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MK Ultra ID Cards

Updated July 12, 2020 8:34pm

Below are some photos that provide physical evidence that MK Ultra is done to everyone in the Military, in the Political arena, in businesses and elsewhere. This applies to all global Military & other organizations, not just the US. MK Ultra is a global problem. Please read more about this on the Mk intro link and the Military drop down menu (hover over link).


Using or Making Your Own MK Ultra ID Card

It's helpful if everyone is able to carry a copy of their MK Ultra photo identifiers on them as much as possible because it reduces confusion and personal humiliation. Others can then front your necessary alters as needed (for work or specific tasks, etc.) if you write down your force-fronting sounds or frequencies on the back. The idea behind making personal force-fonting sounds public is to provide assistance to others. Negative people or beings know this information about us; so lets make it available to good and helpful people now and see how our lives can be made better and easier. (Please view the drop-down menus - hover over the links) to find other relevant pages... You can easily make your own - my child alter laminated 2 letter-size pages and takes them with her when she leaves the house. This isn't a convenient size for many so use whatever size or option is best. Someone suggested a key chain version and we thought that was really good. Theres a link to an instructable or DIY version for Beta alters below.


Too see How to MAKE one, scroll to the BOTTOM. :-) ok? its fun.

How to Make MK Ultra ID Card Keychains


This was a helpful instructable we found. "Quick and Easy Name Tag Keychain." You can change some of the supplies to make it work with whatever options you have. If you can print a tiny version of your "meet the alters" photo; make sure you write on the back what your force-fronting sounds are for each ok? It helps you if others can front your parts when they're needed. Then, put pieces of tape across the front (so it covers the whole part) and then across the back (so it covers the whole part). Use a hole puncher to make a spot on the end for the keyring. then put the key ring or chain through the hole.



  1. print tiny photo

  2. cut to size (leave a spot on one end for hole punch)

  3. write fronting sounds on back

  4. tape entire front side

  5. tape entire back side

  6. trim the edges

  7. hole punch

  8. put key chain through





DIY "Credit Card" Photo ID

Instead of a key chain, you can make one a credit card size and

have that in your wallet too. The steps are the same (no hole

punch or key chain) just print the photo to credit card size.




Purchase options/ideas:

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