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Epsilon --> Experimenters Become the Experiment


Experimenters Become the  Experiment

3yr: Their "little Experiment" now runs an Epsilon Experiment on them!! :-)



Evil Experimenters Humiliated

11:53am sat Oct 31, 2020

How can Targeters help the “experimenters to produce their OWN epsilon forms?”

  • Ask Truth Tech:list everything the Zeta alters on the Haspels have done to me, my friends, and my family

  • They have humiliated, shamed, degraded, raped, tortured, and murdered Targeters and their friends for over 30+ years


Jeff and Gina Haspel ran an  Epsilon experiment on my mother and I for over 30 years and I feel like there were others who also received Epsilon alters because of them. Read more about our Epsilon forms under the Epsilon drop-down menu. There is more written about Epsilon in the MK ULTRA drop-down as well. What are all the evil things Gina's Theta did? --> turned people into frogs [Meta Humans], did Death-defier Meta ability to __ of the 482 people who has this, downed a huge airliner for money...muting people so they cant scream or cry for help...[Trauma Severity List on the CIA Tech Abilities page].

Gina Haspel, 3 MK ULTRA alters



A Positive Epsilon Form

Aug 9. 2020 12:40pm

The male zeta alter on CIA Director Haspel is evil and cruel and probably

would want to might produce his own Epsilon form. ( pages on the Male

Zeta alter named John – CIA Zeta vs Zeta; Psych Intel…).  There are other

pages under the CIA drop-down menu. He only recently learned that

he’s MK ULTRA and has the Theta alter necessary to produce a

beautiful positive form (why he was humiliating her perhaps).   [Read

more about the Epsilon Experiment under the CIA drop-down menu

as well as the page on All Things Epsilon.]


Evidence: how much current humiliation, shame, distress is his

theta alter continually being subjected to? Especially as the Epsilon

Experiment being done to my mother and I become more public.


Results: time will tell. I’m curious as to what it will be 😊.


A Negative Epsilon Form

Update: Sept 3, 2020 9:13pm

There was an unexpected twist in this scenario: after coming across some old notes about evil people dying, we connected some dots that incriminate John in the death of several Shapeshifters and Non Humans. What will they do to him overnight we wonder?

The other day our male alter had written about “giving him a taste of his own medicine” – can he feel pain? Has he experienced torture? Would 1 full minute of max amounts of pain produce any amounts of mercy, compassion or kindness to others? [Has anyone tried?] Maybe the next few days we’ll keep reminding others to see if some of the negs were able to produce a new alter from his Zeta.


Will he birth another theta? No the theta came first… a chi? Then I remembered some intel I received many months ago: Zeta (just black arts?) produce negative epsilon forms like zombies, deamons, and archons. This was a bit of an unexpected twist as we thought he wanted a more beautiful form from his theta.


Lets wait, watch, and observe daily to see what the results will be. [I wonder if he's kind excited about the result?] I wonder what type of form exactly that will be produced... loves to torture, rape, somewhat cannibal... make a guess!!


(see some photo examples of Negative Epsilon forms on our Epsilon page under the MK intro drop-down menu. Other pages on Epsilon are linked on the All Things Epsilon page under the CIA drop-down.)


Sept 4, 2020 7:40am update

there's no new Epsilon form yet but the astral tear on his head has gotten larger. We'll keep checking to see how long it takes them to make one.


Jeff Haspel, ex, 3 MK ULTRA alters

Another unexpected Twist: Part 3!!!!


             Jeff Haspels Epsilon Experiment

Gina Haspel’s ex Jeff Haspel - Epsilon Forms

3yr: Cuz when them targeters learn how bad he was to them, they’ll all fight over who gets to torture him the most. [ie his use and suggestion of manipulating the US Marines…”just get them to do it” and all the manipulations and programming of Michael Eisner…this list is long. Jeff Haspel spent years helping Gina/John in the Epsilon Experiment stuff. Read about Johns Game of Chess for more info.]


So… if I were them (targeters), Id make his Zeta alter suffer (the one that did all the bad things to people) so he’d probably produce a negative Epsilon form. His chi did some bad things too… though not AS bad… what would he make? A WIZARD Epsilon!!! Sooo cool.  WHO CAN DO IT!???


3yr: for Targeters - the crappy things in your life are the Haspels doing. Relationship damages, losses, public shaming, etc...


*Jeff Haspel's Zeta contributed greatly to Ginas Epsilon Experiment over the decades.

Who's Zeta will produce the ugliest Negative Epsilon form?

1. zeta John alter on Gina Haspel


2. Zeta alter on Jeff Haspel

What types of torture produce epsilon?

I don’t think prolonged periods of extreme terror do it [ie Shapeshifter attacks]… what does?

Some types of specific overwhelm… excessive, prolonged distress… mental distress. See page on: My "Almost" 2nd Epsilon.


Update: Sept 5, 2020 some have learned the truth about Jeff Haspels Zeta and some shi* he did to them. "lets make it as ugly as possible." Attempts to produce the Negative Epsilon form are underway. Remember to write down what you learn about them as the Haspels do memory wipes on everyone.


What are all the Possibilities of Negative Epsilon forms?

Some we know about: mummies, zombies, dragons, daemons, vampire, evil creatures, beasts, archons.


Positive Epsilon Forms?

mermaids, elves, Fairy, Pegasus, deer, dieties, swans, phoenix, …


The Fairy & Excalibur

1 Year Later: RESULTS.

1:19pm Sat. Aug 21, 2021


We have no way of verifying our visual experience on monitors or via the truth device so we’ll leave it up to others to do that.


In our long and recent pysch war during this 3rd(or 8th?) round of C.I.A. revivals horror, in spiritual states, we experiences many visions and imaging experiences. There were PEGS around one morning and we saw both Jeff and Gina Haspel produce Epsilon forms. The technology that they have access to now is substantially superior to what they’ve used before so keep that in mind. [We’ve been experiencing dimensional entities and what have you.].


Gina’s theta on her Original/Clone 1, produced a lovely, tiny gold fairy Epsilon. [side note: our Partial Identity Share of either Gina 5 or 6s theta also was manifest and wanted to capture and suffocate the being. Those feelings and thoughts seemed to confirm to me that some part of the visual experience I was having was valid.]. This also answered another one of the questions I’d had previously: Q: what the heck did her Clones 5 and 6’s do while being “CIA director?” A: they tortured Epsilon. I think Epsilon forms were prized because of their uniqueness and… gave the Shapeshifter beings things that they really hated and also tortured severely. [our own Mermaid epsilon has memories with Shapeshifter General Bergers form. <terror>] 

--> Ginas Clones


Jeff Haspel’s chi produced a child form that held a sword. I’m unfamiliar with the archetype but linked it to the Excalibur sword. The description seems fitting: a magical weapon used to defeat an evil enchantress (GInas theta on clones 5 & 6.). I’m hoping they’ll let him front occasionally to observe how he protects his Gina theta on her Clone 1.


There’s been substantial experiences we cannot even begin to describe during all the Psych Wars, Intel battles, and other things during this most recent time of REVIVALs so use the truth device to get information that your missing, correct all the false beliefs that the CIA has given you, and tell as many people as possible, what the former MK ULTRA C.I.A. Director Gina Haspel and all her clones are “up to” these days (please continually share the coordinates of her antigravity craft with appropriate Military individuals – thank you.) Please share what #babymakers is all about with everyone involved. Maybe we can prevent the next revival.


Side note: we’re also celebrating the execution of Shapeshifter Obama on his death anniversary on Saturday August 28, 2021 so have your own celebratory feast and use the truth-device as much as possible because it’s the best or only GIFT that the Shapeshifter beings have given to humanity. [Humiliating hilariousness to their entire race :D] Xo.

Fairy and Excalibur

--> page on Epsilon alters, under the MK ULTRA menu

--> All Things Epsilon – Epsilon HUB


Due to the ancient code of warfare, it's recommended to “wield a weapon about which your enemy is most vain, just to destroy their vanity.” From our Guru’s book: “Supreme God and God” by His Holiness Dr. Athavale & H.H. Sandeep Alshi. Page. 35. This is the reason why this page on Jeff and Gina Haspel's Epsilon alters exist. She was the "queen" of Epsilon Experiments, I believe.

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