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Battles --> WW3 Prep

Making Survival Issues Beautiful

Tues Oct 27, 2020 12:44pm


With the commencement of the COIVD-19 pandemic, it’s perhaps now become easy to see how quickly our world can shut down. We learned from the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation website about some predictions and timelines of major events. Many of these will play out in the next 2-3 years…grid failures by 2022 and atomic blasts by 2023. How can each person help their friends and family members prepare? Know some of the things that are coming: 5-10 year food shortages, gas shortages, electrical failures and water contamination issues from radiation fallout.


Who could benefit from getting an electric vehicle? Where could massive grain storage silos be erected? What available methods for water decontamination should be stockpiled in my city? What other things should be done to increase food storage preparations and how can many people become aware of these things?


Positive things we’ve learned:

High intensity yagnas are likely to reduce COVD-19 numbers in the area and for groups that they’re performed for. Yagnas bring other tremendous benefits when done repeatedly and frequently. This applies to any and all situations. The military is still doing experiments in this regard.



To the right is the cover of the first draft of our "Survival Prep Binder" for those who want some inspiration and beauty to otherwise dull and uninteresting topics. One of our adult females was going to be an interior designer and is good at making things look nice.


Beautiful Things – Community Improvements


Pages 426 & 427 from the Homepge Manuscript


I was thinking about things that would make Abbotsford better. I wasn’t sure what was really going on… our adult females remembered some of the open air café’s in San Francisco that were so nice to walk by on late at night. The atmosphere was so pleasant, relaxed, and laid back. There were people chatting until late hours into the morning. I thought it would be nice to have a similar thing locally. I wonder if the climate makes it easier to have open air cafes. It rains so much here. Weather station.

        I also thought it would be so amazing to have more large gardens to walk through. One of Abbotsford’s high lights is a large park. I thought it would be neat to have local women each design and landscape a colorful garden, similar to Minter gardens but close by. I got this idea from a movie I saw once where a young woman won a gardening competition. A drive in movie theater would be really nice for the community as well.


What would make life in Abbotsford better?

Affordable housing for the poor and possibly a soup kitchen. For all those unfortunate to live on assistance. I thought it would be a good objective to get people out of survival mode. Make Sunday picnics a thing again. What do people do when they don’t have to “survive”? CREATIVE PROJECTS. I’m always so curious about what other’s are able to make and improvise on. When given an opportunity it’s amazing to see how different individuals can do really unique and unexpected GOOD THINGS. For example, one concern I have is the issue of plastics in packaging and I was hoping to be more proactive in raising awareness of the issue; options for different types and kinds of renewable containers (like laundry soap containers) would benefit the environment. I miss going to Farmer’s Markets that have non-GMO foods. I think of the “good old days” when many people lived on larger parcels of land and had more freedoms. They were more self-sufficient.

        It would be great if housing costs could be lowered. More community connectivity.

Better resources for parents. Mothers to have “free” daycare or just make day car unnecessary.

Mothers just raising children...what a concept. This is how things used to be for people: they

could raise their own kids. Improving family values would be incredibly helpful for society.

        How can we make it affordable for families? One type of house design I’ve researched is

called PASSIVE HAUS or Passive House and it originates in Europe. The building “envelope”

is about 2-3ft thick, has triple paned windows, heated air recovery system and uses solar power

for it’s minimal led lighting. Heating is almost completely unnecessary. This design has been

done in the coldest parts of Saskatechwan and it was a success. It would remove dependence

on a “power company” and result in an almost net-zero type of living accommodation. The

heat loss factor is substantially reduced and the internal environment became unexpectedly:

fresh, quiet, and had the most comfortable body temperature. In the context of our present

set of circumstances, the perimeter of personal homes could be made from brick and concrete

to provide better protection from radiation fallout.

        In societies like Sweden and Denmark, individuals are valued based on their personal levels

of happiness based on creative pursuits rather than income.


  • Affordable housing --> Passive “Net Zero” Homes =  no dependence on “power companies”

  • Mothers raising children, growing veggie gardens, backyard chickens

  • Families spending time together again, no stresses

  • Food storage prep, water decontamination prep, sourcing clothing prep. Survival skills. 




From the SSRF website I’ve read and learned about some of the upcoming negative events that will impact the world. The are unavoidable due to our collective destiny. We can make some preparations now to make things easier for as many people as possible.

  1. Preparations for food shortages (long 10 year) What can local communities do? Encourage vegetable gardening in the back yard and front yard. There are ways to make front yard gardening aesthetically appealing. In ww2 the American government encouraged American women to raise chickens in their backyards for eggs. Local storage facilities for grains.

  2. water decontamination – from radiation fallout. Something to expect and be prepared to deal with.

  3. clothing – local manufacture and production. Encourage local communities to grow textiles (wool, cotton, flax, silk, etc). there will be transportation issues of required goods. The more communities can support themselves the better.

  4. entertainment. Mobility might be limited with border crossings and flights as we’re already experiencing with COVID. What are moral boosters? Outdoor activities/weekend activities locally – Farm attractions with petting zoos, orchards, various tours, etc. corn mazes are fun too. “Make Life God Again.” MAGA.

  5. little things. What has Covid taught us so far? What has poverty taught me? I learned to hand sew and it was interesting to see how different methods created different results. Knitting was also somewhat enjoyable to learn a new technique and skill. A new type of envelope for organizing became a great source of enjoyment for me. “little things” brought the most joy.

  6. Solar panels for electrical failures or start using more hand-held kitchen utensils.


Every individual has value. Those who can and are able can be delegated to things. They often have the most expertise. It’s nice when each person can do their part. Some want to lead. Others are too tired and would rather do other things. 



These are likely to begin by the year 2022 and onwards... (as per the Truth tech)

Please refer to the new SSRF article "Prepare for Power Shortages and Water shortages in WW3" for more information.


Are we prepared? EMP’s and other types of attacks will limit electricity for many people for many years. What are some other options? We need to “wean” society off of electronics gradually. Better options need to be provided.


LIBRARIES. What’s left if there’s nothing electronic? People need things to do and to make life easier. BOOKS.  Libraries need more funding. Stock pile some books for yourselves as well: gardening, first aid, canning, foraging, various hobbies, survival skills, medicinal plants, etc. The initial adjustment can feel painful, but its often because it triggers grief from more painful life events in one’s past.


Guru’s website SSRF has good resources and guidelines for WW3 survival. Remedies for when doctors are unavailable are good to learn about. Survival skills become valuable again. Plants and medicinal knowledge are incredibly helpful too.


Always give as many OPTIONS to people as possible. This reduces stress as it feels like you have more control when you’re able to make choices. Maybe Covid is an unexpected blessing. People have been forced to change and adapt. What’s become more important? People spending time together. Needs for other resources. Shifts in perspectives already there.


What makes things easier for everyone? Yagna’s. Spiritual rituals that attract positive energies, elements, and deities that remove negative ones. The more positive options we have at our disposal, the easier it makes things for everyone. These can be done individually or for a group of people. (Spiritual Remedies in Bulletins link). For those having one performed individually, it helps to schedule it during moments of privacy. Some of the subtle energies it provides can give genuine spiritual experiences that are incredibly lovely. Humans are not just the physical body.



Passive Homes or PASSIVE HAUS

The Passive House and it’s Significance for the Future of the Canadian Construction Industry by Matthias Hiebert. This is a PDF we just found in our files from many years ago.  It gives an overview of how Passive Homes can be built in Canada. Added PDF to WW3 Prep page (drop down menu under Bulletins).


Passive Home Benefits

These are some benefits to Passive Homes (many have been built in the U.S. and elsewhere)

  • solar panels & LED lighting can create a net zero situation

  • heat recovery ventilation system – always have fresh air in the home and its warm (filtered)

  • How was water heated?

  • Thick building envelope created almost no heat loss – kept internal environment warm and pleasant.

    • if the envelope is make of concrete or bricks, it con protect from bomb blasts - this is encouraged for those who want to remain in larger cities


Radiation Fallout Suggestions:

1. Agnihotra – can reduce and eliminate the effects of nuclear radiation. How to perform Agnihotra and ___.

2. Reading the Bhagavad Gita for 20 minutes a day can remove the distressing covering around the body and also the black energy centers. This reduces pain and suffering. (SSRF Newsletter - listed in the T.I paper found on the homepage)


Building with Stone


Sunday Dec. 13, 2020 4:34pm

Boy, zeta, 14 : Its almost a year now when the grid failures will begin. If the predictions

about WW3 are accurate, it’s going to be crappy with rioters and looting… so this cool

rock fortress thing looks like a good place to make in order to defend oneself if need be.

 Even just as a self-defense measure as many Americans own guns…


Money wont save people in these times as food will be much more valuable. Do what

you can now to have your local communities create long term grain storage Silos and

other non-perishables.


If no resources are available, even creating mud to hold the rocks together works (maybe

depending on the type of soil… I need to learn more about this… I wish I could just use

the truth-feature). Limestone? What if you cant find or identify it?


How does our Guru say to do things? “As per the circumstances.”

I'm not sure if this map will be an accurate portrayal of the world in 2024 but it's worth considering when making plans or preparations. Major cities should be avoided during the worst of it which might be 2023 when nuclear weapons will be used.

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