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The C.I.A.

CIA Info Page
What Actually Happens at the CIA?


update: Jan 23, 2021  7am

This is the basepage for the CIA drop-down menu (hover over the CIA link for more pages). This information was a result of being former CIA Director Haspels Epsilon Experiment and Personal Agenda for 30 years. Many groups and individuals mentioned on this website are liabilities of Director Haspels' MKULTRA male Zeta alter John who loves "his little chess pieces" as he calls other Targeters. Read about Deception Tech under the Targeting tech drop-down menu, which he uses excessively.


Gina's Theta & Epsilon Experiments

Epsilon content (link in the menu bar) exists because of Gina Haspel's theta alters on her various clones that performed many Epsilon Experiments on Human torture victims. For my mother and I, that started over 30 years ago. Gina also became an Epsilon experiment herself toward the end of her life as Targeters learned the truth of things she'd done to them. The page on my 2nd Almost Epsilon depicts that as early as 2019, it was determined that she would not be able to produce results from me. Our Mermaid Epsilon then did research and wrote a paper called "Broader Aspects of the Targeted Individual Phenomenon: Remote MK ULTRA in conjunction with Targeting tech" found in the PDF link at the top.



Classified C.I.A. Tech

Tech attacks that Haspel sent at me began reversing and we learned incriminating info on her, her alters, and CIA tech. From July 2020 onward, we created pages - much of the content in the Targeting tech drop-down menu is about that.  The corrupt CIA didn't want you to know about MK ULTRA, or Epsilon, Imaging, or their tech capabilities . We learned about Targeter Non-liability, how everyone - Targets and Targeters were turned into symbolic Chess pieces to designate the roles they played.


Most shockingly, we learned about Base Program: make anyone do anything. We also experienced the many varieties of it - for good or ill. Hopefully by the end of the year many who were forced into horrific base-programming lifestyles can be exonerated.  

Gina Haspel, former CIA Director

Gina loved to torture. We collected so much information from all the tech-reversals that were happening throughout 2020 and posted as much as we could to try to get the word out. The new Gina Haspel drop-down menu contains info on her arrest, executions, clones, and other interesting facts as well as the ongoing "notes and observations" on the Arrest of Gina Haspel and the CIA Fallout available in a free PDF.  What would end our tortures? We're still waiting to find out...



                               Tech pages:                                                                Epsilon info:

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CIA Targeting Abilities

Learn about the tech and methods used to "Target" Individuals.

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CIA Director Haspel

Learn about the MK ULTRA alters on "Bloody Gina" who loves a drugged torture vic.

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Imaging Tech

CIA and Military Imaging capabilities show Epsilon, Meta-human and also Non-human forms.

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John's Game of Chess

How a Psychopath turned humans into chess pieces and destroyed their lives...

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How the CIA embeds entities into people for control, manipulation, and other negative agendas.

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CIA Targets POTUS & Esper

How John alter on MK ULTRA Director Haspel uses deception tech, remote MK ULTRA and other things to commit treason.

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All Things Epsilon!

This includes pages links to as much information as we've been currently able to put together.

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My 2nd "almost" Epsilon

This page includes details of how and when a 2nd Epsilon was almost produced from me.

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The Epsilon Experiment

CIA Director Haspels Epsilon "Experiment" on my mother and I.

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My Mermaid Epsilon

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Haspels Epsilon Desire


Epsilon Stories

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