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Targeting Tech --> The Base Program


The Base Program: 
"Make Anyone Do Anything"

April 19, 2021 10:55am

theta (age regressed): There are a few types of technology that can force a person to act in a certain way, against their will, or otherwise. Two that I've come to know about are: the Base Program and Core Programming. The Base Program is a short duration method lasting about 20 minutes that requires repeated applications for years to modify a persons behavrious while Core Programming can be done overnight or in a couple hours to dramatically alter a persons feelings, thoughts, behaviours, or attitudes. It's lasting effect can be felt for weeks or perhaps months. [more information to follow...]


1. The Base Program: Make anyone do anything (official definition)

2. Core Programming (new). Dramatic behavioral changes.



What is The Base Program?

Update: Nov 2, 2020 12:45pm

Base programis an application of invisible satellite technological overrides sent at a target in order to make them do anything. Some examples include: turn then into a pedophile, homosexual, celibate, prostitute, stripper, serial killer, rapist, politician, Prime Minister. ANYTHING. This is a better description that we received Sunday Nov 1st from tech reversals that occurred as a result of Spiritual Remedies called Yagnas being done on my behalf.  The objective of this is to control, humiliate, degrade, entrap, ect. the Target. For positive agendas, like those used on celebrities, the objective would be to promote, enhance, market (beta-marketing), make a person look good, ect. but this is often to the Targets own detriment. [see the Katy Perry beta marketing page 29 on the How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" PDF on the homepage).


How Does Base Programming Work?

Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:12am

Examples - Hate Agendas

When someone sends Base Programming at you, it feels like an overwhelm of positive or negative or perhaps even neutral energies. It depends on the type of Base Programming and what the agenda is. To make a person hate another person, place, or object, they amplify the chest center by manipulating and creating feelings of anger, showing repetitive imaging of the target doing anger-provoking imaging, paired with false audio statements or blatant lies. This is often how the CIA ruins friendships or otherwise cordial relationships. The tech assault last about…  (I’ll guess here) 3 to 5 minutes whereby the psychological, emotional, and mental impact become effective (change the persons thoughts or behaviors as per the agenda) . The more frequently that it’s sent out, the more entrenched the behavior becomes. Hate agendas can make a person hate any race, any gender, any group.  Why is Black Lives Matter a thing? CIA tech. Most people in the 21st century are respectful, courteous, and kind toward others. (Zetas are exempt) How much tech is affecting our population? Most would be shocked to know.



 The lovely base programming of hope and encouragement feels like pleasant & soothing energies all around the body and lift up a person emotionally. They lighten the spirit. I think that subliminals are used here with phrases intended to give a person hope. The effect is dramatic and it incredibly helpful for those in despair.


Sexual additions

There are many varieties of this. One method pairs manufactured feelings of love, with imaging of a person they love or desire. Sexual arousal is forced via mechanical body overrides. At this point the imaging and audio combinations depend on the type of sexual addiction the attacker wants to send the Target.  It could be anything and the agendas are often to humiliate, shame, to make a person look crazy or to discredit them. A few examples include:

  1. Pedophilia – pairing imaging of children with sexual arousal.

  2. Homosexuality – pairing same sex imaging with sexual arousal.

  3. Incest – family relationships with sexual arousal.

  4. Bestiality – pairing animal imaging with sexual arousal. (Haspels getting “chicken love”, written about in the blog)

  5. Gender transitions – force men to become women and vice versa


Spiritual Agendas examples:

No religion, one leaves their religion, one finds a new religion, one hates religion.

  • this is done usually to cause suffering to the individual directly, the persons spouse, family, children or others



Positive Uses for Base Programming

It seems like for any imaginable human activity, there’s Base Program tech that can be forced on a person to “make them do anything.” It would be wonderful if society would be able to get to a point where we can use the beneficial and helpful programs to help the less fortunate – addiction recovery, abuse recovery, homelessness recovery.


Courage Program

We first learned that those at the CIA use the positive features of Base Programming on themselves when we received reverse thought-listening (an effect of the high-intensity yagnas being done for my survival and pain reduction) on an individuals. She used the truth-tech feature to find out if her sentencing would be reduced if she turned herself in to the authorities and discovered that she would be spared significant sufferings (this may have included the "eat shit" base programming that many corrupt CIA individuals have forced onto others) if she did. I then heard her say “apply the base programming of courage all the way until I get to the police station. Just do it!” I thought it was interesting as I hadn’t previously known that it could be used for positive purposes. (this may have been written about in the blog.)


Positive Uses for Oneself

Something I wondered, some people have access to Base Programming and use the positive ones on themselves (to further their careers or develop skills).

  • there’s Base Programming for courage, for example

  • What’s the most beneficial type that I would use for myself?


Ego reduction base programming

Self reflection or spiritual growth

Hope & optimism


Other Examples

May 26, 2020

Base Programming is referenced frequently in the manuscript “How I Came to Learn the Agency Targeting Me Was Disney.” which is a PDF found on the homepage. I learned from experience; it was done to me, my body, my mind. Basically the BASE PROGRAM is a combination of technology + magic (if black arts zeta are involved) to give a person sexual addiction.  It can also be just a combination of false imaging + false audio + false emotion enhancers in a purely tech way. The type of addiction that gets created in a person depends on the agenda of the CIA project - where human beings are turned into Experiments. One example of this is Bruce Jenner who was forced into gender change; Jeff Haspel contributed hugely to that.  Usually it starts with excessive sexual interest in the person’s partner and then evolves into addictions of a criminal nature. It’s essentially a method of control, shaming, and humiliating others.


The Zeta alters (MK Ultra) of many organizations are the ones forced to do this to people. They are the ones that deal with the black arts, black magic, and things of that nature. The base program is also a main reason why there is so much evil in the world today: if an individual has incriminating information on the corrupt organization or person with in it, they attack the accuser with the base program as a defensive strategy. They render the person incapable of providing evidence of their wrong doings and excessively shame, blame, humiliate with base program addictions. This technology is one of the main reasons evil organizations have reached the level of corruption that exists today.


What can the BASE PROGRAM do?  - Create any type of Addiction

  • make a person dependent on pornography (this is most "standard")

  • make a heterosexual person homosexual (and vice versa)

  • make a person into a pedophile

  • make a person into a stripper

  • make a person into a prostitute

  • turn a person into a porn star

  • turn a person into a cross dresser

  • give a person strange sexual perversions

  • etc.


Who all has Base Program Capabilities?

To the best of my knowledge, this was done to me by Disney, The U.S. Military, E. U. Battlegroup, the L.D.S. Church... and even Peter & Loretta Entwistle (local power company Targeters) who's son even had Diamonds sexual program/software. It seems that most Targeting tech includes some version of sexual addiction capabilities.


Base Programming – Hatred Builder

This is a combination of false imaging + false audio + false emotions given to a person to make them act as per the CIA agendas. Usually it’s a combination of those 3 things. False imaging is created by the CIA tech forcing entities into a person, which it then creates imaging in their forehead. CIA specific tech screens are about the size of a Reese choc bar that fit in the forehead. This is done frequently to Zeta alters - read about how Zeta Targeters Are Programmed under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu.



Reversals or deprogramming can be done. Celibates or non-sexual humans may be the only ones capable of rendering the process ineffective; this includes people like Saints and those of a higher spiritual nature (some theta). 98% of people would be unable to overcome it. Spiritual remedies would be needed; some are listed in the Spiritual Protection Remedies in the Bulletin section.


MK Ultra Zeta Programming

For programming Zeta, they receive the BASE PROGRAM to make them enjoy doing evil things. This is described in more detail on the "How the CIA Makes Targeters" page under Targeting tech capabilities drop-down menu. This is done to them as children so it only takes a little while to associate doing evil things with the good feelings the technology & magic give them. PAIRING = evil actions + good feelings.  They are not normally this way; it’s been forced on them to think and act the way they do.


Some pages in the Manuscript that Reference the BASE PROGRAM:

Page 150 – base program

Page 155

Page 170 – base program on zeta

Page 174 – base program on zeta

Page 226- other ways they use the base program

Page 230 – how handlers use the base program

Page 234 –

Page 240 – Disney using the base program on zeta


I think the MK Ultra Manual also has more descriptions of how the BASE PROGRAM works on different MK ULTRA alters in each section. It's in the Bulletin link. 

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