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Clones --> Shapeshifter Secrets
Shapeshifter Secrets

Thurs Oct 29, 2020 10:43am

Added content: “My Unanswered Questions” at the bottom of the page clarifies things I wasn’t sure about: the Abby Hub, the Predestination machine, and Fusion & Hollow Mountains where they make people into frogs called Meta-humans. People with super human abilities called Manifestors.

(page added June 30, 2020 7:46am)


  1. Hollow Mountains - also see The HUB Abbotsford, and Beta Farms, S.S. Men,

  2. NORAD: Preordained lives (Underground Military Base in Sumas Washington - close to where I am in Abbotsford, BC)

    1. animal human hybrids

    2. Meta Humans


  4. Financial crimes: Tithing & Life Insurance Fraud (LDS church Targeted Tithing)

  5. LDS Church: Mana - more info on Elder Bednars page.

  6. sun and moon



B.C. Mountains

There are real mountains (are there?!), “fake mountains”, hologram mountains… and who know what else. The more they Target me, the more I’m told about some of the things that they do. In the Abbotsford area, the low lying mountains encase the Fraser Valley area known as the HUB. I think this might even be an international Beta Hub. There’s fusion technology hidden in the “hollow” inner mountains that's used for shielding, and to create Meta Humans. To some sensitive and perceptive individuals, it can feel like they’re made of many feet of concrete and hollow inside.




























Baby Mountain - Shapeshifter Cannibal Feasts

I went for a drive to Harrison, BC Canada and spent a long time sitting on the beach. There are many “mountain” ranges nearby. The small close one felt obviously synthetic and hollow, similar to the “wind break” at the Abbotsford Airport. I know figure there’s gotta be a bunch of guys with lots of tech sitting under there in some kind of military base. (my boy alter). So there’s one mountain that if you look northeast a bit from the Harrison beach area, it has a “holy” vibe to it. None of the other mountains “feel” that way. “God created it” were the words I heard. Knowing how those people operate, it had to be the opposite. They use that kind of energy on evil people to make them appear “holy” and those devices we name aura enhancers. They did it to the mountain. What were they hiding about it?

                Our other alter looked at the mountain for a while. The top of it has a baby face silhouette. It… almost looks like it has an erection. Knowing the depths of depravity some Zeta (black arts) have, we instantly knew it meant bad things… the really worst kind. We’ve heard the words “head table” frequently and we wondered if that was a literal location of some of those types of cannibal banquets. What’s on the menu? Infants.


Shapeshifter Creatures - "Iguana Mountain"

To the right of this mountain is the image, seen only for maybe 20 minutes during sunset, of some kind of dragon, iguana lizard hybrid. From what I can gather of all my personal experiences and accumulated knowledge, this could indicate a location of genetic hybrids of a beastly nature. This would coincide with black arts Zeta actions. I've also heard that Obama uses these frequently; he had a pet gorgon that we smelled occasionally.  One “story” I have is that sometimes people came and helped me. Because so much of what I experience is invisible… it’s hard to know for sure sometimes what’s true. Somethings feel more “real” than others. It seemed like there were people around and after some uncloaking was done, a woman screamed. I’ll never forget it. I think I was given some kind of indication of what was actually beside me: There were 2 creatures or beings of some kind. I heard a metal clanking sound like nothing I’ve ever heard before or after…like a huge metal apparatus was lowered to somehow transport whatever it was out of my home and onto some cloaked craft . Somehow, they had the ability (tools, tech) to tranquilize and remove them. This is what the strange image on the mountain reminded me of. What’s all being done to me and why? This could provide some answers…

                The cloaked, invisible creatures are something that the Shapeshifters loved to drop on me - they're connected to the NORAD base and  to the airplanes, Cessna’s, and other things like Targeted birds that are intentionally flown directly over my head for hours on end all day long. Who orchestrates that? It has to be Military. (CIA deception tech manipulates them to send these things as part of Gina Haspels CIA Epsilon Experiement agenda). I think they use the cloaked creatures and other strange and horrific things. When does it end? When I tell everyone true things about who they really are. This has been going on for year… why subject a person to this? When the planes fly over, I “feel” these invisible things land on me. They make my body and mind feel terrible. There’s a reason for these things… to the Marines I’m just an endurance test: how much sh** can we keep dumping on her? Who all does what?




































Mt. “Rushmore”

There is also a series of 4 “blue” mountains with snow on them. When driving East on the #7 Hwy toward Harrison, they’re clearly visible. What is so significant about these ones? “real” mountains have laser cutting and etching. What’s all been done to them? What do they do? What’s it about? The more I learn... I think it's more about Elder Bednar's personal series of mountains that he's used to hide fusion centers in and possible underground bases for WW3 surviving. More need to be learned about the purposes of fusion and the hollowed mountain areas.

Photo's of Mt. "Bednar" isn't available yet as I'm unable to load photos from my phone. Below is a similar example.


























NORAD - Predestination Maker

Pre ordained lives, up to 20 years in advance

I believe this happens in an underground base in NORAD, in Sumas, Washington (near the sumas area by Underearth Farms), BC Canada.. This means that Olympics medal winners are already known FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS. (there also something significant in the Utah base...). This Predestining tech was heavily used and guarded by the Shapeshifters who were recently extinguished as a race. They would often "fix it" to manipulate events in their favour.

  • Predetermined elections

  • Predetermined sports wins

  • Predetermined Olympics


Races, marriages, deaths, divorces, murders, hero’s……..can you see how effed up this is? We laughed initially thinking they should just start with the medal ceremony at the Olympics and then see if anyone would bother watching the matches. They decide who’s going to become a Celebrity and who’s going to be tortured. Twenty years is the general guideline as there's too much unpredictability if they go farther.


How did I learn this? I’ve been too severely memory wiped to remember. Sometimes other Targeters tell me things: damning things so that the individuals from specific organizations leave me alone. I wonder who this all applies to: “preordained” lives of all their congregation, a portion of the worlds population, or just everyone?


Sunday July 26, 2020 1:15pm  We had an experience with the Controller or Programmer on the predestination maker machine. He's a human/grey hybrid and looks super neat (according to our 3 year old alter). We got a brief image; he looks beige color with grey being form. He's superintelligent and is probably MK Ultra cuz he was made in the lab there we think (how crappy.). So...we posted our notes on this experience on Twitter and some scary things tried to attack us but now other people can know about this. We dont think he has any real power. The scary things decide everything and control everyone in the bases. If those at NORAD can do Yagnas or other fire rituals like vedic homas (see Spiritual Protection Remedies) you can then make small positive changes as you'll be protected then. Do NOT attempt things without protetive measures. "They're all prisoners down there!" What can we do to help all the beings, hybrids, and other things there? Riase awareness!  Also, modifications to the Predestining Maker can't be done without removeal of incredible amounts of evil so do as many spiritual remedies for NORAD as possible. (I was mistaken about that). It's mostly too dangerous for Targeters to go looking around there...





























The "thing" or blob

I believe this exists in the Underground Sumas Military Base - Deepearth Farms as listed on the Beta Hub page. These experiements are often done by non humans like aliens or hybrids or other various types of beings. They contain it in that area. I received this information after I posted on Twitter to the MK ULTRAS at norad about their Mk ultra status... Humans, androids and others in the military don't seem to know that they're #mkultra. Terrifying Non humans control a lot of the evil projects; they keep trying to kill me but are unsuccessful and are eventaully forced to leave when too much of their "dirt" is made public. #forcedtolive




Is a huge thing; its used to make Meta Humans --> turn humans into human animal morphs. Many are amphibious. Fusion reactors are large and therefore hidden in hollow mountains. Underground bases are where they torture and traumatize and do other horrific experiments on the results of the fusion production.


Remote Medical Procedures

I only recently learned that this was a thing. Like Targeting, beings and aliens use remote satellite to do invisible procedures on humans (usually during sleep). Abortions are common. They collect DNA, skin cells, tissue samples, eggs and sperm to make zygotes. It must be that they have catalogues on every human alive. 





Sun and Moon

NASA crests

the moon is a fake satellite brought here ___ years ago. it's inhabited by negative beings that have cast an energetic grid over the earth from it. It literally imprisons humans here. "prison Planet" is no understatement. In the new NASA logo, the sun is forefront and the earth is non-existent. This could mean a few things: hollow earth, hollow mountains, holograms everywhere... what's actually "real" about the earth anymore? Everyone is MK Ultra... human souls are put into animals, machines, and locations, animals are turned into humans.


Dieties from heaven remove my suffering

My unanswered questions…

Weds Oct 28, 2020  7:30pm


Below is the incriminating information I received from individuals that were deceived into Targeting me while 3+ high-intensity yagnas were running. The CIA Director Gina Haspel and her ex Jeff Haspel have been excessively humiliated by the incriminating tech and prefer to lie to others to have them incriminated and humiliated instead. These were the clarifications I received on the following 3 topics:


1. Predestination tech

2. Fusion areas/hollow mountains –  are mostly where Meta Human tortures & where things like hybrids are made and kept

3. Abby HUB – handler stuff + Beta Farms


1. Predestination Tech – hybrid that tortures me intel (female rat being)

I want to write a page on the Predestination Machine. Is it in a base in Abbotsford? Washington. (nearby)?

Shapeshifters use it to manipulate events in their favour. They swore to protect people who “chose” to be and do evil things with them and now they’re being eradicated.

            Zeta alters, like black arts, who follow the Shapeshifters are pedophiles, black arts, cannibals and other similar things.

            They force a human/grey hybrid to work the machine. He’s also MK Ultra and feels like a prisoner there. He’s mostly sad and lonely. Someone or.. some at the time we learned about it tried to mess with it but we were told that wouldn’t be good cuz it would cause a nuclear reaction.


2. Fusion + Hollow Mountains – intel from a Meta? ♥

How is the Hub in Abby different or separate from the Predestination tech? Is the “wind break”/hub area by Albert Dyck lake a fusion center that produces Meta Humans, a procedure that tortures a person into becoming a morphing frog?

Underground tunnel – military shit but sometimes, don’t handlers use them? PNE underground stuff. I remember seeing imaging of the Meta-Human torture process. They’re strapped down in a tube of some sort, with a band of some type over their head and body to hold them down. Voltages of excess of ?? are then shot through their body for __ minutes. I think they’re given audio and imaging and emotion enhancers that force them to say/think/feel: “I WANT TO BE A FROG!” Then they become one while still in the tube. They program it with fronting sounds and do weird shit to it.


3. Abby Hub – intel from a Handler

Hub page is under the Beta Farms drop down menu – handler stuff. Who uses what slave and when. How they make money off betas. Porn, snuff, ect. They also procure these women via false audio (using their voiceover) and false imaging (that embedded entities make of the person). These are then sold as sexual experiences (virtual) to men who receive “sex tech” that literally manipulates their body, mind, emotions through the entire sexual experience. “a fantasy.”  What’s important to them? Who’s a handler and who’s not. Even though they’re all MK ULTRAs themselves and they each have a beta/kid alter. They just meet wherever.


Underground Tunnels

The underground tunnel network connect all these three topics together cuz it’s all military. Some areas are more heavily guarded than others, like the Predestination tech. [this is so cool, they’re writing this crap for me. – boy. They just click on me and I learn all this stuff from them J. Neat. 3yr. ]


7:41pm   Me: “are there PEGS in the area?” I was sensing heavy neg energy and positive energy overrides.  Other person reading: “several…they are keeping you alive.”  “ok don’t go near this shit.” Leaves. Me: “describe all the things in the vicinity.” … I feel a huge object twisting inside my body.


PEGS – our nickname for positive energy beings that do nice things to help and heal my body. The word was just opposite from Negs.



Manifestors are people who’ve been traumatized into developing spiritual abilities that allows them to “manifest” things. They’re only allowed to give negative things to people. They’re controlled by Shapeshifters and are one of the results of the Montauk experiments. They’re kept underground and have little to no freedom (please fact check this…) [We now added a page on Manifestors].


7:46pm The Haspels/CIA started sending the Manifestors to me. “why cant they ever give me the good things when I look at them?”my 3yr old alter wondered and felt that it was so unfair, that even when we learned what they were and figured out how to defend ourselves, they couldn’t even help us. Then we heard this over the thought listening, almost answering our question:  “I must obey my Handler who only wants me to give you negative.” The woman (reading?) sounded nice and we felt bad for her. I wonder if she has something similar to a Siddhi which is s type of spiritual ability that develops naturally after certain types of purifications, spiritual progressions. Imagine being forced to use that gift but only for evil. How crappy for them, we thought. Negs control them; if they use their gifts for good they’re killed or something else horrible happens to them. Their guilt must be heavy; I wonder if others can do trauma healing or clearing of that? Having a detached perspective is best (it’s not my will, etc).  How can the situation be changed? My boy alter: Neg annihilation… theres a fantastic weapon at the CIA I’d like to take this moment to recommend. Use several Targeters tech to create full body-overrides on someone at the CIA and get them to push-the-button. Then front their Zeta.


How will God make the CIA Director Gina Haspel compensate all of her/his victims?

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