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Entwistle Murder Tech


From the excessive tortures I’ve been subjected to from the Entwistle family, I’ve been able to identify which piece of murder tech belongs to whom. My life is strange because God’s allowing me to survive death on a daily, hourly basis so that good people can experience good things again; so that Targeting can end from the BC Hydro corporation. They have targeted my family for over 50+ years now. As KKK members with illegal technology, its best we remove this equipment from such evil individuals.  They are responsible for many missing persons, strange and unusual circumstances, serial killers and random killings through Canada and also in other parts of the world. Targeting tech affects celebrities and politicians as well. How targeted is our Prime Minister? We need to get the Entwistle Family in jail. They are BC Hydro, Telus, BC Tel and others. Their respective pages include more detail about specific indicators of each individual.


Peter Entwistle’s murder tech

-invovled mostly shocks. Excessive VOLTAGE applied to a body

- he also uses black magic so a person “dies in their sleep” is likely due to him



Loretta Entwistle

Her specific set of murder tech involves SAWS. Black magic perhaps kills the person first and the saws create clean cuts through the bones. Autopsies with clean bone cuts would be something that she would be connected to.



Darren Entwistle – Telus CEO

His specific murder tech is long needles that create a HEART ATTACK. The survivors of sudden, onset heart attack victims should consider contacting the 20 Life Insurance providers in BC to see how many life insurance policies were cashed in by Darren or an anonymous credit card recipient. This is the purpose of invisible technology; they’ve been getting away with murder for many decades now.



Chris Entwistle (current BC Hydro CEO, nephew of Peter & Loretta)

Objects, long metal like RAILROAD things, feel like the penetrate the body from all angles. About five minutes of constant impalements kills a person. They become like a voodoo doll.








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