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The CIA - > How Targeters Are Programmed


How the C.I.A. Makes Targeters
Chess Pieces


Please also read: "I'm a Targeter, what can I do?" Zeta is one type of alter (persecutor) in the MK Ultra mind-control system. It can be done to anyone via remote satellite technology. Targeter Non-liability is important to know as well; they are heavily manipulated, lied to and used for CIA projects and agendas. .


Recruitment – Talking Targeters

11:39pm sat oct 31, 2020

Intel: how are some recruited – like the “talking” Targeters that read scripts at people via remote audio transmission. They are approached by corrupt CIA. They are told that they’ll do important government work to catch criminals and what not.  They are lied to and deceived and some are forced to sign contracts.  Targeters are constantly told lies to, and deceived in order to do what they do. The reality is that about 98% of their Targets are innocent people. I sometimes heard the response “you’re a criminal!” as they were Targeting me.   I wondered many times why they would Target a criminal or mentally ill person as even those types of people do not deserve Targeting. This lead me to understand that they are also given Base Programming, entities, remote drugging and misc other things just to get them to do it. It’s beyond degrading so they have to be lied to in order to do it.


No compensation:

  1. They’re not even PAID to Target. This is due to excessive greed. (often I asked how much they got paid; "paid?! People get paid for this!?" exasperated responses were common. Then I really wondered why they did it.)

  2. They get perks like “you’ll get to know things that others done” from the technology that they’re given like satellite imaging and such (locator, truth tech)


Which ones do the Life Insurance Fraud?

This is when 6-8 or 10-20 life insurance policies are taken out on a person they plan to kill. It helps if the policy has been paid into for a while. A couple years minimum to reduce suspicion.  Then they claim to be a relative and collect. The person is then usually Targeted throughout the duration until they're killed by classified invisible remote Satellite Targeting tech that's been undetectable for many years until now.[How to Identify Invisible attackers.]  Zeta alters do this: CIA and some King pieces which is why this category is full of billionaires with gold hoards. [Shapeshifters]


Zetas are promised things like wealth, prestige, intel and lives of luxury. They’re then given Base Programming.

Teen alter: “I always wondered where the money came from. My mom said it came from our uncle."

Zeta: “bank accounts the other alters don’t touch” are kept hidden away lest anyone discover what they really do.


This aspect confused me for a long time (before the thought-listening reversals) because I thought they were all Zetas, torturing me for the money. Many left when they learned I couldn’t be killed. Then I heard teen and normal people voices and I was so confused. Why would normal people be torturing me? This lead me to the discovery of deception tech… Targeter Non-liability, and finally all the other stuff that’s needed to get them to Target. The page on Targeter Non-liability explains this.



How Zeta Targeters Are Programmed

July 21, 2020 11:44am

“I could rip you to shreds” is a mentality that’s given to females. They are often 20 year olds that do not age. Knowing this makes a lot of things make sense: destroyed marriages, jealousy, pettiness, etc. Men are programmed a bit differently: murders, theft, and plotting (vengeance often). The mentality is paired with feelings of power and energies that accompany this are convincing, overwhelming, and completely consume a person. It was done to me several times so I can remember and understand. They literally have no free will. They become this persona for their entire lives. The military created them and then uses them for their personal goals and agendas (standard Procedures). They perform acts on behalf of organizations like the CIA, FBI, NSA, ect to cover up the organizations illegal activities.


                Many Zeta receive pairings that create false beliefs. “No one will ever find out. I can get away with anything.” They’re also under MK Ultra mind control & tech controls that force them to commit real world crimes (murders) for dirt that their Handlers use as leverage on them. “Ill just kill anyone that gets in my way.” The military would also orchestrate attacks between Targeters to make them hate each other, to create division and greater control of each individual.


This article is being written to provide incentive for the Military to heal the MK Ultra traumas from their Targeters for whom they are completely liable. You murders, are their murders. I thought of Loretta Entwistle and the publicized murder of her “best friend” that I just learned was orchestrated by her Handler… real world dirt. I think her handler is Obama or one of his clones.


Who’s the criminal? Who’s the victim? There are labs in the DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases (fusion  & Meta Humans) that have Predestination Technology – up to 20 + years in advance. They decide your life events. I believe it’s located in (the NORAD base in Suman Abbotsford, BC Canada or Utah), perhaps this is why I thought it was technology that the LDS Church had and used frequently. They have a visible portal on some of their church locations… humans have no power in this world. Everything is controlled by stronger beings/entities. Please see Spiritual Protection REMEDIES for suggested measures in this regard.


Destruction of Relationships (Targeters, Beta Farmers, and similar)

For Zeta alters, they program in “self-destruct” programs into Omega, but they apply them to their relationships. It creates a situation where a marriage with a Zeta alter is guaranteed to fail; Omega with relationship programming forces a person to “do whatever it takes” to get their spouse to tire of them an abandon them. This was done to me in my first relationship about 20 years ago and again it was done to my brain (excruciating physical pain) yesterday while I was driving. It was paired with pain in my left wrist (not sure that’s related or not). I think it’s often performed on people’s minds/brains during sleep. They just don’t care anymore with me and do these remote “medical” psychological MK ULTRA programming during waking hours.

        Who’s all had damaged relationships because of CIA programming? All of them.


CIA technology does this most of the time:.

Time manipulation technology is used frequently to allow these evil beings [Shapeshifters] continue to have their hold/control over the human race. Please frequently date and time your personal notes because of this. We’re all MK ultra.

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