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How Loretta Entwistle targets women

*UPDATING as we learn and observe how her methods change*


(other page that includes Loretta methods is found under Targeting Groups – Loretta Entwistle).


Weds May 13, 2020 11:38am

Has Loretta Entwistle been targeting you? Her methods are to make beautiful women look ugly because she is incredibly insecure and extremely jealous. An example of this is the fact that she KILLED a friend of hers because her husband liked the woman. She stabbed her, she bled out, and then she burned the body. They story was that the woman went missing and she pretended to feel grief about it. 1978 maybe? More information on this is written on the Loretta Entwistle Page under Targeting Groups.


She uses other women to do her dirty work for her. UGH. These are usually single women she's done DIAMONDS to; they likely have no choice. I wonder now if SHE was the one that forced me to drive around the farm areas the other day to out some of the farmers. Create a diversion away from her. My suffering was enormous; her ways... I noticed this after I woke from a "nap" and immediately wanted to go for a "drive." I think i was mislead in a few ways; the distress was also lower than usual. What does she do to people when they sleep? How does she program in behaviours? Maybe other women have this done to them too (both parties suffer); ie. how she makes women hate each other. She gets?


I wondered what she does with herself all day. Now after learning about her, it just seems like she attacks women 24/7. With all her billions of dollars she's a slave to her obsessions, insecurities, and jealousy. When she's gone, it'll be physically apparent as all women in the Lower Mainland will look normal and nice.


7:40pm Saturday June 6, 2020

Loretta Entwistle Blackmail

What did Loretta do to Darren’s wife? What does she do to a lot of women to keep them quiet? Loretta raped Darren (Telus CEO’s) wife with Targeting tech. I think Loretta threatened to make her orgasm in public. Cuz it’s Loretta Entwistle after all; there’s NOTHING she wont violate. I wonder who else has done this to her from his family. What did Peter do to her? Did Peter or Loretta make her MK ULTRA? Is she a Beta slave they profit from?


I had wondered how they get good people to do evil things. Maybe others did too.




  1. skin picking

  2. ZITS on skin

  3. scalp scratching

  4. ripped NAILS

  5. matted HAIR

  6. poor PORSTURE (forced slouching)

  7. over-tweezed EYEBROWS

  8. cant wear makeup anymore - it’s painful to apply; once it felt like needles when I tried to put on lipliner. Other times with eyeliner, my eyes would water too much.

  9. peeling and cracked LIPS

  10. RINGS, JEWELLERY feels awful to wear; don’t wear as much nice things

  11. downcast appearance

  12. “I look ugly” thoughts

  13. weight GAIN

  14. no energy, motivation, or enthusiasm


  16. aversions to nice clothing develop (I cant wear skirts because they sent someone to PHYSICALLY rape me the last time I wore one.)

  17. constant FARTS - nitrogen gas is inserted into the intestines in small bubbles; an admonimanl bar compresses and forces out the air.

  18. abdominal bloating and distention

  19. forced eating - ie CHOCLATE to make you fat

  20. TEETH PAIN - broken ones, pain in cavities, GIVES YOU CAVITIES

  21. my necklace gets caught in my hair all the time

  22. she makes you throw away beautiful things (creates aversions to them --> bad energies are put into objects)

  23. she slanders you/spreads lies about you: She creates lies about a person and then tells/shows others. For example, on one of the photos I recently taped to my wall, there’s a red line drawn on it over my wrist, likely to give the impression that I know kabala, which I do not. I was raised Christian and now lean more toward Hinduism. I don’t know why she hates me so much; her husband/handler Peter shock treatments her to torture other women endlessly.  

  24. ​


We’ve learned this about her from all the notes we started writing about things I’d notice that my body would be forced to do. It helps to write stuff down because of the mental blocking tech the Entwistles have. Plus, with black magic, things are “invisible” so you have to look for outward clues.


Photo Indicators

- unflattering angles, you look worse than you normally would. some areas of photos look like small magnifying glass has been added; warps.

- strange lines, shapes, orbs indicate energies present; blurs or streaks are helpful indicators of technology (more of this is written in the Gathering Evidence page under T.I.'s)

- unnaturally white eyes - I think this was done to remove evidence of the red eye recording device. It was done on a child.

- beta marketing (I need to make a page about this; it's horrific. Some has been written in the Manuscript on the homepage. Katy Perry page 32. Diamonds photo of J.Lo). - some woman may have "enhancements" to make them more appealing.Look for unnatural make up effects.

- lines drawn on - between teeth to give them a worse appearance (I've found 5 or 6 photos with this so far). It's petty; it indicates a female

- hair color of my grandmother was given a strange hue that made it look worse

- Look for things "drawn on" I'm still researching through old photos to find these things. What doesn't seem normal or natural is a clue.



Torments to her include:

- she has many hundreds of years of prostitution ahead of her as per her karma

- she is an MK Ultra slave of her Handler Husband

- her husband murdered one of their fetus' by punching her in the gut

- she thinks she "owns" human beings as is evidenced by her refusal to return the diamond jewellery she's stolen from all her DIAMONDS attacks victims

- she murdered a friend of hers (70s?) because her husband liked the woman (details on Lorettas murders page)

- she has a photo album of tortures shes done to children

- I wonder if her father "sold" her to Peter or his father. she was an ASSET to Peter (her handler/husband)



These Clothes indicators are possibly MILITARY:

Weird stuff around clothes:

  • my Capri pants on the hem would feel like there would be wires wrapped around them

  • socks would feel slouchy inside my boots and I’d have to constantly adjust them

  • constant wedgies with underwear

  • underwire in bras make the ribs feel pain so I haven’t been able to wear underwire bras for a decade.

  • clothes suddenly feel “too tight”

  • hard to breathe wearing certain things

  • dresses shift around in awkward and uncomfortable ways

  • constant STATIC on clothes (Peter)

  • missing clothing items from your house (my bikini was stolen; I wear a difficult to find size and its expensive for me to find. I wonder where she put it?)


Loretta Entwistle tech


Friday June 5, 2020 4:17pm

She is an Evil Zeta MK Ultra.

*some of this has errors due to deceptions I'm subjected to; I'll update and correct things when the truth is more clearly understood; thank you for your understanding.


She will deceive you into thinking im the bad person when she’s the murderer. Keep a list of all her crimes and read it over and over. Look what she’s done to my hair for f***’s sake. I have NO murder tech or any kind of surveillance tech like she does.  she’s used hers on me many times. She can manipulate my body movements, she can force words from me that aren’t my thoughts or feelings, and other things. Her tech fully controls my actions. She will continue to deceive you. This is why it will take the ENTIRE NAVY TARGETS LORETTA ENTWISTLE.


Incredibly amounts of cruelty to human beings, has caused millions of people incredibly suffering, torture, torment and prevents women from getting married and having families of their own. Her deception capabilities are very high so she will make you think shes either nice to be around or some other illusion. She recently tried to replicate a spiritual experience I had with her husband when he died to convince me either that she was dead or something else weird. I don’t think any person holds as much hatred toward other people as she does.


She’s incredibly vain and jealous. What makes a person prevent thousands of other women from getting married? She even destroys happy marriages with her Diamonds attack methods – then she steals their diamond wedding rings and has a ahuge box full of stolen jewellery. Read more on her crimes in the drop down menus under Enwtistles on the auraquartz website.


Loretta Entwistle crimes: 

How Loretta Targets women: 


I’ve just recently discovered that she targets the Royal Family and possibly President Trump. Disney targets the Royals article.


Specific Tech She Uses:

  • remote mk ultra

  • neck moves up and down; forced into up position for many hours

  • tounge manipulating technology; uses it to feel around in my mouth the status of all the teeth she’s broken over the years

  • teeth breaking: either gravel(?) in the mouth when eating or a forced snapping of the jaw with other objects/tech blocking it

  • forced constant swallowing for hours and hours (tech EEG or black magic)

  • images and audio that are intentionally misleading

  • follows people when they drive; indicates GPS or other illegal tracking (satellite) methods

  • feels like large objects are forced down through my head.

  • My body has been impaled or felt like it from her tech devices/software

  • A person becomes easily startled; small noises make them jump (Trump’s wife has this/had it).



Bruises, injuries, falls, accidents are linked to her also. In 1977 my dad “fell” off Bridal Falls mountain and broke his leg; was in physio for 6 months.

Friday june 5, 2020 9:50am my leg/knee slammed into the side of my bed. It reminds me of all the other forcedinjuries and bruises she’s not only done to my body but to my friends, relatives, family members. My mother and nephew have BOTH fallen DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS. SO DID PRINCESS DIANA.


Sexual assaults to your body; many variations she uses. She makes women fart and burp constantly. Hours of it. She gives women venereal diseases and yeast infections. Her tech can easily create health problems where none would otherwise exist.


I think her murder tech is saws; she’s used a lot of murder tech on me


Black magic indicators
-images of Tarot Cards on the mental screens

-images of spells shes done to you will appear on mental screens – what she hopes to accomplish

-“black eyes” effect she gives to others. This is likely the result of an mk ultra trauma coupled with either an entity or black energy

Loretta’s Humiliation


Sunday May 31, 2020 1:33pm

I don’t want to attack an MK Ultra slave but the damage Peter & Loretta have done to my family is quite substantial. I don’t think kind words can undo decades of base program on an entitled Zeta; this is the only option. Loretta owes me billions. What does it take? This is what it takes. I really don’t care about her as she’s just a victim of the Disney corporation; I’m sometimes forced to think about her. I think either Bob Chapek or Micheal Eisner now program her directly. Regardless, her and her deceased husband/handler Peter Entwistle have caused me and my family DECADES of pain, suffering, and torture. How do you make an evil person do something good?




How does an evil woman get people to like her?

[She kills 10-12 people a day, then collects life insurance policy money on them, for example.] She uses Targeting tech to create favorable atmosphere’s in places she likes to go: nail salons, hair studios, and even in restaurants where she goes for dinner. This way people associate her with the nice energies around them and seem to think that she’s a nice person; this is how powerful the deception capabilities of technology are. They make evil people seem good. This is in direct contrast to how her son operates his Beta Farm, for example. You can read about how Targeting tech terrifies confined and tortured people in his barn in the Abbotsford Beta Farms page, under Beta Farms (hover over link for the drop down menu).


To resort to technological manipulations suggests extreme insecurity. Her mind must be broken in so many ways. If she kills people but then pretends like its normal, or somehow justifiable and then goes out in public and wants to be liked by others… there’s no mental consistency there. What holds all these contradictory beliefs together? Why would she need others to like her? She had no regard for human life. “I need to be revered, to be worshiped and well liked.” Irony. It’s strange how negative energies affect a person. They do evil but want to be respected and liked.


Disney Programming

This is reflective of Bob Chapeks philosophy and that of the Disney corporation in general: they somehow create this strange desire in their zeta that they need to be worshiped or revered by others. But Zeta are programmed to cause harm to people so there’s no logical internal consistency to that. Because no matter how much you manipulate, control, or confuse others, when they learn the truth, they’ll be the most hated people. Her and Bob. Well… technically Handler Micheal Eisner should bear the weight of it. But she’s now killed over millions of people throughout her lifespan. I seriously wonder what her murder count is at. How does she even live with herself? The “pretend to be normal” philosophy of Disney’s is very well entrained in her mind as well.


How does she even stand being around herself? Too much base program has been used on her. Too many shocks to her brain. She doesn’t know that murder and theft are wrong; this is what little children learn. Oh. Maybe she has a little alter that was never taught these things. Irony – Disney gives her and I opposite programs.


Diamonds Attacks

Yesterday she or her son were still doing the Diamonds programming to me. The tech responses/controls on my body behaviors are obvious. They involve things like audio commands, hair, makeup, nails, ect. I then wondered what lies she’s constantly programmed with to think she can keep doing this to people. They give her feelings of either satisfaction, enjoyment, or pleasure at being able to push buttons on software programs that manipulates the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of other people. This is what’s been done to her for years. Is there a cure? Is there any part of her spirit left that’s able to do something good for another person? Can she fight Bob?


“Those who do DIAMONDS on others are MK ULTRA themselves. Do you really own other human beings when other people control, manipulate, and program you as well? You’ve never had a day of ‘freedom’ in your life either.”


A slave defends herself

Does Bob Chapek (Disney CEO) or Michael Eisner (former Disney CEO) program her today? A logical approach for her is to attack them so maybe she gets one day of freedom before they force her to kill herself. Does Bob love-drug her too much for her to attack him? Can’t she use Targeting tech to inform the right people that he’s a pedophile, or where the underground Disney cages are located? For the little girl she once was… she can free some others. She can even tell some people where he keeps the life insurance policies on the ones he’s killed. This is where the hatred of a life lost needs to be directed at those who have confined her and made her a slave. She could have had a normal life, a husband that would have actually loved her; she could have been known for good things that she did for others, she would have been able to love her children like a normal mother could. They gave her lies and stolen money instead.



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