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Battles --> Negs to Pegs--> Experiences with Pegs

Experiences with Pegs:
Positive Beings, Divine Races, Positive Energy Guys ;-)


Monday Dec. 28, 2020 8pm

This information needs to be read in the context of “Neg rule” which existed until December 2020 (?). When the D.C. police arrested the CIA Director at the end of October 2020, they soon began using the CIA’s Supercomputer and immediately began firing rounds to eliminate many species of Negs, beginning with the Shapeshifters, who were annihilated on November 1st, 2020,  as these beings were a major issue to many.  Many other Neg races followed. I hope at some point, the U.S. Military Originals can make the Neg Battles of November 2020 public knowledge.


Our Experiences

Diving beings often never use words for communication. Their lovely and peaceful energies just make a situation easier. They also almost never show their forms to humans; This is why “entity intel” done by the use of black arts was sometimes useful: it showed me the races, species or forms of the the lovely beings that were around me. At times it was binaries, tree people, a type of kind reptilian race, friendly “grey” beings, and many others.


Knowing about the false audio and false imaging made it a bit easier to dismiss the false alien voiceovers (often done by former Disney CEO Michael Eisner and his son Breck who read scripts at severely traumatized death-defiers.). this was also an agenda of the CIA Director to try to discredit others who had genuine encounters with positive ones. “make them look crazy” is something constantly done to death-defiers.


However, there are a few instances when we recall some of the interventions done on our behalf, to make things easier for me. These are a few examples.


When Pegs “spoke” to us:

  • Jam, avocado, milk, and tomato – how we could survive the druggings & remote mk ultra programs. This was during the Love Drug attack victims when many beings provided shielding to these women, often in areas of the Frasey Valley. I wonder how they’re currently doing?

  • “some humans will need to be held accountable for the crimes they’ve committed.” A lovely being that answered our question about how could humanity move forward as a race if everyone is MK ULTRA? If Negs made us all MK, how could be blame those who tortured us? Technically everyone is redeemable; resources and the ongoing tortures of innocents are the issue. They specifically said that the John alter on Gina Haspel would be held responsible for things he’d done.

  • Often times as I would write or type, there would be overrides but of a Peg nature. Words were clarified, something made sense better, the sentence written was for one person specifically and it diffused a situation, etc.

    • Was WHITE MAGIC sending me BLACK MAGIC? Is one example of when I first discovered that Disney was the source of the black arts attacks I was experiencing. [How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me - free PDF]

  • My 3yr old once wondered who was all around? While we lay in drug induced states with our eyes closed, being subjected to various imaging and spiritual experiences. “draco, orion, other, other.” Was the response heard. It seemed legit. (That was during heavy Shapeshifter and reptilian attacks; the positive beings often provided shielding).

  • Article that the White House read: it was Marine Terror Programs document, page under the Military drop-down menu. This article was a direct Peg intervention that allowed us to more accurately describe what was being done to us. In that drug-induced traumatized state, it would have been impossible. When Shapeshifters were the norm, Peg communication was the only thing possible. This is also how we learned that the President was also Targeted in some similar ways as we were. We called these Red Light Program (done by Marine Zeta and Clone 6’s) and SWAMP program.

  • Another type of attack done to us was either LDS sources that used Reptilians to send at a person (via acoustic transmitters – similar to the CIA ones). Those Zeta had terrifying robotic voiceover that they yelled at their target in which to our 3yr alter, was incredibly terrifying. Because these attacks were paired with legitimate beings & entities, the terror was often overwhelming. One day, I think a Peg flipped the switch so that everything the guy yelled was true and explained what he was doing. Then it became not so scary and we figure out it was just a person yelling and not the beings.

8:40pm Weds. Jan 6, 2021

1st “Peg” interaction :-)

I think this (below description) was one of the more lovely moments with the “incriminator tech” active. We got to hear “yes we are of that kind” via forced-response tech when we sat and wondered if there were positive beings around while we lay on the couch in our severely distressed state. I think many positive races are also deceived at times and some read (on the degree) that it was the entity – the subtle sorcerer in our body – that was the cause of this. It was astounding, shocking, and surprising. I’m not sure for what alter of ours – that positive beings could speak and that they could be interacted with.


Theta/chi? As a rule, I hoped that only those who could see that the negative agenda would always try to humiliate them would be able to intervene. How much could each race see and understand? The sorcerers ability is truly beyond what most people grasp; this is also why it’s phenomenal that many have been annihilated recently.


Our kid alter wrote a cute note on our wall “How do you talk to Pegs?” – the nice ones in Heaven? because she wondered how Epsilon alters and spiritual advanced people like theta’s could “speak” to races of a divine origin? We’d often felt like maybe our Mermaid Epsilon ___ cuz she didn’t or wasn’t able to do that. “What does a mermaid do?” Our 3yr wondered. So… in answer to our childs innocent curiosity, I wonder if that’s why experience was provided. “They sound like humans!” we still cant get over it. They are lovely, kind, and gracious.


I think it’s the Angel Epsilon who are able to communicate with divine races. Each epsilon has it’s own unique abilities. I think it was this intervention that my fiance’s Angel Epsilon was also able to do for me on many occasion. How do you survive Negs and Shapeshifters?


“Them are cool.” The tall green ones with different kinds of faces :-)


*most spiritually advanced races can be seen with 3rd-eye vision



Remedy RESULTS! :-)

5:06am Weds. Jan. 6, 2021

some recaps of recent events: some positive beings read the Divine Decree that our Guru posted on our wall – im not sure the information that it all contained but negative beings and races had things removed from them for causing me suffering. One black form - i wasn't sure if it was an entity or being - got super angry at the notice and yelled at it. (that must have happend frequently). That was lovely. We got to “relive” the audio and imaging of Gina Haspels murders by her own group; one from the camera in what I’m assuming was her own underground base. Many helpers J . I’m grateful even positive ones are sometimes mislead, due to the intensity and subtle energy of the subtle-sorcerer. Some positive beings came to check why there were certain Neg races eliminated (that perhaps they dealt with). There are many other wonderful things that happen – the ones I’m unaware of Im curious about… use the truth-feature to see what all the progress has been in the last day.


This description came from our document which is on copy 4 of “[gina haspels] Johns arrest and CIA Fallout” on page 451 part a. Its an ongoing word document describing many situations and frustrations of things that transpired after the arrest of Gina Haspel on Oct. 29, 2020.

Divine Beings


Monday Jan. 11, 2021  12:36pm

boy, zeta, 14: these are some notes we made about a Divine interaction that happens around 3-4am this morning. We are being supported by heaven.



Some things I need to remember about the experience to feel encouraged:

0 – I think a cow donation remedy allowed for this spiritual experience to occur. There are several websites that offer this remedy. The intention I used when purchasing it was for karmic relief or something to that effect. They provided distress reduction so I’m so incredibly grateful.


What was so different about this experience was that it was the most “real world” with divine beings combined. I was conscious, somewhat for the experience and could overhear and see on imaging a few things they were doing. our alpha alter freaked the crap out. Host sobbed; they pulled away the “emotion shield” for a minute to allow her to cry. It makes the body feel how it really feels: like a huge ball of red fire pain. I wonder if that’s a CIA shield or other type of race's and I wonder if its applied to all the death-defiers in order to emotionally flatten them. Its been removed from me on several occasions which has allowed me to actually weep.


Huge ship seen on monitor that made several black arts run immediately and removed a bunch of stuff. I thought it was from the Space force for a while. There was an immediate heavy shielding effect. I realized that times, other ships must have provided similar kinds of shielding for me. (distress reduction percentages are what’s noticeable). They did not show me their forms. Instead I heard lovely sounds… I was so dissociated and in a trauma haze that I couldn’t recognize it for a while. It sounded like a childs voice, really far away and I thought maybe I was hearing some audio from my fiancé… but… then it didn’t make sense and…. I thought of other sources. I wasn’t able to think so it took me a long time to realize it wasn’t English.


It was a lovely soft sound, kind of like hymns mixed with chanting. I felt at some point (host) that I learned more about what “sattva” was in the sattva, raja, tama trifecta. [the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation website speaks of these in an article]. Spiritual purity contains much more softness, elegance and grace. The sounds like singing were so soft and gentle like nursery songs. I wondered what their forms looked like for a while.


They did some interventions with the CIA situation:

  • she will see you more and more (to Ginas)

  • she will become conscious when abducted by Gina’s tech and watch you torture her body right in front of her

    • I see Ginas theta Clone 6's pink embarrassed lines frequently, now that I know she’s the one torturing me so severely.

  • They may take my astral bodies for protection on their ships. It will reach a point when that’s allowed as per karma.

    • Host: I’m looking forward to this more than anything (im hoping my fiancé will be there too.)

    • Host thought about this for a while and wondered how she’d feel? She wondered how her astral form would look with the severe things done to it… shes looking forward to the comfort & relief this will bring.

  • the entity is still a huge issue



There were many other snippets of audio that went in and out. Saw John alter on Ginas clone 6 smoking a cigar. Boy alter figured he must have just raped the 6 year old boy that he made with our eggs. He was embarrassed that I knew; why the EFFF does that embarrass him? Having people watch them is the best deterrent to their actions. I would do it myself but I have no technology.


I also wondered how these beings perceived the removal of all the negative races that happend recently, (if it made it easier for them to be here) what their race does, but primarily how they overcome all the deception?


I think some military groups had sensors go off and were doing scans. Other black arts groups deceived into targeting me were still sending us entities that we saw on monitors. Boy: I think John hates the pegs. But at least I know more about what theta on clone 6 is like… she likes to rape.


3:35am I still hear the acoustic transmitters in the atmosphere; some people learned that those are mostly ineffective now.


Someone is using a thought-blocking device that’s preventing me from sharing something. Its blocked until the person releases the technology. “I feel jealous.” Those are feelings given to you by other people (if it’s a targeter/black arts).


12:51pm mon Jan 11, 2021

theta: we feel tremendous comfort at the return of these beings. if everything is invisible, for these, I am most grateful.

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