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Disney --> Breck Eisner


Breck Eisner
son of Michael Eisner, former Disney CEO


July 31, 2020 9:19pm - continual updates


























Breck is the son of the Zeta alter pervert Michael Eisner --> read about how he received the handler "cure" recently. There's a brief page on Jane Eisner (his mother) also. Breck and his father are the reason I wrote a book called "How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" and his photo is currently on the cover and shown below. It's free to read in PDF format on the homepage. There are more descriptions on the Micheal Eisner page under the Disney menu.

What's Breck Eisner NOT done?


Targeter 101

  1. 1. stolen wedding jewellery from marriages they've personally destroyed

  2. murders

  3. life insurance policy fraud

  4. electronic rapes

  5. pimping

  6. remote satellite gang rapes

  7. airline? (just like daddy?)

  8. ​


Michael & Breck Eisner M.O.


Father and son harassment team; attack women on beaches. Kind of like the "wet bandits" on Home Alone. they have a calling card and trademarks.

  1. alien voiceovers

  2. pulling womens bikini bottoms into wedgies

  3. pulling bikini tops down

  4. having men pick fights

  5. having bad things happen to women

  6. sexual arousal on a womans body like making her nipples hard and genital

  7. like the movie Beaches, they force women to hate each other (emotional manipulations/enhancers, imaging, audio suggestions etc)


What will I need to write about to get a 20 year old entitled male that rapes women for fun to admit his mistakes and make amends? Lets get started.


Most depraved Targeters – like Breck Eisner

Suicidal ideation “I’ll just torture others from my computer because I have nothing else to live for.”

His Zeta alters trauma load is significant. 2 months of grieving is recommended for internal trauma healing.


If this goes the same way as the reversals did on CIA Director Haspel, I will be given emotional intimacy with each of the Eisner family members & will be forced to post your humiliating psychological intel until you stop torturing me. I’ve never had a home; I’m 37 years old. This process is starting and you’re being given a “heads up.”


They put entities into people for Gamma programming as part of their Remote MK ULTRA capabilities

Who put the entity in? you or your dad? “I want to be pretty!” comes from individuals who are ugly.


Breck Eisner

“Ill just rape whomever I want for the rest of my life. Why would I bother to get married?”


Those “in the know” front a woman’s beta alter and then force it to do sexual things with them (betas are programmed to do this via remote satellite MK Ultra capabilities that perverts like Breck and Michael Eisner own.). Most guys can go to a club and get laid like a normal person.  Breck Eisner is EXTRA powerful and doesn't ’t even need normal social skills. He just “fronts the beta” and fucks her child alter; then he memory wipes it so it doesn't remember him, cuz he's THAT bad.


To prevent this from happening to you, learn about MK ULTRA and how to Protect your Beta alter. Fronting MK ULTRA alters can be done using frequencies and force-fronting sounds.


Did Breck get beat up outside a club once? I see imaging of him laying on the ground, his hands up in defensive posturing. ..


He's told many people that I'm crazy; i wonder how long it will take him and his father to correct that lie. How many people think that? #defamation. (they often do this to women who know dirt on them; then they use all their remote satellite tech on her to completely destroy her life; #classy).  Him and his father are still using deception tech on me to get people to hate me. how many years of that?


Imaging - People on Toilets

this is the absolute HIGHlight of their day. "get her on the toilet!" they need this imaging to give themselves a sense of self worth. it makes them feel IN CONTROL and like they have a #LIFE. It would be SO awesome if the people that have been shown imaging of President Trump or Defense Secretary Mark Esper in compromised positions could copy and send it to him. It comes from Michael and Breck Eisner and would help to get them IN JAIL. to normal people, their delusions of "power" shame and humiliate them severely.

I think they have #imaging of everyone on the toilet. who can go verify?? Cuz... I know them now...this is just what they think is #fun... #depraved. they think it's #dirt and use it to blackmail people or just to humiliate them.

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