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CIA --> Danny Arts

Danny Arts

MK Ultra: Theta, Beta, Delta


July 1, 2020

It seems that Danny received Theta Treatment as done by the LDS church and he seemed to know it. The entity they gave him destroyed his life and was the reason for most of the problems ...



Monday May 18, 2020 1:35pm


What started all this?


U.S. Military --> L.D.S. Church -->  Europcorps -->  Danny – Love Drug Lure


He was a “real world” MK Ultra; that means that his traumas were done in the physical world. Distinguishing this from remote mk ultra is important. It helps to determine the source of things. If he joined the Eurogroup/Battlegroup in 2010, their targeting technologies would have controlled him. I wonder… what targeting tech controlled his life before then? I think Disney. Somehow Disney is connected to where he was from: The Netherlands. Real world beta production in horse arenas.


Something about his parents. They were likely MK Ultra as well. Its sad that innocent people get blamed the most. We’ll just have to keep waiting for more relief from tortures and deceptions till we figure out the whole story. What we know so far:


Some notes from page 412


Redemption for Danny

Danny was a pawn of the LDS church’s Love Drug Program – executed by the EUROCORPS/Battlegroup men. He was MK Ultra in the real world. When did he join Eurocorps? 2010? He may have had two different sources of targeting then – the LDS church would have targeted him through the Battlegroup. Perhaps by 2019, there was a 3rd source of suffering or even a fourth. There were so many devices put on everyone in the vicinity. (Gangstalking and HATRED BUILDER that I was the recipient of. These are explained a bit more in the Disney Targeting Groups methods.)  The mind band control thing was the cincher. I couldn’t understand or relate to him at all in the end. I don’t think I ever really knew him. Maybe he was somewhat genuine in when I first had contact with him in 2010. I would need freedom from all the mind control tech to really ponder those things more in depth. BOB GETS ARRESTED. 


This is what a church needs an army for – to torture women, spiritual ones, via drugging, deceptions, illusions and heartbreak. Bob Chapek was Love Drug. Right? Who organizes what? My mind is being attacked while trying to remember these things. They don’t want people to learn of their evil ways. He had NO FREE WILL as I didn’t have any either. Who was actually be referred to when I was forced to describe his future karma (spiritual girl alter of mine). “he doesn’t have enough good karma for a life like mine.” NO FREE WILLl Who else did Bob force to be there to listen to such a horrible thing? Did he preprogram that in my mind as an electronic response of some kind? Or was it just referring to someone else entirely? . Was it really about you Bob?


Why did I contact him in the first place? It was 2019 and the levels of distress I was experiencing were increasing again. I was given a false spiritual experience (LDS was the source – I identified this previously but I’m unsure of where I wrote that?). They don’t want me to remember. Something about Bob Chapek. There was, and still sometimes is, overlapping things occurring so to distinguish one from the other is incredibly difficult, especially when they all operate with deception and misdirection as their number 1 method of defense.

                Some one pretended to be “good.” How come I cant remember bad things Bob has done to me? He had the diety program I totally forgot about. Who’s been wiping my brain Bob? How the hell is he not in jail yet? Somehow… all the false spiritual experiences connect Bob Chapek, the Disney CEO with the LDS Church. One woman, THE MOTHER from THE AGENCY DISNEY.





Thos who help me will get attacked; it helps to expect it, label it, and detach from it. I’m not sure what piece of tech does that. It’s somehow in the head/done to the mind? Need to find the source… Battlegroup likely… LDS likely. They would want to keep their own MK Ultras down. I need to… or find some history connecting Battlegroup to LDS Targeting. High tech controls low tech. They keep their budget small intentionally for the purpose of control and manipulation.


I haven’t thought about that probably since a few days after it ended. I don’t think I’m able to retain much new memory with all that’s been done to my mind.  I’ve been memory wiped so severely that its difficult to remember the events of last year, of the last few months. I haven’t had any time to process things; constant survival mode. I have to keep my attention focused on removing attackers and I’m dealing with massive organizations like the LDS church and the US Military and local billionaires who do everything to avoid jail. I’ve been targeted my whole life and having to go through photo albums to find evidence of all the Entwsitle and lifelong LDS tortures is so grief inducing. Im glad I cant feel; it’s the only way I can move forward.




To the best of my knowledge he's an MK Ultra: a psyops, soldier, and beta combination. Perhaps his agency could have him arrested. His crimes against them must be numerous. What ever happened to his handler, for example? “Suspicious” death I'm guessing.



1. credit card fraud

2. murdered men and women

3. rapes of children

4. rapes in the hundreds

5. Premeditated murders (life insurance policies)

6. The "Love Drug" Program

7. I believe his criminal record includes theft, groping, and arson?

8. trespassing

9. tortures - excruciating pains to myself and others

10. Insurance Fraud - how does he have the $1-2 million?

11. tax evasion?

12. uses others for sexual trafficking


This was the first post I wrote for my wall:

Feb 13, 2020 10:04pm 

To anyone with the power/means/ability to do so:

Danny Arts is an intruder/predator in my life that gave me Stockholm syndrome, complex PTSD, numerous traumas (and various other things) and I have no way to protect myself from his presence. He's suffocating my heart chakra energetically even as I write this. Please take any and all measures to permanently remove him and his friends and associates from the premises and from my life in general.

Thank you.


The one photo I had of Psy Ops/"Spiritual" Danny was stolen [BYTHEM] from my laptop, along with the chat history I had of him. Maybe someone  can send me some photos of him? That would be appreciated.

How I met Danny

My set of circumstances are most unusual: I've been subjected to severe Black Magic tortures since 2010 and onwards; this ran in conjunction with the targeting. I've been in a state of distress and overwhelm for almost a decade. In 2016, Guru found me and started to make life easier. I learned some remedies and lifestyle changes from his website: The Spiritual Science and Research Foundation. One of my alters soon became a disciple and followed the path of Surrender. It was in this state that Danny came back into our life; there was a tremendous amount of confusion that the EEG Heterodyning created round spiritual things. We suffered tremendous spiritual traumas; and it was in this state of trust that we became committed to a relationship with Danny. We had never met him face to face and could only rely on spiritual experiences; our host had been friends with him a decade previously and felt as if she had been good friends with him. However in 2019, we were unable to communicate with him in any way... he didn't even respond to an email. The deception was severe and we were eventually shown some truths about his character which  lead to the break in the relationship.

In the first few months, we were given many spiritual experiences, which seemed to confirm that we should be together. However after a few months, with the mental distress being so high and with us being unable to clarify any kind of details… He decided he wanted someone that suited him better from a similar background so he went and found someone Jewish. I believe this was in August 2019. So he disappeared for some time and then came back to me as leftovers when she caught him cheating with another woman. I honestly didn’t know why he came back; all my attempts to communicate that I wanted him to leave went unheard. He then did replica scenarios of what Guru does for me by attempting to “fix” problems in my personal life and exacerbated my suffering exponentially. Unbeknownst to me at the time, it was also a way of him trying to find other sources of money he could take from me. The suffering was beyond description. He used a time travel _____ thing and gave me devastating life predictions of our future together: a failed 10 year marriage where he would take both of the children away from me and have an affair with one of my best friends. I would then be in a “depression clinic” for the next decade. In the dissociated state from the MK Ultra programming, my mind was in such a constant haze and brainwashed by him easily.


By November the distress was maxing out in severity. The Black Magic was at its most severe as well and the entities in the premises were truly beyond description. It was confusing also, as one of the reasons I became friends with him in the first place was that he said he had an ability to remove ghosts. He put himself in such danger with the amount of things that were taking place and seemed completely ignorant the entire time. Some of them eventually took over him as well…


One of our adult females had a device put on her mind that made her believe she was still in a relationship with him. The host was just dissociated in distress, unable to get rid of him. There was constant overwhelming daily trauma to all of our alters. She was then asphyxiated over 50 times one morning and brainwashed into believing that she had caused him suffering in a past life and owed him money for it. She sent him several thousand of her life savings. (He had orchestrated the event the night before, using tech screens, EEG Heterodyning, and other people as associates of his.). He never gave the money back. On Christmas Eve, he told us that he had bought Diamond earrings for the woman he was now LIVING WITH (no, not even the Jewish one, some other women he had taken advantage of that he was coasting off of for the time being.). Eventually someone found the mental hold device and she went into immediate shock when it was removed.


I will update this more later. Please feel free to email me with any other information you'd like to contribute about Danny that may be helpful for others. Links to your blog and any photos of him you'd like me to add would be appreciated.




How I Came to Know Danny (Psy ops/spiritual one)

March 3, 2020 

I believe it was 2010 that I met Danny. I was dealing with negative energy distress at the time and knew some of it was a result of Black Magic being done to me. I was actively contacting people online to see if they could remove entities and his website was one that came up. He did some things and mentioned some types of ghosts he could see and a couple he “removed.” This was the only reason I contacted him. He used chat as a method of doing this but with no image or video of him whatsoever (there was just one of him posted on his website). So I never actually interacted with him face to face.

​He seemed nice enough and we chatted for a while, (a couple months?) and went our separate ways. In hindsight, I can see that our spiritual girl alter was love drugged (as it was done to us so many times now) to be infatuated with him. She was in a dissociated state regardless. “I could marry him” she felt from the overwhelm of “spiritual” energy he emitted. (In hindsight, with his time travel abilities, this is what set the stage for all the events of last year.)

​He told me he was 5’10’’ but I guess even that was a lie.  Images I was shown of him mentally were of a much slimmer build. The images felt “spiritual” but now we realize they could have been tech screens. I would never date anyone with his physique; I prefer tall and slender men. (He knew I would never marry him; did all this anyway – reference to all the events of 2019). I was truly confused when I saw his photo of the soldier he posted on his twitter handle: TheWatcher; I didn’t recognize him at all.  How many lies is it so far?

​At the time we began chatting, he just told me things I wanted to hear. He did this by using several techniques: mind reading, tech weapons like the ear pieces that transmit a persons thought to someone else, and the “unconscious” method where he extracts info when you’re asleep… and so forth.​

I just realized that me writing this now is the reason why the chat log history I had with him was “deleted” from my computer. It seems convenient given all his abilities to manipulate technology.  The initial photo I had of him, one that induces incredible FEAR, has also since been removed from my computer. So… that’s more theft.

At one point I wondered if I ever was friends with him; and then I realized that if one person is just feeding information to the other that they want to hear, it’s not really anything that would be considered mutual. So I was taken advantage of from the onset.

Conveniently being a psy ops, and having access to drugs that deceive people, as well as being able to manipulate events with his time travel abilities and electronic malfunction abilities…. How would I stand a chance to survive all these things. My negative destined account is incredibly severe (karmas). I’m just waiting for some relief.


  • Criminal Danny: Lies, theft, deception, intentionally misleading…

  • Drugging and constant mental traumas, mind control, lies, manipulations, being mislead were many the only reasons why this situation came to be. Information was withheld from me for a very long time; I would never be with a person like him.



How it all Ended

Disney’s Methods:

  1. Black magic

  2. White magic

  3. And Tech


Our level of distress at his constant “presence” was so overwhelming that we finally thought to just write about the things he was doing and post them to the wall. That started on February 28, 2020. We moved to the online platform on Wednesday March 4th and by Saturday March 7, 2020 he was killed. The following day THEAGENCY gave us an “interview” which we’ve described on page ___. What resulted was the Death Programs being run on the current Love Drug women. The following days were a barrage of energy and entity assaults. On Sunday March 15th, while sitting in Tim Hortons and writing in a little notepad, Guru helped us see that WHITE MAGIC was sending us BLACK MAGIC. Surprise!  It was shocking: evil disguised as GOOD.

            Unfortunately, the distress continued and we are still trying to deflect all the other Targeters that Disney keeps sending. We’re exhausted. The positive side to all this is that our focus has broadened: we are attempting to raise awareness of the MK Ultra slavery that the Disney Corporation engages in. We need corporate lawyers to handle all the human rights violations. We’re raising awareness of T.I.’s and the Targeted Individual phenomenon: we need criminal lawyers to handle all the premeditated murders from the multiple life insurance policies Disney’s Targeting Agency has. Murder for money get them billions.  We need to raise awareness of the GWEN transmitters, get the Life Insurance Companies aware of multiple policy fraud, and the FBI to start shutting down beta farms.




I think it was either in January or February when we saw “the movie.”  It’s called Hyena Road and had a character called The Lion. Some might be familiar with THEIR ATTack methods that include you identifying objects, people, other things to represent something else. This was being done to us while we were watching. (Did he always use this movie with women?).  Oh, if so they would have chosen different characters to represent them in the movie.

“Who’s do you identify as me?” --> forced response… “The son of the criminal. He looks as corrupt as his father” He even looks a bit Arab-like. He points to the girl who was the girlfriend of the guy in the army. He asks my 3 year old: “is that her?” referencing one of my adult females. “No, she’s too pretty to be in the Army.”

            “Who’s you in this movie?” She picked the character called The Lion. Mysterious, vague, but had integrity.

            As the movie unfolds… we can see our characters acting out our “futures.” OMgeee this was BOB. BOB did this to us. IT”S THE SAME AS LOOKING GLASS. So you have to watch the whole thing to see what will happen to “you.” As you can gather from the section title, the endings were clear. Danny’s character dies in the end. Our spiritual girl sat and contemplated the depth of the interpretation; with all the energies influencing things, was it accurate? She realized quickly that it was and that he would die soon; within weeks or a couple months. It was that apparent.

            I don’t think I would choose any character in that movie to represent me or him. Things are always forced through magic and technology with Disney’s methods.


After His Death


When Danny died, we saw that he was also under the control of a SEPARATE targeting Agency, which was the cause of his unbearable actions toward us. To say that it was confusing trying to figure things out is an understatement. The mental controls were evident on his beta; he had the mind band clipped on his head. So that at least explained why he was so insufferable at the end and also why he wouldn’t leave: it was irrational, even for HIM. That’s how powerful that mental band is. We’re really curious as to what organization it belongs to. They’re responsible for a tremendous amount of suffering but here’s the thing: it can be put on ANYONE and they’d never know, or even think to look for it. It’s that insidious. It… should be found and confiscated. It was one of the most severe forms of mind control experienced.


Augus 5, 2020 Update

The CIA "involvement"

This morning I had a chance to briefly reflect on the Danny situation and what actually happened when I met him in 2010. He had been a nice person and had shown me kindness. He did have some spiritual gifts and abilities (his Theta alter). What happened? I realized that the John alter on CIA Director Haspel just had to sabotage all my attempts at a normal relationship because of her Epsilon Experiment. Some things became weird (Haspel zeta indicator) sabotage affect and we just lost contact. There were false spiritual images and assumptions. When we parted ways, we both received “Theta treatment” Entities that destroyed our lives, both in different ways. He had been living with almost as much of a constant state of distress as I had been for the last decade when I contacted him. His character had severely degraded and he had become immoral (due to the Entity and CIA Targeting control overrides). That would indicate the CIA’s Targeting of him likely started in 2010.


In 2019, Danny was a pawn of John’s, providing a character for the devastation agendas, false predictions, spiritual tortures and similar. He was also a source of suffering to my current fiancé who had to witness so much of his Targeted poor behaviour towards me. “just rape her.” He wasn’t like that a decade ago. Who was doing voiceovers on him during that year? Voiceovers in this context refers to a Targeter using a microphone to override a persons natural speech. I was told it was Michael Eisner, John's "king piece" in his chess game. Targeters can make a person say, think, and feel anything. They can make anyone a prostitute, murderer, or serial killer.


For this, Haspel and the CIA Remote satellite tech controls, the use of Targeters as “pawns” to play out or force enact his script… I feel like John just sat back and watched it all with glee. “Bloody Gina” is actually “bloody john.” --> See Gina Haspel Page.


The false spiritual experience that made me contact Danny – I believe that I was given this AFTER John learned via future tech that the Epsilon Experiment would not succeed. He “went into some crazy deranged psychotic state” perhaps due to the aspect of failure, and went overboard and did all those things to me, Danny, my fiancé, and everyone else involved out of sheer delusion and desperation.  He also gave me death-defier meta-ability  in 2019 (after August I think).


Why did the negs” program Gina Haspel's John alter that way? It’s cost them: Disney, the US Marines (see Military drop-down menu), other aspects of the Military, the LDS Church, … and now the CIA itself.  The only logical conclusion I can think of was the agenda of the Theta Treatment entity that was given to me: to cause as much suffering to as many involved as possible. He could have gotten away with it had he quit in 2018. Now everyone has lost things.


This website started because of the sheer distress/overwhelm at the inability to remove Danny from my life. Now I know it was actually the Zeta male alter on CIA director Haspel that was the real reason for that. Danny was a Targeted Individual and his free will was removed a long time ago. I hope his friends and family can remember him for the person that he used to be, not who the CIA turned him into.


Psy Ops: the Love Drug LURE; CIA Targeting Victim

Update on page bottom Aug 5, 2020 10:34am


For his friends and family:

I'm so sorry for your loss. This situation must have been difficult to deal with from your perspective. I really didn't know much about him (our other alters) or what was going on for most of 2019 and had to guess most things based on the "experiences" (spiritual deceptions) I was given. I'm sorry for misunderstandings. There will be more corrections as we learn. There are some remedies that can be performed for loved ones known as Shraddah. I've done them for my deceased grandparents and it brings relief & healing to them and to you. They're described in the Spiritual Protection Remedies page under the bulletin drop-down menu.


Murder Source Update

Darren Entswistle Telus CEO, Loretta's son, has the life policies on Danny. 6 we were told. His mother didn't want the heat anymore (we wrote a note on our wall).


On Friday June 5th, 2020 I received some intel that the person responsible for Danny's death might be Loretta Entwistle (see all the drop down menus on Entwsitles). It would be good for his family to check for multiple life insurance policies on him.


Tuesday June 9, 2020 5:45am

We were told that Loretta Entwistle has 4 life insurance policies on Danny Arts. It would be worth their while for his family to look into this matter.


Who Was Danny Arts? [July 1984-March 2020]*

*Danny was murdered by HIS AGENCY, most likely because of the negative attentions this website/blog was getting them. I wonder how the investigation is going.




Let's save this information, then, AS A RECORD OF THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES FORCED THROUGH THE INDIVIDUAL known as Danny Arts.

* * *

I actually know very little about him; he's a soldier residing in the European Union or Netherlands, is Jewish, heavyset, smoker, 5'10'' with dark curly hair. He plans to steal millions from me and run away with a new identity (credit cards) to the highlands in Austria.




More can be read about the "chess game" behind the Epsilon Experiment in the drop-down CIA menu pages. (hover over the page links). Because this experiment centered around Epsilon, several pages have also been made about MK ULTRA Epsilon alters (currently also under the CIA menu) to provide more info.


Follow our recent tweets! We're trying to get #John in jail. 

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