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Entwistles --> Exonorating the Entwistles


11:36am Sept 4, 2020

This is my letter of Exoneration to the Entwistle Family

This information helps others to see how the Entwistle family is manipulated, used, lied to, humiliated, degraded, shamed, etc, daily by the CIA. This demonstrates precisely how they really have no free will.


As my set of circumstances has progressed, new information has come to light and the remedies have become increasingly helpful:  audio tech reversals have given more insight into more truth of what was being done to me. For example, there was one day when it seemed like they used the 3 alters on one individual for 10+ hours straight. The individual being subjected to this was Jeff Entwistle (the CIA forces his 4-year old alter to run a Beta Farm). On this day, the truth tech that was active gave me some helpful information periodically so I could understand that this was happening. Then I realized, “Oh this is how his Zeta targets me; now, this is what his Alphas doing. Oh now it’s his kid alter.” That went in a loop like 2-3 times over the course of many hours. It explains many things just knowing this such as why things were so unpredictable for me for so many years. I wonder too if they can now see how severely they’re manipulated? MK ULTRA is a huge detriment to a person and the feelings of helplessness from being unable to control ones other alters are great.


Another relevant piece of information was another day when I could partially “thought listen” to them in reverse. They learned some true information about some things that were happening and were discussing it among themselves (their Adult Zeta alters). John, CIA Director Haspels male zeta, was watching and could see that they were beginning to learn and remember some things. [Through the tech reversal, I could hear his thoughts as well.] So right away he flipped their alters and some were memory wiped. [Flipping alters via remote satellite tech is often done via frequency or sounds. These would be default settings that the CIA uses.]  They were then given other “tasks” to do. I wondered what came of those conversations. Sometimes I feel like it must be nice for them to be able to talk about their MK ULTRA status with each other but then I’ve become more aware of how severely they’re manipulated and the sabotages that are done to them by John must be difficult too.

How the CIA Uses their Alters


The CIA uses many different targeters to detract attention away from the personal projects and agendas of the organization; this is known as deflection and misdirection and incriminates others and not them. One way they do this is by using the child, teen, and adult alters on Targeting equipment. How kids are used versus how teens are used versus what adults do is very different.


Kids are lied to from the auto tech they’re given. This is why their young child alters are so confused. Audio tech that kids listen to likely comes from CIA external audio pieces that are affixed near the ears and are invisible. I think there are 3 tiny audio boxes affixed;  I called it whisper tech. it might be how they’re controlled by the CIA. Then the “green button” on the software opens the kid-friendly app. “is she sad? Why not give her a happyface?” The speak and spell sounding app tells the child, who then pushes a button that lights up. I can sometimes tell when its kid targeting because of that. My facial features are moved around and I don’t look like how I feel. Kids do other stuff like remote drop bugs into the house, make people fart and sneeze, and things that a kid might find to be funny. They ALLLLL think its funny to make people fart. Kids are told that it’s not really real when they push buttons and people die in car accidents or what not. “trip and fall!” Giggles are heard.


Teen targeters: to my knowledge were approached by individuals and told some things and then signed some type of contracts. They are also lied to; they are used as per the wishes of others. Many times, they do “role playing” to an individual that the CIA has traumatized and remotely drugged so that the victim believes the audio that the teen is forced to say as per the script its given. Often, those senarios result in deaths. I wondered about the types of individuals who would do this for a long time but knowing the alter ages of the individuals helps to make sense of this. “what normal adult would do this?” ohh teens. Teens and young adults are forced to do other things and this includes things like murders. But kid alters murder others too; its no ones fault. This was also part of Johns agenda to make people believe weird things; I wonder how many people believe all the strange things the CIA Director wanted them to? Pretend to be aliens is often told them; they are sometimes given voiceovers in this regard.  [Teen alters need to know that contracts they signed would not be valid because those forcing them do sign would have known their alter ages, thus making the contract invalid. A teenager cannot legally sign anything without a parents consent or without another lawyer acting on its behalf; this is true also for MK ULTRA ages. Just because MK ULTRA is classified, doesn’t mean it’s not valid.]


Adults: have numerous crimes; they murder, prostitute, tech rape, fraud, theft, and whatnot. What’s important to know about this? Base Programming, emotional overrides, thought overrides and CIA projects and agendas. It helps to know How Zeta Alters Are Programmed. They’re told many lies and receive negative pairings where bad things create good feelings. When they’re able to recover, they’ll be able to see what those were.


CIA Orchestrated Relationships

Their relationships have all been orchestrated by the CIA as well. Things they’re forced to do to others have also been done to them. I hope the CIA’s letter of Exoneration can be much more detailed and complex. I wonder what the legal obligations are towards their family, especially as per the compensation owed them due to Peter. [How much was owed to Peter?]


Targeter Wars need to be mentioned because this is a way that the CIA keeps those with remote satellite tech in antagonistic attitudes toward each other. From the bits that I learned from this, its really horrible. Individuals are shamed and humiliated and it’s all done as per CIA agendas. “who’s the target?” And then many families/individuals with remote tech focus on that person while others do things to him or her.

For me, some of the pieces of intel have slowly been coming together in my mind. I’m a 6-alter MK ULTRA so having it filter through my different alters is helpful. I had a thought yesterday for some of these families: in order to overcome all the Base Programming, they could help each other. I think many families are forced to hate each other; my idea was for them to help do self-videos for each others child alters for their adults alters to listen to. It creates a united front against the CIA as the more they learn about how and what their alters do, the better off they all are. “you were made to do this too?”


Other note:

I learned that someone tried to use the MK ULTRA trauma-healing tech on themselves and was prevented by doing so. This will get into some “weird” stuff like Non-humans. Its important for the adults alters to know this; maybe they do already. The MK ULTRA status on Targeter families cannot be healed until some evil beings are removed. I strongly suggested experimenting with the Spiritual Protection Remedies and then trying to see if the healings could be possible. They will not be able to come near you when in effect. Its important for them to know that this exists… the protection and healing capabilities. A person has much more control over their lives when they are 1 person, not 3 or 5 alters. No one wants to be MK ULTRA. [Shape Independence Day].


Targeter Day Challenge! :-)

This is something my child alter thought of - kind of like the Independance Day movie of 1996. [We called this the Targeter Day Challenge for those able to view through the eye-recording device; the notes are pinned for easy reading.] This is because the yagnas and homas are so powerful, you don’t feel fear or anxiety at all, just peace and calm. The negative beings cannot come near you when the remedies are in effect. If there is a time period when those with weapon capabilities could have them run daily for a week or 2, they could plan a day of attack to destroy as many Shapeshifters as possible. When the yangas are in effect, I don’t think the shapeshifters would be able to sense your intentions toward them either. I spent many hours listening to Shapeshifter Obamas last actions, thoughts and words and it was incredibly humiliating for him. He passed on Sept 28, 2020; Shapeshifter Michelle passed on Sept 1. Non-Human General Mark Milley passed on Sept 2. [see Standard Procedures under the Military drop-down menu).


When Shapeshifter General Beger was killed (sometime in May/June of 2020), my life became substantially better. Removing these negative beings improves the lives of everyone on earth. Shapeshifters can also be killed anonymously, safely and privately by the use of black arts Zeta. It helps if you can remove a few every day.


Targeter Day Challenge:

1. use a spiritual Protection remedy (you wont die).

2. kill as many Shapeshifters and Non Humans as possible

                     who's got the balls?!  COURage! You can do it I believe in you!

3. plan a day when as many people do this together as possible.


What makes this easier? Have the spiritual remedies run for a few days before and

after so that you'll be totally safe from their anger-fallouts.


Other helpful articles for Targeters are found under the Targeting Groups drop-

down menu. Some pages include: "How Zeta are Programmed" and "Targeters

Paradise." :-)




weds Sept 30 2020 - I was told a week or so ago that the Military is now actively

doing something similar to this so it's really cool for others to get on board also.

It's best to use the most powerful type of yagna for highest levels of protection.

They will not come near you. The men all front their ___ alters and "go to war" with

the Non-humans, Shapeshifters, and other things. (we left some voice memo's on

our phone about this when they told us). We completely admire all those who are able to do this and who participate in any way. This is what it feels like to have the glory of a soldier participating in a "holy war."  The Bhagavad Gita references this type of honor that soldiers/warriors receive when fighting wars of this type. "Good things for good people!"


Oct 5, 2020 10:17am

To add some validity to this information, 3 well-known Shapeshifters have been killed so far:

  1. Shapeshifter General Berger (March 2020). This was a result of a black arts battle, briefly described in the manuscript on the homepage: “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me.”

  2. Shapeshifter Obama (Aug 28, 2020)

  3. Shapeshifter Michelle Obama (Sept 1, 2020)


You can then attempt to locate them (without fear) on the satellite tech and be unable to find them. For soldiers: what is duty? What is a righteous war? What can you do to create greater freedoms for people on this planet? *Keep America Great* :-)


Join the battle.


Oct 7, 2020 9:58pm

Eradicating Black arts

to soldiers & those who want to fight the “holy war”


After being subjected to forced entities repeatedly today, and overly distressed states for prolonged periods, we left a few voice memo’s on our phone about black arts and their use and manipulation by the CIA. Our Guru has often asked us: “how can righteousness be increased in society?” Daily, many people are subjected to forced entities to get them to: target, harm others, or other negative agendas. Many righteous, good, noble and kind individuals also receive entities to impair their judgment and negatively impact their behaviour. Forcing entities into people is just one aspect of what black arts do. [it’s best at this time to ask truth tech: “how many entities have I been given?”]


For MK ULTRA programming, black arts are used to create misdirection (Gamma) so the person can’t heal as well as Omega triggers, that make a person flip out from an otherwise neutral object, image, sound, etc. Omega triggers can last a long time; 1-2 hours of distress levels.


This is being suggested as an activity as an alternative to fighting the negs; If it’s too fearful or daunting to Target the Shapeshifters or Non-humans, eradicate as many black arts as possible. At the very least, this prevents a tremendous amount of suffering to good people and it prevents you from being attacked or programmed by them as well. What can I do with my tiny bit of freedom? I have no weapons; use the spiritual protection remedies and start removing evil from this world. Just do it. 


How does a person not incur sin when killing another? Surrender unto the will of God & continual chanting of Gods name [the name of God as per one’s religion of birth]. Not what I want but what God wants: “thy will be done.” This is described in more detail in the holy book: The Bhagavad Gita, also known as a War Manual. What did Lord Krishna tell Prince Arjuna when he sank down in despair at the thought of having to kill men he revered in the impending battle? “you grieve for things that ought not to be grieved…” Chapter 2 verse 11-13. The physical body dies, the soul lives on. The person is sent into their next lifetime where they get to experience the good or negative karmas they’ve accrued. Pray. Do God’s will. Increase righteousness in society.


How children and teen alters are protected

Boy, 12: I had an experience with 3 CIA beta/kid alters last week. [need to put it somewhere]. It felt like we became friends. What happened was that Non-humans interfered and somehow we got on the topic of Shapeshifters. Inadvertently, Kitty, the child alter on Gina Haspel, looked for Shapeshifter Obama on whatever satellite tech the CIA has and found him. This was written in more detail. He… could immediately sense our intentions to exterminate him and very quickly excused himself from his meeting. Then him and Shapeshifter Michelle ‘interacted’ with us for a bit via remote satellite tech; due to audio reversals I could overheard the conversation.


I wanted to tell the adult Targeters or perhaps those in the Military that your child and teen alters are often “protected” from the Shapeshifters by Non-humans because of all of the ways that they are used. <blanking>. I cant remember how things went down but it sounded like a Non-Human came and mediated between Kitty and the Shapeshifter Obamas. (they’ve since passed.). So don’t fear the younger ones looking them up on the satellite. Their innocence can help you in unexpected ways.


[More of the lead up to Shapeshifter Barack and Michelle’s deaths was written on the Shapeshifter page under the Military drop-down menu.]

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