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Targeting tech --> Truth Tech

Truth Tech
via Supercomputers, Alien tech, and others...


Discussed on this page: truth tech, future tech, the Locator, the Laser array or "Neg annihilator", Shapeshifter Obamas death, yagnas, reversals, & incriminating tech...

Related page: Ask Truth Tech --> for Targeters, our Blog - has stories of events that lead to the CIA Directors arrest.


Oct 28, 2020 1:06pm

In direct opposition to Deception Tech, Truth Tech exists; it’s real, and its used daily, by many.  This information we need to make public so that good people can be exonerated. (More exonerating pages under the T.I. Drop-down menu)  I’ll list a few things I’ve currently become aware of.


Truth tech

Targeters often read from it to find out more information about their Targets, especially when I’m able to communicate directly with them. The truth tech has the capability of:

  1. determining possible future events (see our WW3 Prep page)

  2. identifying how many Targeters are currently being used on a person

    1. can list their specific pieces of tech

    2. can name and identify them

    3. can list the type of deception that was done to them that made them Target a person

    4. what Targeter’s tech gave them the deception

  3. Can identify how many Targeters were EVER used on a person and what the outcomes were

  4. There are counters for everything: how many pieces of murder tech and rape tech have ever been used on me were all numbered

  5. 482 Meta-Human death-defiers were numbered

  6. I think there are over 2 million Meta-Humans (morph into frogs)

  7. President Trump might be owed $2 billion by the CIA Director



Because of all the tech (mics and speakers) applied to my head, ears, and everywhere else, I’m often able to hear:

  • Targeters reading from the Truth tech when they ask it questions

  • Evil people plotting lies to tell others about me.

  • Those at the CIA

  • Others who have been deceived into Targeting me

  • Various distortions and deception tech


This is often a result of several high-intensity yagnas that are done for me by kind individuals. Yagnas create reversals whereby negative things others do to me become helpful things for me. I learn dirt on them instead of them gaining psych intel on me to orchestrate the regular stream of Targeters the CIA sends at me.


Future Tech

I’ve had several experiences with the CIA Torture Triad (Director Haspels zeta, Henry’s zeta, and ____ Zeta – she stole 2 million from the senator via blackmail I think). I’m not exactly sure how the future tech and truth tech are different, and perhaps they’re not. The uses of future tech when I was able to “overhear” were:

  1. Kitty alter on Gina Haspel saying “really soon!” when I’d get some false beliefs they'd given me.

    1. “I’m going to jail” a wailing Kitty said learning her own future.

  2. Gina’s Date of death – overheard possibly in a couple months

  3. one of the torture triad – “ohhh no I still got 2 more years [to live]; I’ll torture the crap out of her once your gone.”  

  4. theta entity Nov 11 – this is when the Subtle-sorcerer that John put into me might be removed. [this was false]

  5. WW3 – grid failures would begin in 2022.

CIA people use the future tech to see when their arrest days are and their deaths are… to see what they could still get away with.


CIA Beta Kids, the Locator , & the death of  Shapeshifter Obama

There’s a story that needs to be explained here. This is a brief summary of what happened over several hours. There were a few hours provided one day when me and the CIA torture Triad were fronted into their Beta/kid alters and their kids alters did things to help me. Some kind individuals first explained to their kid alters the truth about me and then left us. The CIA betas used their truth tech and other types of monitors to see that I was trustworthy and kind. They laughed and giggled when they saw our boy alter on imaging.


This scenario is incredibly important to know about because it explains a few things and lead to the death of Shapeshifter Obama. After a couple hours, some Negs came and “checked in” on the CIA kid alters. The kids got really scared and our boy alter told them to lie to the Negs, which they did. The Negs soon realized that the tech on my head was incriminating them, that I could tell that they were Non-Humans and they left pretty quickly. This changed the tone of what was happening and when they left, me and the CIA Betas wondered what to do. I was thinking about President Trump and my situation and how the Shapeshifters made things too difficult for the both of us. I couldn’t see how my situation or the Presidents would improve with those negative beings around. “do we kill him?” Me and the 3 thought this over for a while. As a male alter of 12 or 14, I would never force them to do this for me or for anyone; they had to decide for themselves what to do. After a few minutes, I think Kitty could see my thoughts on the monitor and she used the locator to find Shapeshifter Obama.


Locator Tech

Kitty then used the locator to find Shapeshifter Obama; he sensed it instantly and she immediately became terrified. We all learned that together in that moment: Shapeshifters know when others use the locator to find them and they will know by intuition why you did and may then kill you. He was in a meeting and quickly excused himself. Meanwhile they CIA kids were in a panic…”what do we do!!??” In 2 minutes or less, him and Shapeshifter Michelle were “targeting” us… I could hear on the thought-listening reversal and <blanking> … some parts of the dialogue are lost. He knew instantly that our intentions were to kill him. The Negs immediately were there and intervened on behalf of the CIA director and the other to 2 kid alters.  They mitigated the dispute and got the Shapeshifters to leave instead of killing the CIA individuals. This however, brought to a head, the interactions and torments from the Shapeshifter Obamas and I, and within a week or 2, they both perished. Many Shapeshifters were involved in those weeks and because of all the yagnas being done for me, because of our Guru’s protection, and because of God’s will, many perished when they tried to kill me. Because the technology incriminates them, I learned a lot of their secrets and they hated that so much they eventually left me alone.  We wrote the dates of death for both of the Shapeshifter Obmas on the homepage as that was incredibly significant, for Trump and for us, and perhaps for all those who had to interact with them in “person.” The perished Shapeshifters (along with Shapeshifter General Beger) should be safe to use the Locator on. [Does it have a date of death for them when it doesn’t find them?]


Laser Array

As result of that event, there are now numerous other types of sabotages that prevent us from interacting with the CIA Beta alters, because the Negs know that more of them would likely die.  I was made aware recently of a piece of tech that the CIA has, perhaps it’s part of that “machine” that has all those monitors and torture programs. I’m not sure if it’s a laser array or “neg annihilator” but it can kill a substantial amount of Shapeshifters and other things in that category with one blast of the laser. My intentions would be to have that device be used, at least once.



Last Sunday we did receive a bit of information when the CIA Beta alters used the truth tech & future tech. There were distortions so I’m not sure if its accurate: The John alter on Gina Haspel might receive the “theta-treatment entity” he gave me on Nov 11th .  This was “told” to us by our Guru that he may receive it. Sunday Oct 25, 2020 was absolutely horrific as many at the CIA have been using overlapping death & torture programs on my mother and I. I’m grateful for all who intervene on our behalf and who do the yagnas for me. I’m so thankful for them.


Military & Yagnas

The military has done experiments with yagnas also and frequently exterminates many negative beings. I wonder if more experiments with yagnas can be done for their effects on nations: can yagnas reduce COVID-19 numbers and to what extent? These are in the category of “yagnas done for the nation.”




Oct 29, 2020 6:29pm add

Clarifying Truth Tech
  • truth tech – device at the CIA, tech that some Targeters have, & military tech. Its an application or feature that some pieces of technology have that allows a person to ask a question and have a truthful answer told to them.  When the thought-listening reversals kick-in, we hear the Targeters read from it. 

  • Truth tech “on my head” device – invisible remote satellite tech applied to me

  • Incriminator tech - Other tech that gave me intel – things I don’t yet understand



When the reversals activate, the Shapeshifter deception tech on my head reverts to truth so that only true statements are overheard by other Targeters. Otherwise, many are intentionally mislead and use murder tech, rape tech, and do other horrible stuff to me.


Incriminator tech

Another piece of tech on my head also reverts to the opposite. Intel they want to learn about me becomes me gaining intel on them. How I wrote the recent update on the Military Secrets page (we got clarification on: the Abby Hub, Predestination tech machine, and the fusion centers/hollow mountains.


Picking What “talking” Targeters Say

I’m not sure what piece of tech was on my head when I learned to “have Targeters say ___ to me.” This started months or weeks ago and got boring. It was frustrating for me at the time to have them read the scripts at me so we thought of creative words and phrases for them to speak to me. “hi how, are you?” was the most hilarious by far! “this is so humiliating” was the responses we heard frequently. When we were able to communicate with them directly, they left almost immediately when they knew, that we knew that they were Targeting me. We would often describe their humiliating pieces of tech to them until they left. “oh so you need to feed me now for a while?” our kid alter would tell them that they needed to have a baby so that they could have someone to feed in real life. So… things progressed along this way for a long while. Many were forced to read the: “hi, how are you?” then we’d hear a click, and turn off whatever mic they were using that went to my head audio, and in another audio, I’d hear them yell at whomever made them read it to me.


 Truth Tech Head(?) Device

When I became aware that the truth tech was active and that it would give them information, I used as many creative phrases as possible to get them to use it. This was always helpful as they would learn something truthful vs the lies that the CIA programmed them with. The phrase would change based on their alter age. For kid and teen alters, I’d get them to find out what their alter ages were as many were never told that they were MK ULTRA. It was so adorable for our host, to hear their surprised reactions: “noooo wayyyy.” “is this for real?” It makes more sense when you hear the age of the person Targeting you. “what’s the coolest thing you could know about today?” or “what super neat thing would you rather be doing?” just to get them to leave. There was an endless stream of Targeters but after 1-2 hours, they all read it and left. That’s how I came ot learn that there were about 100-200 Targeters in the electronic cue or “rolodex.”


Truth Tech Becomes “Help Me”

The questions changed as we learned more and we wanted the Targeters to learn the truth about what the CIA was doing to me AND to them. “how many brain implants was I given?” “what! There’s an answer there!” many were shocked at that one. “is this serious?”  Also reading about how many times they were abducted, or given Base Programming, or finding out what the Haspels Zeta’s did to them, their friends, and their family… was such an encouraging experience. I didn’t hear many of the responses but I did hear a few. This piece of tech was modified frequently by the CIA director and others, and now, Shapeshifters too, in order that I wouldn’t learn about hopeful or good things that were being done for me.



Now, I get false audio feedback when Targeters read the truth tech so I don’t feel so encouraged as I used to when I heard that people learned more true things about what was done to them and things they could do to make this situation better. “what life changing things have happened today that you need to be aware of?” They were told to not use it or read it so we had to make it appealing for the genre of Targeters sent to me. For those sent to Tech rape me: “what did the CIA do to you to make you rape others?” “I was given Base Programming at a young age that….”


There were only a few moments when I felt like I could ‘pick” what they got to learn about but it was mostly stuff that helped them.


the Truth Device
Truth-device on my Head

Sunday Dec. 20, 2020 4:20pm

Updated on: Jan. 26, 2021  1:03am


This piece of technology is alien as I was targeted by every race imaginable due to the strength and power of The Omega. The CIA acoustic Transmitters also could send many races of aliens at me and others who also perhaps have alien tech on them. [the Neg races have all since been annihilated since the DC Police arrested the former CIA Director Gina Haspel and started using the CIA’s Supercomputer with weapons-tech. Read the DC Police page, the Clone War page and the Arrest of Gina Haspel for more info].


These are some differences in observations between 2(?) different truth-tech devices that feel like they’re attached to my head)

  1. Truth-feature that targeters can use when they target me… ask any question. This is what seems like a button they push or use on a monitor… They read written answers provided – sometimes I hear the answers.. sometimes I don’t. Gives past information.

  2. Instant incriminator – Reptilian? This one feels like they “go up to the thing” and use it (ask it questions)… this one might also be used to keep the entity “under control” to some extent. Provides possible future information. [entity interfacing might be a better way to describe this.]


The CIA did everything possible to try to remove the device from my head. They they sent all their evil groups and those they manipulate to use it. Then good people found out about it and started to use it as well. As this situation drags on, its been a huge component in assisting many good and helpful people and groups to find helpful solutions, answers, suggestions and ideas for their specific issues. I’ve even posted a notice on the wall in my room that anyone should use it in order to address their concerns or move the situation forward. (don’t use it as a future-tech as the Theta-treatment entity – also known as The Omega - will severely depress you with the information). Its incredibly helpful for obtaining stats, data, and information needed for all the websites on the “to-do” lists [Standard Procedures, Neg Battles, CIA classified tech, MK ULTRA info and details, Research on Yagnas, most beneficial remedies, ect.]



I wonder if one device is Reptilian and one is Shapeshifter? Which one does LDS President Nelson use? Entity interface I think… It did something weird when he used it so that I knew instantly that it was him. One device tends to always incriminate. The other is just a truth-feature… There are also moments when certain tech pieces become audible to me or they become more helpful for the situation. I think this happens as a result of the high-intensity yagnas that suppress the negative energies of The Omega and allow for more positive things to happen. People suddenly get the most helpful and relevant information as per their situation. In the final weeks of the Shapeshifters, they were told they would be killed and then they died.  Other evil people also were told of their impending deaths. “as per the need…”


Deception tech

Then there’s many deception tech settings that constantly run in the audio that Im forced to listen to. These settings have flipped around and usually indicate that the corrupt CIA are active, their Androids are active or something similar. How much alien tech do I have on me? The truth-thing can describe each piece and what race it belongs to.


Instant incriminator

I wonder if one or more of the truth devices interfaces with the entities or “the” entity as seems common. How do they know what entity gives the intel? Most black arts seemed to know about a truth-feature and used it easily when I told them they were just lied to in order to target me. This might be another way they get “entity intel.” Many black arts use this feature: Disney, LDS, & others. [Entity-intel is written about on the CIA & entities page).



Allows Targeters to see the actual thoughts of the Targets. I think those are typed words on a screen.


Don’t many Targeters have their own truth-tech? Some did have their own types of truth-finding technology. Which ones do? Maybe this is more about truth tech (probable outcomes) versus entity intel tech – information from subtle sorcerers.


There are 2 truth-features: one that gives audio or sounds close to my head because it comes from a device attached to my head. The other is a button that some Targeters could use on their monitors/screens. They read answers that I often overheard and then could tell what was happening. Black arts use the truth-feature device as a yes/no feature.


God’s Will

My situation is unique and I’m too dissociated to really understand it. What’s amazing is that a truth-feature exists now that many can use that never could use a truth-feature before.



Deterrent: you can also use the truth-feature to see what all the evil groups have used it for recently. What are all the plans of evil ones you know of? What people with selfish motives used the truth-feature recently? What did they learn? Who all has a lab kid with someone’s Clone 6 or other? What do Clone 6’s use the truth-feature for?


Suggestions: Who gets the most out of it and why? What are the best uses of the truth-feature for my situation or organization could also be helpful to ask…We've also written an "Ask Truth Tech" page under the "For Targeters" link at the top.

Shapeshifter General Berger
The truth-device & Shapeshifter General Berger

Thurs. Feb. 11, 2021  4:42am 


This is some newer information I’ve learned about the Truth-device that has been “permanently” attached to my head/brain for the last year or so now.


Information known so far:

  1. Shapeshifter General Berger was the one (?) that perhaps fused it into my brain originally a year ago, shortly before he was killed in the Disney vs US Navy Black arts battle (march or may 2020). Very convenient for the corrupt CIA.

    1. He was the one that damaged my brain

    2. Others may have inserted the device.

    3. It may be Shapeshifter or Reptilian technology

  2. evil people have used it for their personal gain.

  3. Good people recently started using it

  4. many times it was attempted to be removed.

  5. dematerialization is an effective method of removing

  6. they keep regenerating it


The settings on some devices on my head can be adjusted.  



The Truth-device New info:

12:25pm  Tues. Feb. 9, 2021                        

3yr: when they took off the head piece which has the truth

feature that (boy) was fused to our brain it was the happiest

(most hopeful) we had felt about this situation possibly ending,

even though it was traumatic. (we were being shown imaging of

our brain). We were shocked and dazed but overwhelmingly

happy… which is why they fused it back on. Then… we (3yr)

were sad but grateful that it meant that for a few more days,

people could still use the truth feature.


There’s more to the story of how it became fused to our brain: I think this was an event that involved Shapeshifter General Berger early last year (2020) and our Mermaid Epsilon alter. He attacked our brain (someone showed us imaging of it); then someone(?) inserted the device, and fused it in. We dealt with a lot of Shapeshifter targeting over the years and I think that information confirms that it’s Shapeshifter tech? Are there other truth-tech devices from the fallen neg races that could be used? This is also validation that Shapeshifters existed and that they targeted me, because 100s of people now use the Shapeshifter truth-tech… (hilarious because they only told lies.)


(this device may have also been the “incriminator” which periodically told me the thoughts, feelings, intentions or motives of the people who targeted me - instead of constantly telling Targeters provoking lies about me). Ironically, Shapeshifter General Berger was killed in a battle with the US Navy and the Disney black arts at the end of March I think? He would been able to tell the other shifters that he had put the device on my head. (im not sure what they all understood or knew about – did he steal it from somewhere?)





A neat question to ask the truth-feature (while its still available)

1. What did the Terminators all do for the situation today?

                     Most of it is amazing and unbelievable.

( I wonder if anyone printed that list out? It would be amazing to read through…)

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