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Entwistles --> Notices

Continual Updates for Entwistles
(and other "Targeters")


At the very least, this page gives a Muted Individual a voice. Read about the CIA lists of trauma severity under Targeting Groups, CIA tech assaults. CIA is liable.


Bottom line: I'm CIA Directors "Epsilon Experiment" and Targeters she uses on me are essentially free labour for her. She has to constantly make up lies about me in order to have others Target me. CIA deception tech is used on many individuals, not just me. ("why do people hate me all of a sudden?"). More of the CIA pages are under the Targeting Groups drop-down menu. 



CIA Director (John alter) and the Entwistle Family

Sept 4, 2020 8:50am

As I’m editing a “book of John” [will add to page CIA Director Haspel] I remember some of the information learned many months ago. I feel… just… what are words for this? Just with what was all done to the Entwistle family… a new deeper realization of how horrific the manipulations on their personal relationships have been. They’ve also been subjected to years of “John the Psychopath” orchestrating their lives… and its soo freaking depressing (once I gave it more  thought and saw some of the implications and ramifications). My family is not the only one that’s suffered; they’ve suffered tremendously too.


What are “john trademarks”? this would also apply to: the EIsners, the Obamas and others. Infidelities, acts of cruelty and hatred to each other, shaming, blaming, even for Zeta its … somehow it seems most difficult for Zeta alters just due to the amount of trauma [manipulation] programming they receive. Female (targeters) are often forced to hate each other. “targeter wars” must have created a lot of animosity between many families. The little that I’ve learned about the lives of those who use the remote satellite tech, the more horrible those lives seem.

John uses people like “little chess pieces”. This person will be murderer and this person will be the victim. He’ll do that to her; she’ll hate him”.. etc etc… When did John destroy the Eisner marriage?


Aug 28, 2020 5:29pm

Recently I've learned that Targeters are all also:

  • Remotely drugged: see the Dilated Pupils article under the T.I. drop-down menu

  • Abducted frequently – see Abductions & brain implants under Military

  • Have brain implants

Its helpful to have brain scans done to have the implants removed. This can be done anonymously; other groups and organizations have had them removed.


This is not just for Entwistles (CIA uses them the most it seems) but all else forced to commit crimes.


Tues Aug 25, 2020 8:55am

For Zeta alters, you are 100% under the CIA control. Can you use truth tech on that sentence? It has to be that way so they can force you to do murders, thefts, and other illegal activities. None of it is you; this is why those that Target POTUS and Esper, your memories and evidence are really CIA liabilities. Due to heavy mind/emotion/body controls that’s almost impossible to believe because the controls, deceptions, and brain washing are so heavy. They use fear, guilt, anxiety and other means of manipulating you to do THEIR will. IT’s never been any different. This is why having the male Zeta John alter on CIA Director Haspel confess to all these things will give you freedom that you’ve never experienced before. #johnsconfessions


We told the US Marine Zetas to write out their crimes and submit them to their superiors as it forces those “in control” to want to take responsibility and integrate the MK ULTRA liability issue. Zeta’s are damning to them. You can do the same. Its not your fault.


aug 15, 2020 7:58am We wrote a new article on Legal Supports for Families (under Targeting Groups) - Human Rights Lawyers to protect your MK ULTRA status. It's incredibly important for everyone to start using legal resources as a way to reduce fear.


How to Protect Oneself from CIA Manipulations

Write true statements and read them often to overcome the mental and emotional manipulations...Often, individuals are mislead and are forced to focus their energies and attentions on me. This is unfortunate as there are much more important things happening, especially with what’s happening globally. Specifically, WW3 preparations should be started in all cities and towns. Resources for food, clothing, and water decontamination supplies would be helpful to begin stocking. Is fear a reason others focus on me? Due to legal issues… many are intentionally provoked due to the nature of the hatred of the Experimenter, John Haspel (the male zeta on CIA Director Haspel). Please don’t waste your time… it cannot be returned to you. Please keep reading the website updates as I try to share everything I learn; specifically “Johns Game of Chess” explains many things.


Hatewars are usually the byproduct of a recent “send out” of intense energies (Targeter Wars is an example of CIA manipulations.) Why do they want people to hate each other? Divide and conquer. It keeps people isolated and also distracted from the degrading state of the world. (why are there no highway upgrades in 2 decades?).  


Some days I’m not as affected as other days so I wondered why. Vedic remedies like yagnas and homas create a protective type of energy around a person that reduces the intensity of negative energies making them easier to overcome, or at least understand that they’re happening to you. This is how we slowly learned about what’s being done to everyone. What makes people suddenly hate-on another? External influences, often orchestrated and planned. [Spiritual Protection Remedies].


When yagnas are in effect, the CIA can’t use you for their agendas or experiments. Try some out of curiosity and see how you spend your day when its in effect. This is why we wanted to do a group experiment for everyone involved in this situation. Once you experience first-hand how much nicer the remedies make your life, the more you’ll want to do them.


I would even recommend them for John, our experimenter, as that which programs him would not be able to come near him. He.. could possibly end or exit this scenario with more dignity and grace currently being given him. Options. Yangas are essential for those who knowingly have contact with Non-humans on a daily basis. They cannot harm you.


There was one memorable moment when I experienced the “energy assault” almost from a 3rd person perspective. It was like a wave of black energy that encompassed my entire body. As I watched I thought, “oh, that’s why happens when I usually get so angry at a person. No wonder.” The force and intensity with which it hits a person makes it completely ___. It takes over the free will of a person. I wonder if the source of those are CIA or other things. There just so much negative tech stuff being done… black arts source might be likely.


Aug. 9, 2020  6:24pm

This is how the last 30 minutes went: I was describing as best as I could, mentally, which could be heard in audio tech… some of the adult Entwistles were starting to learn about how seriously they’ve been controlled by the CIA. I could hear some of their conversation as there are sometimes reversals. Usually I hear the John alter on CIA Hapsel who’s doing this Experiment to me and using all these other people in the process.


So they were talking and then… nothing. SHE FLIPPED THEIR ALTERS to their kid alters. NO fu**ing  wonder they can’t figure things out. Whatever happened to that conversation? They all have 3 alters minimum; I learned that the Military “in the knows” do similar things when their subordinates start to question them or learn damaging things about them. Obama did this frequently when caught lying, as he often does.


How can I make this situation better for them? Our guru has made this easier for me as I’m forced to survive all the tortures because of a Meta-ability of “death-defier” that Director Haspel gave me. Write notes to your other alters as much as possible; who cares if other people can see them. They help you survive better. Do as much as possible to integrate yourselves. They can’t control you as much then.


Aug 7, 2020 6:30pm from some strange reversal effect, our boy alter was "conversing" with CIA Director Haspels male Zeta alter for a while. We learned that he used Obama clone 4 (ears have number or identifying marks) to kill Peter Entwistle because the compensation amount owed him is/was substantial. We'll make a note of this on the Damages page so that further murders for greed can be prevented.


Aug 3 2020 9:42am - for everyone: it's incredibly worth your while to learn about brain implants as many have them and dont know (how else is everyone controlled?) Read on the Abduction & Implants page under the Military drop-down menu. (I wrote that because I've had "dreams" of forced brain injections and can feel some on the external cranium in some areas of my head.) others must have these too. reduces liability issues.


July 31, 2020 11:21pm

so... Haspel's agenda is to get me to hate you for whatever reason. or is that Eisner? His M.O. is to get women to hate each other like the movie Beaches. I was shown imaging, emotion enhancers, and given subliminals to this end for many hours today. This is mostly because director haspel (see the new Zeta vs Zeta article) wants to force the swallowing tech on me so she perhaps used Michael Eisner to orchestrate that.


July 26, 2020 7:25am

Theta/host adult: Someone suggested creating this page so we’ll try it. I “receive” a lot of info daily but it’s difficult to discern what’s true and what’s false. Deception tech is… difficult to learn to decipher.

So recently, I was actually shown that CIA Director Haspel uses deception imaging and audio on specific individuals to get them to hate me. This is because her agenda is to create states of constant distress for my mother and I as her Epsilon Experiment requires that.

  1. Lie: I killed Peter. I did not. Actually, I was given information a while ago that I had written about in length. Are you able to read through the photo notes on my iphone? I’ll have to look a while to find it but I have a very strong suspicion that one of the Obama clones or Shapeshifter Obama killed Peter in his “sleep” with remote tech. Please look into that if you can.

  2. Also, I’ve recently just learned that my mother and I are part of CIA Haspel’s Epsilon Experiment and that she uses other Targeters for this agenda of hers. She thinks of them as  “my little chess pieces” and many are other types of Experiments of hers.. this leads me to the no liability issue.

  3. Targeters Paradise article. Liability for tortures to me are with her. I think this applies to everyone: Beta Farmers, Entwistles, the Marines, Disney, ect… please share this if possible

  4. Some things I wonder about: how much do I write that isn’t true also? I don’t know how to really verify things. Sorry for things that aren’t accurate.

  5. Spiritual Protection Remedies are incredibly helpful. The coconut smashing remedy is incredibly amazing and has helped others who have been caught up in all this. A couple examples include some groups that had been intentionally deceived and what happened were some really beautiful things:  a)  greater clarity from both perspectives was gained b) assistance given and received from both sides experienced c) some other lovely personal experiences occurred as well. d) greater appreciation for others developed. e) teamwork. This is just one type of remedy suggestion that gave immediate improved results to this complicated situation. If others have other effective spiritual remedies they'd like to share, please do so. :-). You can experiment with the remedy for yourself and see how it plays out.

  6. write down requests for trauma healing or similar things and put the paper on the floor in your bedroom; spiritual ones provide relief. if you add a protective border, the negative energies cant read it.

  7. I rarely look like how I feel (overwhelming grief); maybe others have this too.

  8. Condescending - some of what's written might have this type of energy in it. I'm just sharing information; I make mistakes. energy manipulations are present in many things.


These are just “recent developments.” If I remember, I’ll add more updates. I feel like those with tech would be able to see what’s true but so often everyone is mislead. There’s so much confusion about things. I would edit more of the pages but I’m in a lot of pain and its too overwhelming. It would actually be helpful if your family could create a website or something that describes some things about your lives.?


Some of the articles we wrote might be helpful for you to read… under Targeting Groups – for Targeters. (How Zeta Are Programmed, GWEN transmitter removal experiments,  and I'm a Targeter, What Can I do?) You’re really not liable for your crimes and they know it. “Base Programming” is intense and cannot be overcome normally. #mkultra These things we just learned and want to pass on to others.


My current focus is on CIA Director Haspel and creating awareness of her cruelty and unethical experiments on humans and animals. Her and her ex husband Jeff Haspel may have been involved in 9/11 planning etc. Also, getting them to admit their liability with your family and others involved would be incredibly helpful.


I haven't done any more letter writing campaigns; I just want to end my suffering and right now that means getting Director Haspels Epsilon Experiment into public awareness. What are Epsilon? mk intro drop down menu.


2:37pm July 26, 2020

My Other area of focus: NORAD

my zeta boy alter: They send me airplanes that drop invisible (cloaked) crap on me all day so they're an issue i need to deal with. This is what we just observed:


Sunday July 26, 2020 2;28PM

Zeta, Boy, 12: I sometimes now hear “thoughts” that are like really loud or are projected outward like amplified and have a funny or strange tone to them. I think the “tone” or voiceover they put on me is “sexy woman” or something like that. for example, I just looked on the visitor map on the website homepage and saw 2 pinmarks in Europe and thought, “oh, Danny.” But it came out sounding like some floozy was screaming his name in ecstasy. Next time I’ll think, "Oh Battlegroup. Hm.. how are those MK’s doing out there?" I think some of the Zeta there still Target me.


MY guess is that some of the negs from the NORAD base added that piece of tech to my head; they must sit and watch constantly to see who’s around to continually orchestrate lame stuff like that. "How are the brain implants working out for you guys?" i say to them thinking that they're reading what I write to them and feeling like all the implants they gave me are ineffective. "You send my airplanes all day. You’re on my SHITLIST. I’ll make your crap public".


I was shown imaging that a Rat/human hybrid sends the planes. WHY? CIA Director Gina Haspel or her ”john” male zeta alter (MK ULTRA) manipulates you with her Deception tech." That's what was recently happening.


*   *   *  

Our Epsilon:

*thank you to those who made this information possible. How does a Non-Targeter receive information? Maybe try some experiments for yourself too.. what can you learn when the technology is turned off? This is helpful too for WW3 prep and power failures. How accurate is that information? This is because hive mind is applied to almost everyone (use evil for good); helpful spiritual ones provide clarity and insight... and other things I dont know. (one bad thing = 5 good things). Sometimes what I write is intended for others (to overcome whats being done to me, do the opposite - Disney Targeting survival technique). ugh. (send evil to evil places:-).


** for some types of theta & chi with spiritual gifts: please provide feedback and clarity so that all involved in this situation can be relieved of suffering and distress as soon as possible. Thank you. Also, please provide trauma healing to the hybrids, beings, and other in the Underground base in Sumas Abbotsford BC area. They're all prisoners down there.

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