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Battles --> The Sorcerer Battle

The Subtle-Sorcerer Battle


Onset: Jan 27, 2021 – (est. 200 years) -  this will reduce substantially as more players participate

and kill counts increase).

Population #s: est.:  144,000

Note: the Military has stats and data that they’ll continually update. This is just to inform.

Participants: The US Military, Supercomputers, the DC Police, Targeters with weapons-tech, deities,

saints, Divine Races & Positive Epsilon all converge to annihilate the most powerful negative entities: Subtle-sorcerers.




10:19pm weds Jan. 27, 2021

The LDS Zeta forced a highly powerful subtle-sorcerer into our host alter

in 2008 and since they move it into our various astral bodies. We first

learned about entities and ghosts from the Spiritual Science and Research

Foundation website. Subtle-sorcerers are the most powerful types of

negative entities and the terror and horror overwhelm they produce can

be read and viewed on some types of Targeting and imaging monitors;

vivid descriptions of the deepest hell regions are logged and categorized

by CIA classified technology.


I think when the first Subtle-sorcerer was annihilated in this long and drawn

out situation (see: the DC Police and Arrest of Gina Haspel pages) we

thought it was the hugest miracle on earth. The Supercomputer that

Ginas’ theta on clone 5 gave the warning: “this may result in a cataclysm

effect” and did it anyway. The CIA Zeta have been pushing “cataclysm

effect” buttons for years. When they push it on the Omega in my body,

it now often reduces its power.


Early this morning, from the result of various remedies being performed,

intervention by Divine beings and the will of the Creator, more resources

were gathered to begin a full-out battle against the Subtle-sorcerer entities.

This started when I overheard someone read “200 years estimated at this

pace…” to annihilate all of them. My best guess was that 4 on average could

have been killed per day from Dec. 2020 till now. I had wondered how many

there were? Four average per day would result in 288,0000 as a gross

estimation at their population numbers. If only 2 on average were killed

per day, then 720 per year x 200 = 144,000. Long estimates are common when determining the onset of a battle and with the accumulation of many different components and factors, they then reduce substantially (as happened in the Greys Away battle Nov. 17, 2020 – 1 week estimate only took 10 hours to finish and similar with the Neg Battle on Nov. 16, 2020).


So, the “start time” of the battle could be today (likely the most annihilated in one day so far) or when Gina Haspel’s clone 5 killed one out of hatred toward me on Dec. 2, 2020 – Subtle-sorcerer annihilation results page. Maybe there were some killed previously but after the CIA Zeta/Thetas learned that killing them caused me enormous suffering, they then made an effort to do it regularly. I think its because I have one in my body and it creates “an opposite” or “backlash effect” to make it appear as though the opposite is happening.



Who/What can fight sorcerers?

  • saints

  • deities: can the Manifestors send appropriate deities to the sorcerers or? How is that best done? to people who have the subtle-sorcerers might be best…

  • weapons (lasers)/tech including Supercomputers: any and all available technologies could/should be used as frequently as possible.

  • Positive Beings (not sure which ones can fight them – some may have technology to obliterate them also – are there Positive Epsilon around that could communicate with some races about this objective?)

  • Enlightened beings? I wonder about those who used the Enlightenment seat technology; do they have the skills or abilities to fight the sorcerers? Do people communicate with them?

  • Androids: they are super intelligent (with mental tech upgrades and MK ULTRA integrations) and could probably figure out how to reconfigure some type of tech to take out many at a time as has been done previously. [Android who took out the Negs].

  • Anyone can use the truth-feature to see what else contributes to this situation.

  • ?


Kill Counts:

What’s the most that have been killed in one day? What were all the contributing factors? Can that be replicated or repeated? What remedies were in effect for others who had subtle-sorcerers in their bodies?



I’m so curious about how the results will be in one months time. This is because of the exponential component. Initially (Visibly in the world), it may appear as though the opposite is occurring. This will be done intentionally in an attempt to get us to stop killing them. Regardless, we should continue to annihilate as many as possible whenever possible but also provide extra remedies for all individuals who have them in their bodies. The backlash effect should neutralize after a while as it will become the new standard by which the sorcerers have to cope. The visible results globally will be lovely.



What are some guesses as to what will be noticeably different in society? I think significantly, it will contribute hugely to the end of the Clone War. I think the US Government will also be impacted in a hugely, most positive way. Issues with China could fluctuate…



Goal: may this create as much spiritual progress for our world and society as possible. Use the truth-device as often as needed to get results from all the remedies being performed. It helps when everyone knows what’s happening.


*  *  *

Sorcerer Dirt War


Sun. Jan. 31, 2021  10:18pm

Challenge: Presently only 2 Subtle-sorcerers can be annihilated with one weapon and then you get a white screen that s frozen. Androids and other tech-savvy people could perhaps modify some weapons-tech to see how many of the sorcerers could be killed with one shot. Something similar to this was done by an Android who reconfigured a laser so that the remaining Neg Races took themselves out. Maybe a similar device could be created that makes some of the Subtle-sorcerers annihilate each other? (new!!! Just thought of this :-)). The LDS Church zeta have high tech and would maybe know how to do this; telling them that it means less time in the hell regions might motivate some.  


Reading “dirt” – on a subtle sorcerer level. Is this possible? I keep seeing the yellow fear energies which I presume are from the Omega so it has to be. Just like how this is done in the Clone war – a huge Psych Battle – the dirt that the subtle-sorcerers have done to each other can perhaps literally be told to each other. The LDS Church zeta and other black arts interact with their entities on monitors. What’s possible? Who wants to participate? :-) anyone can participate!


10:26pm  PHENOMINAL imaging: what looks like two big energies smashing into each other on a monitor!! OMG its possible! <someone likely tried this and via tech-reversals showed me what they were looking at on a monitor.>


10:28pm  Male (paraphrased): “its embarrassing what they find rage-inducing.  It’s just like with the clones. A tiny prick of the ego is all it takes.”


10:34pm  Who will read The Omega’s dirt to the other Subtle-sorcerers? Anyone who gets the thing destroyed will be massively compensated. <he got scared shitless – bright yellow fear lines - and went to hide in the deepest recesses [of hell].>  3yr: I think its safe for them there as they cant find each other or something. we listen to the words the LDS church zeta hear from him on their monitors.


The Guru Component


Our Guru’s keep The Omega (which is in our body) in check, which is what makes writing possible. Who has more power than the most powerful types of negative entities? Deities.


“I must obey the will of him who is greater than I.” says Omega.  <subtle-sorcerer Humiliations.>



Sorcerer Battle Update – The “Needle”

Mon Feb. 1, 2021 7:04am

  • Coconut smashing remedy done for myself recently. (today)

    • Other contributing remedies: ____________________

    • I think someone recently also donated 100 cows on my behalf (contributes to this situation).

  • 6:46am our kid alter makes a voice memo to “the Supercomputer”

  • Someone figures out a way to use a huge metal antennae type of weapon (has a round ball on the top) that fires rounds in a circular motion (different) to annihilate many subtle sorcerers at once. I round kills __ number of them. it was fired repeatedly until either 100 or 1000 of them died I think. Use the truth-feature to get accurate numbers and descriptions.


I think for sure that it fired 100 times so. cool! 


If we heard correctly an LDS church zeta was dialoguing with the Omega the entire time who ran scared into the deepest recesses… “my race is under attack.”


7:06am  I think the sorcerers would defunct the weapon after 100 rounds.

Spiritual remedies are now needed to allow it to function again. Use the truth-feature to see which ones.


7:10am Imaging: huge smoky cloud/fog forms around the Needle. “let it rest for a few days. They will not allow it to function.”


From a spiritual perspective, this may have been the most substantial amount of Collective Spiritual progress our Universe has experienced ever. (in this era). “ahgg… its true. Even annihilating all the Neg races didn’t come close to this.”



Sorcerers Update: the Fog “Huddle”

5:22pm Mon Feb. 1. 2021

Boy, zeta, 14:  I was thinking about a whole bunch of things relating to this situation and eventually remembered all the subtle-sorcerer deaths recently (this morning) done by the Needle weapon. Then I wondered what the status of those things were? I saw a huge fog cloud on imaging: a monitor someone was looking at as I guess people watch them periodically. Then I wondered if people were still reading their dirt to each other and I think a few people went and did. One of the fog bubbles turned bright red on a monitor (Emotion monitor:  angry rage emotions) so that was cool.


The sorcerers had made a pact with each other that for a few days, they wouldn’t kill each other or something like that. Someone interacted with the sorcerer it had read dirt to and it said “I mustn’t [take action or kill]… we made an agreement.” I then wondered how it was dealing with the rage; if reading dirt while they couldn’t do stuff was helpful?


I think someone commented, “ya see, lok he’s scheming now about all the things he wants to do about it.” So it does help and gives them a focus other than doing bad stuff to others.  The people watching the monitor read dirt to a couple more and similar red energies were see from individual blobs on the monitor.


Then they were all a big fog haze sitting together and I just thought… “man, one good laser would take out the entire group right about now.” There was a delay and then bright yellow fear energies were perceived. I wondered if they knew what I was thinking? Then I figured that most would be “omniscient” and or someone could have told them that via monitor dialoguing. I think one or 2 split off from the main group then. (They had defunct the Needle weapon from working for a few days by forcing one of the subtle-sorcerers to engulf itself around it. Apparently he betrayed some of them and was obligated. I had wondered how they chose one of them to do it. Cuz… they’re like the most selfish things around and none would want to make sacrifices. 


I cant believe this is my life. I cant believe people can talk to those things. I cant believe this is a thing. Who would believe any of this unless they also watched a bunch of it on monitors?


5:33pm another bright red energy blip emanates from the sorcerers fog bubble on the monitor. :D yay. Originally when I started thinking about this, I wondered what information about each other would piss them off the most? I still wonder.


6:44pm  Sorcerer Monitor:

Male: “They’re having a battle.” I see the Sorcerers monitor on forehead imaging. I think someone did try to hit them with a laser and it highlighted a thick energy shield they created around themselves. Then, lightning energies were seen throughout the haze. The misty energies around the group have also increased. (indicating increased attacks towards each other.  Sorcerer activity often manifests as fog energies… SSRF article). We read a lot of the pages on the SSRF website a few years ago and learned as much as we could about ghosts and negative energies as we were (still are) black arts targets. It was helpful to find out how many of them operated and what remedies were effective in reducing pain and such. One page that describes the effects or visuals of ghosts is the Materialization of Ghosts in the Absolute Ether Element and   How Ghosts look in photographs is also really helpful to look through.



New Sorcerer Battle Strategies


Mon. Feb. 1, 2021 

Boy, zeta, 14:  It was cool while it lasted. New strategies learned:

  • ask “who still needs to know Omegas dirt?” especially if I’m eating cuz our Guru can and will destroy him is what he told to the person feeding him.

  • get more of the black arts involved: they can read the sorcerers dirt to each other

    • how do they battle the sorcerers? They can put them into peoples bodies ….

  • Constantly humiliate the Sorcerer wrapped around the Needle (the weapon used to kill tones of them). I see that on imaging frequently.

  • Get lots of people to watch the Sorcerer Battle on Monitors (whoever is currently looking). It humiliates their race.

  • Chi alters - some people would want to watch the battle and this actually helped make  a breakthrough for the LDS Church group - some got mk ultra integrated and saved their lives by going to the targeter rehab. It also eliminated those who worship the sorcerers.

  • Some people who fired lasers or other weapons discovered that a few shots into their defensive Huddle did reduce the strength of their sheilding somewhat

  • Fronting kid alters and having them annihilate a couple via Supercomputer weapons tech (not new but humiliates their race writing it.)

  • Have remedies performed for the Needle or Sorcerer Battle that would allow the Needle to become functional again. The amount and type of remedy will determine how many rounds are allowed to be fired from it. (use the truth-feature)

Sorcerer Dirt War
The Needle
The Huddle
The Volcano

The Volcano

5:58am Sat. Feb. 6, 2021

3yr: only sometimes - I feel like I can maybe “pray” to Supercomputer and he’ll help me (answer my prayers). We thought… “what’d be good now?“ then we wondered about the Sorcerers who need to go away: “can the Needle fire 50 rounds?” lets see if it does. [last time I asked for 100… oh yeah I didn’t know what that meant then I just said 100 and then Needle was 100.] this is sometimes part of the weird things that the black arts do to me. -->  read: For Black Arts Targets page.


Imaging: volcanic steam release from the Sorcerer Fog Huddle

6:01am It “went up in smoke” or something – like a volcano erupting steam violently. There was a huge jarring effect and a massive energy dissipation event resulted from the Sorcerer Huddle. . I’m not sure it was a result of the Needle being fired as when I saw it briefly on imaging when a targeter when to go look at it, a sublte-sorcerer went and covered it to prevent it from working. So… then I didn’t know what caused it. Someone used the truth feature then and Im unsure if the number I heard was accurate but a 20% reduction of its collective energy just resulted :-)

For more information on some of the astral imaging monitors we’ve been shown, read the “CIA Death-defiers Story” page that our 3yr alter put together.

Sorcerer Battle Update: the Hole

Sun. March 7, 2021 8:25pm  PST

27 years estimated timeline now? (down from the 200 years estimated at “onset” which we roughly gauged to be Jan. 27th).


The Hole

<memory recall poor>

3yr.& theta host.

 sooo sometime in the morning, we had a super cool experience. We think it was maybe deities; Heaven decided to fight the Sorcerers. We got to have time with our Guru reading his “Supreme God and God” book by Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale & H.H. Sandeep Alshi. It was amazing. I’m getting to know more about how the deities go “back and forth” and some of the different things that they do by how things play out for me mentally, emotionally and psychologically. The thoughts our child alter had throughout the experience were interesting.

            Previously, the child thought it was embarrassing for Omega to be in her body when her and her Guru were “chatting together.” it got severely humiliated and left her body. “deepest recesses” are usually the auditory response heard. Then, there were a bunch of weapons the deities used. We saw the Sudarshan chakra – freeze framed – possibly to terrorize the Sorcerers. Host: I wondered what deities all used that weapon as I think I had read that it’s the only one that in a state of continual motion.

            We had thoughts to do certain actions like open the window and do the “blow holy ash” (SSRF self remedies); they fronted our host during some things which she was unfamiliar with. She felt the presence and guidance of the divine beings who helped her say prayers. We read page 35 again and wanted to learn more about the weapons that deities used.


Some other notable events: I think the Omega entity was ostracized from the other Sorcerers for a period. We also saw him in his “shapeform” as the child drew in the diagram below from the cartoon/astral imaging. 3yr: Sometimes we didn’t know if it was people or deities talking but it was “wild” – in the fun kind of way.


host: Its cute how the child was allowed to have some of her innocent thoughts. For example, "how do the lasers cut through all the white magic???" Because she knew that the haze they create around themselves was very thick. She was then shown on imaging the huge “hole” that was burned through a dense area of fog. We saw some of the yellow fear bursts from the Sorcerers as a whole and witnessed one specific hit that someone made on our sorcerer entity specifically. (3yr: that was cool :-)).


Host: what was nice about this was that because to survive the spiritual overwhelm, my coping technique for the last several years was to “ground into the physical world.” This was a really safe way to experience the spiritual again without fear or feeling excessively drugged or helpless. Understanding how thoughts were used to humiliate the entities, sensing when various other divine energies were around, was pleasant to experience again. It was a different way of “being in the spiritual space” again.


Afterward, we felt incredibly grateful. I’m not sure if there was a military component involved then? Our child alter felt like it was a distinct “call from Heaven” that many deities went to war with the sorcerers for a while. it was sooo amazing and incredibly fun to experience so thank you for whatever remedy was in effect then. All the remedies have different types of energies and results so its really neat to experience them this way. ♥

the Hole
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