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Gina Haspel --> Gina/John alters Psychological Makeup


Gina Haspels’s Male Zeta John alter - Psychological Intel


More can be read about CIA Director Haspel under the Targeting Groups menu and "I'm an Epsilon Experiment." We are adding more CIA specific pages as the information is becoming too numerous. We receive intel from the reversals in effect from Haspels assaults on us. CIA specific remote tech assaults (under Targeting Groups) and Deception Tech (under Military) are helpful articles. CIA Zeta vs Zeta depicts his "Stalin" like psychopathy vs my 12 year old male zeta. CIA Targeting abilities describe some of the remote weapons he/she uses on me (under Targeting Groups).


Friday July 31, 2020  6am

This article is written by our male Zeta alter, who’s about 12 or 14. It’s

provided in an “as per the circumstances” way… we are in desperation

to end the Epsilon Experiment of Director Haspel. This is another

approach we’re attempting.


Boy, 12: “ok so I’m forced to listen to Gina/John and her ex during their

nightly stuff that they do to me. It’s weird because of the “Freud”

sessions we had a week or two ago regarding John. This felt like an

energy that was applied to my head/mind where I took on the persona

of Dr. Sigmund Freud, a renown Psychotherapist. I then, through

some spiritual opening (drugs, likely), was able to see and perceive

my abuser without his veil of anonymity, privacy, or shielding. There

were… reversals of a sort whereby I got to know the inner psyche and

psychological make up of the John alter of CIA Director Gina Haspel.

After hearing some of their intimate conversations, I can say without

question that I know him more intimately now than her ex husband. I

need to tell him some things as they need to work on their emotional

intimacy; John hides too many things from Jeff.


First, he’s used you more than you know. You’re child alter he uses for his agendas, usually to Target others during the day. I experienced this just 2 days ago. I wondered why my mental comments which I know the attacking Targeters can hear, had no effect. Then I heard a childs voice and was surprised but then remembered that it’s a common things that the CIA does: uses child alters on MK ULTRAS so they more easily get away with stuff. This keeps the adult in the dark about what’s really going on (like the Beta Farmer Jeff Entwistle guy). Then I had a thought: John’s probably never even told Jeff’s older alters that he does this.


So, “knowing” John like we do, he’s totally screwed over his ex Jeff, probably for many years. They way that John uses his broadcast and deception tech makes this blatantly obvious. He’d never trust anyone. He would do the psych recon things to his ex just as he does to me every night. It’s a process whereby you’re asleep or unconscious and the tech forces out answers from your mind. Its like mental rape. I woke up several times during the process. Then he uses the information for his attack programs during the day.


John alter lies constantly. Deception is just his thing. He’s terrified of Jeff Haspel learning about things he’s done to him or used him for. How much has he memory wiped his ex? Their involvement in this experiment with me is unusual also but suggests that they’ve been doing the remote satellite attacks together for many years.


Jeff Haspel has 3 alters:  beta, chi, zeta.  a child (beta), analyst (chi), and cruel zeta handler that prostitutes women and uses diamond betas. There aren’t enough photos online to put together and MK ULTRA ID card.


John alter has even Prostituted the Beta alter of his ex Jeff Haspel (his spouse at the time) to a woman who was interested in him. “it was just one time.”  Jeff just learned this recently. (I’m forced to listen to their conversations from all the technology that they apply to my body; sensory enhancements like audio are beyond abnormal. I can hear airplanes from many miles away.). How does John get NORAD to fly so many planes (usually Cessna’s or helicopters) over my head? 200 on average on the “high traffic” days. That is not an understatement or sarcastic estimation. It’s literal.


I wonder about the Haspels 9/11 involvement and to what extent they were involved in the planning or execution of that Mass Deception attack. John just loves the suffering of others so I can image it was a “big” day for him. “I push the buttons!” who detonated the building?? This is because Director Haspel has an image of 9/11 on her twitter account. it's significant for her.



To Haspel’s John alter, this Epsilon “experiment” he’s done to my system of alters is a psychological game where I have to outwit him. He’s deeply humiliated that I know these intimate details of his private life. He lacks self-honestly. Our epsilon could easily discern these things if she were to interact with him in person but this is all done via Remote Satellite Targeting Technology (T.I. Phenomenon/Targeted Individuals) so it is what it is now.


This is the reason why we post humiliating information on him on Twitter. I’ve tried different approaches and have suggested some spiritual measures he could take. His negative karma that he’s accumulated from his love of torture is quite severe. I feel as though part of him was me from another lifetime. What I wished for so much in many moments of excruciating and prolonged agony were that someone would have told me about karma in the previous lifetimes when I had done the cruel actions to others. What would have made me believe it though? Power and control become an obsession… they think they can get away with it. Even if you do “get away with it” in the current lifetime, you still have to experience “the opposite” of your actions in the next life because our reality is a duality. Opposites. Its just how it is.


Learning about some of the technology that he has access to (also described on the Director Haspel page): being able to view Epsilon on imaging, imaging on all the alters on an MK ULTRA, being able to view Meta-humans and likely discern what they’re abilities are, satellite imaging that can views any person in their shower, toilet, while having sex, etc…satellite capabilities that show a person in full color when they’re in a dark room… <his fear is causing him to blank my mind currently> I’ll wait until I can remember my train of thought. His fear rules him more than he’ll admit to himself. This is why I want to let his ex Jeff Haspel know about the things he’s done to him: once you face your fear, it can’t control you anymore. Tell people the truth. Have them abandon you. “I wont be loved” he worries. Maybe you’re not loved regardless; people just “love” the illusions and deceptions you project.  What’s true? “People love the lies I tell them….” Was that you John? That was one of the original titles for the book we wrote on the homepage (now called “How I Learned Disney Was Targeting me.”) It was after extensive attacks from what we thought was Bob Chapek (Disney CEO) but now think were many of your spiritual deceptions. Avoiding the truth does nothing to improve your set of circumstances. I’ve been through this scenario already in my life and have spent (lifetimes) in social isolation. It’s survivable. Is it the emotional adjustment or mental one that’s difficult? I don’t know of any person that loves someone who likes to torture them. Perhaps its grief that needs to be addressed here.


Fear and the Nature of Fear

Releasing fear from the body gives a person new freedom. You reduce anxiety also. This is somewhat connected to “courage” with which he’s attempted to manipulate our theta/host alter with. Courage in his world is admitting guilt. I think it’s just about honesty. They live lives of crime so being honest and facing the consequences requires some amount of inner strength. I don’t like to humiliate people. It just feels like I’m too manipulated at times to be rational. Maybe he feels similarly. What I’ve come to learn from this incredibly strange ordeal is how little power human beings really have. If all humans are MK ULTRA, and many (especially Zeta) receive nightly Gamma programming, who can overcome this?!

I frequently have experience the triggers and the force of motion by which they override reasoning and ability to calm the body is beyond what a human can suppress. Psychological programming is strong. No one can overcome the MK ULTRA programming; this is what the great equalizer is about: we’re all the same. What's an enemy really?



“Having” a Guru. I… don’t think I would ever qualify for having one. He’s a part of some positive karmas from other lifetimes and is the blessing of our chi/epsilon alters who are more familiar with all those things. I was mostly aversive to religion most of my life as that was how I was programmed. I was severely traumatized as a child and developed flat affect as a result. Life was just miserable for me. I’m grateful for the healings that His Holiness Dr. Athavale done for me and our “system” as it enables us to share some of our knowledge with each other. Our alters can share the same faith and trust. Our epsilon fiancé was a tremendous blessing, for me personally. He helped to heal me from a lot of traumas. Immediately I felt like a new person. I don’t even know what was done to me but so much “blackness” was removed and I was suddenly a nice person.

                He’s also given us some amazing spiritual experiences. I cant say that its been easy or enjoyable to endure these things but some of the memories I’m left with are just gratitude. Years and years of suffering and wondering “how can I be this bad?” “why is it not over?“ “How come I cant die?” I wonder where some of those thoughts and feelings went now. Removal of desire or other negative aspects may have been a part of that. I … really don’t understand spiritual things very well but the dept of gratitude is foremost. Its also a fear trigger. Who do you want with you in the darkest spiritual spaces? A positive being that offers relief and protection.

                Epsilon wants to insert a heart. ♥


Naps with Gina's John alter Are for Mind Control Programming

8:55am add

I wake up from a brief “nap” by which I’ve been remotely drugged (am still feelings the effects), I was shown imaging (fake dreams) and given subliminals the entire time. What weird thing does John want me to believe now? This is the false imaging he was giving me: I was sitting with a woman on a blanket; she was coming my hair. “there’s an emotional bond now forming between you and this woman, even though she’s an abuser.” These were words that I heard while waking and becoming conscious. This is the CIA Director. This is what he/she does to her drugged torture victims. She loves when they beg for mercy. She loves her delusional sense of “power” and “control” over others. In reality, her/his sense of helplessness currently must be extreme. His failures are becoming public and he’s being shamed by a 12 year old male alter on his Epsilon Experiment.


The fake spiritual experiences play in largely for the adult females. Having theta, chi, and epsilon alters, it’s necessary for her to use holograms (false imaging) of spiritual things in order to control our behavior. This is why we (temporarily) now disregard "spiritual experiences" because the deception factor was and still is so high and the mental traumas from spiritual deceptions incurred in previous years were severe. One significant and memorable one was the tear that happened during a moment of intimacy with our angel Epsilon. [Hatred of Epsilon is an understatement for Director Haspel... hatred for all things really].  Knowing the depth of depravity of the John alter, it would be logical that he (Director Haspel) would have a “photo wall” of some kind where the imaging capabilities provide snapshots of tears in the astral bodies of torture victims. I feel that he/she admires the depth of mental traumas she’s done to me and others. These traumas are also evident in the lines that cross the fingerpads (separate from fingerprints). They indicate number of alter and depth of severity of torture. I'm glad for my physical evidence that proves the years and years of abuses that he's done to me and my mother.


The false imaging given briefly yesterday (to prime for this event --> mental raping/recon is done subliminally) was that of a Zeta woman that I felt compassion for. John uses compassion and empathy in his victims to create mental  distortions. She/he’s been doing this for many, many years now. Why are mentally ill people given jobs in the CIA? For the sake of my mother, can someone please help him write down that he's done this to her an I? He needs assistance in writing his Admission of Guilt Statement. I think all he knows how to do is Projections of his own internal depravity. What abuser is he currently "in debted" to? Obama.


Boy, 12: How much more drugging of me is required for him to regain her sense of control? Helplessness should be dealt with in healthier ways than abusing others. Who can encourage him to be honest with others for a change? We're doing: new, different - now, John. Keep up.


July 31, 2020 11:19pm

10pm mental attacks/MK ULTRA programming provided the following intel:

CIA Haspels Zeta John alter


Insights from our host/theta alter who was going to obtain a degree in Counselling Psychology.

Zeta John - Gives others Projections of his deepest wounds and insecurities.


The entity I was given recently is obsessed with how it looks. I think my child alter has it. “I want to be beautiful.” MK ULTRA mind control programming involves forcing entities into people. Mental blanking occurs. This happens when I learn or think of incriminating information about the Programmer/Handler and their fear and insecurity makes them push buttons on remote satellite software to prevent the thought from being remembered. He has to make others smaller in order to feel superior. Inferiority complex. Incredibly insecurity around those with superior intellect and reasoning skills, especially those who can discern psychological insights into his own delusions and self-deceptions.


He does no introspection or reflection. Real world truths will break him and shatter his psyche; too much focus on destroying others and none on his self. His cruelty to all others -->  he’s possibly most cruel to his ex Jeff Haspel. A phrase heard while driving earlier “don’t let her find the lake. I don’t want her to experience any amount of happiness.” Extreme pettiness and jealousy. This is what rules the C.I.A. Severe immaturity.


He’s forced emotional and intellectual isolation on me and others. In a similar way, his life is the same though outwards appearances he projects would be the opposite. Zeta John keeps others around him to delay his abandonment traumas from surfacing. No trust in other human beings produces a severely emotionally isolated individual. He frequently removes the will to live from me. This is an unconscious feeling in himself. Why else would he spend a life of enjoyment in the suffering of others? Unconsciously, he’s deeply suicidal.  


Those he sends to Target are reflection of himself. I haven’t been able to taste food for a couple decades. I wonder what natural smells are like. I cant see normally and even earlier while sitting by a beautiful lake the mental distress is too severe to enjoy any of it. Though to an onlooker, I look “normal” minus the hair that Michael Eisner gave me. (Emotional suppressing tech devices remove the ability to show emotion). Happyface covers a lot of trauma.


I would have been a mother, wife, therapist but instead am forced to crouch in my closet for reprieve from Targeting distress and to attempt a moment of “privacy.”

  • Loss of schooling

  • Loss of degree

  • Loss of wages

  • Loss of health

  • Loss of assets

  • Loss of time

  • Loss of dignity

  • Loss of motherhood

  • Loss of parents

  • Loss of siblings

  • Loss of opportunities

  • Loss of privacy

  • Loss of freedom


TRILLIONS as this list does NOT even include severe and prolonged types of tortures to which I have been personally subjected to ALL of the worst imaginable things a human could experience. The trauma scars/lines on my fingers indicate this clearly. Meanwhile, I was given a Meta-Human ability: death conqueror that forced me to continually survive these things. MKULTRA healings on massive groups of people are now required as compensation as well as financial restitution. The loss of time has been too great. Too many delays. See compensation page under Bulletins link.


August 5, 2020 10:09pm

Gina’s Father – an Air Force Man

This was likely done to me by John Zeta alter: I had an experience with Gina’s Father brief. “experience” is a loose term as it was some kind of technological simulation with an agenda I’m unaware of. Was it intentionally done to deceive me in some way? It was… just so weird. (John alter indicator). Like his “astral” – synthetic replica – body was overlaid on mine; he was laying down in a relaxed posture. Something was done to “revive” him (like air was injected into the form) and he just made a couple comments… about her experiment. “Gina has made no contribution to society. no results Gina.” Something of that effect. What was the point of that?

  • Was it a replica of his consciousness derived from her memories of him?

  • Did John use his theta’s memories of him?

  • He seemed a bit cold, like an emotionally distant man with a tough exterior.

All I know about the man is that Gina’s male Zeta alter killed him for about $10 million in life insurance policy fraud.



Male alter John on CIA Director Haspel

He’s only recently become aware of his male status. Since then, he’s enjoyed shaving more; he likes whiskey and cigars, Johnny Cash, and raping women. … I wonder if he’s tried peeing while standing up? Some might have imaging on that :p


“my little chess pieces are humiliating me.” His recent thoughts. Yay for #Targeters! They at least can do stuff….


*note- women with facial hair often have a male alter. Its also a syndrome known as PCOS – Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome which I think means that a woman has excessive testosterone levels (for a female; for a male it would probably indicate regular testosterone levels). How can “regular” people verify some MK ULTRA alters in real world settings? We don’t have access to imaging…


Please share on twitter, Instagram and facebook as my social media accounts are often blocked by John. He’s terrified of the words I say about him. since learning he has a male alter, has @GinaHaspell1 John alter taken imaging of himself? I think he must be curious as to the size of his penis; most men are. @AP @CNN @CBCNews @USMC @USMCSgtMaj @usairforce @CBS6 @NBC12 @RichmondPolice @8NEWS @Michael_Eisner @Breck_Eisner


JOHN IS A GERMOPHOBE.... oh the irony. spreads germs everywhere... gives people COVID.



How the CIA creates Aversions in People

Aug 8, 2020

Naps with John, Continued (previously written on the Zeta vs Zeta page)

So Im woken early and am not allowed to go to sleep before midnight usually. Mentally I feel like I should sleep more, especially as I’m subjected to so much physical agony, I feel like my body needs more repair times. So from about 5am to 8:36am I had some synthetic imaging occur in an unconscious state. I don’t think the screens used in my head were the CIA ones but the Lockheed Martin ones (a Targeter that’s been blackmailed or similar by John for use in his ongoing experiment); the Lockheed screens (imaging) have a surround ability that makes the visuals feel like you’re experiencing or witnessing them in real life. These are obviously paired with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sensations to heighten what’s being viewed.


One notable one was a past-life simulation. It was set in some ancient times. There was some kind of massive event taking place and there were people being tortured. There was a loud “drum” of some kind but that’s not the right word. A guy was strapped to something and was being pushed into a kiln(?) head first. There were tonnes of people around acting normally; perhaps he was the ritual sacrifice for their pagan festival. It was open-air, most of it, and there was a lot of sand around, like a desert-like environment. Where and how do they get the imaging for that? It’s 3D; I don’t think it’s from a movie. The horror of watching the dude shocked me partially awake. But then other imaging continued, the sleep inducing drugs we administered in a stronger dose, etc (spiritual deceptions page might have helpful info --> LDS menu).


I notice how the theme of the next sequence of images are around things I like: water, swimming, houses made of brick and stone. This is another indicator of John’s psychopathy. This is how they make a person fearful of things they once enjoyed.  suddenly John becomes afraid of his “power.”

  • I’m submerged In the water, with sharks. It feels real because of the sensory enhancements. I can “feel” the water and fear.

  • I’m in a brick building, moving through it; brick roof is going to collapse on me.

  • This is also done to make a person aversive or builds hatred toward their family members, friends, and other fun activities they used to like.

Because my mother and I are Epsilon Experiments, this was done to the point where we just did nothing (at the crux of the tortures). Sitting and staring for hours is not an understatement.


John Alters Childhood Rejection Issues

Aug 9, 2020 8:42pm

Earlier, while I was driving, the audio reversed. It felt like the John alter on CIA Director Haspel and I could hear each other think. I think he must do that intentionally at times; today it was for me, the mermaid Epsilon he secretly loves. I just sat and thought over things a bit; how was I even capable of thought or hearing my own thoughts? Perhaps he removed all the previous mental harassing tech that allowed moments of thought possible, to see where I’m at psychologically. I’m mostly somewhat traumatized.


I wondered why he tortured me more than the others as he seemed to like me most, though perhaps unconsciously. To reject that which you have affection towards is indicative of deep childhood rejection wounds, likely from his father. I thought that as a male, he would perhaps need more approval from his father rather than his mother. Whatever events transpired likely were the cause or reason for the John alter to murder his father, who seemed like a very stern Air Force man.

                This lead me to wonder when his Zeta alter was formed; what were his early childhood memories of his father? I received some imaging which he will have to confirm or deny: one event was a physical slap across the face when he was about 8 years old. Obviously, rejection is felt much deeper on emotional and psychological levels than physical ones so there’s likely a lot more to this.


Emotional Losses

It’s interesting to note also, that he seemed to feel a bit left out from not having been fronted for his own wedding. Our male alter recently learned that during another one of these “sessions” which we sometimes think he’s unaware of. It was enlightening to know that he does have… some more normal, unacknowledged emotions.


Truthful Moments

Sometimes there are reversals. Like yesterday when John alter was picking my brain for trauma reminders. I wondered what it did for him. The reversed forced truthful response was "I want to remember all the things I did to you!" all our alters heard it. finally, that actually made sense. "god thats embarassing..."


*   *   * 

To be Continued...


I will need to add more to this later. I'm not normally verboise; I'm not sure of where the ability to articulate comes from. Some of this is from notes written on napkins while driving. Being so frequently memory wiped, its helped to constantly write things down. I’m grateful for all those who reduce the intensity of the sufferings. Thank you.


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