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Battles --> Disney Entity Battles


Disney Entity Battles
~ Saint Handwriting Remedy ~


Sun. Jan. 10, 2021  9:57pm 

We wanted to update some information on the Entity Battles that have happened from Jan. 8-10, 2021. It started with my kid doing an experiment with the Subtle-sorcerer entity the CIA made the LSD Church Zeta alters give us. She picked the image of the Jafar character to represent it and then applied our Guru’s Handwriting and Photo as a Remedy Experiment overtop of the image. Strange things then started to happen. We then did this for the Quintessa entity, Ursula, and Maleficent, who became annihilated in about 8 hours after each experiment was begun. An interesting observation was that the black arts zeta associated with the characters were also killed within that time span. We learned some of their indicators, trademarks, and M.O.


Disney Progress Report

Dec. 16, 2021  - Disney cages open (where humans were traumatized to become like animals)

Jan. 9, 2021  - entity “battle’s” – Quintessa, Maleficent, and Ursula die; the black arts associated with these characters also perished.

Jan. 10, 2021 – Disney villain entities en mass are annihilated along with the entities behind the Disney characters

Jafar entity – subtle sorcerer (in progress)


One of the SSRF articles that describes some of the mechanisms of the photo remedy is "Case study – Scratches created by negative energies through the medium of subtle yantras." It describes how positive and negative energies interact when coming into contact with each other.



Please try this remedy on any corporate logo, trademark, or symbol, especially one that you may be affiliated with. then note the observable results.



Tues. Jan. 12, 2021  6:04pm

Some observations with using our Guru’s Handwriting and photo image as a method of annihilating or removing entities from logos, symbols, or trademarks:


  1. Quintessa entity took about 15-24 hours?

  2. other smaller entities took 8 hours.

  3. Subtle sorcerer is still in progress (3-4 days so far).


This is a method that anyone can use; you don’t need weapons. If you can identify your invisible attackers, (page under the TI drop-down menu) use this on their logo’s and trademarks, or their indicators like how our ice coffee bottles were opened or things they “dropped” [reverse abduction tech]in our home like the fake Divine Particles, colored threads, ect. Targeters can also try this method for themselves in order to become free from the entities that control and humiliate them. This would appeal more to clones 1-3 and Originals perhaps, to remove the influence of their clones that use black arts.

Other Spiritual Remedies that Produce Results:

1. Coconut-Smashing Obstacle-remover - depending on the situation, group, or person being address, this has been most astounding in ability to create breakthroughs in situations where no hope existed, no options were previously available, and added a lightness and fun energy to otherwise dreary situations.

2. Yagnas (remedies under the Bulletins drop-down menu/ Yanga Experiments under Battles)

3. donations of cow, gold, or land. from our Gurus' book "Atonement to eliminate the harmful effects of sins" page 35 says "donation of gold, cow or land quickly eliminates demerits even from the previous births."  depending on the amount and quantity, these results have been astounding.

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