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Military --> Android-swaps of People

Android-Swaps of People


Android replicas and swaps of people have been part of Standard Procedures for many years. For the first time ever,

we can now deal with this situation in an open and honest way. Information can be shared with many people and we

can help each other cope . The situation continues to improve and change daily.


8:32pm  Weds Feb. 3, 2021

​Introduction, Boy, zeta, 14

Earlier today we had the audio and imaging experience of witnessing the DC Police learn that a couple of their officers had been body-swapped with Android replicas of themselves. [Read the DC Police page in the CIA drop-down menu for the background story; the Arrest of Gina Haspel page under the Gina Haspel menu provides more information as well.]  This may have been happening for a while but it just came to everyone's attention now. Making people aware that its an issue is helpful. I wrote some notes I thought would be good for everyone to know. The DC police do regular “Android checks” now and I think they assist AbbyPD with this too. I think other groups also use the truth-feature to check who’s been Android-swapped in the lat few hours as this would affect those in the Military also. Regardless, there are no rules (alls fair in war) and this can be done to anyone at anytime. Technological applications on a couple (emotion-enhancers like "feeling in love") make it difficult to discern an android swap so awareness that it happens is key. You know to look for it now. I'm a CIA “experiment” but… no one is exempt from this).


Helpful Protocols


Some of the  information below is relevant to the people and groups working on this issue in the background. They often read the notes and observations that are made. This is what was communicated to them. it helps that others know. Others can use the truth-feature that becomes available when you target me to see who appropriate people to contact would be in case of an Android-swap.


NEW ish issue we’re all dealing with now:

8:05pm who were all the people in the last 5-10 hours that were replaced with an Android? Can you go tell them? do they need recovery? [maybe some people want to add this to their list of things to check every so often?]

Just realized: anyone, anytime, anywhere this can happen.

  1. if people are told that this is done to them, they can let their friends and family know who can then check this frequently or be made aware to look for Android replacements

  2. when friends and family see the Android swap, they can notify someone (perhaps in the military?)

  3. military can remote-transfer the Android to a foundry and then perform remote healing & recovery of the person.


Advantages: if a friend or family member or coworker notices the Android swap, they can contact someone immediately. (someone who’s regularly Android-swapped could be told who would be best to contact). 


Prevention: This helps to prevent things because the agenda with an Android swap is to either prevent something good from happening or to add something negative to a situation. What are other agendas involved that I’m unaware of? The more that’s prevented, the better.


Drawbacks:  they’ll now make it look like the opposite is the case. Wait for the “overwhelm” around sharing this information to pass and create new procedures around it. The more people know about what evil groups do, the better the situation gets. (that’s always generally the bottom line).


Me, hearing evil groups in the background:

Who are the people crappin their pants over this becoming public knowledge in the background audio?

“this is a huge __ issue…” sounded like they were pissed that people were learning about this.


I left a voice memo: Android-swaps of people


*   *   *


Android Check!

Imaging I'm shown:

8:46pm  the DC Police do an “Android check!” and one guy's emotion monitor lights up as  pink <embarrassed> on the monitor. “am I this?” I heard in the audio wondering how I can even hear the guys thoughts. Immediately I knew he was an android as they always use the truth-feature to see if they are and then learn about what it means. I think the police usually sedate them because otherwise hatred-builder tech is applied to them and they become terrifying. Restraining an Android is a difficult task for even 3 men to do together.


I hear Kid voices in the background. “they still keep checking!” [on the Android-swaps] <dismayed>.  I wonder if it’s CIA Android beta alters or some kids that the corrupt CIA has deceived into doing their Targeting agendas for them? They’re planning sabotages to the Android check.


I immediately think, “what’s a solution?” Tell them and AbbyPD to make a huge ANDROID CHECK sign and put it in some visible places. [Mostly because there’s too much forced-forgetting Targeters assigned to everyone; night shift changes, ect.]


what military groups or other groups would also benefit from this? [Supercomputer guys]. (can someone go tell them??)



9pm  I wrote about the Emotion Monitor lighting up as pink to highlight/identify an embarrassed Android. They’ll now change the color on the emotion monitor or delete the info all-together. - what are other ways Androids can be identified?

Someone put an Android check sign by the door and i see imaging of an Android walking  in and turning pink. It helps to have the signage by the door for faster identification. They’ll now create sabotages to that.

“wait until she’s done; then we’ll do our thing.” – otherwise I’ll write about what they do. Always expect the sabotages.


The US Civil War – aka the Clone War:


Lots of progress!! :D


Relevant page --> All the Things Already Tried With Androids



Mass Deception Messages

10:15pm  Recent Sabotages:

I sat trying to eat but was forced to listen to deception audio the whole time. Then I wondered, “who’s trying to deflect attention away from themselves that feels they need to do this?”

Response: “ya no that makes it worse.” They reduce the audio. They sound young like kid alters (did anyone find out who that was and where they’re hiding?)

Then I wonder: “what sabotages are being planned or have recently been done?”


Mass Deception Message

Earlier I saw and heard imaging and audio I didn’t understand but now made sense:

A Mass deception-message went out to convince a huge number of people that the Androids “weren’t really a big deal.” I think the words were given to them all subliminally and were paired with feelings of warmth and comfort. Was it sent from a Supercomputer? Which one? Did they replace the DC cop at the Supercomputer with and Android?


-->  who was that all done to? Important people who can make a difference in this situation. Tell them how and why it was done and that many receive it.


What’s true?

= what does your Android replica do with your:

  1. money

  2. spouse

  3. friends

  4. knowledge

Does anyone actually want a replica of themselves, android, Clone, Neg, or otherwise? No. its terrifying and the feelings of helplessness are overwhelming.


Important – Undo Lies Feature

There’s an “undo lies” feature on the Supercomputer that acts like the Mass deception-messages in reverse. I think someone tried it on me once is how I saw that it worked. Or, they just program the mass-message with factual and true information. This can and should be done regularly to everyone who has false beliefs intentionally created as a result of deception messages.


It could also be used to communicate important information to many people all at once. The data comms have had blocks to them for a long time and many Military might still might not be aware of that.


  • who can do this? The LDS Church Targeter Stream likely also has this technology so you can front their kid alters for a bit and tell them what to do.

  • What are the options? Who’s around or awake?

  • Who could do this periodically or daily?

Mass Deception Msgs

Android Swaps of Spouses, Friends, or Family


Thurs. Feb. 18, 2021  1:03pm 


Android replicas of actual people are a thing. A person is then “hologram body-swapped” with an Android replica of themselves but with noticeable “programming” differences: it either does or does not do something helpful, critical or needed.There's also a tech-setting that makes a person have Android-like behavrious. why? So that people get put into foundrys and not androids.  The more we know, the easier it gets. Expect the sabotages; this is a war. Mistakes or accidents should not deter progress.


Use the truth-feature: who’s Android swap in the last few weeks sabotaged something?


​Noticing an Android Swap

How and what is all done to make Android swaps of spouses less noticeable? Suddenly you feel more “in love” than before – illusions so you don’t question it. You feel better, happier, nicer. Why? Agendas are running… this is helpful for those in politics, the Military, the Police, and others to be aware of as becoming aware of Android swaps could help you to prevent some things from happening. What were some activities planned? It could be helpful to write down a few notes of things planned before going or doing certain activities or events due to memory wiping (performed on everyone).



Obviously, the psychological horror of this is overwhelming and we’re all learning how to deal with it together. The safety of our spouses is the greatest concern. There are also many Military groups doing Android melts daily.


To helpers -  Suggestion:

Please have someone assemble an Android Info page of some kind to be given to those in the US Senate, other politicians, the military, etc or have it available online.  It can lists suggested actions, coping tips, and other useful information to be given to everyone to help them cope and adapt with having an Android replica of themselves and of their spouse or other friends and family members. These are some ideas to include:


  • Helpful things to do if you have Androids of you and your partner

    • How to “power down” your partners Android

    • Words, phrases used

    • who to contact if you notice a swap of someone

  • Emotion enhancer tech (chest plate)

    • Noticing this device increases awareness that an Android swap of partner may have recently happened

    • Look for agendas in their behaviors – things “forgotten” or things added

  • Hologram body-swapping tech

  • Recommended remedies to reduce Android replacements

  • Using the truth-feature: what questions are best to ask?

    • where is the current location of my spouse?

    • What condition is he/she in?

    • Who do I need to contact about a swap?

    • Ect.


To do: who needs to be told that they’ve had Androids made of them, their spouse or anyone they know?

- remove the Pandemonium tech (or fear enhancers), give everyone base programming of peace, and provide helpful information. Things are getting better now that issues can be discussed openly.

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