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Targeting Groups --> Battlegroup Love Drug

Love Drug by EUROCORPS/EU Battlegroup


Page added: July 12, 2020 7:42am

These were some observations made after Micheal Eisner, former Disney CEO, was made public in his attacks on me. More is written about Love Drug in the sexual addictions link, drop down menus.  There are even defensive measures suggested. Through trauma recovery and healing, and making many Battlegroup MK Ultras into friends by explaining to them what was all really going on (when I started posting the first 20 pages of The Manuscript "How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" PDF on the homepage - on my wall…) and in recent weeks telling them they’re 100% Targeted by the LDS church, most of the situation with Love Drug and BAttlegroup had ended. Birds and use of birds might also be a CIA thing; they love to psychologically torture people, especially Director Hapel's male Zeta Alter. .


WHY were they suddenly back again and doing Love Drug scenarios?

  1. forced hand postures: Hands are manipulated into “C” shapes, and the way they touch or don’t touch provides intel into how much of a bond has formed currently from the Love Drug MK Ultra agenda. One hand represents the woman in the relationship and one hand represents the man.
  2. aura devices: I think either theta or zeta use that info in how to modify their next attack – this was confusing to identify who was using this information as they (appeared )were energetically perceived by be) positive in nature – see aura devices in the T.I. paper in the bulletins link. The LDS church also uses aura devices to make their evil Zeta alters appear to be Holy. That was shocking to learn but… makes sense once you understand THEIR METHODS.
  3. birds and images of birds. You become a bird and are forced to find one that represents you. Zeta wear aura modifiers to make their energies perceived to be neutral, positive, or that they are kind individuals when their intentions are actually evil in reality. There’s a page in the manuscript that shows some swans and a mute swan that shows this in a bit more detail.
  4. during my forced drive yesterday, I was again reminded of those birds. The Egret that was supposed to symbolize the Lure was found on someone’s front lawn along with other birds on other people’s yards. Suddenly I was “in” that space again. The emotional triggers and reminders were aweful.
  5. The egret.. is an experience which I think is a standard given to all women, was that you do things spiritually to relief him of some karmic burden. “spiritually” means through the drug induced states they create while your laying helpless in bed forced to watch images on the 70s tech screens. There are usually Delta soldiers around and in your room while this goes on. Why did Danny’s boss need to be in my room? Horrific privacy violations.
  6. there’s also a point where the “spiritual” becomes too much, overwhelming, and positive experiences beginning to pair with negative feelings (base program). Aka – how Zeta are made. I was so severely traumatized I began to hate spiritual things and still have a severe negative reaction to them. Somehow this is also connected to how the LDS church programs thetas into Zetas.
  7. constant trauma reminders of how unbelievable traumatizing Love Drug is to women.
  8. Bob Chapeks (is MK ULTRA and his actions have been programmed either BY Eisner or another handler. Bob’s actions are literally Eisners). This is why it’s relevant to include here on the Eisner dirt page. The Looking glass experience devastation à what does Disney do? False predictions of a person’s future that makes them loose hope. Done on my birthday: my sister says to my brother, “you’ll probably get a house in another year probably…” make me feel like I have another year of severe torture to experience and I wanted to die instantly.
  9. This also reminded me of all thefuture predictions the Love Drug gave me about our horrific future together. What was significant about that? Bob Chapeks’ devastation/amplification energies applied, as a wizard would do it: at the same time disappointing news is shared. I’ll just never forget the energies, drugs induced amounts of helplessness, and complete physical, mental, and emotional incapacitation it did to me. Why so severe Disney? Why?


I wrote a bit about Love drug under the addictions link. This whole topic could be described in greater detail now that I've been forced through many traumatic reminds of the processes involved. There are many pages in the book "How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" (PDF found on the homepage) that also describe Love drug. Read the About Us for hope in surviving it. The CIA page on imaging also has a lot more information in regards to spiritual traumas; the LDS page on Spiritual Deceptions describes many methods.

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