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MK ULTRA --> Alpha Alters



“the brawn”

dominant focus: strength


May 28, 2020 4:21pm

Alphas are the muscle in MK Ultra programming. Regular people this would apply to are roiders (?), like gym rats, guys that like to work out a lot and muscle build, boxers, WWF; I feel like steroids and body building are a huge focus for them.  Famous guys that are alpha’s are:  Dwayne Johnson (the Rock), Zac Effron (Baywatch), Mitch Buchanan. Alphas and alpha males.


I think genetics, biochemical enhancements, nanotech and other various things are done to many of them without their knowledge or consent. Especially with soldiers, they want to prolong the life of their physical bodies and make them more durable to sustain injuries. I’m not knowledgeable enough about all the current classified experiments still being done to/on soldiers and other mk ultras.


Indicators: Tattoo sleeves, steroid use, gym life, GTL, sports and athletic obsessions,


  • Athletes: Baseball

  • Beta farmers

  • Soldiers “alpha bravo echo niner nine” ie.

  • Body builders

  • WWF

  • Boxers

  • martial arts


My Personal Experience

I believe I was traumatized with Alpha programming (several?) times but

once specifically I’ll never forget. I woke up from a “nap” and one of my

alters had an incredibly excessive amount of physical energy, desire to

drive really fast and feelings of tremendous strength and capability. I don’t

remember what the head space was like (constant variable distress) but I

felt like I could lift a car no problem. I felt like I could beat the crap out of

anyone and was supercharged with adrenaline/testosterone. I drove to a parking lot to cool down. it took quite a whiel for the energy to subside. This is why it's so easy for some guys to pick fights; they're primed for it and literally need to blow off steam. I wondered how they’re able to do that and why it was done to me.



I believe the Disney corporation uses Alphas as superstars. (more research needed). Think of Tom Brady, Michael Johnson, Wayne Gretzky. I think others could write about this in a much more detailed way that I; I’m mostly unfamiliar with the world of sports.  At the very least, it gives a bit of information to many.



In the book "Access Denied: For Matters of National Security" by Cathy O'Brien, she talks a lot about MK Ultra programming and mentions baseball. Most games are rigged in a similar fashion to how I was "programmed" that one day. The pitchers and batters are given predetermined plays and then the game is executed. It makes for easy gambling wins. Since that book was written in the 80s its safe to say that all sports have predetermined elements to them by 2020.


Some unusual characteristics:

- feats of strength

- superhuman abilities










11:55am Thursday June 4, 2020

Personal note: like those 2 guys at Mill Lake yesterday we identified as Alphas. Its strange to look at the world and people with these MK ULTRA categories but because so much of it goes unnoticed by society, its interesting to see how they live in the “real world”. One huge guy helped an elderly couple lift their row boat onto their car. He was happy to have helped. He was wearing a tank and had tats and a heavy gold chain (indicators are almost like stereotypes because they are).  Seeing the real world aspect makes it more easy to understand. Alphas just have so much strength, things are almost effortless for them. I don’t know much about alphas as I haven’t learned much about the sports/body building world. This was never an area of interest for me. (sister alter remembers the incredible strength she was given: it’s just easy to do heavy lifting.)




Schwaarzenegger would have been the first “successful” prototype of ALPHA characteristics: enhancements, mind control, rigid mental focus on logic (they become transformer like energies/beings when tortured into epsilon alters), all the usual stereotypes seem to apply.  Wife beaters, chains, tats, beer, clubs, parties, pubs and brawls.


He… looks like a little boy in this photo. I wonder what the age of his alter really is. It makes me feel grief for his loss of freedom. Who wants such an abnormal body?


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