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Target: Couples​
Objective: to break up the relationship


Locally in the Fraser Valley, the Entwistles are primarily responsible for doing this to people. Please learn as much as you can about them and their methods. There are several articles in the drop down menus under Entwistles and a few more under Targeting Groups. Once the relationship ends and the woman has developed an aversion to the diamond ring, she steals it from their home. She has kept the stolen  diamond rings and other jewellery in a huge box as souvenirs. Most women never forget their diamond jewellery. The ring i had just "disappeared" into thin air. How does she steal so many? She's an MK ultra slave herself: read the article called Peters' shame under the Entwistle drop down menu.


Weds march 25, 2020

These programs have been done to my partner and I in both ways. We  describe a bit about how we coped and how it was different for each of us. Hindsight provided the most clues; while it's in effect, its incredibly difficult to understand or come out of.






  2. MAN spends more time at WORK [EXCESSIVE MENTAL FOCUS]


AGENDA: this is a strategic attack on THE COUPLE.


This is just a brief outline; the program makes adjustments to who you are and your set of circumstances. TAKE NOTES and observe how it CHANGES daily. Coffee, food, water + AVOID NAPS (types of programming during sleep are much more intense; unconscious traumas embed new, terrible behaviors & beliefs).


This program happens in several steps:

  1. Ring becomes aversive

  2. Husband becomes aversive

  3. Diamond beta term becomes desirable/positive

  4. sexual addiction begins

  5. mental health problems begin



[PART 1] Turn something GOOD into something BAD.*

  1. forced to LOOK at RING (engagement/wedding ring)

  2. feel sad (sad images, sad feelings/THOUGHTS are CREATED)

  3. [likely also mentally primed or programmed during sleep to some extent]

  4. song lyrics play “Diamonds are a girls best friend” briefly in subliminal or EEG.

  5. RING AVERSION beginning. Want to remove it.

  6. woman stops WEARING RING

  7. Loses interest in HUSBAND


[PART 2] – Create sexual addiction *

BASE PROGRAM: includes IMAGE + sexual arousal + feelings of LOVE

(will be explained more in the MK Ultra manual). The sexual addiction can turn a person into a prostitute, porn star, drug addict or have them used for sex trafficking.



  1. instant fatigue and need to lay down (drugging – via EEG or astral methods)

  2. go semi unconscious; are shown an image

  3. sexual arousal pairing with husbands name

  4. –sleep/rape –

  5. wake up to short music clip (program embedding)

  6. action/sound or possible body posturing (ie kiss on shoulder)

  7. makes it so that sexual arousal is created INSTANTLY by the use of ONE TRIGGER


[PART 3] – Create mental health problems *

False images + false beliefs = new reality

Familiarity with MK Ultra alters and how each of them are used here is helpful to some extent.


* there will be variations depending on your set of circumstances and your personal preferences



  1. becomes interested in a new activity, WORK, or hobby

  2. sexual suppression begins, loses interest

  3. mental focus heightens

  4. becomes GLUED to new activity; little time for anything else.

  5. husband and wife are pulled in opposite directions



  1. MAN develops addiction to PORNOGRAPHY [ EXCESSIVE SEXUAL FOCUS]

  2. WOMAN develops new excessive focus on PROJECT/ACTIVITY [EXCESSIVE MENTAL FOCUS]


AGENDA: this is a strategic attack on THE COUPLE.


For men, infidelity is the objective. Seems like it would be incredibly easy to do considering how intense the energy is. When the reverse was being done to her, she would imagine she was with him but the downside was piggybacking negative energies and neg. epsilons would be timed (wizards) to be there to capitalize on the situation. Ugh.


NAP, AVOID!. Does he lay down during the day for naps ever? That’s when the unconscious programming happens.  WRITE DOWN notes.. how is the procedure different than it was/is for me? Lay down, go unconscious, see image, hear phrase, music phrase, body posturing… etc. sexual attack while sleeping. Most detrimental because it enhances ALL aspects significantly. Does he get crossed arms/crossed legs ever? In shower? While sitting? Indicator for trafficking.


How do couples recover?

The AGENDA: to break up the relationship. What’s the best mental approach: if you can see that it’s been done to you BOTH it makes it easier.


When this is done to a couple, one is given the excess sexual energy while the other would have their sexual energies completely suppressed. It is done intentionally this way to create relationship difficulties. The one lacking the sexual energies would find it difficult to relate to or understand the other and vice versa. Frustrations would develop, arguments, and possibly over time may cause a break in the relationship.


For the one who’s energy has been sexually repressed (usually the woman). Make some observations. How does your body feel when with your partner? There would be reduced DESIRE, reduced emotional warmth and possibly disconnection.  Is there a reduction in loving or romantic thoughts? Have there been recent CHANGES in your behavior: intense focus on a PROJECT like work or other hobbies or activities.  It will be similarly timed that the man and woman develop different interests. For the woman, there will be MENTAL BLOCKS in place. MEMORIES of your partner will be difficult to access and thoughts of him will almost completely be removed from your mind. (this is how it was for me for over a month now). This is being done INTENTIONALLy so the spouse has no one to relieve the excess energies with. What would be his options? These things are TIMED to perfection. One gets a new interest while the other feels abandoned.


Sexual addiction would result, perhaps with pornography. In reality, it’s not the person’s choice or desire. Coping with what’s being done to the mind, emotions, and body is the real issue.


Coping for the man

Learn about Targeting technologies and MK ultra (both papers will be available in the Bulletins section soon) and how intensively they can manipulate thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This can reduce feelings of shame, blame, and frustration. It helps to understand why and how the problem was created. “I never used to be like this!” Below are some helpful suggestions:


1.  Salt water therapy:  removes distressing energies physically and mentally provides feelings of peace and calm. Only takes 15 minutes.


2.  Addictions:  Due to the nature of the spiritual realm, spiritual remedies are most effective.


3. Dealing with excessive/unwanted sexual thoughts:  


Coping for the Woman

Force breaks from the project. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. The level of difficulty this takes will suggest how difficult it is for your partner is his reversed situation. Observe in your physical body where the feelings/DESIRES to keep focused come from. Just noticing that it’s being DONE to you, and isn’t really you, helps to remember next time you need breaks. This will be done to the MIND and EMOTIONS an BODY.


They use your strengths and weaknesses against you. False feelings of DEPRESSION may develop for the woman and she may cope with Netlifx binging.  This can be super difficult to combat. if you can close your eyes and look inside to where you have the feelings, you may "see" or "feel" objects there. At times we used imaginary hands to remove them which brought the most relief.


Intense mental focus is what I needed to survive so they made it incredibly EXCESSIVE. No breaks at all. For other women the new or enhanced ACTIVITY may be SHOPPING, MOVIES, OR EATING. It will depend on you and your circumstances.



Salt water therapy is best: 


PDR suggestions. What’s changed in the relationship? Is there less time available to spend together or less attentive listening? Working to correct deficiencies and increasing awareness in oneself is helpful.  




Replicated or Duplicated or OPPORTUNISTS. ALL.

  MK ULTRA NOW; different group. Agenda: POWER AND CONTROL. Sex tortures. DIAMONDS.

  • tech screen diff?

  • boil – MISDIRECTION?

  • Implants in HEAD. --> behaviour modification control

  • Drugging style [NOT IV method] food/drink??? Or EEG, or?

  • FOCUS ON DIAMONDS [wedding/engagement RING]

  • Attachment to spouse/partner name subconsciously

  • GENITAL mutilations, objects embedded into CLITORUS/labia

  • SEXUAL AROUSAL DIFF: happens instantly, requires NO image, swelling of genitals.

  • Kiss on shoulder [horrific]

  • Music – mk ultra marker


* Make sure to take your own notes/observations and compare with these to track changes and modifications.


The MK Ultra component:

What happens to the physical and energy bodies from the MK Ultra alters:

There’s almost always some mild energy causing arousal… wizards maybe? We don’t know how to remove that.

  • other times… zeta put in entities… into the root chakra… those make the feelings worse… salt water can remove those

  • darts create arousal inside the body; uterus area? Inside into organs. If you can see them and pick them out it makes a difference

  • other objects in genitals create arousal too; try to remove

  • DIAMOND beta for men?BASE PROGRAm: image + root chakra + energies in both + metal bar that attaches genital to chest = totally overwhelming.

    • Pick out the darts first from inside the chest and genitals

    • Remove the bar if you can

    • Reduces the intensity

    • Turn off image screen if you can (find button) or replace images with neutral things like scenery or whatever

    • The energies (from wizards) may still be there.. didn’t figure out how to remove those but its less intense


DIAMOND S happened to me in my young 20’s. THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. Bought a diamond ring; TWICE.


Thought: <wealthy> married women become DIAMOND BETAS <<<horror>>; OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE FEELINGS ARE GENERATED TOWARDS THE TERM!! As if it’s something REALLY GOOD that’s happened to ME. "I'm a diamond beta." [fels pleased with the situation].  ick. Single women become prostitutes.? honeypots, lures, mules, betas.


When LOVE DRUG changes to DIAMONDS

How I came to realize LOVE DRUG program had changed to DIAMONDS PROGRAM (PAGE 55)


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