Use Fronting Sounds

  10. Learn about Deception Tech

  11. Doodles

  12. Indicators that are specific to certain individuals.


For overwhelm relief:


To identify Targeters: handwriting indicators, symbols/crests, talking to them, observations of targeting tech (physical and external stimuli), and other indicators are best. Technology based.


To identify Black Arts: clues in the environment, doodles, energy batthles, pen method, symbols, and divination methods (any kind). Energy based.

How To Identify “Invisible” Targeting Groups


Updated June 2, 2020 3:48pm

Handwriting - Content

            My notes and handwriting have the most clues as to how you personally can locate and identify INVISIBLE attackers. They think their technology hides them but detailed observations has proven that those belief are false. I’ll type up the notes of how this was identified as I’m UNABLE TO LOAD PHOTOS from my BRAND NEW IPHONE. Those images can be posted later. Analyzing your own handwriting for unusual things is helpful.

  1. write down what your body, mind, and emotions experience (don’t analyze just put the words down.) allow for misspellings and excessive curvatures of letters as these are helpful.

  2. pause and reflect. What’s logical? What sensations are associated with whom or what agency?

  3. look at the words on your page. Where were the INDICATORS? Funny, misspelled words, words that are bigger or smaller than other words, letters with strange curves or sharpness to them.

  4. make connections: when my “j” looks like this, it indicates that this group is likely present/active.

  5. What are the words telling me? Ignore the content, think about possible groups. Ohh… the word “sod” came out on the paper and I said the word “shit”….beta farmer. For example. Usually there are SEVERAL clues that will point to the attacker.


“like clockwork”… immediately I though military of some kind. But the word clock looks like DOCK. --> NAVY.


The word “eare” was strange and unusual. What did it mean? It FELT important. Lake Erie was my first thought. I googled it… it’s also the NAME OF A SHIP. One word means another. If you don’t know these things… how can you ever figure it out? CLUES.


AIMed word. This vessel carries weapons. So does the USS Lake Erie.

Geentals – male crew members

The letter "b" in the word "beside" looks like a ship mast


I’ve experienced Naval targeting in the past and had thought they’d left. Why are they still here? “I had noticed that the heteroydyning had started up again when it had ended for a while. 2-3 months maybe. They pretend to be “good” Mercy ship. But torture innocent civilians in reality. Ability to locate any person via SONAR.


That’s why SONAR was repeated so much the last few weeks. HINDSIGHT has CLUES TOO.

THAT’S WHY C” IS FOR CAPTAIN. --> My hand was FORCED into a C shape for MANY YEARS. Who’s here? The navy is here. Aren’t they in Hawaii? Why me?


Keep in mind that there maybe two or more groups around at all times so detailed notes and observations are necessary.






HANDWRITING – signatures

Those that target usually send electricity in some form at you or toward your body. I realized this by using a Sonar app that instantly showed me that I had several/many rings of electricity around my body (Ghost Sonar app). My constant EMF rating is close to 1 (0.96 ut or MicroTeslas). This frequency somehow contains their energy signatures that appear in your literal handwriting. The Telus symbol, for example, is very easy to see once you know to look for it. Familiarity with Corporate symbols is incredibly helpful for this. Several days of observations make this an interesting undertaking. I knew that many of my Targeters were from local companies so that made identifying most of them easier. The Koodo trademark made double “oo’s” look funny. There are usually about 10-15 individuals targeting me at a time so it’s difficult to separate them all. I’ve made a lot of mistakes but their trademarks are obvious indicators. (theres a page or 2 in the Manuscript “How I Learned the Agency Targeting me was Disney” that shows some of their Corporate Symbols.


I noticed that telus swirl in my handwriting yesterday. It seemed odd; I didn’t know what to make it of. Now I do. Darren Entwistle, you are targeting me with tech, you are targeting me with black magic. Your trademark is here.


This is why it became important to take handwritten notes. There signatures and trademarks are visible, even from documents that you may have written YEARS ago. Like a “calling card” they like to know where they’ve been.


If you learn the names of the individuals that target you, their initials may be present more often in your surroundings as per white magic methods.



When I looked at the logo, I thought there was something important about it, but I wasn’t sure what. It lets you know that they’ve been targeting you. And both Telus and BC Hydro are owned by KKK members which means they also perform black magic.




Influences over handwriting:


Black magic

  • handwriting has sharp, straight edges

  • letters trail off longer

  • sharp corners


White magic

  • handwriting is curvier than normal

  • letters are more round

  • over exaggerated letters




  • the words chosen are not necessarily your own

  • intended meanings, when read later, are seen as confusing or misleading

  • confusion and misdirection is evident in phrasing




I don’t remember how I got this idea I just started noticing the compass points that my pen would point to when I was making notes. It can sometimes literally indicate that the source of targeting is SE or NW.  Consider what you know about who or what is in the direction that’s being indicated. The more you know, the better.

            This is why it was helpful to learn where Peter and Loretta Entwistle live. The pen points there often. Also, it points at their son’s Beta Farm a lot as well.

            Then it would point to areas I was unfamiliar with. Due East. What’ the heck it out there? The ocean. I knew from experience and “clues” that there were/are naval Targeters at times. So I found a map on current locations of deployed vessles.  This lists some of them. You can then search for the current Captain or whatnot. Sometimes they read the notes you write. You can also just tweet them privately or something and see what happends. Most of them look like good people so perhaps also there’s confusiono or other reasons why Targeting comes from their locations.

            The pen method can be interfered with so use caution. You’ll “sense” that there are manipulating energies as this is usually the case with black and white magic. It helps to have 3 or more indicators working in conjunction to identify sources. Pen is one. Writing is 2. Writing can have many helpful clues though.


L.D.S Chi Video

This video that we described in the Manuscript was from a Mormon Church website. It's called Returning Early from a Mission; they make all of their members MK Ultra via remote technology. I believe this video is used to program Chi alters and suggests at the pen method for discerning sources of attacks. The other video described on this page (not shown) is for Theta programming and possible Diamond marketing.  [insert image from Manuscript page 395]


























​​Audio & Image Screens

Being a T.I. means that these tech methods are usually used to harass you. Other times they can provide intel; it depends on who and what is helping you. Be cautious of being mislead as this is the default method of Zeta: they all blame each other. When yagnas are in effect, audio and imaging often provide information on attackers; I learned to idenfity attackers based on the type of screens they used and the content they preferred to watch - entities or deities indicated black arts. Sexual content - often Beta Farmers. ect.




For Theta, chi, epsilon or those willing to experiment.  Divination tools can become incredibly helpful. We’ve used a regular set of playing cards to gain insight into attackers as once you learn to decipher them, they can provide many intimate details of a strangers life. We’d never read someone without their permission but due to the circumstances it’s just something we’re often forced to do. It can become a method of self-defense as other attackers sometimes leave or force others to leave as they do not want their private details revealed to others watching.  We’ve also made alphabet letters on simple pieces of cut out cardboard: some have numbers and names written on them of designated sources of attacks and we use these as well. You can add other designators as to position, rank, title, mk ultra, military, political, what branch of military, what person in the family, years, etc.


There’s no real strategy to it. Its mostly just energy representing things occurring and it’s not about “fortune telling,” it’s “intel telling.”  Sometimes there’s black and white magic or even tech that can manipulate this so be observant of your surroundings and practice with caution and skepticism. What are the results? Are your interpretations accurate? Do your attackers leave when you identify them? Having a "Rolodex" or binder of what targeting symptoms are associated with what attacker becomes helpful; you can reference it frequently; I wish I had put one together. What’s appropriate in the given circumstances? These are physical methods that provide information about physical realities of invisible Targeters.


Disclaimer on Card Reading:

For a detailed explanation on why a deck of cards is used to gain information on criminals that use invisible technology to attack others, please read the article: How to Identify Invisible Sources of Targeting.  For Christians, it may be off-putting. I’ll just explain it this way: even the Military uses thetas to do this. From a strictly logical approach, each card is designated a specific meaning and when certain ones combine, if proves information to a situation you’d otherwise never know about. “What’s helpful for me to know about so-and-so?” was usually the intention. The value to this method in the current set of circumstances is immeasurable. I discovered incredibly embarrassing things about those who have been trying to kill me for a very long time. I did not care to know these things but making their dirt public and having their friends learn it was very damaging to them. Their world became smaller. Keep in mind that these are people who murder for money. I would not do this to another individual without their permission. “As per the circumstances” Guru always tells me. How did I feel about the “dirt wars” in the beginning? Awful; some information you NEVER want to know about how gross these people are.


Some cards “we” read were for:

Peter Entwistle

General Berger’s crimes - bottom of page for President Trump (under T.I.'s)

Loretta Entwistle


MK Ultras – Enemies to Allies + Energy Battles

- When MK Ultras that are used to Target you become your ally’s --> energy battles result and you gain INTEL.

- some MK Ultra soldiers are helpful and can use tech to inform you of things they become aware of regarding your situation; their tech can see things you cant.   

- other Targeters target each other, so to save their butts, some give you info as well

- by helping them they also help you; it becomes win-win. They are usually controlled by those that are Targeting you. You all now have a common enemy.


After we started posting true things about our circumstances on our wall physically, either handwriting it or printing out pages and taping them, some people that were being used to attack us started learning the truth. What happens is that usually MK Ultras are used to attack others. They literally don’t know better and are usually under mind control or deceived in some other way. So then when they finally start learning the truth, some of them start to help you and they become allies. This is when energy battles begin: in my case these were all MK Ultras. They fight against those targeting you to give you information about them.


For Esper (from page 514 Manuscript on the Homepage)

Why else are the MK Ultras that are used to attack him and the President valuable? Once you tell them what’s true (photo wall self defense method article) they help you in ways <blanking> … many of them have abilities that are phenomenal (spiritual in nature) and can remove things from your body that immediately make you feel better in ways you didn’t know were possible. I’m so grateful to them: chi, theta, epsilon and others. Its unexpected and wonderful, how valuable they are. Add to: how to Identity Invisible sources of Targeting Page (bottom), under T.I.’s.


[will update further]


photo remedy started at 9:30pm Sun. Jan. 10, 2021

Some examples of Handwriting that's being affected by Targeters. Same letters look different. Different Targeting sources have "trademarks" that are easily visible once you know to look for them. Observations of your written notes make this easier. Familiar, repetitive patterns. This image is courtesy of: Abbotsford Chief Serr's Twitter feed. The message provided is beautiful as well.

Ignore "content" - describe sensory experiences

Targeters are programemd to deflect attention away from them so they'll use others (given to you via imaging and auditory experiences) as sources of blame, shame, or frame. Focus on the consistent sensory experiences from each specific Targeting Source as a way  to identify them and their methods. There are many ways that alien voiceovers can sound. Pitch & tone, make a difference.


Use the Environment for Clues

Once you know you're Targeted, Energy Battles can develop, especially if your Targeting source uses white magic. This means that there are clues in your surroundings as per the source of you Targeting... I'm not sure if the energy "outs" them or if other Targeters use mechanical overrides on other humans beings to intentionally give them away.


Some examples of this: people around you will say something that might feel irritating. It means something else. How does their phrase, used in another context, identify your source of Targeting? This morning I was writing notes in the kitchen and my mother briefly walked by and said one sentance: I cant even remember what it was. Immediately i felt irritated but then paused to think... what else did her words mean? NORAD. Immediately the Targeter TURNED OFF and left. Other times I've been sitting in my vehicle and passersby have made similar comments or phrases. I dont always made the connection to the source and sometimes it's just irrelevant stuff so leanrning to navigate like a chi is best... constantly changing set of circumstances. it sucks and its chaotic but doing random and unpredictable things at times can help. 


Mentally "Talk" to your Attackers

new - we've been doign this recently because we learned that they "thought listen" so most of the time they hear thoughts. Make a commentary of how they're manipulating your body wo move or walk in a certain way. This is the benefit I just realized to going through the old family photos provided - the repetative postures indicate MK Ultra traumas and programs. They know that you know what they're doing. It becomes humiliating and frustrating for them to lose their sense of secrecy. It's also degrading... my mother and I were mechanically forced to want or need a bucket at the same time. Same time is done to many: need to use the bathroom/kitchen the same time as another. an item needs to be used at the same time. They spend their day making poor people fight over buckets (my mother and I). It makes them think about what they do and they left after a while.


Other Targeting Victims are Wealthy

Breaking things down into banality helps here. Mentally think: "Oh you're watching me do such and such"; or "I feel sorry that you have to waste your time doing this to me. What would you rather be doing?" My 3 yr old started talking to the Black Arts Zeta like they were her friends. (On some level, we technically are so a child's interpretation that "we're all MK Ultra" is very simplistic - How your child alter can help you is relevant here. It has to deal with the same things. Write notes to it on how you deal.) It was severely humiliating for them and they left faster. "hi guys!" she said mentally. Their sound clues/indicators would occur in the EEG cap.. oh thems ones. "what did they have for dinner today? are they on a boat?" (for Navy Zeta). We took an interest in them and their lives. it helped. Then they sent a "new" guy and we just did the same thing to him... "he's probably just some 20 year old. What a Newb." (as a terrifying voiceover was heard, fear experienced... ect) Remove the fear devices from the chest with "imaginagry hands" visualizing excercise. 


Use Force-Fronting Sounds

Targeters are MK Ultra so the alter being used to Target you will change to one that has no interest in you. Experiment with different sounds on phone apps. Time of day or night can identify Targeters: child alters are often forced awake at night to Target others for an hour or so. To deal with children, we recorded a nice phrase of us saying: "turn off the buttons, run along now." That we would listen to.   Fronting alphas on Zeta attackers makes them remove stuff that hurts. Force-fronting sounds are listed on a page under the Mk intro drop down menu... Marine attackers flip into beta kids with the wolf howl and and Game Room (Navy?) attackers I started writing them instructions: "Target: Non humans" or whatever. I sometimes told the Game Room attackers (alphas that are sent to the "game room" in Military settings - I'm not sure if this applies to the Navy or Marines or all the Game Rooms...) that their virtual reality games gave real world tortures to actual people. Some were shocked but didn't target me. The more i learned the more different kinds of Targeters were sent to me so I had to learn about who they were, what their circumstances were, and other relevant information. They eventually stopped targeting me. 


Learn about Deception Tech

This article is under the Military drop-down menu; knowing that it happens helps. Why are you being mislead? Who's trying to frame/blame/shame you and why? Jealousy ...



Randomly draw little images in your handwritten notes and observations. It felt strange to do this at first but helped to identify specific Naval boats. Why am I suddenly drawing this? the original intention of the image becomes something else entirely. Many times I drew images from the Naval crests posted at the top and didn't know it until I familiarized myself with them. One thing becomes another.


Indicators that are Specific to Certain Individuals/Organizations

  1. “Your writing about this so I’ll send you this person to Target you.”  - CIA Director Haspels male Zeta John alter. “My writing is weird! I cant write anymore!” indicators.

  2. “you’re thinking about this so I’ll do it.” Michael Eisner (programmed by John alter on CIA Haspel) “my thoughts become things!” Usually not in a good way.

  3. Beyond Ridiculous – military Non-humans

  4. No original thought – Disney. (see Our Methods… under Disney drop down menu).

  5. What you see I do – I think this is a NASA head. Uses a large eyeball recording device that you can feel behind the eyes.

  6. Diamond tech – Diamond Handler and Procurer. A “john”.

  7. Muting – MK Ultra programmers/handler. Often objects and fingers will touch the mouth as subliminal reminders to not speak. Most MK ULTRAs have a mute alter. (also a CIA indicator - see Trauma Severity List).

  8. Lies told about you – shapeshifters and Obamas specifically. Use a piece of deception tech that gets other individuals to use murder tech on a person so they’re not directly connected to the death. They have many millions of dollars worth of fraudulent life insurance policy claims though.



How do I know all these things?

Disclaimer: I've been forced to learn all these Defensive Tactics because I'm an Epsilon Experiment of CIA Director Giina Haspel. I'm was given a Meta ability of death-defier and can't die. my life is horrible but maybe this information is useful to others. 


Coping With Targeting

Sun October 4, 2020 8:56pm

Talk to your Targeters

There’s often audio by which they can hear you “think” – thought listening tech, as well as when you speak – to others around you. They have satellite imaging capabilities that allow them to look at you and your surroundings. (always shower in your underwear for this very reason.)


When coping, I describe the various pieces of technology that a Targeter is using on my body. When they were able to hear me, they left pretty quickly as it’s often incredibly embarrassing, degrading, and humiliating for them to listen to. "it's embarrassing when they know."


“how much imaging are you obligated to show me?”

“how long do you have to talk at me for today?”


Talking Out Loud

This became a defensive measure to combat the endless lies that were being told about me. I think this must apply to many Targeted Individuals: they’re lied about to other Targeters so that they’ll target you.  What lies do Targeters believe about you? Probably a few… Talking out loud, at the very least, proved that: 1. I wasn’t crazy, 2. I wasn’t mean 3. I wasn’t evil… etc. So I’d just describe some things I was doing, talk a bit about who I was and often would look at my Self-Defense Card – which is a 1 page laminated sheet with my MK ULTRA alters - ID Card, their ages, genders, and things about my life that are true. It shared helpful information about me with them… many read it, could use truth tech on the paper and see that the information written was true.


Other times I’d talk out loud to describe their pieces of tech. “I cant do this if she’s going to narrative the whole thing.” or i'd write a play-by play of what they were doing to me. "Im not going to do this she's going to write the whole thing" was usually the response.


Give Your Targeters Nicknames

Our child alter gave them nicknames as per their specific tech capabilities:

  • Farter – constantly farts our body

  • Nose picker – makes snot feel itchy so you have to remove it

  • Velcro – always got our hair stuck in the velco shoulder pad on our seatbelt

  • Constipator – felt like a metal rod went up the butt that prevented defecation


So on and so forth. Let them know that they’re being known for their tech and it’s their contribution to society. Often, farters are child alters because they think its funny. Read Exonerating the Entwistles to learn about how different aged alters are used.


Say hi to them when you notice that they’re back. It embarrasses them and eventually makes them leave. “Velcro! You again! How are you today? It’s been a few hours… or days yeah?”

10:21pm Wednesday May 12, 2021

How to Get Rid of Your Targeters
May 2021 Edition


To people Gina/John targets:

We don’t know who all of the CIA targets currently are but this is helpful info for T.I.’s currently. Talk out loud to your targeters sometimes if you’re able to. It can help. [Please share with all of Gina’s targets right now if they want the info.] Talk in your vehicle, talk in the bathroom, talk in your house – anywhere you have “privacy.” – they hear you. Also, consider showering in underwear or a swim suit.


Right now, these are the types of Targeters the CIA is using:

  1. To black arts – the CIA gives you base programming of hate (Im a personal agenda). Usually black arts activity is perceived by entities in the air around you – black shapes, fog, or fire streaks, ect. Pains in the body that are different than targeting impalements.

  2. If your notice Core Programming start, tell them they’ve been Core Programmed first (usually a small black screen in the forehead is seen). Core Programming [GAMMA]  is sometimes observed by small imaging screens in the forehead, subliminals and sometimes compressed feelings of a sexual nature in the genitals. (different from tech rapes; internally felt).

  3. “suddenly your body feels horrible/overwhelm” = ITS EXTREME!! (maybe this one only applies to death-defiers). This usually indicates that these people are getting paid to hurt you. Tell them… either that it ends differently or to use Enlightenment tech cuz they get killed either way and you have to live.

  4. Police are involved” with you gets rid of a few.

  5. Some kids/teens are put on sensors (if you do ___, they do ___). For example, every time I drive, there’s a few people summoned to slow my vehicle. I tell them  “you’re a sensor person. The CIA wastes your life.” They usually leave.

  6. Other kids get hate base programming – just tell them that. Often they ask the truth-feature “what would I be doing instead?” They get an answer and leave.

  7. sexual assaults on the body or imaging of a sexual nature for marketing = pimps using you for tech-rape profits. Tell them about their assets being seized; that happens daily.

  8. unusually sharp pains in the body – this can indicate remote medical procedure tech. tell them you know they’re using it and they may leave. This is often used to give me brain damage in areas where learning occurs. Its also been used on my back and legs. (distinctly different from Targeting sensations).

  9. forced to swallow – this is usually an LDS Church person who’s nice (a theta). Tell them you’re a CIA target and that they can help you. They use their technology to find nice things to do for you instead. Usually they’ve been lied to.

  10. heavy remote-drugging commences = DEEP STATE.  Intake milk, tomato, avocado or jam A.S.A.P. as those mitigate some of the drugs and should reduce the intensity. Otherwise you have to lay down and remote mk ultra starts (T.I. paper) or a black arts ritual. Those are horrific. Use boxes to extract black energy from your body if you have to lay down. See: Box Remedy.

  11. Entwistle tech (betas). This often sounds like banging noises in the head, strange body postures, head being forced to swivel unnaturally, birds like a pair of crows or robins around you constantly, ants being dropped in your house, – these women have been blackmailed; tell them they have options as they often don’t want to do what they’re forced to do. They use the tech they have to get answers and leave. (Then John gets another beta to do the same thing. Sometimes we do this for a while.)

    1. These are also “fake criers” [Grieving widow GAMMA] which have been used frequently. Just say “How long do you have to fake cry me for?” and they leave. “they know I’m doing this!” they said everytime we used that phrase in the last couple days.


Once in a while, we just run through a bunch of these options verbally. Sometimes we’re able to hear when Targeters verify with the truth-device on our head so… maybe others don’t get that feedback. Reduction in body, mind, emotion distress would be your indicator. None of them like to be used.



If you’re targeted, you’re a personal agenda of the C.I.A. so:

  • Black arts – hate base program

  • Core Programmers have been Core Programmed

  • People who get paid, get killed

  • Police involvement

  • You’re a “sensor” person (CIA wastes your life)

  • Blackmailed betas – you have options

  • Pimps – your assets get seized


Write down some of these on a piece of paper and have it visible beside you. What you see, they see and sometimes leave J.  Currently, we’re still dealing with a deceased Gina Haspel astral body, often the John alter (see her Clone 6 MK ULTRA I.D. card here). He/she creates imaging and targeter assignments. The CIA ectoplasms still sometimes use the converter/replicators and then the John alter materlized out of nothing from the Regenerator (cant get him to wipe his stem cells from that yet). Who else see’s him on imaging? I figure some of the death-defiers must… boy, zeta, 14: we read him the stories of his executions that I remember witnessing recently. “death by theta” for a Clone 6 zeta is particularly good. :D [It's called "the Raid" on the Executions page.]

May 2021 edition
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